Пример #1
    def from_xgboost(
            model: Union.__getitem__(tuple(xgb_operator_list)),  # noqa
            inputs: Sequence[IOShape],
            device: str = 'cpu',
            extra_config: Optional[dict] = None,
    ) -> torch.nn.Module:
        """Convert PyTorch module from XGBoost"""
        # inputs for XGBoost should contains only 1 argument with 2 dim
        if not (len(inputs) == 1 and len(inputs[0].shape) == 2):
            raise RuntimeError(
                'XGboost does not support such input data for inference. The input data should contains only 1\n'
                'argument with exactly 2 dimensions.'

        if extra_config is None:
            extra_config = dict()

        # assert batch size
        batch_size = inputs[0].shape[0]
        if batch_size == -1:
            batch_size = 1
        test_input = np.random.rand(batch_size, inputs[0].shape[1])

        extra_config_ = PyTorchConverter.hb_common_extra_config.copy()

        return _convert_xgboost(
            model, 'torch', test_input=test_input, device=device, extra_config=extra_config_
Пример #2
    def from_sklearn(
            model: Union.__getitem__(tuple(sklearn_operator_list)),  # noqa
            device: str = 'cpu',
            extra_config: Optional[dict] = None,
        if extra_config is None:
            extra_config = dict()

        extra_config_ = PyTorchConverter.hb_common_extra_config.copy()

        return _convert_sklearn(
            model, 'torch', test_input=None, device=device, extra_config=extra_config_
Пример #3
    def from_lightgbm(
            model: Union.__getitem__(tuple(lgbm_operator_list)),  # noqa
            inputs: Optional[Sequence[IOShape]] = None,
            device: str = 'cpu',
            extra_config: Optional[dict] = None
        if extra_config is None:
            extra_config = dict()

        extra_config_ = PyTorchConverter.hb_common_extra_config.copy()

        return _convert_lightgbm(
            model, 'torch', test_input=None, device=device, extra_config=extra_config_
Пример #4
def __make_pydantic(cls):
    Temporary wrapper function to convert an MSONable class into a PyDantic
    Model for the sake of building schemas

    if any(cls == T for T in built_in_primitives):
        return cls

    if cls in prim_to_type_hint:
        return prim_to_type_hint[cls]

    if cls == Any:
        return Any

    if type(cls) == TypeVar:
        return cls

    if hasattr(cls, "__origin__") and hasattr(cls, "__args__"):

        args = tuple(__make_pydantic(arg) for arg in cls.__args__)
        if cls.__origin__ == Union:
            return Union.__getitem__(args)

        if cls.__origin__ == Optional and len(args) == 1:
            return Optional.__getitem__(args)

        if cls._name == "List":
            return List.__getitem__(args)

        if cls._name == "Tuple":
            return Tuple.__getitem__(args)

        if cls._name == "Set":
            return Set.__getitem__(args)

        if cls._name == "Sequence":
            return Sequence.__getitem__(args)

    if issubclass(cls, MSONable):
        if cls.__name__ not in STUBS:
            STUBS[cls] = MSONable_to_pydantic(cls)
        return STUBS[cls]

    if cls == ndarray:
        return List[Any]

    return cls
Пример #5
    def get(cls, type_or_hint, *, is_argument: bool = False) -> "TypeChecker":
        # This ensures the validity of the type passed (see typing documentation for info)
        type_or_hint = is_valid_type(type_or_hint, "Invalid type.",

        if type_or_hint is Any:
            return AnyTypeChecker()

        if is_type(type_or_hint):
            return TypeTypeChecker.make(type_or_hint, is_argument)

        if is_literal_type(type_or_hint):
            return LiteralTypeChecker.make(type_or_hint, is_argument)

        if is_generic_type(type_or_hint):
            origin = get_origin(type_or_hint)
            if issubclass(origin, MappingCol):
                return MappingTypeChecker.make(type_or_hint, is_argument)

            if issubclass(origin, Collection):
                return CollectionTypeChecker.make(type_or_hint, is_argument)

            # CONSIDER: how to cater for exhaustible generators?
            if issubclass(origin, Iterable):
                raise NotImplementedError(
                    "No type-checker is setup for iterables that exhaust.")

