Пример #1
    def recv(self, atom, args):
        if atom is RUN_1:
            pname = unwrapStr(args[0])
            for extension in [".ty", ".mast"]:
                path = pname.encode("utf-8") + extension
                for base in self.paths:
                        with open(os.path.join(base, path), "rb") as handle:
                            source = handle.read()
                            with self.recorder.context("Deserialization"):
                                return loadMASTBytes(source)
                    except IOError:
            raise userError(u"Could not locate " + pname)

        if atom is RUN_2:
            scope = unwrapMap(args[1])
            d = {}
            for k, v in scope.items():
                s = unwrapStr(k)
                if not s.startswith("&&"):
                    raise userError(u"evalMonteFile scope map must be of the "
                                    "form '[\"&&name\" => binding]'")
                d[s[2:]] = scope[k]

            code = obtainModule(self.paths, unwrapStr(args[0]).encode("utf-8"),
            return evaluateRaise([code], d)[0]
        raise Refused(self, atom, args)
Пример #2
    def recv(self, atom, args):
        if atom is RUN_1:
            return IntObject(int(unwrapStr(args[0]).encode('utf-8')))

        if atom is RUN_2:
            inp = unwrapStr(args[0])
            radix = unwrapInt(args[1])
                v = int(inp.encode("utf-8"), radix)
            except ValueError:
                raise userError(u"Invalid literal for base %d: %s" % (
                        radix, inp))
            return IntObject(v)

        if atom is FROMBYTES_1:
            return IntObject(int(unwrapBytes(args[0])))

        if atom is FROMBYTES_2:
            bs = unwrapBytes(args[0])
            radix = unwrapInt(args[1])
                v = int(bs, radix)
            except ValueError:
                raise userError(u"Invalid literal for base %d: %s" % (
                        radix, bytesToString(bs)))
            return IntObject(v)

        raise Refused(self, atom, args)
Пример #3
 def fromMonte(doc, verb, params, namedParams, guard, block):
     if doc is NullObject:
         d = u""
         d = unwrapStr(doc)
     return Method(d, unwrapStr(verb), unwrapList(params),
                   guard if guard is not NullObject else None, block)
Пример #4
def loadPrelude(config, recorder, vat):
    scope = safeScope()
    # For the prelude (and only the prelude), permit the boot scope.
    scope.update(bootScope(config.libraryPaths, recorder))
    registerGlobals({u"Bool": scope[u"Bool"],
                     u"Bytes": scope[u"Bytes"],
                     u"Char": scope[u"Char"],
                     u"Double": scope[u"Double"],
                     u"Int": scope[u"Int"],
                     u"Str": scope[u"Str"],
                     u"Void": scope[u"Void"]})

    module = obtainModule(config.libraryPaths, recorder, "prelude")
    with recorder.context("Time spent in prelude"):
        result = module.eval(scope)[0]

    assert result is not None, "Prelude returned None"
    assert isinstance(result, ConstMap), "Prelude returned non-Map"

    prelude = {}
    for key, value in unwrapMap(result).items():
        s = unwrapStr(key)
        assert s.startswith(u"&&"), "Prelude key doesn't start with &&"
        prelude[s[2:]] = value
    log(["info", "prelude"], u"Loaded the prelude")
    return prelude
Пример #5
    def recv(self, atom, args):
        if atom is FROMSTRING_1:
            return BytesObject("".join([chr(ord(c))
                                        for c in unwrapStr(args[0])]))

        if atom is FROMINTS_1:
            data = unwrapList(args[0])
            return BytesObject("".join([chr(unwrapInt(i)) for i in data]))

