Пример #1
def write(types, string_dict, ty, tree, out):
    '''Compresses ast and writes it to a byte stream.

  Note, this may modify tree. ShiftAST produces trees with numbers in
  double fields as ints. Our type-directed encoder coerces them to
  doubles. This updates the input tree, in place, with this change.

    types: idl.TypeResolver
    string_dict: list of strings stored in external file.
    ty: the type of 'tree'.
    tree: the AST to encode.
    out: byte-oriented stream to write content to.
    # Rewrite ints in float position to floats.
    tycheck.FloatFixer(types).rewrite(ty, tree)

    # Check the AST conforms to the IDL.
    tycheck.TypeChecker(types).check_any(ty, tree)


    # Collect the local strings and write the string table
    local_strings = strings.StringCollector(types)
    local_strings.visit(ty, tree)
    local_strings.strings -= set(string_dict)
    local_strings = list(sorted(local_strings.strings))
    string_dict = local_strings + string_dict
    strings.write_dict(out, local_strings, with_signature=False)

    # Build probability models of the AST and serialize it.
    m = model.model_tree(types, ty, tree)
    model_writer = encode.ModelWriter(types, string_dict, out)
    model_writer.write(ty, m)

    # Now write the file content.
    def write_piece(ty, node, out):
        lazy_parts = lazy.LazyMemberExtractor(types)
        node = lazy_parts.replace(ty, node)

        encode.encode(types, m, out, ty, node)

        # Encode the lazy parts in memory
        lazy_encoded = []
        for _, attr, part in lazy_parts.lazies:
            buf = io.BytesIO()
            write_piece(attr.resolved_ty, part, buf)

        # Write the dictionary of lazy parts, then the lazy parts
        bits.write_varint(out, len(lazy_encoded))
        for encoded_part in lazy_encoded:
            bits.write_varint(out, encoded_part.tell())
        for encoded_part in lazy_encoded:

    write_piece(ty, tree, out)
Пример #2
def make_dict(in_files, out_file):
  types = idl.parse_es6_idl()
  ty_script = types.interfaces['Script']
  sources = []
  for in_file in in_files:
    proggy = json.loads(in_file.read())
    tycheck.FloatFixer(types).rewrite(ty_script, proggy)
    tycheck.TypeChecker(types).check_any(ty_script, proggy)
    sources.append((ty_script, proggy))
  string_dict = strings.prepare_dict(types, sources)
  strings.write_dict(out_file, string_dict, with_signature=True)
Пример #3
def type_check(in_files):
  types = idl.parse_es6_idl()
  ty_script = types.interfaces['Script']
  for in_file in in_files:
    proggy = json.loads(in_file.read())
    print(f'checking {in_file.name}... ', end='')
      tycheck.TypeChecker(types).check_any(ty_script, proggy)
    except Exception as e:
      # FIXME: Make this a specific exception type, do error recovery, etc.
      print(f'NG, {e!s}')
Пример #4
def read(types, string_dict, ty, inp):
    '''Decompresses ast from a byte stream and returns an AST.

  >>> import json
  >>> import ast, idl, strings
  >>> types = idl.parse_es6_idl()
  >>> ty_script = types.interfaces['Script']
  >>> tree_in = ast.load_test_ast('y5R7cnYctJv.js.dump')
  >>> #tree_in = ast.load_test_ast('three.min.js.dump')
  >>> string_dict = strings.prepare_dict(types, [(ty_script, tree_in)])
  >>> buf = io.BytesIO()
  >>> write(types, string_dict, ty_script, tree_in, buf)
  >>> buf.tell()
  >>> buf.seek(0)
  >>> tree_out = read(types, string_dict, ty_script, buf)
  >>> #assert json.dumps(tree_in) == json.dumps(tree_out)
  >>> s_in = json.dumps(tree_in, indent=1).split('\\n')
  >>> s_out = json.dumps(tree_out, indent=1).split('\\n')
  >>> for i, (l_in, l_out) in enumerate(zip(s_in, s_out)):
  ...   if l_in != l_out:
  ...     print(f'{i:3d} {l_in}')
  ...     print(f'     {l_out}')
  ...     print('mismatch')
  ...     break

  Now try to round-trip something which uses laziness:

  >>> import opt
  >>> tree_in = opt.optimize(tree_in)
  lazified 1 functions
  >>> buf = io.BytesIO()
  >>> write(types, string_dict, ty_script, tree_in, buf)
  >>> buf.tell()
  >>> buf.seek(0)
  >>> tree_out = read(types, string_dict, ty_script, buf)
  >>> assert json.dumps(tree_in) == json.dumps(tree_out)

  Now try to round-trip something which misses the dictionary:

  >>> del string_dict[-10:-3]
  >>> buf = io.BytesIO()
  >>> write(types, string_dict, ty_script, tree_in, buf)
  >>> buf.tell()
  >>> buf.seek(0)
  >>> tree_out = read(types, string_dict, ty_script, buf)
  >>> assert json.dumps(tree_in) == json.dumps(tree_out)

    # Read the local string table
    local_strings = strings.read_dict(inp, with_signature=False)
    string_dict = local_strings + string_dict

    # Read the probability models
    model_reader = encode.ModelReader(types, string_dict, inp)
    m = model_reader.read(ty)

    def read_piece(ty):
        tree = encode.decode(types, m, ty, inp)

        # Read the dictionary of lazy parts
        # TODO: We don't need this; it is implicit in the tree we just read.
        num_lazy_parts = bits.read_varint(inp)
        lazy_offsets = [0]
        for _ in range(num_lazy_parts):
            lazy_size = bits.read_varint(inp)
            lazy_offsets.append(lazy_offsets[-1] + lazy_size)
        lazy_offsets = list(
            map(lambda offset: offset + inp.tell(), lazy_offsets))

        def restore_lazy_part(ty, attr, index):
            part = read_piece(attr.resolved_ty)
            assert inp.tell() == lazy_offsets[
                index + 1], f'{inp.tell()}, {lazy_offsets[index + 1]}'
            return part

        restorer = lazy.LazyMemberRestorer(types, restore_lazy_part)
        tree = restorer.replace(ty, tree)
        return tree

    tree = read_piece(ty)
    type_checker = tycheck.TypeChecker(types)
    type_checker.check_any(ty, tree)
    return tree
Пример #5
# This file transforms ASTs in ways outside the scope of file format
# and compression. There are no BinAST minifiers yet, so for now it's
# convenient to integrate it into the encoder/decoder tool.

import doctest

import ast
import idl
import types
import tycheck

# Test helpers.

resolver = idl.parse_es6_idl()
checker = tycheck.TypeChecker(resolver)

def check_ty(ty_name, obj):
  '''Checks whether obj matches the type named ty_name.'''
  ty = resolver.resolve(idl.TyRef(ty_name))
  checker.check_any(ty, obj)

def make_iffe():
  '''Makes an AST fragment which is an immediately-invoked function expression.

  >>> check_ty('Expression', make_iffe())
  return {
      'type': 'CallExpression',