def __load_project_file(options): jname = 'poker/project.json' datadict = __load_json_file(options, jname, list) if not datadict: return datadict game_packages = [] gameids = [] for proj in datadict: ppath = proj.get('path', None) if not isinstance(ppath, str): return actlog.error('the project path is not defined !', proj) if not fsutils.dirExists(ppath): return actlog.error('the project path not found !', ppath) srcpath = fsutils.appendPath(ppath, 'src') if fsutils.dirExists(srcpath): subdirs = os.listdir(srcpath) for subdir in subdirs: gamepy = fsutils.appendPath(srcpath, subdir, '') if fsutils.fileExists(gamepy): if subdir in game_packages: return actlog.error( 'the project package is double defined !', gamepy, 'proj=', proj) game_packages.append(subdir) proj['package'] = subdir gameid = proj.get('gameId', 0) if gameid > 0: gameids.append(int(gameid)) actlog.log('find gam project-> GAMEID=', gameid, 'PACKAGE=', subdir) return datadict, game_packages, gameids
def action(options): ''' 生成所有的进程启动脚本 ''' bin_path = options.env['bin_path'] config_redis = options.pokerdict.get('local_config_redis', options.pokerdict['config_redis']) remotepy = loadResource('') remotepy = remotepy.replace('${TIME}', str( remotepy = remotepy.replace('${BIN_PATH}', bin_path) remotepy = remotepy.replace('${LOG_PATH}', options.env['log_path']) remotepy = remotepy.replace('${REDIS_CONFIG}', config_redis) cfilepath = fsutils.appendPath(bin_path, '') fsutils.writeFile('', cfilepath, remotepy) if options.pokerdict['mode'] <= 2: sendmail = '1' else: sendmail = '0' while1sh = loadResource('') while1sh = while1sh.replace('${SENDMAIL}', sendmail) while1sh = while1sh.replace('${BIN_PATH}', bin_path) while1sh = while1sh.replace('${LOG_PATH}', options.env['log_path']) if os.environ.get('RUN_IN_DOCKER', 0): # 在开发docker模式下,设置PYTHONPATH环境变量 paths = [] for proj in options.projectlist: src = fsutils.appendPath(proj['path'], 'src') if fsutils.dirExists(src): paths.append(src) else: src = fsutils.appendPath(proj['path'], 'freetime') if fsutils.dirExists(src): paths.append(proj['path']) paths.reverse() paths = ':'.join(paths) while1sh = while1sh.replace('${DOCKER_PROJECT_PATH}', paths) actlog.log('makeControlInDocker PYTHONPATH=', paths) shfile = fsutils.appendPath(bin_path, '') fsutils.writeFile('', shfile, while1sh) os.chmod(shfile, stat.S_IRWXU | stat.S_IRWXG | stat.S_IRWXO) return 1
def action(options): ''' 生成所有的进程启动脚本 ''' bin_path = options.env['bin_path'] config_redis = options.pokerdict.get('local_config_redis', options.pokerdict['config_redis']) remotepy = loadResource('') remotepy = remotepy.replace('${TIME}', str( remotepy = remotepy.replace('${BIN_PATH}', bin_path) remotepy = remotepy.replace('${LOG_PATH}', options.env['log_path']) remotepy = remotepy.replace('${REDIS_CONFIG}', config_redis) cfilepath = fsutils.appendPath(bin_path, '') fsutils.writeFile('', cfilepath, remotepy) if options.pokerdict['mode'] <= 2 : sendmail = '1' else: sendmail = '0' while1sh = loadResource('') while1sh = while1sh.replace('${SENDMAIL}', sendmail) while1sh = while1sh.replace('${BIN_PATH}', bin_path) while1sh = while1sh.replace('${LOG_PATH}', options.env['log_path']) if os.environ.get('RUN_IN_DOCKER', 0): # 在开发docker模式下,设置PYTHONPATH环境变量 paths = [] for proj in options.projectlist: src = fsutils.appendPath(proj['path'], 'src') if fsutils.dirExists(src): paths.append(src) else: src = fsutils.appendPath(proj['path'], 'freetime') if fsutils.dirExists(src): paths.append(proj['path']) paths.reverse() paths = ':'.join(paths) while1sh = while1sh.replace('${DOCKER_PROJECT_PATH}', paths) actlog.log('makeControlInDocker PYTHONPATH=', paths) shfile = fsutils.appendPath(bin_path, '') fsutils.writeFile('', shfile, while1sh) os.chmod(shfile, stat.S_IRWXU | stat.S_IRWXG | stat.S_IRWXO) return 1
