Пример #1
    def test_success(self):
        Connect a stream via a circuit
        reactor = Mock()
        torstate = Mock()
        target = Mock()
        target.connect = Mock(return_value=defer.succeed('fake proto'))
        circ = Mock()
        circ.state = 'NEW'
        src_addr = Mock()
        src_addr.host = 'host'
        src_addr.port = 1234
        target._get_address = Mock(return_value=defer.succeed(src_addr))
        stream = Mock()
        stream.source_port = 1234
        stream.source_addr = 'host'

        # okay, so we fire up our circuit-endpoint with mostly mocked
        # things, and a circuit that's already in 'FAILED' state.
        ep = TorCircuitEndpoint(reactor, torstate, circ, target)

        # should get a Failure from the connect()
        d = ep.connect(Mock())
        attacher = yield _get_circuit_attacher(reactor, torstate)
        yield attacher.attach_stream(stream, [circ])
        proto = yield d
        self.assertEqual(proto, 'fake proto')
Пример #2
    def test_circuit_stream_failure(self):
        If the stream-attach fails the error propagates
        reactor = Mock()
        torstate = Mock()
        target = Mock()
        target.connect = Mock(return_value=defer.succeed(None))
        circ = Mock()
        circ.state = 'FAILED'
        src_addr = Mock()
        src_addr.host = 'host'
        src_addr.port = 1234
        target._get_address = Mock(return_value=defer.succeed(src_addr))
        stream = Mock()
        stream.source_port = 1234
        stream.source_addr = 'host'

        # okay, so we fire up our circuit-endpoint with mostly mocked
        # things, and a circuit that's already in 'FAILED' state.
        ep = TorCircuitEndpoint(reactor, torstate, circ, target)

        # should get a Failure from the connect()
        d = ep.connect(Mock())
        attacher = yield _get_circuit_attacher(reactor, Mock())
        attacher.attach_stream_failure(stream, RuntimeError("a bad thing"))
            yield d
            self.fail("Should get exception")
        except RuntimeError as e:
            self.assertEqual("a bad thing", str(e))