Пример #1
    def __getattr__(self, name):
        """ Lookup the given variable in the local variables and the ARTS workspace.

            name(str): Name of the attribute (variable)

            ValueError: If the variable is not found.

        group_id = None
        if name in self._vars:
            var = self._vars[name]
            return var
            i = arts_api.lookup_workspace_variable(name.encode())
            if i < 0:
                raise AttributeError("No workspace variable " + str(name) + " found.")
            vs = arts_api.get_variable(i)
            group_id    = vs.group
            description = vs.description.decode("utf8")

        # Get its symbolic representation
        wsv = WorkspaceVariable(i, name, group_names[group_id], description, self)
        return wsv
Пример #2
    def create(self, ws, name=None):
        Call to <Group>Create WSMs are handled differently. This method simply
        determines the group type from the function name and then add a variable of
        this type to the workspace ws. A handle of this variable is then added to
        as attribute to the typhon.arts.workspace.variables module.

            ws(Workspace): Workspace object to add the variable to
            name(str):     Name of the variable to add to the workspace
        group = WorkspaceMethod.create_regexp.match(self.name).group(1)
        group_id = group_ids[group]

        if not name:
            name = "__anonymous_" + str(len(ws._vars))
            ws_id = arts_api.add_variable(ws.ptr, group_id, name.encode())
            # Is there a WSM with that name?
            if name in workspace_methods.keys():
                raise Exception("A WSM with the name " + name +
                                " already exists.")

            # Is there a WSV with that name?
            ws_id = arts_api.lookup_workspace_variable(name.encode())
            # Is yes, check that it is of the same group?
            if not ws_id == -1:
                v = arts_api.get_variable(ws_id)
                if not v.group == group_id:
                    raise Exception("A WSV with the name " + name +
                                    " but of goup " + group_names[v.group] +
                                    " already exists.")
            # Otherwise we add the variable.
                ws_id = arts_api.add_variable(ws.ptr, group_id, name.encode())

        wsv = WorkspaceVariable(ws_id, name, group, "User defined variable.",
        setattr(variables, name, wsv)
        ws._vars[name] = wsv
        return wsv