Пример #1
def approximate_ruwe(t,
                     i=0 * u.deg,
    Approximate the on-sky astrometric excess noise for a binary system with the
    given system parameters at a certain distance.

    This approximating function ignores the following effects:

    (1) The distortions that arise due to sky projections.
    (2) Inclination effects.
    (3) Omega effects.

    In part it also assumes:

    (1) The times were observed pseudo-randomly.
    (2) The orbit is fully sampled.

    :param t:
        The times that the system was observed.

    :param P:
        The period of the binary system.

    :param m1:
        The mass of the primary star.

    :param m2:
        The mass of the secondary system.

    :param distance:
        The distance from the observer to the center of mass of the binary

    :param f1: [optional]
        The flux of the primary star. If `None` is given then this is assumed to
        be $m_1^{3.5}$.

    :param f2: [optional]
        The flux of the secondary. If `None` is given then this is assumed to be

        A two-part tuple containing the root-mean-squared deviations in on-sky
        position (in units of milliarcseconds), and a dictionary containing meta
        information about the binary system.

    if f1 is None:
        f1 = m1.to(u.solMass).value**3.5
    if f2 is None:
        f2 = m2.to(u.solMass).value**3.5

    if t0 is None:
        t0 = Time('J2015.5')

    m_total = m1 + m2
    w = np.array([f1, f2]) / (f1 + f2)
    a = twobody.P_m_to_a(P, m_total).to(u.AU).value

    a1 = m2 * a / m_total
    a2 = m1 * a / m_total

    w1, w2 = (w[0], w[1])

    # TODO: replace this with integral!
    dt = (t - t0).to(u.day)
    phi = (2 * np.pi * dt / P).value
    N = phi.size

    dx = a1 * w1 * np.cos(phi) + a2 * w2 * np.cos(phi + np.pi)
    dy = a1 * w1 * np.sin(phi) + a2 * w2 * np.sin(phi + np.pi)

    planar_rms_in_au = np.sqrt(
        np.sum((dx - np.mean(dx))**2 + (dy - np.mean(dy))**2) / N).value

    # Need some corrections for when the period is longer than the observing timespan, and the
    # inclination angle is non-zero.

    # For this it really depends on what t0/Omega is: if you see half the orbit in one phase or
    # another...
    # TODO: this requires a thinko.
    Approximate given some inclination angle.
    At zero inclination, assume circle on sky such that:
        rms = sqrt(ds^2 + ds^2) = sqrt(2ds^2)

        ds = np.sqrt(0.5 * rms^2)

    Now when inclined (even at 90) we still get ds + contribution:

        rms_new = sqrt(ds^2 + (cos(i) * ds)^2)

    ds = np.sqrt(0.5 * planar_rms_in_au**2)
    rms_in_au = np.sqrt(ds**2 + (np.cos(i) * ds)**2)
    rms_in_mas = (rms_in_au * u.au / distance).to(
        u.mas, equivalencies=u.dimensionless_angles())

    intrinsic_ra_error = kwargs.get("intrinsic_ra_error", __intrinsic_ra_error)
    intrinsic_dec_error = kwargs.get("intrinsic_dec_error",

    chi2 = N * rms_in_mas.to(
        u.mas).value**2 / (intrinsic_ra_error**2 + intrinsic_dec_error**2)

    # sqrt(2) from approximating rms in one dimension instead of 2
    approx_ruwe = np.sqrt(2) * np.sqrt(chi2 / (N - 2))

    meta = dict(weights=w,

    return (approx_ruwe, meta)
Пример #2
def astrometric_excess_noise(t,
                             omega=0 * u.deg,
                             i=0 * u.deg,
                             Omega=0 * u.deg,
    Calculate the astrometric excess noise for a binary system with given
    properties that was observed at certain times from the given origin position.
    # TODO: There are a number of assumptions that we look over here

    :param t:
        The times that the system was observed.

    :param P:
        The period of the binary system.

    :param m1:
        The mass of the primary body.

    :param m2:
        The mass of the secondary body.

    :param f1: [optional]
        The flux of the primary body. If `None` is given then $M_1^{3.5}$ will
        be assumed.

    :param f2: [optional]
        The flux of the secondary body. If `None` is given then $M_2^{3.5}$ will
        be assumed.

    :param e: [optional]
        The eccentricity of the system (default: 0).

