Пример #1
def import_load_forecast(dl_dir, db_path, zones_path=None,
                         overwrite=False, verbose=0):
    """Loads, cleans, and imports nyiso load forecast data into a sqlite

    load_forecast_px column represents the forecast for the current
    row (i.e. datetime and zone) x days prior. E.g. the _p2 column for a row
    with datetime of 10/5/2012 01:00:00 contains the forecast for 10/5/2012
    01:00:00 from two days before (i.e. 10/3/2012).

    dl_dir : str
        Path to the directory containing downloaded zip files. Imports
        all files in directory. Assumes each zip file is of the following
        format: 'yearmonth01isolf_csv.zip' (e.g. '20121001isolf_csv.zip').

    db_path : str
        Path to sqlite database.

    zones_path : str or None
        Path to csv mapping zone_id to zone_name. Required if to_zoneid is True.

    overwrite : bool
        Defines whether or not to overwrite existing database tables.

    verbose : int
        Defines verbosity for output statements.

    import_num : int
        Number of files imported into database.


    # get files
    pattern = re.compile('\d{8}isolf_csv.zip')
    files = get_regex_files(dl_dir, pattern=pattern, verbose=verbose)

    # create load table (if needed)
    create_sql = """
                    CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS load_forecast (
                        rowid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
                        datetimeNY TEXT,
                        datetimeUTC TEXT,
                        zone_id INTEGER,
                        load_forecast_p0 REAL,
                        load_forecast_p1 REAL,
                        load_forecast_p2 REAL,
                        load_forecast_p3 REAL,
                        load_forecast_p4 REAL,
                        load_forecast_p5 REAL,
                        load_forecast_p6 REAL
                    ); """
    indexes = ['CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS load_forecast_datetimeNY_zone_id '
               'ON load_forecast (datetimeNY, zone_id);',
               'load_forecast_datetimeUTC_zone_id ON load_forecast '
               '(datetimeUTC, zone_id);'
    create_table(db_path, 'load_forecast', create_sql, indexes=indexes,

    # load, clean, and import load data into table
    import_num = 0
    for file in files:
        if verbose >= 1:
            output('Started importing \"' + file + '\".')
        date = pd.Timestamp(file[0:8]).date()
        last_day = calendar.monthrange(date.year, date.month)[1]
        start_date = pd.Timestamp(year=date.year, month=date.month, day=1)
        end_date = pd.Timestamp(year=date.year, month=date.month, day=last_day)
        dates = pd.date_range(start_date, end_date)
        for date in dates:
            date_str = date.strftime('%Y%m%d')

            # load and clean data for current date
            df = load_loaddate(date_str, load_type='isolf',
                               dl_dir=dl_dir, verbose=verbose)
            df = clean_isolf(df, to_zoneid=True, zones_path=zones_path,

            # write to database
            conn = connect_db(db_path)
            c = conn.cursor()
            df_write = df.reset_index()
            df_write['datetimeNY'] = df_write['datetimeNY'].dt.tz_localize(None)
            df_write['datetimeUTC'] = df_write['datetimeUTC'].dt.tz_localize(
            for index, row in df_write.iterrows():
                dtNY = row['datetimeNY']
                dtUTC = row['datetimeUTC']
                zone = row['zone_id']
                val = row.drop(
                    ['datetimeNY', 'zone_id', 'datetimeUTC']).dropna()
                col_name = val.index.values[0]
                sql = """
                    INSERT INTO load_forecast (datetimeNY, datetimeUTC, zone_id, 
                    VALUES ("{dtNY}", "{dtUTC}", {zone}, {val})
                    ON CONFLICT(datetimeUTC, zone_id) DO
                    UPDATE SET {col_name} = excluded.{col_name}
                ;""".format(col_name=col_name, val=val[0], dtNY=dtNY,
                            dtUTC=dtUTC, zone=zone)

            import_num += 1
        if verbose >= 1:
            output('Finished importing \"' + file + '\".')
    output('Finished importing ' + str(import_num) +
           ' files from \"{dl_dir}\".'.format(dl_dir=dl_dir))

    return import_num
Пример #2
def import_load(dl_dir, db_path, to_zoneid=False, zones_path=None,
                overwrite=False, verbose=0):
    """Loads, cleans, and imports nyiso load data into a sqlite database.
    Currently only imports palIntegrated files (i.e. integrated real-time
    load data).

    dl_dir : str
        Path to the directory containing downloaded zip files. Imports
        all files in directory. Assumes each zip file is of the following
        format: 'yearmonth01palIntegrated_csv.zip' (e.g.

