def recv(self, atom, args): if atom is RUN_1: return IntObject(int(unwrapStr(args[0]).encode('utf-8'))) if atom is RUN_2: inp = unwrapStr(args[0]) radix = unwrapInt(args[1]) try: v = int(inp.encode("utf-8"), radix) except ValueError: raise userError(u"Invalid literal for base %d: %s" % (radix, inp)) return IntObject(v) if atom is FROMBYTES_1: return IntObject(int(unwrapBytes(args[0]))) if atom is FROMBYTES_2: bs = unwrapBytes(args[0]) radix = unwrapInt(args[1]) try: v = int(bs, radix) except ValueError: raise userError(u"Invalid literal for base %d: %s" % (radix, bytesToString(bs))) return IntObject(v) raise Refused(self, atom, args)
def testListEqualityRecursion(self): # Yes, this is very hacky. first = ConstList([IntObject(42)]) first.strategy.append(first, [first]) second = ConstList([IntObject(42)]) second.strategy.append(second, [second]) self.assertEqual(optSame(first, second), EQUAL)
def testRefEqualitySettled(self): with scopedVat(testingVat()): first, r = makePromise() r.resolve(IntObject(42)) second, r = makePromise() r.resolve(IntObject(42)) self.assertEqual(optSame(first, second), EQUAL)
def testSurprisingMapCorruption(self): d = monteMap() d[IntObject(1)] = IntObject(2) m = ConstMap(d) f ="diverge", [])"removeKey", [IntObject(1)]) result ="get", [IntObject(1)]) self.assertEqual(result.getInt(), 2)
def recv(self, atom, args): if atom is EXITSTATUS_0: return IntObject(self.exitStatus) if atom is TERMINATIONSIGNAL_0: return IntObject(self.terminationSignal) raise Refused(self, atom, args)
def bench(obj, name): name = unwrapStr(name).encode("utf-8") if not benchmarkSettings.enabled: debug_print("Not running benchmark", name, "since benchmarking is disabled") return ConstList([IntObject(0), DoubleObject(0.0)]) debug_print("Benchmarking", name) # Step 1: Calibrate timing loop. debug_print("Calibrating timing loop...") # Unroll do-while iteration. loops = 1 debug_print("Trying 1 loop...") taken = time.time()"run", []) taken = time.time() - taken while taken < 1.0 and loops < 100000000: debug_print("Took", taken, "seconds to run", loops, "loops") loops *= 10 debug_print("Trying", loops, "loops...") acc = 0 taken = time.time() while acc < loops: acc += 1"run", []) taken = time.time() - taken debug_print("Okay! Will take", loops, "loops at", taken, "seconds") # Step 2: Take trials. debug_print("Taking trials...") trialCount = 3 - 1 # Unroll first iteration to get maximum. acc = 0 taken = time.time() while acc < loops: acc += 1"run", []) taken = time.time() - taken result = taken while trialCount: trialCount -= 1 acc = 0 taken = time.time() while acc < loops: acc += 1"run", []) taken = time.time() - taken if taken < result: result = taken # All done! return ConstList([IntObject(loops), DoubleObject(taken)])
def recv(self, atom, args): if atom is GETALGORITHM_0: return StrObject(u"CSPRNG (libsodium)") if atom is GETENTROPY_0: # uint32_t in the FFI, so exactly 32 bits every time. return ConstList([ IntObject(32), IntObject(intmask(rsodium.randombytesRandom())) ]) raise Refused(self, atom, args)
def testSwitchableBecomesResolved(self): with scopedVat(testingVat()): p, r = makePromise() self.assertFalse(isResolved(p)) r.resolve(IntObject(42)) self.assertTrue(isResolved(p))
def next(self, ej): if self._index < self.size: rv = [IntObject(self._index), self.objects[self._index]] self._index += 1 return rv else: throwStr(ej, u"Iterator exhausted")
def testHashEqual(self): d = monteSet() d[IntObject(42)] = None d[CharObject(u'¡')] = None a = ConstSet(d) b = ConstSet(d) self.assertEqual(a.hash(), b.hash())
def recv(self, atom, args): if atom is GETBUCKETS_0: d = monteMap() for name, count in self.buckets.items(): size = self.sizes.get(name, -1) d[StrObject(name)] = ConstList( [IntObject(size), IntObject(count)]) return ConstMap(d) if atom is GETMEMORYUSAGE_0: return IntObject(self.memoryUsage) if atom is GETOBJECTCOUNT_0: return IntObject(self.objectCount) raise Refused(self, atom, args)
def recv(self, atom, args): # and/1 if atom is AND_1: return wrapBool(self._b and unwrapBool(args[0])) # butNot/1 if atom is BUTNOT_1: return wrapBool(self._b and not unwrapBool(args[0])) # not/0 if atom is NOT_0: return wrapBool(not self._b) # op__cmp/1 if atom is OP__CMP_1: from import IntObject return IntObject(self._b - unwrapBool(args[0])) # or/1 if atom is OR_1: return wrapBool(self._b or unwrapBool(args[0])) # pick/2 if atom is PICK_2: return args[0] if self._b else args[1] # xor/1 if atom is XOR_1: return wrapBool(self._b ^ unwrapBool(args[0])) raise Refused(self, atom, args)
