def get_top_word_frequencies(self, texts):
     Output: list of tuples in the format: (word,frequency,mood)
     Input: texts is a list of strings.
     get_top_word_frequencies finds the frequencies of words in texts.
     See 'getMood' for explaination of mood.
     # Making the list of sentences into a list of words
     temp = []
     for texts_elem in texts:
     words = []
     for temp_elem in temp:
         for temp_elem2 in temp_elem:
     # Getting the frequencies of words in a dictionary
     freq = {}
     for words_elem in words:
         if words_elem in freq:
             freq[words_elem] += 1
             freq[words_elem] = 1
     # Getting the words sorted from highest to lowest frequency
     words_sorted = sorted(freq.iteritems(),
     # Getting the final (word,frequency,mood) list
     wfm = []
     for words_sorted_elem in words_sorted:
             self.wordlist.get(words_sorted_elem[0], 'None')))
     wfm2 = []
     for wfm_elem in wfm:
         if wfm_elem[2] != 'None':
     return wfm2
 def get_tweet_text_mood(self, text):
     Output: Integer, or the string 'None' if no mood is associated with it.
     Input: text is a string.
     get_mood gets the positivity/negativity (mood) of a string (tweet).
     clean_text = clean_tweet_text(text)
     # The mood is the sum of the moods of each word.
     text_mood = sum(map(lambda word: self.wordlist.get(word, 0), clean_text))
     # Check whether any mood was found.
     check = 0
     for i in clean_text:
         if self.wordlist.get(i, 100) != 100: # ?
             check = 1
     if check == 0:
         text_mood = 'None'
     return text_mood