Пример #1
def _newInstance(cls, state=_NO_STATE):
    Make a new instance of a class without calling its __init__ method.
    Supports both new- and old-style classes.

    @param state: A C{dict} used to update C{inst.__dict__} or C{_NO_STATE}
        to skip this part of initialization.

    @return: A new instance of C{cls}.
    if not isinstance(cls, _OldStyleClass):
        # new-style
        inst = cls.__new__(cls)

        if state is not _NO_STATE:
            inst.__dict__.update(state) # Copy 'instance' behaviour
        if state is not _NO_STATE:
            inst = _OldStyleInstance(cls, state)
            inst = _OldStyleInstance(cls)
    return inst
Пример #2
def _newInstance(cls, state=_NO_STATE):
    Make a new instance of a class without calling its __init__ method.
    Supports both new- and old-style classes.

    @param state: A C{dict} used to update C{inst.__dict__} or C{_NO_STATE}
        to skip this part of initialization.

    @return: A new instance of C{cls}.
    if not isinstance(cls, _OldStyleClass):
        # new-style
        inst = cls.__new__(cls)

        if state is not _NO_STATE:
            inst.__dict__.update(state)  # Copy 'instance' behaviour
        if state is not _NO_STATE:
            inst = _OldStyleInstance(cls, state)
            inst = _OldStyleInstance(cls)
    return inst
Пример #3
def _createBlank(cls):
    Given an object, if that object is a type (or a legacy old-style class),
    return a new, blank instance of that type which has not had C{__init__}
    called on it.  If the object is not a type, return C{None}.

    @param cls: The type (or class) to create an instance of.
    @type cls: L{_OldStyleClass}, L{type}, or something else that cannot be

    @return: a new blank instance or L{None} if C{cls} is not a class or type.
    if isinstance(cls, type):
        return cls.__new__(cls)
    if not _PY3 and isinstance(cls, _OldStyleClass):
        return _OldStyleInstance(cls)
Пример #4
def _createBlank(cls):
    Given an object, if that object is a type (or a legacy old-style class),
    return a new, blank instance of that type which has not had C{__init__}
    called on it.  If the object is not a type, return C{None}.

    @param cls: The type (or class) to create an instance of.
    @type cls: L{_OldStyleClass}, L{type}, or something else that cannot be

    @return: a new blank instance or L{None} if C{cls} is not a class or type.
    if isinstance(cls, type):
        return cls.__new__(cls)
    if not _PY3 and isinstance(cls, _OldStyleClass):
        return _OldStyleInstance(cls)
Пример #5
    def unjellyAO(self, ao):
        """Unjelly an Abstract Object and everything it contains.
        I return the real object.
        t = type(ao)
        if t in _SIMPLE_BUILTINS:
            return ao

        elif t is list:
            l = []
            for x in ao:
                self.unjellyInto(l, len(l)-1, x)
            return l

        elif t is tuple:
            l = []
            tuple_ = tuple
            for x in ao:
                if isinstance(self.unjellyInto(l, len(l)-1, x), crefutil.NotKnown):
                    tuple_ = crefutil._Tuple
            return tuple_(l)

        elif t is dict:
            d = {}
            for k,v in ao.items():
                kvd = crefutil._DictKeyAndValue(d)
                self.unjellyInto(kvd, 0, k)
                self.unjellyInto(kvd, 1, v)
            return d
            #Abstract Objects
            c = ao.__class__
            if c is Module:
                return reflect.namedModule(ao.name)

            elif c in [Class, Function] or issubclass(c, type):
                return reflect.namedObject(ao.name)

            elif c is InstanceMethod:
                im_name = ao.name
                im_class = reflect.namedObject(ao.klass)
                im_self = self.unjellyAO(ao.instance)
                if im_name in im_class.__dict__:
                    if im_self is None:
                        return getattr(im_class, im_name)
                    elif isinstance(im_self, crefutil.NotKnown):
                        return crefutil._InstanceMethod(im_name, im_self, im_class)
                        return _constructMethod(im_class, im_name, im_self)
                    raise TypeError("instance method changed")