def testMulDouble(self): """ Ints are promoted by doubles during multiplication. """ i = IntObject(4) result ="multiply", [DoubleObject(2.1)]) self.assertTrue(isinstance(result, DoubleObject)) self.assertEqual(result.getDouble(), 8.4)
def testSwitchableChains(self): with scopedVat(testingVat()): p, r = makePromise() p2, r2 = makePromise() r.resolve(p2) self.assertFalse(isResolved(p)) r2.resolve(IntObject(42)) self.assertTrue(isResolved(p))
def recv(self, atom, args): if atom is NEXT_1: if self._index < self.size: rv = [IntObject(self._index), self.objects[self._index]] self._index += 1 return ConstList(rv) else: ej = args[0]"run", [StrObject(u"Iterator exhausted")]) raise Refused(self, atom, args)
def recv(self, atom, args): if atom is GETARITY_0: return IntObject(self.arity) if atom is GETDOCSTRING_0: if self.docstring is not None: return StrObject(self.docstring) return NullObject if atom is GETVERB_0: return StrObject(self.verb) raise Refused(self, atom, args)
def op__cmp(self, other): """ Perform a subset comparison. """ if len(self.objectSet) < len(other): smaller = self.objectSet larger = other else: smaller = other larger = self.objectSet for item in smaller.keys(): if item not in larger: return Incomparable # smaller is a subset of larger. if len(self.objectSet) == len(other): return IntObject(0) elif len(self.objectSet) < len(other): return IntObject(-1) else: return IntObject(1)
def recv(self, atom, args): # _makeIterator/0: Create an iterator for this collection's contents. if atom is _MAKEITERATOR_0: return self._makeIterator() if atom is _PRINTON_1: printer = args[0] self.printOn(printer) return NullObject # contains/1: Determine whether an element is in this collection. if atom is CONTAINS_1: return wrapBool(self.contains(args[0])) # size/0: Get the number of elements in the collection. if atom is SIZE_0: return IntObject(self.size()) # slice/1 and slice/2: Select a subrange of this collection. if atom is SLICE_1: start = unwrapInt(args[0]) try: return self.slice(start) except IndexError: raise userError(u"slice/1: Index out of bounds") # slice/1 and slice/2: Select a subrange of this collection. if atom is SLICE_2: start = unwrapInt(args[0]) stop = unwrapInt(args[1]) try: return self.slice(start, stop) except IndexError: raise userError(u"slice/1: Index out of bounds") # snapshot/0: Create a new constant collection with a copy of the # current collection's contents. if atom is SNAPSHOT_0: return self.snapshot() if atom is JOIN_1: l = unwrapList(args[0]) return self.join(l) return self._recv(atom, args)
def recv(self, atom, args): if atom is GETARGUMENTS_0: return ConstList( [StrObject(arg.decode("utf-8")) for arg in self.config.argv]) if atom is GETENVIRONMENT_0: # XXX monteMap() d = monteMap() for key, value in os.environ.items(): k = StrObject(key.decode("utf-8")) v = StrObject(value.decode("utf-8")) d[k] = v return ConstMap(d) if atom is GETPID_0: return IntObject(os.getpid()) if atom is INTERRUPT_0: os.kill(os.getpid(), signal.SIGINT) return NullObject raise Refused(self, atom, args)
def recv(self, atom, args): if atom is GETARGUMENTS_0: return ConstList([BytesObject(arg) for arg in self.argv]) if atom is GETENVIRONMENT_0: # XXX monteMap() d = monteMap() for key, value in self.env.items(): k = BytesObject(key) v = BytesObject(value) d[k] = v return ConstMap(d) if atom is GETPID_0: return IntObject( if atom is INTERRUPT_0: os.kill(, signal.SIGINT) return NullObject if atom is WAIT_0: return self.makeWaiter() raise Refused(self, atom, args)
def testSubtract(self): i = IntObject(5) result ="subtract", [IntObject(15)]) self.assertAlmostEqual(result.getInt(), -10)
def testGetNegative(self): s = StrObject(u"index") self.assertRaises(UserException,, u"get", [IntObject(-1)])
def testGet(self): s = StrObject(u"index") result ="get", [IntObject(2)]) self.assertEqual(result._c, u'd')
def testOpCmpInt(self): bi = BigInt(rbigint.fromint(6)) i = IntObject(2) result ="op__cmp", [i]) self.assertEqual(result.getInt(), 1)
def testAndInt(self): bi = BigInt(rbigint.fromint(0x3fffffffffffffff).int_mul(3)) result ="and", [IntObject(0xffff)]) self.assertTrue(
def testXorInt(self): bi = BigInt(rbigint.fromint(0xcccc)) result ="xor", [IntObject(0xaaaa)]) self.assertTrue(
def testShiftRight(self): bi = BigInt(rbigint.fromint(42)) result ="shiftRight", [IntObject(2)]) self.assertTrue(
def testBitLength(self): i = IntObject(42) result ="bitLength", []) self.assertEqual(result.getInt(), 6)
def testSubtractDouble(self): i = IntObject(5) result ="subtract", [DoubleObject(1.5)]) self.assertAlmostEqual(result.getDouble(), 3.5)
def testShiftRightLarge(self): i = IntObject(0x7fffffffffffffff) result ="shiftRight", [IntObject(64)]) self.assertEqual(result.getInt(), 0x0)