    db_path : str
        Path to sqlite database.

    to_zoneid : bool
        If True, converts zone names to zone ids, based on zones_path csv
        (zones_path must be defined if True). If False, leaves zones_name

    zones_path : str or None
        Path to csv mapping zone_id to zone_name. Required if to_zoneid is True.

    overwrite : bool
        Defines whether or not to overwrite existing database tables.

    verbose : int
        Defines verbosity for output statements.

    import_num : int
        Number of files imported into database.


    if to_zoneid:
        zone_str = 'zone_id'
        zone_field = 'zone_id INTEGER'
        zone_str = 'zone_name'
        zone_field = 'zone_name TEXT'

    # get files
    pattern = re.compile('\d{8}palIntegrated_csv.zip')
    files = get_regex_files(dl_dir, pattern=pattern, verbose=verbose)

    # create load table (if needed)
    create_sql = """
                CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS load (
                    rowid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
                    datetimeUTC TEXT,
                    {zone_field} TEXT,
                    integrated_load REAL
                ); """.format(zone_field=zone_field)
    indexes = ['CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS datetimeUTC_{zone_str} '
               'ON load (datetimeUTC, {zone_str});'.format(zone_str=zone_str)]
    create_table(db_path, 'load', create_sql, indexes=indexes,

    # load, clean, and import load data into table
    import_num = 0
    for file in files:
        if verbose >= 1:
            output('Started importing \"' + file + '\".')
        date = pd.Timestamp(file[0:8]).date()
        last_day = calendar.monthrange(date.year, date.month)[1]
        start_date = pd.Timestamp(year=date.year, month=date.month, day=1)
        end_date = pd.Timestamp(year=date.year, month=date.month, day=last_day)
        dates = pd.date_range(start_date, end_date)
        for date in dates:
            date_str = date.strftime('%Y%m%d')

            # load and clean data for current date
            df = load_loaddate(date_str, load_type='palIntegrated',
                               dl_dir=dl_dir, verbose=verbose)
            df = clean_palint(df, to_zoneid=to_zoneid, zones_path=zones_path,

            # write to database
            df_write = df.reset_index()
            df_write['datetimeUTC'] = df_write['datetimeUTC'].dt.tz_localize(
            df_to_table(db_path, df_write, table='load', overwrite=False)
            del df_write

            import_num += 1
        if verbose >= 1:
            output('Finished importing \"' + file + '\".')
    output('Finished importing ' + str(import_num) +
           ' files from \"{dl_dir}\".'.format(dl_dir=dl_dir))

    return import_num
Пример #3
def create_standard_load(db_path, summary_table, expected_table,
                         datetimeUTC_range, min_num_rows=5, title=None,
                         overwrite=False, verbose=0):
    """Creates a table and dataframe of standardized data from the
    summary_table table. Standardization is relative to the mean and variance of
    corresponding data from the specified reference datetime range (saved as
    an expected_load_[] table in the database).

    db_path : str
        Path to sqlite database to create or connect to.

    summary_table : str
        Name of the db table containing summary data to calculate
        standardized integrated_load for.

    expected_table : str
        Name of the db table containing expected data (i.e. mean and
        variance) to calculate standardized integrated_load from.

    datetimeUTC_range : tuple
        Specifies the start and end of the time period to calculate
        standardized integrated_load for (inclusive). Specify as a 2-element
        tuple of UTC datetime strings with year-month-day and
        hour:minutes:seconds. E.g. ('2012-10-29 00:00:00', '2012-11-03
        23:59:59') to calculate standardized integrated_load for times between
        10/29/2012 and 11/03/2012.

    min_num_rows : int
        Defines the minimum number of rows needed in the reference set to
        standardize data.

    title : str
        Defines the suffix of the standard_load_[title] table to be created.

    overwrite : bool
        Defines whether or not to overwrite existing table.

    verbose : int
        Defines verbosity for output statements.

    df_std : dataframe
        Dataframe written to db table.


    table = 'standard_load_{title}'.format(title=title)
    if verbose >= 1:
        output('Started creating or updating {table} table.'.format(

    # query expected values calculated from at least min_num_rows data points
    sql = """
            SELECT * FROM {expected_table} 
            WHERE num_rows >= {min_num_rows};""".format(
        expected_table=expected_table, min_num_rows=min_num_rows)
    df_exp = query(db_path, sql)
    df_exp = df_exp[['dayofweek', 'hour', 'zone_id', 'mean_integrated_load',