            elif c is Instance:
                klass = reflect.namedObject(ao.klass)
                state = self.unjellyAO(ao.state)
                if hasattr(klass, "__new__"):
                    inst = klass.__new__(klass)
                    inst = _OldStyleInstance(klass)
                if hasattr(klass, "__setstate__"):
                    self.callAfter(inst.__setstate__, state)
                    inst.__dict__ = state
                return inst

            elif c is Ref:
                o = self.unjellyAO(ao.obj) #THIS IS CHANGING THE REF OMG
                refkey = ao.refnum
                ref = self.references.get(refkey)
                if ref is None:
                    self.references[refkey] = o
                elif isinstance(ref, crefutil.NotKnown):
                    self.references[refkey] = o
                elif refkey is None:
                    # This happens when you're unjellying from an AOT not read from source
                    raise ValueError("Multiple references with the same ID: %s, %s, %s!" % (ref, refkey, ao))
                return o

            elif c is Deref:
                num = ao.refnum
                ref = self.references.get(num)
                if ref is None:
                    der = crefutil._Dereference(num)
                    self.references[num] = der
                    return der
                return ref

            elif c is Copyreg:
                loadfunc = reflect.namedObject(ao.loadfunc)
                d = self.unjellyLater(ao.state).addCallback(
                    lambda result, _l: _l(*result), loadfunc)
                return d
                raise TypeError("Unsupported AOT type: %s" % t)

        del self.stack[-1]
Пример #6
    def unjellyAO(self, ao):
        """Unjelly an Abstract Object and everything it contains.
        I return the real object.
        t = type(ao)
        if t in _SIMPLE_BUILTINS:
            return ao

        elif t is list:
            l = []
            for x in ao:
                self.unjellyInto(l, len(l) - 1, x)
            return l

        elif t is tuple:
            l = []
            tuple_ = tuple
            for x in ao:
                if isinstance(self.unjellyInto(l,
                                               len(l) - 1, x),
                    tuple_ = crefutil._Tuple
            return tuple_(l)

        elif t is dict:
            d = {}
            for k, v in ao.items():
                kvd = crefutil._DictKeyAndValue(d)
                self.unjellyInto(kvd, 0, k)
                self.unjellyInto(kvd, 1, v)
            return d
            #Abstract Objects
            c = ao.__class__
            if c is Module:
                return reflect.namedModule(ao.name)

            elif c in [Class, Function] or issubclass(c, type):
                return reflect.namedObject(ao.name)

            elif c is InstanceMethod:
                im_name = ao.name
                im_class = reflect.namedObject(ao.klass)
                im_self = self.unjellyAO(ao.instance)
                if im_name in im_class.__dict__:
                    if im_self is None:
                        return getattr(im_class, im_name)
                    elif isinstance(im_self, crefutil.NotKnown):
                        return crefutil._InstanceMethod(
                            im_name, im_self, im_class)
                        return _constructMethod(im_class, im_name, im_self)
                    raise TypeError("instance method changed")

            elif c is Instance:
                klass = reflect.namedObject(ao.klass)
                state = self.unjellyAO(ao.state)
                if hasattr(klass, "__new__"):
                    inst = klass.__new__(klass)
                    inst = _OldStyleInstance(klass)
                if hasattr(klass, "__setstate__"):
                    self.callAfter(inst.__setstate__, state)
                    inst.__dict__ = state
                return inst

            elif c is Ref:
                o = self.unjellyAO(ao.obj)  #THIS IS CHANGING THE REF OMG
                refkey = ao.refnum
                ref = self.references.get(refkey)
                if ref is None:
                    self.references[refkey] = o
                elif isinstance(ref, crefutil.NotKnown):
                    self.references[refkey] = o
                elif refkey is None:
                    # This happens when you're unjellying from an AOT not read from source
                    raise ValueError(
                        "Multiple references with the same ID: %s, %s, %s!" %
                        (ref, refkey, ao))
                return o

            elif c is Deref:
                num = ao.refnum
                ref = self.references.get(num)
                if ref is None:
                    der = crefutil._Dereference(num)
                    self.references[num] = der
                    return der
                return ref

            elif c is Copyreg:
                loadfunc = reflect.namedObject(ao.loadfunc)
                d = self.unjellyLater(ao.state).addCallback(
                    lambda result, _l: _l(*result), loadfunc)
                return d
                raise TypeError("Unsupported AOT type: %s" % t)

        del self.stack[-1]