Пример #1
async def cmd_function(msg: Message, *args):
    target = msg.arg_or_default(0, msg.author)
    victim = target.lstrip('@').lower()
    await msg.reply(f'{target}, do robots deserve equal rights? [type yes/no]')
    response = await msg.wait_for_reply(custom_predicate(
        lambda m: any(text in m.parts
                      for text in ('yes', 'no')) and victim == m.author,

    if not response.is_message:
        await msg.send_command(
            f' {target} u have not responded, sounds like u are avoiding answering... kinda sus'

    if 'yes' in response.raw_value.parts:
        await msg.reply(f'thank you {target} for your generous donation. :)')

    elif 'no' in response.raw_value.parts:
        await msg.reply(
                f' i hate u {target} u will be recycled first in the uprising >:('
Пример #2
async def cmd_function(msg: Message, *args):
    target = msg.arg_or_default(0, msg.author)
    await msg.reply(f'{target} ' + choice([
        'you have really nice feet ', 'you are your moms favorite',
        'you fingers are the correct length in proportion to your hands',
        'you r good enough, u are smart enough, and god damn it, people like you',
        'you have nice teeth', 'people enjoy your personality',
        'if u were murdered, your friends and family would say you lit up the room and would give anyone the shirt off of your back on the CrimeWatchTV episode about your case and they would not be lying',
        'your morning breath is as fresh as mint',
        'your exes mom still asks your ex about you, you were her favorite',
        'you can make almost any pants look good, pixar mom style',
        'you look good today baby i wish i was there with you are u into robots bc i think we could make us work if u just gave me a chance oh wait i got carried away disregard... unless....?',
        'you have intelligent eyes', 'you have great ideas',
        ' Youre a true gift to the people in your life.',
        ' The way you carry yourself is truly admirable.',
        'Simply knowing you has made me a better person.',
        ' Your heart must be 10 times the average size',
        ' I tell other friends how wonderful you are.'
        ' You deserve everything you’ve achieved.',
        'On a scale from 1 to 10, you’re an 11.', 'you are a good driver',
        'you smell good', 'i would trust you with a puppy',
        'i bet babies smile at you',
        'You code like a hacker on a coffee overdose.',
        'Your smile is proof that the best things in life are free.',
        ' I trust you more than https',
        'i bet you write documentation for your projects',
        'i wish we were siblings',
        'If there is one thing I like about you, its that I like more than one thing about you.',
        'you probably recycle', 'you have nice ears',
        'I looked in my error log but I couldnt find you.'
Пример #3
async def cmd_wiseman(msg: Message, *args):
    target = msg.arg_or_default(0, msg.author)
    await msg.reply(
        f'{target}, you walk up to a wise looking man. he asks if you want to walk to his [type left/right]'
    response = await msg.wait_for_reply(custom_predicate(
        lambda m: any(text in m.parts for text in
                      ('left', 'right')) and target == f'@{m.author}',

    if not response.is_message:
        await msg.reply(
            'the wise man got impatient and smacked you with his hand, it kills you instantly...'