        raise Refused(self, atom, args)
Пример #6
 def recv(self, atom, args):
     if atom is IMPORT_1:
         path = unwrapStr(args[0])
         # this is a hack, but the whole class is a hack :)
         if path == u"unittest":
             d = monteMap()
             d[args[0]] = self.importList.call(u"get", args)
             return ConstMap(d)
         return self.importer.performModule(path, self.importList)
     raise Refused(self, atom, args)
Пример #7
 def recv(self, atom, args):
     if atom is RUN_1:
         pname = unwrapStr(args[0])
         for extension in [".ty", ".mast"]:
             path = pname.encode("utf-8") + extension
             for base in self.paths:
                 fullpath = os.path.join(base, path)
                 if os.path.exists(fullpath):
                     return StrObject(fullpath.decode("utf-8"))
         return NullObject
     raise Refused(self, atom, args)
Пример #8
def bench(obj, name):
    name = unwrapStr(name).encode("utf-8")

    if not benchmarkSettings.enabled:
        debug_print("Not running benchmark", name,
                    "since benchmarking is disabled")
        return ConstList([IntObject(0), DoubleObject(0.0)])

    debug_print("Benchmarking", name)

    # Step 1: Calibrate timing loop.
    debug_print("Calibrating timing loop...")
    # Unroll do-while iteration.
    loops = 1
    debug_print("Trying 1 loop...")
    taken = time.time()
    obj.call(u"run", [])
    taken = time.time() - taken
    while taken < 1.0 and loops < 100000000:
        debug_print("Took", taken, "seconds to run", loops, "loops")
        loops *= 10
        debug_print("Trying", loops, "loops...")
        acc = 0
        taken = time.time()
        while acc < loops:
            acc += 1
            obj.call(u"run", [])
        taken = time.time() - taken
    debug_print("Okay! Will take", loops, "loops at", taken, "seconds")

    # Step 2: Take trials.
    debug_print("Taking trials...")
    trialCount = 3 - 1
    # Unroll first iteration to get maximum.
    acc = 0
    taken = time.time()
    while acc < loops:
        acc += 1
        obj.call(u"run", [])
    taken = time.time() - taken
    result = taken
    while trialCount:
        trialCount -= 1
        acc = 0
        taken = time.time()
        while acc < loops:
            acc += 1
            obj.call(u"run", [])
        taken = time.time() - taken
        if taken < result:
            result = taken

    # All done!
    return ConstList([IntObject(loops), DoubleObject(taken)])
Пример #9
    def recv(self, atom, args):
        if atom is RUN_1:
            return DoubleObject(float(unwrapStr(args[0]).encode('utf-8')))

        if atom is FROMBYTES_1:
            data = unwrapList(args[0])
            x = unpack_float("".join([chr(unwrapInt(byte)) for byte in data]),
            return DoubleObject(x)

        raise Refused(self, atom, args)
Пример #10
def makeFileResource(path):
    Make a file Resource.

    path = unwrapStr(path)
    segments = [segment.encode("utf-8") for segment in path.split(u'/')]
    if not path.startswith(u'/'):
        # Relative path.
        segments = os.getcwd().split('/') + segments
        log.log(["fs"], u"makeFileResource.run/1: Relative path '%s'" % path)
    return FileResource(segments)
Пример #11
 def recv(self, atom, args):
     if atom is FROMAST_3:
         code, topLocals = codeFromAst(args[0], self.recorder,
         return evalToPair(code, topLocals, args[1], True)[0]
     if atom is RUN_2:
         code, topLocals = moduleFromString(args[0], self.recorder)
         return evalToPair(code, topLocals, args[1])[0]
     if atom is EVALTOPAIR_2:
         code, topLocals = moduleFromString(args[0], self.recorder)
         result, envMap = evalToPair(code, topLocals, args[1])
         return ConstList([result, envMap])
     raise Refused(self, atom, args)
Пример #12
    def recv(self, atom, args):
        if atom is ASK_1:
            return wrapBool(self.ask(args[0]))

        if atom is GETGUARD_1:
            return self.getGuard(unwrapStr(args[0]))

        if atom is GETOBJECTEXPR_0:
            return self.ast

        if atom is GETFQN_0:
            return StrObject(self.fqn)