def main(): from optparse import OptionParser from tyserver.tyutils import fsutils parser = OptionParser(version="%prog 1.0", usage="%prog --path entrancepath --port Num") parser.add_option("--path", dest="pokerpath", default=None, help="must specified the service entrance path, the poker.json's path") parser.add_option("--httpport", dest="httpport", default=None, help="the http port") options, _ = parser.parse_args() pokerpath = options.pokerpath if not pokerpath : print "must specified the service entrance path" parser.print_help() return None pokerpath = fsutils.makeAsbpath(options.pokerpath) if not fsutils.dirExists(pokerpath) : print "the service entrance path not exists [" + pokerpath + ']' parser.print_help() return None setattr(options, 'pokerpath', pokerpath) port = options.httpport try: port = int(options.httpport) setattr(options, 'httpport', port) except: print "the http port must be a integer" parser.print_help() return workpath = fsutils.getParentDir(__file__, 1) setattr(options, 'workpath', workpath) fpath = os.environ.get('LOGDIR', '') if not fpath : fpath = fsutils.appendPath(workpath, './../logs') fpath = fsutils.abspath(fpath) fsutils.makeDirs(fpath) setattr(options, 'logpath', fpath) print "pokerpath =", options.pokerpath print "httpport =", options.httpport print "workpath =", options.workpath flogfile = fsutils.appendPath(fpath, 'webmagr.log') setattr(options, 'logfile', flogfile) from tyserver.server import startup from webmgr.manager import initialize, heartbeat setattr(options, 'initialize', initialize) setattr(options, 'heartbeat', heartbeat) startup(options)
def make_static_json_file(options, alldata): confs = {} _load_decorations(options, confs, alldata) _load_activity(options, confs, alldata) _load_gamelist2(options, confs, alldata) webroot = options.env['webroot_path'] + '/static_file/' staticjson = webroot + 'static.json' if not fsutils.dirExists(webroot): fsutils.makeDirs(webroot) fsutils.writeFile('', staticjson, confs) _remake_static_zip(options, confs, alldata) return 1
def make_static_json_file(options, alldata): confs = {} _load_decorations(options, confs, alldata) _load_activity(options, confs, alldata) _load_gamelist2(options, confs, alldata) webroot = options.env['webroot_path'] + '/static_file/' staticjson = webroot + 'static.json' if not fsutils.dirExists(webroot) : fsutils.makeDirs(webroot) fsutils.writeFile('', staticjson, confs) _remake_static_zip(options, confs, alldata) return 1
def action(options): ''' 拷贝源代码工程的webroot到编译输出目录,按照配置文件的工程列表进行顺序覆盖拷贝 ''' actlog.log('copy webroot to bin/webroot') if os.environ.get('RUN_IN_DOCKER', 0): # 在开发docker模式下,webroot为link模式,无需拷贝 actlog.log('docker mode skip this step !') return 1 allpaths = [ options.env['webroot_path'], options.env['backup_path'], ] for mp in allpaths: fsutils.makePath(mp, False) paths = [] for proj in options.projectlist: src = fsutils.appendPath(proj['path'], 'webroot') if fsutils.dirExists(src): paths.append({ 'path': src, 'include': [], 'exclude': [".*\\.svn\\.*", ".*pyc"] }) if options.pokerdict['mode'] in (1, 2): fsutils.copyTree(paths, options.env['webroot_path'], logfun=actlog.log) return 1 # MODE 3, 4: 只链接, 并且只链接 tygame-webroot/webroot dstpath = options.env['webroot_path'] for pathconf in paths: if 'tygame-webroot' in pathconf['path']: srcpath = pathconf['path'] if os.path.islink(dstpath): if os.readlink(dstpath) == srcpath: # 已经链接好了 actlog.log('already linked.', dstpath, '->', srcpath) return 1 fsutils.deletePath(dstpath) os.symlink(srcpath, dstpath) actlog.log('symlink created.', dstpath, '->', srcpath) return 1 else: fsutils.copyTree(paths, options.env['webroot_path'], logfun=actlog.log) return 1
def action(options): ''' 拷贝源代码工程的webroot到编译输出目录,按照配置文件的工程列表进行顺序覆盖拷贝 ''' actlog.log('copy webroot to bin/webroot') if os.environ.get('RUN_IN_DOCKER', 0) : # 在开发docker模式下,webroot为link模式,无需拷贝 actlog.log('docker mode skip this step !') return 1 allpaths = [ options.env['webroot_path'], options.env['backup_path'], ] for mp in allpaths: fsutils.makePath(mp, False) paths = [] for proj in options.projectlist : src = fsutils.appendPath(proj['path'], 'webroot') if fsutils.dirExists(src) : paths.append({'path':src, 'include' : [], 'exclude' : [".*\\.svn\\.*", ".*pyc"]}) if options.pokerdict['mode'] in (1, 2): fsutils.copyTree(paths, options.env['webroot_path'], logfun=actlog.log) return 1 # MODE 3, 4: 只链接, 并且只链接 tygame-webroot/webroot dstpath = options.env['webroot_path'] for pathconf in paths: if 'tygame-webroot' in pathconf['path']: srcpath = pathconf['path'] if os.path.islink(dstpath): if os.readlink(dstpath) == srcpath: # 已经链接好了 actlog.log('already linked.', dstpath, '->', srcpath) return 1 fsutils.deletePath(dstpath) os.symlink(srcpath, dstpath) actlog.log('symlink created.', dstpath, '->', srcpath) return 1 else: fsutils.copyTree(paths, options.env['webroot_path'], logfun=actlog.log) return 1
