def test_node_exists_nonexistant(self): """ A node knows whether it exists or not. """ node = ZNode("/zoo/rabbit", self.client) exists = yield node.exists() self.assertFalse(exists)
def test_bad_version_error(self): """ The node captures the node version on any read operations, which it utilizes for write operations. On a concurrent modification error the node return a bad version error, this also clears the cached state so subsequent modifications will be against the latest version, unless the cache is seeded again by a read operation. """ node = ZNode("/zoo/lion", self.client) self.client2 = ZookeeperClient("") yield self.client2.connect() yield self.client.create("/zoo/lion", "mouse") yield node.get_data() yield self.client2.set("/zoo/lion", "den2") data = yield self.client.exists("/zoo/lion") self.assertEqual(data['version'], 1) d = node.set_data("zebra") self.failUnlessFailure(d, zookeeper.BadVersionException) yield d # after failure the cache is deleted, and a set proceeds yield node.set_data("zebra") data = yield node.get_data() self.assertEqual(data, "zebra")
def test_node_set_data_on_nonexistant(self): """ Setting data on a non existant node raises a no node exception. """ node = ZNode("/zoo/rabbit", self.client) d = node.set_data("big furry ears") self.failUnlessFailure(d, zookeeper.NoNodeException) yield d
def test_node_set_data_update_with_exists(self): """ Data can be set on an existing node, updating it in place. """ node = ZNode("/zoo/monkey", self.client) yield self.client.create("/zoo/monkey", "stripes") yield node.set_data("banana") data, stat = yield self.client.get("/zoo/monkey") self.assertEqual(data, "banana")
def test_node_children_by_prefix(self): """ A node's children can be introspected optionally with a prefix. """ node = ZNode("/zoo", self.client) node_path_a = yield self.client.create("/zoo/lion") yield self.client.create("/zoo/tiger") children = yield node.get_children("lion") children.sort() self.assertEqual(children[0].path, node_path_a) self.assertEqual(len(children), 1)
def test_node_children(self): """ A node's children can be introspected. """ node = ZNode("/zoo", self.client) node_path_a = yield self.client.create("/zoo/lion") node_path_b = yield self.client.create("/zoo/tiger") children = yield node.get_children() children.sort() self.assertEqual(children[0].path, node_path_a) self.assertEqual(children[1].path, node_path_b)
def test_node_get_children_with_watch_delete(self): """ A node's children can explicitly be watched to given existance events for node creation and destruction. """ node = ZNode("/zoo", self.client) yield self.client.create("/zoo/lion") children, watch = yield node.get_children_and_watch() yield self.client.delete("/zoo/lion") event = yield watch self.assertEqual(event.path, "/zoo") self.assertEqual(event.type, zookeeper.CHILD_EVENT)
def test_node_get_data_with_watch_on_update(self): """ Subscribing to a node will get node update events. """ yield self.client.create("/zoo/elephant") node = ZNode("/zoo/elephant", self.client) data, watch = yield node.get_data_and_watch() yield self.client.set("/zoo/elephant") event = yield watch self.assertEqual(event.type, zookeeper.CHANGED_EVENT) self.assertEqual(event.path, "/zoo/elephant")
def test_node_set_data_update_with_invalid_cached_exists(self): """ If a node is deleted, attempting to set data on it raises a no node exception. """ node = ZNode("/zoo/monkey", self.client) yield self.client.create("/zoo/monkey", "stripes") exists = yield node.exists() self.assertTrue(exists) yield self.client.delete("/zoo/monkey") d = node.set_data("banana") self.failUnlessFailure(d, zookeeper.NoNodeException) yield d
def test_node_exists_with_watch_nonexistant(self): """ The node's existance can be checked with the exist_watch api a deferred will be returned and any node level events, created, deleted, modified invoke the callback. You can get these create event callbacks for non existant nodes. """ node = ZNode("/zoo/elephant", self.client) exists, watch = yield node.exists_and_watch() self.assertFalse((yield exists)) yield self.client.create("/zoo/elephant") event = yield watch self.assertEqual(event.type, zookeeper.CREATED_EVENT) self.assertEqual(event.path, node.path)
def test_node_get_acl_nonexistant(self): """ The fetching the ACL for a non-existant node results in an error. """ node = ZNode("/zoo/giraffe", self.client) def assert_failed(failed): if not isinstance(failed, Failure):"Should have failed") self.assertTrue( isinstance(failed.value, zookeeper.NoNodeException)) d = node.get_acl() d.addBoth(assert_failed) return d
def test_node_set_acl(self): """ The ACL for a node can be modified. """ path = yield self.client.create("/zoo/giraffe") credentials = "zebra:moon" acl = [{"id": self._make_digest_identity(credentials), "scheme": "digest", "perms":zookeeper.PERM_ALL}] node = ZNode(path, self.client) # little hack around slow auth issue 770 zookeeper d = self.client.add_auth("digest", credentials) yield node.set_acl(acl) yield d node_acl, stat = yield self.client.get_acl(path) self.assertEqual(node_acl, acl)
def test_node_create_set_data(self): """ A node can be created and have its data set. """ node = ZNode("/zoo/rabbit", self.client) data = "big furry ears" yield node.create(data) exists = yield self.client.exists("/zoo/rabbit") self.assertTrue(exists) node_data = yield node.get_data() self.assertEqual(data, node_data) data = data*2 yield node.set_data(data) node_data = yield node.get_data() self.assertEqual(data, node_data)