        raise Refused(self, atom, args)
Пример #13
    def mirandaMethods(self, atom, arguments, namedArgsMap):
        from typhon.objects.collections.maps import EMPTY_MAP
        if atom is _CONFORMTO_1:
            # Welcome to _conformTo/1.
            # to _conformTo(_): return self
            return self

        if atom is _GETALLEGEDINTERFACE_0:
            # Welcome to _getAllegedInterface/0.
            interface = self.optInterface()
            if interface is None:
                from typhon.objects.interfaces import ComputedInterface
                interface = ComputedInterface(self)
            return interface

        if atom is _PRINTON_1:
            # Welcome to _printOn/1.
            from typhon.objects.constants import NullObject
            return NullObject

        if atom is _RESPONDSTO_2:
            from typhon.objects.constants import wrapBool
            from typhon.objects.data import unwrapInt, unwrapStr
            verb = unwrapStr(arguments[0])
            arity = unwrapInt(arguments[1])
            atom = getAtom(verb, arity)
            result = (atom in self.respondingAtoms() or
                      atom in mirandaAtoms)
            return wrapBool(result)

        if atom is _SEALEDDISPATCH_1:
            # to _sealedDispatch(_): return null
            from typhon.objects.constants import NullObject
            return NullObject

        if atom is _UNCALL_0:
            from typhon.objects.constants import NullObject
            return NullObject

        if atom is _WHENMORERESOLVED_1:
            # Welcome to _whenMoreResolved.
            # This method's implementation, in Monte, should be:
            # to _whenMoreResolved(callback): callback<-(self)
            from typhon.vats import currentVat
            vat = currentVat.get()
            vat.sendOnly(arguments[0], RUN_1, [self], EMPTY_MAP)
            from typhon.objects.constants import NullObject
            return NullObject
        return None
Пример #14
    def recv(self, atom, args):
        if atom is GETCONTENTS_0:
            return self.open(openGetContentsCB, flags=os.O_RDONLY, mode=0000)

        if atom is SETCONTENTS_1:
            data = unwrapBytes(args[0])
            sibling = self.temporarySibling(".setContents")

            p, r = makePromise()
            vat = currentVat.get()
            uv_loop = vat.uv_loop
            fs = ruv.alloc_fs()

            path = sibling.asBytes()
            # Use CREAT | EXCL to cause a failure if the temporary file
            # already exists.
            flags = os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT | os.O_EXCL
            sc = SetContents(vat, data, r, sibling, self)
            ruv.stashFS(fs, (vat, sc))
            ruv.fsOpen(uv_loop, fs, path, flags, 0777, openSetContentsCB)
            return p

        if atom is OPENFOUNT_0:
            return self.open(openFountCB, flags=os.O_RDONLY, mode=0000)

        if atom is OPENDRAIN_0:
            # Create the file if it doesn't yet exist, and truncate it if it
            # does. Trust the umask to be reasonable for now.
            flags = os.O_CREAT | os.O_WRONLY
            # XXX this behavior should be configurable via namedarg?
            flags |= os.O_TRUNC
            return self.open(openDrainCB, flags=flags, mode=0777)

        if atom is RENAME_1:
            fr = args[0]
            if not isinstance(fr, FileResource):
                raise userError(u"rename/1: Must be file resource")
            return self.rename(fr.asBytes())

        if atom is SIBLING_1:
            name = unwrapStr(args[0])
            if u'/' in name:
                raise userError(u"sibling/1: Illegal file name '%s'" % name)
            return self.sibling(name.encode("utf-8"))

        if atom is TEMPORARYSIBLING_0:
            return self.temporarySibling(".new")

