Пример #1
def return_statement(node):
  '''Check statement: return E'''
  if not isinstance(node, ast_return.ASTReturn):
    return None

  method = type_checker.get_param('cur_method')

  # If there is an expression, make sure it is typeable.
  expr_type = None
  if len(node.expressions) != 0:
    expr_type = type_checker.get_type(node.expressions[0])

  # Constructors have no return type, so you can't return something in one:
  if method.is_constructor and expr_type:
    return None

  # void methods should return nothing:
  if method.return_type == ast_type.ASTType.ASTVoid and not expr_type:
    return True

  # constructors should return nothing:
  if method.is_constructor and not expr_type:
    return True

  # The type you return must be assignable to the current method return type:
  if not _is_assignable(method.return_type, expr_type):
    return None

  return ast_type.ASTType.ASTVoid
Пример #2
def _valid_protected_access(encl_type, instance_type = None):
  '''Check if protected access is valid.

  JLS 6.6:
  Protected access is allowed if:
    - The access is done from within the same package as the type declaring the
      property. OR

    - The class containing the property is a subtype of the class delcaring
      the property, and
    - (For instance property access) The type of the variable with the instance
      property is a subtype of the calling type.
  cur_type = type_checker.get_param('cur_class')

  # If the access is from the same package, then it is permitted.
  if ast_node.ASTUtils.is_in_package(
      cur_type.package_name, encl_type.package_name):
    return True

  # If the calling type is not a subtype of the enclosing type, them the access
  # is not permitted.
  if not ast_node.ASTUtils.is_subtype(cur_type, encl_type):
    return False

  if instance_type is not None:
    # If we're doing an instance property access and the instance variable is
    # not a subtype of the type doing the access, then the access is not
    # permitted.
    if not ast_node.ASTUtils.is_subtype(instance_type, cur_type):
      return False

  return True
Пример #3
def constructor(node):
  '''new D(E1, E2, .., Ek) types to D'''
  if not isinstance(node, ast_expression.ASTClassInstanceCreation):
    return None

  # You can't instantiate abstract classes.
  if node.type_node.definition.is_abstract:
    return None

  short_name = node.type_node.identifier.parts[-1]
  env = node.type_node.definition.environment
  param_types = [type_checker.get_type(x) for x in node.arguments]

  method_sig = (short_name, param_types)
  method, enclosing_type = env.lookup_method(method_sig, constructor=True)
  if method is not None:
    if method.is_protected:
      # JLS 6.6.2. A protected constructor can be accessed only from within the
      # package in which it is defined.
      if enclosing_type.package_name != \
        return None
    return node.type_node

  # No matching constructor found.  Whoops...!
  return None