def action(options): """ 拷贝源代码工程的etc、src、src-robot、webroot到编译输出目录,按照配置文件的工程列表进行顺序覆盖拷贝 """ # 创建所有的路径 allpaths = [ options.env['log_path'], options.env['webroot_path'], options.env['backup_path'], ] for mp in allpaths: fsutils.makePath(mp, False) allpaths = [ options.env['bin_path'] ] for mp in allpaths: fsutils.makePath(mp, True) if os.environ.get('RUN_IN_DOCKER', 0): # 在开发docker模式下,webroot为link模式,无需拷贝 copySourceInDocker(options) actlog.log('docker mode use original project src path !') return 1 paths = [] for proj in options.projectlist: src = fsutils.appendPath(proj['path'], 'src') if fsutils.dirExists(src): paths.append({'path': src, 'include': [], 'exclude': [".*\\.svn\\.*", ".*pyc"]}) else: # freetime project paths.append({'path': proj['path'], "include": ["^/freetime/.*"], "exclude": [".*\\.svn\\.*", ".*pyc", ".*\\logserver\\.*", ".*\\cold-data-server\\.*"]}) if ide_debug(): _, copy_files = fsutils.linkTree(paths, options.env['bin_path'], logfun=actlog.log) else: _, copy_files = fsutils.copyTree(paths, options.env['bin_path'], logfun=actlog.log) setattr(options, '_pyfiles', copy_files) return 1
def main(): from tyserver.tyutils import fsutils actlog._with_std = 1 options = parse_cmd_lines() if not hasattr(options, 'pokerpath'): useage() actlog.log('You must input -m <poker path>') return if not hasattr(options, 'action'): useage() actlog.log('You Must input -a <action>') return pokerpath = options.pokerpath if not pokerpath: actlog.log("must specified the service entrance path") useage() return None pokerpath = fsutils.makeAsbpath(options.pokerpath) if not fsutils.dirExists(pokerpath): actlog.log("the service entrance path not exists [" + pokerpath + ']') useage() return None setattr(options, 'pokerpath', pokerpath) workpath = fsutils.getParentDir(__file__, 1) setattr(options, 'workpath', workpath) fpath = os.environ.get('LOGDIR', '') if fpath and fsutils.dirExists(fpath): fpath = fsutils.abspath(fpath) setattr(options, 'logpath', fpath) ct ='%Y%m%d%H%M%S') actlog.open_act_log(options, {'uuid': ct}) else: setattr(options, 'logpath', None) actlog.log("pokerpath =", options.pokerpath) actlog.log("workpath =", options.workpath) actlog.log("logpath =", options.logpath) flogfile = fsutils.appendPath(fpath, 'webmagr.log') setattr(options, 'logfile', flogfile) actlog.log("action =", options.action) if options.action == 'config_check': action = {'action': 'config_check', 'params': {}} thread_do_action(options, action) return if options.action == 'config_reload': action = {'action': 'config_reload', 'params': {}} thread_do_action(options, action) return if options.action == 'config_update': keys = [] if hasattr(options, 'keys'): keys = options.keys.split(',') action = {'action': 'config_update', 'params': {'keys': keys}} thread_do_action(options, action) return if options.action == 'config_reset': action = {'action': 'config_update', 'params': {'reset': 1}} thread_do_action(options, action) return if options.action == 'config_status': action = {'action': 'config_status', 'params': {}} thread_do_action(options, action) return if options.action == 'compile': action = {'action': 'compile_source', 'params': {}} thread_do_action(options, action) return if options.action == 'start': action = {'action': 'config_compile_start', 'params': {}} thread_do_action(options, action) return if options.action == 'reset': if not hasattr(options, 'serverIds'): useage() actlog.log('You must input -sid XXX,XXX') return processids = options.serverIds.split(',') if not processids: useage() actlog.log('You must input -sid XXX,XXX') return action = {'action': 'reset', 'params': {'processids': processids}} thread_do_action(options, action) return if options.action == 'stop': action = {'action': 'stop_all_process', 'params': {}} thread_do_action(options, action) return if options.action == 'push_code': action = {'action': 'push_bin', 'params': {}} thread_do_action(options, action) return if options.action == 'push_web': action = {'action': 'push_web', 'params': {}} thread_do_action(options, action) return hotfixwait = 1 if options.action == 'hotfix_nowait': options.action = 'hotfix' hotfixwait = 0 setattr(options, 'hotfixwait', hotfixwait) if options.action == 'hotfix': if not hasattr(options, 'serverIds'): useage() actlog.log('You must input -sid XXX,XXX or -sid all') return if not hasattr(options, 'hotfixpy'): useage() actlog.log('You Must input -py') return hotfix.action(options) return if options.action == 'rm_logs': action = {'action': 'remove_all_logs', 'params': {}} thread_do_action(options, action) return actlog.log('unknow action of :', options.action) useage()
def __load_poker_file(options): pokerfile = options.pokerfile actlog.log('LOAD POKER FILE :', pokerfile) pokerdict = fsutils.readJsonFile(pokerfile, True) pokerdict['poker_path'] = options.poker_path if not isinstance(pokerdict, dict): return actlog.error('POKER FILE : format error,must be a dict') gameId = pokerdict.get('id', None) if not isinstance(gameId, int) or gameId <= 0 or gameId >= 10000: return actlog.error('POKER FILE : id value is wrong') gameName = pokerdict.get('name', None) if not isinstance(gameName, (str, unicode)) or len(gameName) <= 0: return actlog.error('POKER FILE : name value is wrong') if gameName.find('-') >= 0: return actlog.error( 'POKER FILE : name value is wrong, can not have "-" (reserved char)' ) corporation = pokerdict.get('corporation', 'tuyoo') if corporation not in ('tuyoo', 'momo'): return actlog.error( 'POKER FILE : corporation value wrong, choice: tuyoo or momo') pokerdict['corporation'] = corporation mode = pokerdict.get('mode', 0) if mode not in (1, 2, 3, 4): return actlog.error( 'POKER FILE : mode value must be an integer, choice : 1(online) or 2(simulation) or 3(rich test) or 4(tiny test)' ) port_redis = pokerdict.get('port_redis', 0) if not actutils.check_port(port_redis, True): return actlog.error( 'POKER FILE : port_redis, socket port number wrong ' + str(port_redis)) pokerdict['port_redis'] = port_redis local_internet = pokerdict.get('local_internet', '') if not isinstance(local_internet, (str, unicode)): return actlog.error('POKER FILE : local_internet value is wrong') pokerdict['local_internet'] = local_internet local_intranet = __get_value(pokerdict, 'local_intranet', None) if not isinstance(local_intranet, (str, unicode)): return actlog.error('POKER FILE : local_intranet value is wrong') pokerdict['local_intranet'] = local_intranet port_http = int(__get_value(pokerdict, 'port_http', 0)) if not actutils.check_port(port_http, True): return actlog.error( 'POKER FILE : port_http, socket port number wrong ' + str(port_http)) pokerdict['port_http'] = port_http projects_path = __get_value(pokerdict, 'projects_path', None) if not isinstance(projects_path, str): return actlog.error( 'POKER FILE : projects_path wrong, must pointing to the projects path' ) projects_path = fsutils.makeAsbpath(projects_path, pokerfile) if not fsutils.dirExists(projects_path): return actlog.error( 'POKER FILE : projects_path, the path not exists [' + projects_path + ']') pokerdict['projects_path'] = projects_path output_path = __get_value(pokerdict, 'output_path', None) if not isinstance(output_path, str): return actlog.error( 'POKER FILE : output_path wrong, must pointing to the compile output path' ) output_path = fsutils.makeAsbpath(output_path, pokerfile) if not fsutils.dirExists(output_path): return actlog.error( 'POKER FILE : output_path wrong, the path not exists [' + output_path + ']') pokerdict['output_path'] = output_path http = __get_value(pokerdict, 'http_sdk', '') if not actutils.check_http_url(http, 'POKER FILE : http_sdk'): return 0 pokerdict['http_sdk'] = http http = __get_value(pokerdict, 'http_sdk_inner', None) if http != None and not actutils.check_http_url( http, 'POKER FILE : http_sdk_inner'): return 0 pokerdict['http_sdk_inner'] = http http = __get_value(pokerdict, 'http_game', None) if http != None and not actutils.check_http_url(http, 'POKER FILE : http_game'): return 0 pokerdict['http_game'] = http http = __get_value(pokerdict, 'http_download', None) if http != None and not actutils.check_http_url( http, 'POKER