        raise Refused(self, atom, args)
Пример #15
def evalToPair(code, topLocals, envMap, bindingNames=False):
    environment = {}
    if bindingNames:
        for k, v in unwrapMap(envMap).items():
            s = unwrapStr(k)
            if not s.startswith("&&"):
                raise userError(u"evalMonteFile scope map must be of the "
                                "form '[\"&&name\" => binding]'")
            environment[s[2:]] = v
        for k, v in unwrapMap(envMap).items():
            environment[unwrapStr(k)] = v
    # Don't catch user exceptions; on traceback, we'll have a trail
    # auto-added that indicates that the exception came through
    # eval() or whatnot.
    result, newEnv = evaluateRaise([code], environment)
    if newEnv is not None:
        # XXX monteMap()
        d = monteMap()
        for k, vi in topLocals.items():
            d[StrObject(k)] = newEnv.local[vi]
        addendum = ConstMap(d)
        envMap = addendum._or(envMap)
    return result, envMap
Пример #16
    def callWithMessage(self, target, message):
        Pass a message of `[verb :Str, args :List, namedArgs :Map]` to an

        if len(message) != 3:
            raise userError(
                u"callWithPair/2 requires a [verb, args, namedArgs] triple")
        verb = unwrapStr(message[0])
        args = unwrapList(message[1])
        namedArgs = resolution(message[2])
        if not isinstance(namedArgs, ConstMap):
            raise WrongType(u"namedArgs must be a ConstMap")
        return target.call(verb, args, namedArgs)
Пример #17
    def recv(self, atom, args):
        from typhon.objects.collections.maps import EMPTY_MAP
        if atom is SEED_1:
            f = args[0]
            if not f.auditedBy(deepFrozenStamp):
                self.log(u"seed/1: Warning: Seeded receiver is not DeepFrozen")
                self.log(u"seed/1: Warning: This is gonna be an error soon!")
            from typhon.objects.refs import packLocalRef
            return packLocalRef(self.send(f, RUN_0, [], EMPTY_MAP), self,

        if atom is SPROUT_2:
            name = unwrapStr(args[0])
            checkpoints = unwrapInt(args[1])
            vat = Vat(self._manager, self.uv_loop, name,
            return vat

        raise Refused(self, atom, args)
Пример #18
def loadPrelude(config, recorder, vat):
    scope = safeScope()
    # For the prelude (and only the prelude), permit the boot scope.
    scope.update(bootScope(config.libraryPaths, recorder))
        u"Bool": scope[u"Bool"],
        u"Bytes": scope[u"Bytes"],
        u"Char": scope[u"Char"],
        u"Double": scope[u"Double"],
        u"Int": scope[u"Int"],
        u"Str": scope[u"Str"],
        u"Void": scope[u"Void"]

    code = obtainModule(config.libraryPaths, "prelude", recorder)
    with recorder.context("Time spent in prelude"):
        result = evaluateTerms([code], scope)

    if result is None:
        print "Prelude returned None!?"
        return {}

    # debug_print("Prelude result:", result.toQuote())

    if isinstance(result, ConstMap):
        prelude = {}
        for key, value in unwrapMap(result).items():
            if isinstance(key, StrObject):
                s = unwrapStr(key)
                if not s.startswith(u"&&"):
                    print "Prelude map key", s, "doesn't start with '&&'"
                    prelude[s[2:]] = value
                print "Prelude map key", key, "isn't a string"
        return prelude

    print "Prelude didn't return map!?"
    return {}
Пример #19
    def recv(self, atom, args):
        from typhon.objects.collections.maps import EMPTY_MAP
        if atom is SEED_1:
            f = args[0]
            if not f.auditedBy(deepFrozenStamp):
                self.log(u"seed/1: Warning: Seeded receiver is not DeepFrozen")
                self.log(u"seed/1: Warning: This is gonna be an error soon!")
            from typhon.objects.refs import packLocalRef
            return packLocalRef(self.send(f, RUN_0, [], EMPTY_MAP), self,

        if atom is SPROUT_2:
            name = unwrapStr(args[0])
            checkpoints = unwrapInt(args[1])
            vat = Vat(self._manager,
            return vat