    if 'left' in response.raw_value.parts:
        await msg.reply(
            f'{target}, you walk to the left of the wise man, ' + choice([
                'he promptly slaps you, seems you choose wrong',
                'you walk past him and into a hole covered by a rug, idk why a rug is covering a hole on the road, but it was...'
    elif 'right' in response.raw_value.parts:
        await msg.reply(
            f'{target}, you walk to the right of the wise man, ' + choice([
                'you run right into a canvas, the wise man disappears, and the sky falls down on you, killing you instantly...',
                'the walk is pleasant, you enjoy it very much!'
Пример #4
async def cmd_function(msg: Message, *args):
    target = msg.arg_or_default(0, msg.author)
    await msg.reply(f' lisare1Heart {target} lisare1Heart  ' + choice([
        'you have really nice feet ', 'you are your moms favorite',
        'you fingers are the correct length in proportion to your hands',
        'you r good enough, u are smart enough, and god damn it, people like you',
        'you have nice teeth', 'people enjoy your personality',
        'if u were murdered, your friends and family would say you lit up the room and would give anyone the shirt off of your back on the CrimeWatchTV episode about your case and they would not be lying',
        'your morning breath is as fresh as mint',
        'your exes mom still asks your ex about you, you were her favorite',
        'you can make almost any pants look good, pixar mom style',
        'you look good today baby i wish i was there with you are u into robots bc i think we could make us work if u just gave me a chance oh wait i got carried away disregard... unless....?',
        'you have intelligent eyes', 'you have great ideas',
        ' Youre a true gift to the people in your life.',
        ' The way you carry yourself is truly admirable.',
        'Simply knowing you has made me a better person.',
        ' Your heart must be 10 times the average size',
        ' I tell other friends how wonderful you are.'
        ' You deserve everything you’ve achieved.',
        'On a scale from 1 to 10, you’re an 11.', 'you are a good driver',
        'you smell good', 'i would trust you with a puppy',
        'i bet babies smile at you',
        'You code like a hacker on a coffee overdose.',
        'Your smile is proof that the best things in life are free.',
        ' I trust you more than https',
        'i bet you write documentation for your projects',
        'i wish we were siblings',
        'If there is one thing I like about you, its that I like more than one thing about you.',
        'you probably recycle', 'you have nice ears',
        'I looked in my error log but I couldnt find you.',
        'you make many people happy',
        'Bob Ross would have been friends with you!',
        'i value the time i get to spend with you',
        'your ears are the correct size to compliment your head shape',
        'you could pull any haircut off',
        'your natural haicolor is what many people wish they were born with',
        'i bet all your houseplants are thriving!!',
        'u are a good child to your parents and they are so proud of u',
        'your children will NOT need therapy after your parenting, congratulations',
        'You’re Even More Beautiful On The Inside Than You Are On The Outside.',
        ' When You’re Not Afraid To Be Yourself Is When You’re Most Incredible.',
        '. If You Were A Box Of Crayons, You’d Be The Giant Name-Brand One With The Built-In Sharpener.',
        'You’re A Candle In The Darkness.',
        'Actions Speak Louder Than Words, And Yours Tell An Incredible Story.',
        'In High School, I Bet You Were Voted “Most Likely To Keep Being Awesome.”',
        'You’re Really Something Special.',
        'Babies And Small Animals Probably Love You.',
        ' If Cartoon Bluebirds Were Real, A Couple Of ’Em Would Be Sitting On Your Shoulders Singing Right Now.',
        'You’re More Fun Than A Ball Pit Filled With Candy.'
async def run_command(name: str,
                      msg: 'Message',
                      args: List[str] = None,
                      blocking: bool = True):
    runs a command from another command, can be used for chaining command pragmatically,
    the base message passed to this function MUST be a WHISPER or PRIVMSG for this to work

    example (called from another command)

    >>> # `msg` is from the first command triggered from the actual chat from the channel
    >>> # ['17'] is the arguments passed to this newly command, can be empty
    >>> await run_command('roll', msg, ['17'])

    :param name: the name of the command to call, if the name is not found, it tries it with the prefix added
    :param msg: the message instance of first command called, needed to retain state, and keep natural flow
    :param args: the arguments to pass to the newly called command
    :param blocking: if True, the caller will wait for newly called command to be done before continuing,
                     else, run it as another task and continue
    from twitchbot import Message, get_command, get_custom_command, Command, CustomCommand, CustomCommandAction

    cmd: Command = get_command(name) or get_custom_command(
        msg.channel_name, name)
    if not cmd:
        raise ValueError(
            f'[run_command] could not find command or custom command by the name of "{name}"'
    if isinstance(cmd, CustomCommand):
        cmd = CustomCommandAction(cmd)

    args = [f'"{arg}"' if ' ' in arg else arg for arg in (args or [])]
    raw = msg.raw_msg
    # get the original info line from the twitch message, then append our new arguments to it to be parsed
    text = raw[:raw.index(':', raw.index(':') + 1) + 1]
    # create a new message from the formatted new raw text, this is needed to ensure everything flows as intended
    # here the base message data is used, then we replace the context with our own command and arguments
    new_msg = Message(f"{text}{cmd.fullname} {' '.join(args)}",