            return GenericTypeChecker.make(type_or_hint, is_argument)

        if is_tuple_type(type_or_hint):
            return TupleTypeChecker.make(type_or_hint, is_argument)

        if is_callable_type(type_or_hint):
            return CallableTypeChecker.make(type_or_hint, is_argument)

        if isclass(type_or_hint):
            if is_typed_dict(type_or_hint):
                return TypedDictChecker.make(type_or_hint, is_argument)
            return ConcreteTypeChecker.make(type_or_hint, is_argument)

        if is_union_type(type_or_hint):
            return UnionTypeChecker.make(type_or_hint, is_argument)

        if is_typevar(type_or_hint):
            bound_type = get_bound(type_or_hint)
            if bound_type:
                return cls.get(bound_type)
            constraints = get_constraints(type_or_hint)
            if constraints:
                union_type_checkers = tuple(
                    cls.get(type_) for type_ in constraints)
                return UnionTypeChecker(Union.__getitem__(constraints),
                return AnyTypeChecker()

        if is_new_type(type_or_hint):
            super_type = getattr(type_or_hint, "__supertype__", None)
            if super_type is None:
                raise TypeError(
                    f"No supertype for NewType: {type_or_hint}. This is not allowed."
            return cls.get(super_type)

        if is_forward_ref(type_or_hint):
            return ForwardTypeChecker.make(type_or_hint,

        if is_classvar(type_or_hint):
            var_type = get_args(type_or_hint, evaluate=True)[0]
            return cls.get(var_type)

        raise NotImplementedError(
            f"No {TypeChecker.__qualname__} is available for type or hint: '{type_or_hint}'"
Пример #6
def coerce_hint_pep(
    func: Callable,
    pith_name: str,
    hint: object,
    hint_label: str,
) -> object:
    Coerce the passed type hint annotating the parameter or return with the
    passed name of the passed callable into the corresponding PEP-compliant
    type hint if needed.

    Specifically, this function:

    * If this hint is a **PEP-noncompliant tuple union** (i.e., tuple of one or
      more standard classes and forward references to standard classes):

      * Coerces this tuple union into the equivalent `PEP 484`_-compliant
      * Replaces this tuple union in the ``__annotations__`` dunder tuple of
        this callable with this `PEP 484`_-compliant union.
      * Returns this `PEP 484`_-compliant union.

    * Else if this hint is already PEP-compliant, preserves and returns this
      hint unmodified as is.
    * Else (i.e., if this hint is neither PEP-compliant nor -noncompliant and
      thus invalid as a type hint), raise an exception.

    This getter is *not* memoized, due to being only called once per decorated
    callable parameter or return value and being efficient in any case.

    func : Callable
    pith_name : str

        * If this hint annotates a parameter, the name of that parameter.
        * If this hint annotates the return, ``"return"``.
    hint : object
        Type hint to be rendered PEP-compliant.
    hint_label : str
        Human-readable label describing this hint.


        * If this hint is PEP-noncompliant, PEP-compliant type hint converted
          from this hint.
        * If this hint is PEP-compliant, hint unmodified as is.

        If this object is neither:

        * A PEP-noncompliant type hint.
        * A supported PEP-compliant type hint.

    .. _PEP 484:

    # If this hint is a PEP-noncompliant tuple union, coerce this union into
    # the equivalent PEP-compliant union subscripted by the same child hints.
    # By definition, PEP-compliant unions are a strict superset of
    # PEP-noncompliant tuple unions and thus accept all child hints accepted by
    # the latter.
    if isinstance(hint, tuple):
        assert callable(func), f'{repr(func)} not callable.'
        assert isinstance(pith_name, str), f'{pith_name} not string.'

        hint = func.__annotations__[pith_name] = Union.__getitem__(hint)
    # Else, this hint is *NOT* a PEP-noncompliant tuple union.

    # If this object is neither a PEP-noncompliant type hint *NOR* supported
    # PEP-compliant type hint, raise an exception.
    die_unless_hint(hint=hint, hint_label=hint_label)
    # Else, this object is either a PEP-noncompliant type hint *OR* supported
    # PEP-compliant type hint.

    # Return this hint.
    return hint
Пример #7
 def apparent_type(self):
     return Union.__getitem__(self.types)
Пример #8
def cache_hint_nonpep563(
    func: Callable,
    pith_name: str,
    hint: Any,
    hint_label: str,
) -> Any:
    Coerce and cache the passed (possibly non-self-cached and/or
    PEP-noncompliant) type hint annotating the parameter or return value with
    the passed name of the passed callable into the equivalent
    :mod:`beartype`-cached PEP-compliant type hint if needed *or* silently
    reduce to a noop otherwise (i.e., if this hint is already both self-cached
    and PEP-compliant).

    Specifically, this function (in order):

    #. If the passed type hint is already self-cached, this hint is already
       PEP-compliant by definition. In this case, this function preserves and
       returns this hint as is.
    #. Else if a semantically equivalent type hint (i.e., having the same
       machine-readable representation) as this hint was already cached by a
       prior call to this function, the current call to this function:

       * Replaces this hint in the ``__annotations__`` dunder tuple of this
         callable with this previously cached hint, minimizing memory space
         consumption across the lifetime of the active Python process.
       * Returns this previously cached hint.

    #. Else if this hint is a **PEP-noncompliant tuple union** (i.e., tuple of
       one or more standard classes and forward references to standard
       classes), this function:

       * Coerces this tuple union into the equivalent `PEP 484`_-compliant
       * Replaces this tuple union in the ``__annotations__`` dunder tuple of
         this callable with this `PEP 484`_-compliant union.