        raise Refused(self, atom, args)
Пример #20
def loadPrelude(config, recorder, vat):
    scope = safeScope()
    # For the prelude (and only the prelude), permit the boot scope.
    scope.update(bootScope(config.libraryPaths, recorder))
    registerGlobals({u"Bool": scope[u"Bool"],
                     u"Bytes": scope[u"Bytes"],
                     u"Char": scope[u"Char"],
                     u"Double": scope[u"Double"],
                     u"Int": scope[u"Int"],
                     u"Str": scope[u"Str"],
                     u"Void": scope[u"Void"]})

    code = obtainModule(config.libraryPaths, "prelude", recorder)
    with recorder.context("Time spent in prelude"):
        result = evaluateTerms([code], scope)

    if result is None:
        print "Prelude returned None!?"
        return {}

    # debug_print("Prelude result:", result.toQuote())

    if isinstance(result, ConstMap):
        prelude = {}
        for key, value in unwrapMap(result).items():
            if isinstance(key, StrObject):
                s = unwrapStr(key)
                if not s.startswith(u"&&"):
                    print "Prelude map key", s, "doesn't start with '&&'"
                    prelude[s[2:]] = value
                print "Prelude map key", key, "isn't a string"
        return prelude

    print "Prelude didn't return map!?"
    return {}
Пример #21
 def _print(self, item):
     item = resolution(item)
     if isinstance(item, StrObject):
Пример #22
    def callAtom(self, atom, arguments, namedArgsMap):
        This method is used to reuse atoms without having to rebuild them.
        from typhon.objects.collections.maps import EMPTY_MAP
        # Promote the atom, on the basis that atoms are generally reused.
        atom = promote(atom)
        # Log the atom to the JIT log. Don't do this if the atom's not
        # promoted; it'll be slow.

            return self.recvNamed(atom, arguments, namedArgsMap)
        except Refused as r:
            # This block of method implementations is Typhon's Miranda
            # protocol. ~ C.

            if atom is _CONFORMTO_1:
                # Welcome to _conformTo/1.
                # to _conformTo(_): return self
                return self

            if atom is _GETALLEGEDINTERFACE_0:
                # Welcome to _getAllegedInterface/0.
                interface = self.optInterface()
                if interface is None:
                    from typhon.objects.interfaces import ComputedInterface
                    interface = ComputedInterface(self)
                return interface

            if atom is _PRINTON_1:
                # Welcome to _printOn/1.
                from typhon.objects.constants import NullObject
                return NullObject

            if atom is _RESPONDSTO_2:
                from typhon.objects.constants import wrapBool
                from typhon.objects.data import unwrapInt, unwrapStr
                verb = unwrapStr(arguments[0])
                arity = unwrapInt(arguments[1])
                atom = getAtom(verb, arity)
                result = (atom in self.respondingAtoms()
                          or atom in mirandaAtoms)
                return wrapBool(result)

            if atom is _SEALEDDISPATCH_1:
                # to _sealedDispatch(_): return null
                from typhon.objects.constants import NullObject
                return NullObject

            if atom is _UNCALL_0:
                from typhon.objects.constants import NullObject
                return NullObject

            if atom is _WHENMORERESOLVED_1:
                # Welcome to _whenMoreResolved.
                # This method's implementation, in Monte, should be:
                # to _whenMoreResolved(callback): callback<-(self)
                from typhon.vats import currentVat
                vat = currentVat.get()
                vat.sendOnly(arguments[0], RUN_1, [self], EMPTY_MAP)
                from typhon.objects.constants import NullObject
                return NullObject

            addTrail(r, self, atom, arguments)