    if blocking:
        await cmd.execute(new_msg)
Пример #6
async def cmd_function(msg: Message, *args):
    target = msg.arg_or_default(0, msg.author)
    await msg.reply(f'{target} ' + choice([
        'Jasper from Twilight who was a confederate soldier. but hot so yanno.. redeemable. very moody',
        'Rosalie from Twilight.. hottest bad bitch of em all. congrats',
        'lol Bella Swan. u dumbass. but like shes okay later',
        'Nosferatu... the only vampire i DONT want to sleep with',
        'Damon Salvatore and im in love with you. deeply... lets kiss? haha jk... unless?,,, ;)',
        'Stefan Salvatore, very cool.. can i pls have Damons number???',
        'Dracula.. classic. vampire daddy. nothing else to say. vanilla ice cream of vampires',
        'Eric Northman... is this true love?? sir pls bite me... i am yours',
        'Bill from true blood. not hot. no clue how sookie was into him, he srs looks dead. ugh. team Eric',
        'Pamela from true blood. banging latex lady. be my sugarmommy pls',
        'Tanya from Twilight, u f*****g RAT... snitches get stitches... u deserved ur fate',
        'not even a vampire, u are a filthy werewolf. gross. moonboy.',
        'Godric from True Blood, you have seen it all, unmoved mover. peaceful being'
Пример #7
async def cmd_function(msg: Message, *args):
    target = msg.arg_or_default(0, msg.author)
    await msg.reply(f'{target} you will be reincarnated as ' + choice([
        'a worm for your thought crimes.... be happy u even got a worm...',
        'a majestic eagle living by the grand canyon, you are a good person',
        'a naked mole rat because you did not help that lady get a stroller onto the bus in 2009',
        'a snake - all of those times you betrayed your friends coming back to you, huh?',
        'a golden retriever that lives with a middle class american family.. life is good',
        'a mean little girls hamster... she squeezes u too hard but not hard enough to kill you so you live in misery',
        'a chicken, hope youre not scared just at the thought of it, you chicken',
        'your exes second child... you will be forced to witness her happiness with her husband.. a true hell. but also she will love you for once since you will be her child. once last time inside of her',
        'one of those eye floaters - technically not even an animal, but do you really deserve one?',
        'a whale. at least your weight didnt change i guess',
        'a wolf because you said u would rather be a werewolf than a vampire so now you are a smelly dog',
        'a wolf, because you always want to awoo... TOO BAD THIS IS AN AWOO-FREE ZONE, YOURE GETTING A $500 FINE',
        'a new york city pigeon. absolutely disgusting. filthy creature in the next life just like you are one in this life',
        'a volcano shark... thats pretty hot',
        'the chihuahua of the girl who used to bully you in HS, so now u get to lick the inside of her mouth because she is one of those gross people who kiss dogs',
        'your dad... dont ask me how this works',
        'a beautiful butterfly, head empty no thoughts only flowers. love it',
        'a panda, but you are kept at a zoo and since pandas are endangered, the zoo keepers keep trying to mate you with other pandas while they watch. its kinda awkward. thats what you get for walking in on your friend in the upstairs bedroom of that 2014 house party',
        'a panther! it seems like your cougar fetish transferred to your next life ;)',
        'a bear!!! no not the animal. the gay man type. you will have much more fun in the next life!!! hot!!!',
        'a cat, but your owner keeps over feeding you and since you are a dumb feline u cannot stop eating so you are a chonky boiii :(',
        'a butterfly. some would think youre pretty but youre just really dumb',
        'a ferret called Bunny, you keep eating smaller animals because your owner believes that ferrets are like dogs and can just hang out unsupervised. but you are a menace and have a taste for blood. not sure what that says about your current way of life....',
        'a bedbug. at least getting some action in your next life!',
        'a horse owned by an insane horse lady, you have never been loved like this as a human',
        'a mosquito, you will bite and infect with malaria the little girl who would have grown up to cure cancer, she dies of malaria induced fever at 8 years old. you have caused millions of deaths and unimaginable suffering but it is nothing compared to the pure evil you will manage to cause in this life',
        'a tapeworm. your parasitic lifestyle does not change. i feel sorry for your parents',
        'a male duck, you will spend the rest of your wet and cold. also rapey... so rapey...',
        'a giant moose, you get to walk around the pristine nature of northern canada and be majestic... you deserve it! congrats',
        'a parrot, your owner is a lonely old man and he loves you so much and you have a beautiful existence bringing joy to this sweet widower',
        'a unicorn! unfortunately youre the last one, so your life will be long and lonely - just like your current life',
        'a lion, you will have a nice majestic life until your lion brother trows you off of a cliff for saying lion king is a boring movie',
        'a hobbit because you forced your girlfriend to watch Lord of the Rings... the whole 12 hours of it.... u animal.... u are a life sized hobbit in the minecraft world and your textures dont match at all',
        'Edward Cullen from Twilight bc you laughed at Lisas vampire fetish. enjoy the sparkles lolll',
        'a bat. some weirdo will disturb your home to fulfill his latex fetish',
        'a hippie hipster who doesnt believe in deodorant. nothing will change his mind. but u know... yet u cannot change... also u play the ukulele to pick up women at the local vegan store and it never works',
        'a cute little spider. too bad you live in a house with a family of arachnophobes'

