Пример #1
parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", help = "Print traces for debugging", type=bool, default=False)
### End of arguments ###

args = parser.parse_args()
tClient = TwitterClient()

ReviewRules = [('VeryGood' , 90),
               ('Good'     , 80),
               ('Watchable', 70),
               ('Average'  , 60),
               ('Bad'      , 30),
               ('VeryBad'  ,  0)]

multi_search_results = tClient.multi_search_until(k=args.Movie, ud=args.since_date, verbose=args.verbose)
total_tweets, opinion_dictionary = tClient.review_mining_multi(multi_search_results, ReviewRules)

opinion dictionary is a dictionary of dictionaries has the following structure

{Sentiment : {tweet_id: tweet_text}}

ex: {'VeryGood' : { 1 : "Must Watch",
                    2 : "Top Notch" } } 

result_summary_dictionary = OrderedDict({int: [str,(float, int)]})
                (approved percetage(percentage of tweets who approved this rating), 
                 tweets in rating(number of tweets in rating)