    # query data to standardize
    sql = """
            SELECT datetimeUTC, zone_id, integrated_load
            FROM {summary_table}
                datetimeUTC BETWEEN "{start_datetime}" AND "{end_datetime}";
    df = query(db_path, sql)

    # add dayofweek (0 = Monday) and hour (0-23)
    df['datetimeUTC'] = pd.to_datetime(df['datetimeUTC'])
    df['datetimeUTC'] = [dtUTC.tz_localize(tz='UTC') for dtUTC in
    df['datetime'] = [dtUTC.tz_convert(tz='America/New_York') for dtUTC in
    df['dayofweek'] = df['datetime'].dt.dayofweek
    df['hour'] = df['datetime'].dt.hour

    # calculate z-scores
    df = pd.merge(df, df_exp, how='left',
                  on=['dayofweek', 'hour', 'zone_id'])
    del df_exp
    df_std = df[['datetimeUTC', 'zone_id']]
    df_std['z_integrated_load'] = \
        (df['integrated_load'] - df['mean_integrated_load']) \
        / df['var_integrated_load']
    df_std = df_std.set_index(['datetimeUTC', 'zone_id'])
    del df

    # create table
    sql = """
                CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {table} (
                    rowid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
                    datetimeUTC TEXT,
                    zone_id INTEGER,
                    z_integrated_load FLOAT
                ); """.format(table=table)
    create_table(db_path=db_path, table=table, create_sql=sql, indexes=[],
                 overwrite=overwrite, verbose=verbose)

    # write data to table
    df_write = df_std.reset_index()
    df_write['datetimeUTC'] = df_write['datetimeUTC'].dt.tz_localize(
    df_to_table(db_path, df_write, table=table, overwrite=False,

    if verbose >= 1:
        output('Finished creating or updating {table} table. Dataframe shape '
               'is '.format(table=table) + str(df_std.shape) + '.')

    return df_std
Пример #4
def create_forecast_err(db_path, load_table, forecast_table, overwrite=False,
    """Creates a table and dataframe of load forecast error. Error is
    calculated as percent error relative to the actual load.

    I.e. error = (forecast - actual) / actual

    db_path : str
        Path to sqlite database to create or connect to.

    load_table : str
        Name of the db table containing actual load data (i.e.
        based on palIntegrated data).

    forecast_table : str
        Name of the db table containing load forecast data (i.e. based on

    overwrite : bool
        Defines whether or not to overwrite existing table.

    verbose : int
        Defines verbosity for output statements.

    df : dataframe
        Dataframe written to db table.


    if verbose >= 1:
        output('Started creating or updating forecast_error table.')

    # query actual loads
    sql = """
            SELECT datetimeUTC, zone_id, integrated_load
            FROM {load_table}
    df_load = query(db_path, sql)
    df_load['datetimeUTC'] = pd.to_datetime(df_load['datetimeUTC'])
    df_load = df_load.set_index(['datetimeUTC', 'zone_id'])

    # query forecast loads
    sql = """
            SELECT datetimeUTC, zone_id, load_forecast_p0, load_forecast_p1,
                load_forecast_p2, load_forecast_p3, load_forecast_p4, 
                load_forecast_p5, load_forecast_p6
            FROM {forecast_table}
    df_forecast = query(db_path, sql)
    df_forecast['datetimeUTC'] = pd.to_datetime(df_forecast['datetimeUTC'])
    df_forecast = df_forecast.set_index(['datetimeUTC', 'zone_id'])

    # calculate relative forecast errors
    df = pd.merge(df_load, df_forecast, how='inner', left_index=True,
    del df_load, df_forecast
    df['forecast_error_p0'] = (df['load_forecast_p0'] -
                               df['integrated_load']) / df['integrated_load']
    df['forecast_error_p1'] = (df['load_forecast_p1'] -
                               df['integrated_load']) / df['integrated_load']
    df['forecast_error_p2'] = (df['load_forecast_p2'] -
                               df['integrated_load']) / df['integrated_load']
    df['forecast_error_p3'] = (df['load_forecast_p3'] -
                               df['integrated_load']) / df['integrated_load']
    df['forecast_error_p4'] = (df['load_forecast_p4'] -
                               df['integrated_load']) / df['integrated_load']
    df['forecast_error_p5'] = (df['load_forecast_p5'] -
                               df['integrated_load']) / df['integrated_load']
    df['forecast_error_p6'] = (df['load_forecast_p6'] -
                               df['integrated_load']) / df['integrated_load']
    df = df.drop(['load_forecast_p0', 'load_forecast_p1',
                  'load_forecast_p2', 'load_forecast_p3',
                  'load_forecast_p4', 'load_forecast_p5',
                  'load_forecast_p6'], axis=1)