        except UserException as ue:
            addTrail(ue, self, atom, arguments)
        except MemoryError:
            ue = userError(u"Memory corruption or exhausted heap")
            addTrail(ue, self, atom, arguments)
            raise ue
        except StackOverflow:
            ue = userError(u"Stack overflow")
            addTrail(ue, self, atom, arguments)
            raise ue
Пример #23
    def recv(self, atom, args):
        if atom is CALLWITHPAIR_2 or atom is CALLWITHPAIR_3:
            target = args[0]
            pair = unwrapList(args[1])
            if len(pair) not in (2, 3):
                raise userError(u"callWithPair/2 requires a pair!")
            if len(pair) == 3:
                namedArgs = pair[2]
                namedArgs = EMPTY_MAP
            sendVerb = unwrapStr(pair[0])
            sendArgs = unwrapList(pair[1])
            rv = target.call(sendVerb, sendArgs, namedArgs)
            if rv is None:
                print "callWithPair/2: Returned None:", \
                      target.__class__.__name__, sendVerb.encode("utf-8")
                raise RuntimeError("Implementation error")
            return rv

        if atom is CALL_3 or atom is CALL_4:
            target = args[0]
            sendVerb = unwrapStr(args[1])
            sendArgs = unwrapList(args[2])
            if len(args) == 3:
                namedArgs = EMPTY_MAP
                namedArgs = args[3]
            rv = target.call(sendVerb, sendArgs, namedArgs)
            if rv is None:
                print "call/3: Returned None:", target.__class__.__name__, \
                raise RuntimeError("Implementation error")
            return rv

        if atom is SENDONLY_3:
            target = args[0]
            sendVerb = unwrapStr(args[1])
            sendArgs = unwrapList(args[2])
            # Signed, sealed, delivered, I'm yours.
            sendAtom = getAtom(sendVerb, len(sendArgs))
            vat = currentVat.get()
            vat.sendOnly(target, sendAtom, sendArgs, EMPTY_MAP)
            return NullObject

        if atom is SEND_3:
            target = args[0]
            sendVerb = unwrapStr(args[1])
            sendArgs = unwrapList(args[2])
            # Signed, sealed, delivered, I'm yours.
            sendAtom = getAtom(sendVerb, len(sendArgs))
            vat = currentVat.get()
            return vat.send(target, sendAtom, sendArgs, EMPTY_MAP)

        if atom is CALLWITHMESSAGE_2:
            target = args[0]
            msg = unwrapList(args[1])
            if len(msg) != 3:
                raise userError(
                    u"callWithPair/2 requires a [verb, args, namedArgs] triple"
            sendVerb = unwrapStr(msg[0])
            sendArgs = unwrapList(msg[1])
            sendNamedArgs = resolution(msg[2])
            if not isinstance(sendNamedArgs, ConstMap):
                raise WrongType(u"namedArgs must be a ConstMap")
            rv = target.call(sendVerb, sendArgs, sendNamedArgs)
            if rv is None:
                print "callWithPair/2: Returned None:", \
                      target.__class__.__name__, sendVerb.encode("utf-8")
                raise RuntimeError("Implementation error")
            return rv

        if atom is CALL_4:
            target = args[0]
            sendVerb = unwrapStr(args[1])
            sendArgs = unwrapList(args[2])
            sendNamedArgs = resolution(args[3])
            if not isinstance(sendNamedArgs, ConstMap):
                raise WrongType(u"namedArgs must be a ConstMap")
            rv = target.call(sendVerb, sendArgs, sendNamedArgs)
            if rv is None:
                print "call/3: Returned None:", target.__class__.__name__, \
                raise RuntimeError("Implementation error")
            return rv

        if atom is SENDONLY_4:
            target = args[0]
            sendVerb = unwrapStr(args[1])
            sendArgs = unwrapList(args[2])
            sendNamedArgs = resolution(args[3])
            if not isinstance(sendNamedArgs, ConstMap):
                raise WrongType(u"namedArgs must be a ConstMap")
            # Signed, sealed, delivered, I'm yours.
            sendAtom = getAtom(sendVerb, len(sendArgs))
            vat = currentVat.get()
            return vat.sendOnly(target, sendAtom, sendArgs, sendNamedArgs)

