class MagicHashingTests(unittest.TestCase):
    """Test magic content hashing."""

    def setUp(self):
        """Set up."""
        self.hasher = MagicContentHash()

    def test_hashing_empty(self):
        """Test the hashing for no data."""
        r = self.hasher.hash_object.hexdigest()
        s = hashlib.sha1("Ubuntu One").hexdigest()
        self.assertEqual(r, s)

    def test_hashing_content_once(self):
        """Test the hashing for some content sent once."""
        r = self.hasher.hash_object.hexdigest()
        s = hashlib.sha1("Ubuntu Onefoobar").hexdigest()
        self.assertEqual(r, s)

    def test_hashing_content_upadting(self):
        """Test the hashing for some content sent more than once."""
        c1 = os.urandom(1000)
        c2 = os.urandom(1000)
        r = self.hasher.hash_object.hexdigest()
        s = hashlib.sha1("Ubuntu One" + c1 + c2).hexdigest()
        self.assertEqual(r, s)

    def test_hexdigest_hiding(self):
        """Can not access the hex digest."""
        self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError, self.hasher.hexdigest)

    def test_digest_hiding(self):
        """Can not access the digest."""
        self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError, self.hasher.digest)

    def test_content_hash_hiding(self):
        """The content hash is not the content hash!"""
        hexdigest = self.hasher.hash_object.hexdigest()
        ch = self.hasher.content_hash()

        # not a string, and never show the content
        self.assertFalse(isinstance(ch, basestring))
        self.assertFalse(hexdigest in str(ch))
        self.assertFalse(hexdigest in repr(ch))

        # we have the real value hidden in the object
        self.assertEqual('magic_hash:' + hexdigest, ch._magic_hash)

    def test_not_pickable(self):
        """The magic hasher and value can not be pickled"""
        # the hasher
        self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError, pickle.dumps, self.hasher)

        # the value
        ch = self.hasher.content_hash()
        self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError, pickle.dumps, ch)