Пример #1
	def test_list_twitter_repos_error(self):
		Test that we fail gracefully if the GitHub API is down
		with vcr.use_cassette('vcr/list_twitter_repos_error.yaml'):
			repos = list_twitter_repos()
		self.assertEqual(repos, 'The GitHub API is currently unavailable')
Пример #2
    def test_list_twitter_repos_error(self):
		Test that we fail gracefully if the GitHub API is down
        with vcr.use_cassette('vcr/list_twitter_repos_error.yaml'):
            repos = list_twitter_repos()

        self.assertEqual(repos, 'The GitHub API is currently unavailable')
Пример #3
	def test_list_twitter_repos(self):
		Test that we can get a list of Twitter's repos
		with vcr.use_cassette('vcr/list_twitter_repos.yaml'):
			repos = list_twitter_repos()
		self.assertEqual(repos[0], 'kestrel')
Пример #4
    def test_list_twitter_repos(self):
		Test that we can get a list of Twitter's repos
        with vcr.use_cassette('vcr/list_twitter_repos.yaml'):
            repos = list_twitter_repos()

        self.assertEqual(repos[0], 'kestrel')