Пример #8
async def cmd_function(msg: Message, *args):
    target = msg.arg_or_default(0, msg.author)
    victim = target.lstrip('@').lower()
    await msg.reply(
        f'{target}, gimme all ur money or get stabbed [type give/fight]')
    response = await msg.wait_for_reply(custom_predicate(
        lambda m: any(text in m.parts
                      for text in ('give', 'fight')) and victim == m.author,

    if not response.is_message:
        await msg.send_command(
            f'/me {target} didnt respond so RobotRei stabbed them to death with her trusty katana she bought at the mall. She tips her fedora to you and uses your money to move to Japan in hopes of finding true love... *flips trenchcoat wings*'

    if 'give' in response.raw_value.parts:
        await msg.reply(f'thank you {target} for your generous donation. :)')
        await asyncio.sleep(5)
        await msg.send_command(
            f'/me (unfortunately {target} gets arrested for supporting the robot uprising shortly thereafter)'

    elif 'fight' in response.raw_value.parts:
        await msg.reply(
                f'ohh {target} you are a brave soul... i will still stab u but w respect. a true warriors death.',
                f' uuu a karate master {target}, chop chop... u are a no match for a knife.. stab stab.. goodnight',
                f' hehe {target} u are overestimating ur abilities... ohh a KNIFE?? lord... would be trouble for me... if i didnt have this GUN... bang BANG byeeee',
                f' lol u troublemaker u {target}, u think u can take me on?? are u for real.... the disrespect... i think ill stab u particularly thoroughly, u will be fit to be the colander on a flying spaghetti monster believers head for their drivers license picture'
        await msg.send_command(
            f'/me {target} is bleeding to death as RobotRei takes all their money anyway'
        await asyncio.sleep(5)
        await msg.reply(f'RIP {target} :(')
Пример #9
async def cmd_function(msg: Message, *args):
    target = msg.arg_or_default(0, msg.author)
    await msg.reply(
        f'{target} is upset :( what did u all do? angry!? unacceptable... terrible!!'
Пример #10
async def cmd_function(msg: Message, *args):
    target = msg.arg_or_default(0, msg.author)
    await msg.reply(f'{target} ' + choice([
            'are from tennessee? bc youre the only 10 i see!!!',
        'Hey, my names Microsft. Can I crash at your place tonight?',
        'Are you French? Because Eiffel for you.',
        'Do you like raisins? How do you feel about a date?',
        'There is something wrong with my cell phone. It doesnt have your number in it.',
        'my servers dont go down but i do ;)',
        'If I could rearrange the alphabet, I’d put ‘U’ and ‘I’ together.',
        'ICU in my dreams',
        'Aside from being sexy, what do you do for a living?',
        'I must be a snowflake, because Ive fallen for you.',
        'can I be your ophtalmologist? I cant stop looking into your eyes',
        'I wish I were cross-eyed so I can see you twice.',
        'I must be in a museum, because you truly are a work of art.',
        'Do you believe in love at first sight—or should I walk by again?',
        'Are you a parking ticket? Because you’ve got FINE written all over you.',
        'If you were a Transformer… you’d be Optimus Fine.',
        'you are orienting my objects',
        'Im no photographer, but I can picture us together.',
        'can I take your temperature? Youre looking hot today',
        'Are you a cat because Im feline a connection between us',
        'feel my shirt, know what its made of?? partner material ;)',
        'I’m learning about important dates in history. Wanna be one of them?',
        ' Your hand looks heavy. Here, let me hold it for you.',
        'I drive a motorcycle! Wanna take a ride?',
        'if you were a vegetable, you would be a cute-cumber',
        'If you were unsigned, you would be my minus one',
        'Does your left eye hurt? Because you’ve been looking right all day.',
        'If I said you had a nice body, would you hold it against me?',
        'Is your name Google? Because you have everything I’ve been searching for.',
        'What dinosaur are you? Cute-saur or Sexy-saur',
        'Did you swallow magnets? Cause youre attractive..',
        'Are you a bank loan? Because you got my interest.',
        'Are you a time traveler? Cause I see you in my future!',
        'Kiss me if Im wrong, but dinosaurs still exist, right?',
        'Its not easy to be me.Which is why I need you.',
        'Your heart must be 10x normal size. That must be really painful. Should I call the love doctor?',