    # create table
    sql = """
            CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS forecast_error (
                rowid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
                datetimeUTC TEXT,
                zone_id INTEGER,
                integrated_load REAL,
                forecast_error_p0 REAL,
                forecast_error_p1 REAL,
                forecast_error_p2 REAL,
                forecast_error_p3 REAL,
                forecast_error_p4 REAL,
                forecast_error_p5 REAL,
                forecast_error_p6 REAL
          ); """
               'forecast_error_datetimeUTC_zone_id ON forecast_error '
               '(datetimeUTC, zone_id);'
    create_table(db_path=db_path, table='forecast_error', create_sql=sql,
                 overwrite=overwrite, verbose=verbose)

    # write data to table
    df_write = df.reset_index()
    df_write['datetimeUTC'] = df_write['datetimeUTC'].dt.tz_localize(
    df_to_table(db_path, df_write, table='forecast_error', overwrite=False,

    if verbose >= 1:
        output('Finished creating or updating forecast_error table. Dataframe '
               'shape is ' + str(df.shape) + '.')
    return df
Пример #5
def create_expected_load(db_path, summary_table, zones_path,
                         datetimeUTC_range_ref, datetimeUTC_range_excl=None,
                         title=None, overwrite=False, verbose=0):
    """Creates a table and dataframe of expected data from the summary_table
    table. Expectation includes mean and variance of integrated_load for the
    specified reference datetime range. Expectation is calculated for every
    possible dayofweek-hour-zone combination, with NaNs for those missing data.

    db_path : str
        Path to sqlite database to create or connect to.

    summary_table : str
        Name of the db summary table containing data to calculate
        expected integrated_load from.

    zones_path : str
        Path to csv containing all zone_id values (maps zone_id to zone_name).

    datetimeUTC_range_ref : tuple
        Specifies the start and end of the reference time period to use when
        calculating expected values (inclusive). Specify as a 2-element
        tuple of UTC datetime strings with year-month-day and

    datetimeUTC_range_excl : tuple
        Specifies the start and end of time period to exclude from reference
        time period. Specify as a 2-element tuple of UTC datetime strings with
        year-month-day and hour:minutes:seconds.

    title : str
        Defines the suffix of the expected_load_[title] table to be created.

    overwrite : bool
        Defines whether or not to overwrite existing table.

    verbose : int
        Defines verbosity for output statements.

    df_exp : dataframe
        Dataframe written to db table.

    datetimeUTC_range_ref items should be UTC, but with naize format (since
    sqlite does not handle time zones). For example, use the following to
    select reference data for Jan. 1 - Dec. 31 2012 (Eastern):
    start = pd.Timestamp('2012-01-01 00:00:00', tz='America/New_York')
    end = pd.Timestamp('2012-12-31 23:59:59', tz='America/New_York')
    datetimeUTC_range_ref = (start.tz_convert(tz='UTC').tz_localize(None),

    table = 'expected_load_{title}'.format(title=title)
    if verbose >= 1:
        output('Started creating or updating {table} table.'.format(

    # query range of zone_id values to consider
    df_zones = pd.read_csv(zones_path)
    zones = df_zones['zone_id'].unique()
    del df_zones

    # query reference data
    if datetimeUTC_range_excl:
        sql = """
            SELECT datetimeUTC, zone_id, integrated_load
            FROM {summary_table}
                (datetimeUTC BETWEEN "{start_datetime}" AND "{end_datetime}")
                AND (datetimeUTC NOT BETWEEN "{start_datetime_excl}" AND 
        sql = """
            SELECT datetimeUTC, zone_id, integrated_load
            FROM {summary_table}
                (datetimeUTC BETWEEN "{start_datetime}" AND "{end_datetime}")
    df = query(db_path, sql)

    # add dayofweek (0 = Monday) and hour (0-23)
    df['datetimeUTC'] = pd.to_datetime(df['datetimeUTC'])
    df['datetimeUTC'] = [dtUTC.tz_localize(tz='UTC') for dtUTC in
    df['datetime'] = [dtUTC.tz_convert(tz='America/New_York') for dtUTC in

    df['dayofweek'] = df['datetime'].dt.dayofweek
    df['hour'] = df['datetime'].dt.hour