FILE : http_download'): return 0 pokerdict['http_download'] = http http = __get_value(pokerdict, 'http_gdss', None) if http != None and not actutils.check_http_url(http, 'POKER FILE : http_gdss'): return 0 pokerdict['http_gdss'] = http config_redis = __get_value(pokerdict, 'config_redis', None) if not isinstance(config_redis, str): return actlog.error( 'POKER FILE : config_redis wrong, must pointing to the configure redis <ip>:<port>:<dbid>' ) confdb = config_redis.split(':') if len(confdb) != 3: return actlog.error( 'POKER FILE : config_redis wrong, must pointing to the configure redis <ip>:<port>:<dbid>' ) pokerdict['config_redis'] = config_redis return pokerdict
def main(): from tyserver.tyutils import fsutils actlog._with_std = 1 options = parse_cmd_lines() if not hasattr(options, 'pokerpath') : useage() actlog.log('You must input -m <poker path>') return if not hasattr(options, 'action') : useage() actlog.log('You Must input -a <action>') return pokerpath = options.pokerpath if not pokerpath : actlog.log("must specified the service entrance path") useage() return None pokerpath = fsutils.makeAsbpath(options.pokerpath) if not fsutils.dirExists(pokerpath) : actlog.log("the service entrance path not exists [" + pokerpath + ']') useage() return None setattr(options, 'pokerpath', pokerpath) workpath = fsutils.getParentDir(__file__, 1) setattr(options, 'workpath', workpath) fpath = os.environ.get('LOGDIR', '') if fpath and fsutils.dirExists(fpath): fpath = fsutils.abspath(fpath) setattr(options, 'logpath', fpath) ct ='%Y%m%d%H%M%S') actlog.open_act_log(options, {'uuid':ct}) else: setattr(options, 'logpath', None) actlog.log("pokerpath =", options.pokerpath) actlog.log("workpath =", options.workpath) actlog.log("logpath =", options.logpath) flogfile = fsutils.appendPath(fpath, 'webmagr.log') setattr(options, 'logfile', flogfile) actlog.log("action =", options.action) if options.action == 'config_check' : action = {'action' : 'config_check', 'params':{}} thread_do_action(options, action) return if options.action == 'config_reload' : action = {'action' : 'config_reload', 'params':{}} thread_do_action(options, action) return if options.action == 'config_update' : keys = [] if hasattr(options, 'keys') : keys = options.keys.split(',') action = {'action' : 'config_update', 'params':{'keys' : keys}} thread_do_action(options, action) return if options.action == 'config_reset' : action = {'action' : 'config_update', 'params':{'reset' : 1}} thread_do_action(options, action) return if options.action == 'config_status' : action = {'action' : 'config_status', 'params':{}} thread_do_action(options, action) return if options.action == 'compile' : action = {'action' : 'compile_source', 'params':{}} thread_do_action(options, action) return if options.action == 'start' : action = {'action' : 'config_compile_start', 'params':{}} thread_do_action(options, action) return if options.action == 'reset' : if not hasattr(options, 'serverIds') : useage() actlog.log('You must input -sid XXX,XXX') return processids = options.serverIds.split(',') if not processids : useage() actlog.log('You must input -sid XXX,XXX') return action = {'action' : 'reset', 'params':{'processids' : processids}} thread_do_action(options, action) return if options.action == 'stop' : action = {'action' : 'stop_all_process', 'params':{}} thread_do_action(options, action) return if options.action == 'push_code' : action = {'action' : 'push_bin', 'params':{}} thread_do_action(options, action) return if options.action == 'push_web' : action = {'action' : 'push_web', 'params':{}} thread_do_action(options, action) return hotfixwait = 1 if options.action == 'hotfix_nowait' : options.action = 'hotfix' hotfixwait = 0 setattr(options, 'hotfixwait', hotfixwait) if options.action == 'hotfix' : if not hasattr(options, 'serverIds') : useage() actlog.log('You must input -sid XXX,XXX or -sid all') return if not hasattr(options, 'hotfixpy') : useage() actlog.log('You Must input -py') return hotfix.action(options) return if options.action == 'rm_logs' : action = {'action' : 'remove_all_logs', 'params':{}} thread_do_action(options, action) return actlog.log('unknow action of :', options.action) useage()