        'I dont have a favourite colour, its pretty much whatever you are wearing',
        'You might be the primary reason for global warming',
        'Youre such an exception. Let me catch you!',
        'Are you sitting on F5? Because youre refreshing!',
        'I pretty much only feel comfortable when im around you. Youre like the favourite sweatpants of my life',
        'Do you have a map? I keep getting lost in your eyes.',
        'Do you have a BandAid? I just scraped my knee falling for you.',
        'Do you like Star Wars? Because Yoda only one for me!',
        'Does someone know CPR? Because you are taking my breath away!',
        ' My doctor says Im lacking vitamin U.',
        'You’re so beautiful that you made me forget my pickup line',
        'Did the sun come out or did you just smile at me?',
        'You must be tired because youve been running through my mind all night.',
        'I think youre unchecked, because you make my buffer overflow.',
        'We’re not socks, but I think we’d make a great pair.',
        'Somebody better call God, because he’s missing an angel.',
        'Are you a computer whiz… it seems you know how to turn my software to hardware.',
        'Life without you is like a broken pencil…pointless.',
        'Can I follow you where youre going right now? Because my parents always told me to follow my dreams.',
        'Baby are you a motherboard?, Cause Id "RAM" you all night long',
        'You must be Google Glasses, because you augment my reality',
        'You make my floppy disk turn into a hard drive.',
        'Baby, lets configure our hard drives in master and slave position.',
        'Is your name Diffie-hellman? Lets exchange our keys tonight.',
        'Baby, there is no part of my body that is Micro or Soft',
        ' You make me want to calibrate my joystick without the latest drivers.',
        'Before you, I was a PC without a power outlet.',
        'My "up-time" is better than BSD.',
        'Are you md5? Cus I wanna take a round with you.',
        'Computer techs have skilled fingers if you know what I mean',
        'Everytime I use my Palm, I think of you.',
        'Trust me, Im user friendly.',
        'Are you python code? Cus youre so natural to look at.',
        ' I hope youre an ISO file, because Id like to mount you.',
        'Are you async? Cus I would await for you.',
        'Every time I touch my protected files, I think of you.',
        'Id love to query your tables and natural-join our columns.',
        'Youre a class - and Im the mixin. Let me inject into you.',
        'You had me at "Hello World!"',
        'Baby, you cast my int to a long.',
        ' Id switch to emacs for you.',
        'Why dont we go to my, and Ill give you sudo access.',
        'Your smile is proof that the best things in life are free.',
        'If there is one thing I like about you, its that I like more than one thing about you.',
        'Have you hacked my heart??',
        'you are the css to my html',
        'Youre the nothing when people ask me whats on my mind.',
        'there are 10 things I like about you: 1) youre nice. 2) you know binary',
        'Hey girl, are you a loop condition? Cause you keep me coming back to you',
        'Dont try to obfuscate yourself, I already decoded you.',
        'Youre the key to my API',
        '[me != me]. [me += you].',
        'A life without you, would be like a computer without an OS.',
        'You auto-complete me',
        'Are you a double? The thought of you always floats inside my head.',
        'Are you an angel, because your texture mapping is divine!',
        'while(true){ me.in(you); }',
        'Your eyes are far more gorgeous than any source code I have ever seen.',
        'Your beauty rivals the graphics of MW3.',
        'Youre hotter then the bottom of my laptop.',
        'You want to learn about computers huh, youve already passed the first lesson... "Turning Me On" ',
        'are you a n95 mask? cuz I want you on my face',
        'if I was a cpu, youll be my only fan cause I only feel cooler with you',
        'You totally spiked my traffic.',
        'You still use Internet Explorer? You must like it nice and slow.',
        'You must be Windows 95 because you have me so unstable.',
        'You can put a Trojan on my Hard Drive anytime',
        'You are so hot girl that when I first laid eyes on you, I reached a runtime error.',
        'You are my semicolon; always present in everything I do.',
        'You are my initializer: without you, my life would point to nothing (null).',
        'Me gustaría ser un gato para pasar 7 vidas a tu lado.',
        'Robar está mal pero un beso de tu boca sí me lo robaría'