        if atom is SEND_4:
            target = args[0]
            sendVerb = unwrapStr(args[1])
            sendArgs = unwrapList(args[2])
            sendNamedArgs = resolution(args[3])
            if not isinstance(sendNamedArgs, ConstMap):
                raise WrongType(u"namedArgs must be a ConstMap")
            # Signed, sealed, delivered, I'm yours.
            sendAtom = getAtom(sendVerb, len(sendArgs))
            vat = currentVat.get()
            return vat.send(target, sendAtom, sendArgs, sendNamedArgs)

        if atom is TOQUOTE_1:
            return StrObject(args[0].toQuote())

        if atom is TOSTRING_1:
            return StrObject(toString(args[0]))

        raise Refused(self, atom, args)
Пример #24
 def unwrap(self, value):
     return unwrapStr(value)
Пример #25
 def _print(self, item):
     item = resolution(item)
     if isinstance(item, StrObject):
Пример #26
    def recv(self, atom, args):
        if atom is CALLWITHPAIR_2 or atom is CALLWITHPAIR_3:
            target = args[0]
            pair = unwrapList(args[1])
            if len(pair) not in (2, 3):
                raise userError(u"callWithPair/2 requires a pair!")
            if len(pair) == 3:
                namedArgs = pair[2]
                namedArgs = EMPTY_MAP
            sendVerb = unwrapStr(pair[0])
            sendArgs = unwrapList(pair[1])
            rv = target.call(sendVerb, sendArgs, namedArgs)
            if rv is None:
                print "callWithPair/2: Returned None:", \
                      target.__class__.__name__, sendVerb.encode("utf-8")
                raise RuntimeError("Implementation error")
            return rv

        if atom is CALL_3 or atom is CALL_4:
            target = args[0]
            sendVerb = unwrapStr(args[1])
            sendArgs = unwrapList(args[2])
            if len(args) == 3:
                namedArgs = EMPTY_MAP
                namedArgs = args[3]
            rv = target.call(sendVerb, sendArgs, namedArgs)
            if rv is None:
                print "call/3: Returned None:", target.__class__.__name__, \
                raise RuntimeError("Implementation error")
            return rv

        if atom is SENDONLY_3:
            target = args[0]
            sendVerb = unwrapStr(args[1])
            sendArgs = unwrapList(args[2])
            # Signed, sealed, delivered, I'm yours.
            sendAtom = getAtom(sendVerb, len(sendArgs))
            vat = currentVat.get()
            vat.sendOnly(target, sendAtom, sendArgs, EMPTY_MAP)
            return NullObject

        if atom is SEND_3:
            target = args[0]
            sendVerb = unwrapStr(args[1])
            sendArgs = unwrapList(args[2])
            # Signed, sealed, delivered, I'm yours.
            sendAtom = getAtom(sendVerb, len(sendArgs))
            vat = currentVat.get()
            return vat.send(target, sendAtom, sendArgs, EMPTY_MAP)

        if atom is CALLWITHMESSAGE_2:
            target = args[0]
            msg = unwrapList(args[1])
            if len(msg) != 3:
                raise userError(
                    u"callWithPair/2 requires a [verb, args, namedArgs] triple")
            sendVerb = unwrapStr(msg[0])
            sendArgs = unwrapList(msg[1])
            sendNamedArgs = resolution(msg[2])
            if not isinstance(sendNamedArgs, ConstMap):
                raise WrongType(u"namedArgs must be a ConstMap")
            rv = target.call(sendVerb, sendArgs, sendNamedArgs)
            if rv is None:
                print "callWithPair/2: Returned None:", \
                      target.__class__.__name__, sendVerb.encode("utf-8")
                raise RuntimeError("Implementation error")
            return rv

        if atom is CALL_4:
            target = args[0]
            sendVerb = unwrapStr(args[1])
            sendArgs = unwrapList(args[2])
            sendNamedArgs = resolution(args[3])
            if not isinstance(sendNamedArgs, ConstMap):
                raise WrongType(u"namedArgs must be a ConstMap")
            rv = target.call(sendVerb, sendArgs, sendNamedArgs)
            if rv is None:
                print "call/3: Returned None:", target.__class__.__name__, \
                raise RuntimeError("Implementation error")
            return rv