    #. Else (i.e., if this hint is neither PEP-compliant nor -noncompliant and
       thus unsupported by :mod:`beartype`), this function raises an exception.
    #. Internally caches this hint with the :data:`_HINT_REPR_TO_HINT`
    #. Returns this hint.

    This function *cannot* be meaningfully memoized, since the passed type hint
    is *not* guaranteed to be cached somewhere. Only functions passed cached
    type hints can be meaningfully memoized.

    The ``_nonpep563`` substring suffixing the name of this function implies
    this function is intended to be called *after* all possibly `PEP
    563`_-compliant **deferred type hints** (i.e., type hints persisted as
    evaluatable strings rather than actual type hints) annotating this callable
    if any have been evaluated into actual type hints.

    This function does *not* bother caching **self-cached type hints** (i.e.,
    type hints that externally cache themselves), as these hints are already
    cached elsewhere. Self-cached type hints include most `PEP 484`_-compliant
    type hints declared by the :mod:`typing` module, which means that
    subscripting type hints declared by the :mod:`typing` module with the same
    child type hints reuses the exact same internally cached objects rather
    than creating new uncached objects: e.g.,

    .. code-block:: python

       >>> import typing
       >>> typing.List[int] is typing.List[int]

    Equivalently, this function *only* caches **non-self-cached type hints**
    (i.e., type hints that do *not* externally cache themselves), as these
    hints are *not* already cached elsewhere. Non-self-cached type hints
    include *all* `PEP 585`_-compliant type hints produced by subscripting
    builtin container types, which means that subscripting builtin container
    types with the same child type hints creates new uncached objects rather
    than reusing the same internally cached objects: e.g.,

    .. code-block:: python

       >>> list[int] is list[int]

    This function enables callers to coerce non-self-cached type hints into
    :mod:`beartype`-cached type hints. :mod:`beartype` effectively requires
    *all* type hints to be cached somewhere! :mod:`beartype` does *not* care
    who, what, or how is caching those type hints -- only that they are cached
    before being passed to utility functions in the :mod:`beartype` codebase.
    Why? Because most such utility functions are memoized for efficiency by the
    :func:`beartype._util.cache.utilcachecall.callable_cached` decorator, which
    maps passed parameters (typically including the standard ``hint`` parameter
    accepting a type hint) based on object identity to previously cached return
    values. You see the problem, we trust.

    Non-self-cached type hints that are otherwise semantically equal are
    nonetheless distinct objects and will thus be treated as distinct
    parameters by memoization decorators. If this function did *not* exist,
    non-self-cached type hints could *not* be coerced into
    :mod:`beartype`-cached type hints and thus could *not* be memoized,
    reducing the efficiency of :mod:`beartype` for standard type hints.

    func : Callable
        Callable annotated by this hint.
    pith_name : str

        * If this hint annotates a parameter, the name of that parameter.
        * If this hint annotates the return, ``"return"``.
    hint : object
        Possibly non-self-cached and/or PEP-noncompliant type hint to be
        coerced and cached into the equivalent :mod:`beartype`-cached
        PEP-compliant type hint.
    hint_label : str
        Human-readable label describing this hint.


        * If this hint is either non-self-cached *or* PEP-noncompliant, the
          equivalent :mod:`beartype`-cached PEP-compliant type hint coerced and
          cached from this hint.
        * If this hint is self-cached *and* PEP-compliant, this hint as is.

        If this object is neither:

        * A PEP-noncompliant type hint.
        * A supported PEP-compliant type hint.

    .. _PEP 484:
    .. _PEP 563:
    .. _PEP 585:

    #FIXME: Call the new is_hint_pep_uncached() tester here to decide whether
    #or not to cache this hint.

    # If this hint is a PEP-noncompliant tuple union, coerce this union into
    # the equivalent PEP-compliant union subscripted by the same child hints.
    # By definition, PEP-compliant unions are a strict superset of
    # PEP-noncompliant tuple unions and thus accept all child hints accepted by
    # the latter.
    if isinstance(hint, tuple):
        assert callable(func), f'{repr(func)} not callable.'
        assert isinstance(pith_name, str), f'{pith_name} not string.'
        hint = func.__annotations__[pith_name] = Union.__getitem__(hint)
    # Else, this hint is *NOT* a PEP-noncompliant tuple union.

    # If this object is neither a PEP-noncompliant type hint *NOR* supported
    # PEP-compliant type hint, raise an exception.
    die_unless_hint(hint=hint, hint_label=hint_label)
    # Else, this object is either a PEP-noncompliant type hint *OR* supported
    # PEP-compliant type hint.

    # Return this hint.
    return hint
Пример #9
Файл: tools.py Проект: moff4/rtc
def typeddict_to_dict(cls: Any) -> Any:
    return Dict[str, Union.__getitem__(tuple(cls.__annotations__.values()))]