    # calculate mean and variance for each dayofweek-hour-zone combination
    expected = []
    for dayofweek in range(7):
        for hour in range(24):
            for zone in zones:
                # filter to current dayofweek, hour, and zone
                df_filter = df[(df['dayofweek'] == dayofweek) &
                               (df['hour'] == hour) &
                               (df['zone_id'] == zone)]

                # calculate mean and variance
                if not df_filter.empty:
                    mean_integrated_load = np.mean(
                    var_integrated_load = np.var(
                    num_rows = df_filter.shape[0]
                    expected.append([dayofweek, hour, zone,
                                     mean_integrated_load, var_integrated_load,
                    expected.append([dayofweek, hour, zone,
                                     np.nan, np.nan, np.nan])
    df_exp = pd.DataFrame(expected,
                          columns=['dayofweek', 'hour', 'zone_id',
                                   'var_integrated_load', 'num_rows'])
    df_exp.set_index(['dayofweek', 'hour', 'zone_id'])

    # create table
    sql = """
            CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {table} (
                rowid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
                dayofweek INTEGER,
                hour INTEGER,
                zone_id INTEGER,
                mean_integrated_load FLOAT,
                var_integrated_load FLOAT,
                num_rows INTEGER
            ); """.format(table=table)
    create_table(db_path=db_path, table=table, create_sql=sql, indexes=[],
                 overwrite=overwrite, verbose=verbose)

    # write data to table
    df_to_table(db_path, df_exp, table=table, overwrite=False,

    if verbose >= 1:
        output('Finished creating or updating {table} table. Dataframe shape '
               'is '.format(table=table) + str(df_exp.shape) + '.')

    return df_exp
def import_trips(url_path, dl_dir, db_path, taxi_type, nrows=None, usecols=None,
                 overwrite=False, verbose=0):
    """Downloads, cleans, and imports nyc tlc taxi record files for the
    specified taxi type into a sqlite database.

    url_path : str or None
        Path to text file containing nyc tlc taxi record file urls to
        download from. Set to None to skip download.

    dl_dir : str
        Path of directory to download files to or load files from.

    db_path : str
        Path to sqlite database.

    taxi_type : str
        Taxi type to create regex for ('fhv', 'green', 'yellow', or 'all').

    nrows : int or None
        Number of rows to read. Set to None to read all rows.

    usecols : list
        List of column names to include. Specify columns names as strings.
        Column names can be entered based on names found in original tables
        for the year specified or names found in the trips table. Set to None to
        read all columns.

    overwrite : bool
        Defines whether or not to overwrite existing database tables.

    verbose : int
        Defines verbosity for output statements.

    import_num : int
        Number of files imported into database.


    # download taxi record files
    if url_path:
        dl_num = dl_urls(url_path, dl_dir, taxi_type, verbose=verbose)
        dl_num = 0

    # get taxi record files
    files = get_regex_files(dl_dir, taxi_regex_patterns(taxi_type),

    # create trips table (if needed)
    create_sql = """
                CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS trips (
                    trip_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
                    taxi_type INTEGER,
                    vendor_id INTEGER,
                    pickup_datetime TEXT,
                    dropoff_datetime TEXT,
                    passenger_count INTEGER,
                    trip_distance REAL,
                    pickup_longitude REAL,
                    pickup_latitude REAL,
                    pickup_location_id INTEGER,
                    dropoff_longitude REAL,
                    dropoff_latitude REAL,
                    dropoff_location_id INTEGER,
                    trip_duration REAL,
                    trip_pace REAL,
                    trip_straightline REAL,
                    trip_windingfactor REAL
                ); """
    indexes = ['CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS trips_pickup_datetime ON trips '
    create_table(db_path, 'trips', create_sql, indexes=indexes,
                 overwrite=overwrite, verbose=verbose)

    # load, clean, and import taxi files into table
    import_num = 0
    for file in files:
        if verbose >= 1:
            output('Started importing ' + file + '.')
        if taxi_type == 'fhv':
            df = pd.DataFrame({'taxi_type': []})
        elif taxi_type == 'green':
            df = pd.DataFrame({'taxi_type': []})
        elif taxi_type == 'yellow':
            df, year, month = load_yellow(dl_dir + file, nrows=nrows,
                                          usecols=usecols, verbose=verbose)
            df = clean_yellow(df, year, month, verbose=verbose)
            import_num += 1
            output('Unknown taxi_type.', fn_str='import_trips')
            df = pd.DataFrame({'taxi_type': []})

        df_to_table(db_path, df, table='trips', overwrite=False,
        if verbose >= 1:
            output('Imported ' + file + '.')
    output('Finished importing ' + str(import_num) + ' files.')

    return dl_num, import_num