    # TODO: more docs pls

    # TODO: Re-factor this behemoth by applying the weights after calculating positions?
    if f1 is None:
        f1 = m1.to(u.solMass).value**3.5
    if f2 is None:
        f2 = m2.to(u.solMass).value**3.5

    if t0 is None:
        t0 = Time('J2015.5')

    N = t.size

    # Compute orbital positions.
    with u.set_enabled_equivalencies(u.dimensionless_angles()):
        M1 = (2 * np.pi * (t.tcb - t0.tcb) / P).to(u.radian)
        # Set secondary to have opposite phase.
        M2 = (2 * np.pi * (t.tcb - t0.tcb) / P - np.pi).to(u.radian)

    # eccentric anomaly
    E1 = twobody.eccentric_anomaly_from_mean_anomaly(M1, e)
    E2 = twobody.eccentric_anomaly_from_mean_anomaly(M2, e)

    # mean anomaly
    F1 = twobody.true_anomaly_from_eccentric_anomaly(E1, e)
    F2 = twobody.true_anomaly_from_eccentric_anomaly(E2, e)

    # Calc a1/a2.
    m_total = m1 + m2
    a = twobody.P_m_to_a(P, m_total)
    a1 = m2 * a / m_total
    a2 = m1 * a / m_total

    r1 = (a1 * (1. - e * np.cos(E1))).to(u.au).value
    r2 = (a2 * (1. - e * np.cos(E2))).to(u.au).value

    # Calculate xy positions in orbital plane.
    x = np.vstack([
        r1 * np.cos(F1),
        r2 * np.cos(F2),
    y = np.vstack([r1 * np.sin(F1), r2 * np.sin(F2)]).value

    # Calculate photocenter in orbital plane.
    w = np.atleast_2d([f1, f2]) / (f1 + f2)
    x, y = np.vstack([w @ x, w @ y])
    z = np.zeros_like(x)

    # Calculate photocenter velocities in orbital plane.
    fac = (2 * np.pi * a / P / np.sqrt(1 - e**2)).to(u.au / u.s).value
    vx = np.vstack([-fac * np.sin(F1), -fac * np.sin(F2)]).value
    vy = np.vstack([fac * (np.cos(F1) + e), fac * (np.cos(F2) + e)]).value
    vx, vy = np.vstack([w @ vx, w @ vy])
    vz = np.zeros_like(vx)

    # TODO: handle units better w/ dot product
    x, y, z = (x * u.au, y * u.au, z * u.au)
    vx, vy, vz = (vx * u.au / u.s, vy * u.au / u.s, vz * u.au / u.s)

    xyz = coord.CartesianRepresentation(x=x, y=y, z=z)
    vxyz = coord.CartesianDifferential(d_x=vx, d_y=vy, d_z=vz)
    xyz = xyz.with_differentials(vxyz)

    vxyz = xyz.differentials["s"]
    xyz = xyz.without_differentials()

    # Construct rotation matrix from orbital plane system to reference plane system.
    R1 = rotation_matrix(-omega, axis='z')
    R2 = rotation_matrix(i, axis='x')
    R3 = rotation_matrix(Omega, axis='z')
    Rot = matrix_product(R3, R2, R1)

    # Rotate photocenters to the reference plane system.
    XYZ = coord.CartesianRepresentation(matrix_product(Rot, xyz.xyz))
    VXYZ = coord.CartesianDifferential(matrix_product(Rot, vxyz.d_xyz))
    XYZ = XYZ.with_differentials(VXYZ)

    barycenter = twobody.Barycenter(origin=origin, t0=t0)
    kw = dict(origin=barycenter.origin)
    rp = twobody.ReferencePlaneFrame(XYZ, **kw)

    # Calculate the ICRS positions.
    icrs_cart = rp.transform_to(coord.ICRS).cartesian
    icrs_pos = icrs_cart.without_differentials()
    icrs_vel = icrs_cart.differentials["s"]

    bary_cart = barycenter.origin.cartesian
    bary_vel = bary_cart.differentials["s"]

    dt = t - barycenter.t0
    dx = (bary_vel * dt).to_cartesian()

    pos = icrs_pos + dx
    vel = icrs_vel + bary_vel

    icrs = coord.ICRS(pos.with_differentials(vel))

    positions = np.array([icrs.ra.deg, icrs.dec.deg])

    mean_position = np.mean(positions, axis=1)
    assert mean_position.size == 2
    __intrinsic_ra_error = 0.029 # mas
    __intrinsic_dec_error = 0.026 # mas

    __intrinsic_ra_error /= 10
    __intrinsic_dec_error /= 10

    chi2 = N * rms_in_mas.to(u.mas).value**2 / np.sqrt(__intrinsic_ra_error**2 + __intrinsic_dec_error**2)

    approx_ruwe = np.sqrt(chi2/(N - 2))

    # Calculate on sky RMS.

    astrometric_rms = np.sqrt(np.sum((positions.T - mean_position)**2) / N)
    astrometric_rms *= u.deg

    diff = ((positions.T - mean_position) * u.deg).to(u.mas)
    #chi2 = diff**2 / (__intrinsic_ra_error**2 + __intrinsic_dec_error**2)
    ruwe = np.sqrt(
        np.sum((diff.T[0] / __intrinsic_ra_error)**2 +
               (diff.T[1] / __intrinsic_dec_error)**2) / (N - 2)).value

    meta = dict()
    return (ruwe, meta)