        if atom is SENDONLY_4:
            target = args[0]
            sendVerb = unwrapStr(args[1])
            sendArgs = unwrapList(args[2])
            sendNamedArgs = resolution(args[3])
            if not isinstance(sendNamedArgs, ConstMap):
                raise WrongType(u"namedArgs must be a ConstMap")
            # Signed, sealed, delivered, I'm yours.
            sendAtom = getAtom(sendVerb, len(sendArgs))
            vat = currentVat.get()
            return vat.sendOnly(target, sendAtom, sendArgs, sendNamedArgs)

        if atom is SEND_4:
            target = args[0]
            sendVerb = unwrapStr(args[1])
            sendArgs = unwrapList(args[2])
            sendNamedArgs = resolution(args[3])
            if not isinstance(sendNamedArgs, ConstMap):
                raise WrongType(u"namedArgs must be a ConstMap")
            # Signed, sealed, delivered, I'm yours.
            sendAtom = getAtom(sendVerb, len(sendArgs))
            vat = currentVat.get()
            return vat.send(target, sendAtom, sendArgs, sendNamedArgs)

        if atom is TOQUOTE_1:
            return StrObject(args[0].toQuote())

        if atom is TOSTRING_1:
            return StrObject(toString(args[0]))

        raise Refused(self, atom, args)
Пример #27
    def callAtom(self, atom, arguments, namedArgsMap):
        This method is used to reuse atoms without having to rebuild them.
        from typhon.objects.collections.maps import EMPTY_MAP
        # Promote the atom, on the basis that atoms are generally reused.
        atom = promote(atom)
        # Log the atom to the JIT log. Don't do this if the atom's not
        # promoted; it'll be slow.

            return self.recvNamed(atom, arguments, namedArgsMap)
        except Refused as r:
            # This block of method implementations is Typhon's Miranda
            # protocol. ~ C.

            if atom is _CONFORMTO_1:
                # Welcome to _conformTo/1.
                # to _conformTo(_): return self
                return self

            if atom is _GETALLEGEDINTERFACE_0:
                # Welcome to _getAllegedInterface/0.
                interface = self.optInterface()
                if interface is None:
                    from typhon.objects.interfaces import ComputedInterface
                    interface = ComputedInterface(self)
                return interface

            if atom is _PRINTON_1:
                # Welcome to _printOn/1.
                from typhon.objects.constants import NullObject
                return NullObject

            if atom is _RESPONDSTO_2:
                from typhon.objects.constants import wrapBool
                from typhon.objects.data import unwrapInt, unwrapStr
                verb = unwrapStr(arguments[0])
                arity = unwrapInt(arguments[1])
                atom = getAtom(verb, arity)
                result = (atom in self.respondingAtoms() or
                          atom in mirandaAtoms)
                return wrapBool(result)

            if atom is _SEALEDDISPATCH_1:
                # to _sealedDispatch(_): return null
                from typhon.objects.constants import NullObject
                return NullObject

            if atom is _UNCALL_0:
                from typhon.objects.constants import NullObject
                return NullObject

            if atom is _WHENMORERESOLVED_1:
                # Welcome to _whenMoreResolved.
                # This method's implementation, in Monte, should be:
                # to _whenMoreResolved(callback): callback<-(self)
                from typhon.vats import currentVat
                vat = currentVat.get()
                vat.sendOnly(arguments[0], RUN_1, [self], EMPTY_MAP)
                from typhon.objects.constants import NullObject
                return NullObject

            addTrail(r, self, atom, arguments)

        except UserException as ue:
            addTrail(ue, self, atom, arguments)
        except MemoryError:
            ue = userError(u"Memory corruption or exhausted heap")
            addTrail(ue, self, atom, arguments)
            raise ue
        except StackOverflow:
            ue = userError(u"Stack overflow")
            addTrail(ue, self, atom, arguments)
            raise ue
Пример #28
 def unwrap(self, value):
     return unwrapStr(value)