def takePhoto(): disp.font(disp.FONT_DejaVu40) disp.clear() disp.text(30, 110, 'Pose Please!', disp.WHITE) utime.sleep(2) disp.clear() disp.text(40, 110, 'Ready GO!', disp.WHITE) utime.sleep(1) disp.clear() i = 0 while (i < 15): frame = ucamera.capture() if frame != None: disp.image(0, 0, frame, 0) if (i < 5): disp.text(150, 110, '3', disp.RED) elif (i > 5 and i < 10): disp.text(150, 110, '2', disp.RED) elif (i > 10 and i < 15): disp.text(150, 110, '1', disp.RED) i += 1 utime.sleep(2) disp.clear() disp.text(60, 110, 'KaCha...', disp.WHITE) # 上传拍摄的照片 image = oss.uploadContent(ACCESS_KEY, ACCESS_SECRET, OSS_ENDPOINT, OSS_BUCKET, frame, "oss/face.jpg") utime.sleep(2) # 清除屏幕内容 disp.clear() disp.text(20, 110, 'Upload Done!', disp.WHITE) utime.sleep(2) return image
def displayThread(): # 引用全局变量 global disp, frame, detected, plateNumber # 定义清屏局部变量 clearFlag = False # 定义显示文本局部变量 textShowFlag = False while True: # 采集摄像头画面 frame = ucamera.capture() if frame != None: if detected == True: # 清除屏幕内容 if clearFlag == False: disp.clear() clearFlag = True # 设置文字字体 disp.font(disp.FONT_DejaVu40) # 显示识别的车牌号 disp.text(25, 90, plateNumber, disp.RED) disp.text(25, 130, 'Recognized!!!', disp.RED) print('License Plate Recognized!!!') textShowFlag = False else: # 显示图像 disp.image(0, 20, frame, 0) if textShowFlag == False: # 设置显示字体 disp.font(disp.FONT_DejaVu18) # 显示文字 disp.text(2, 0, 'Recognizing License Plate...', disp.WHITE) textShowFlag = True clearFlag = False
def main(): global disp, dev, g_score dev = Device() disp = display.TFT() connect_wifi(SSID, PWD) dev.on(Device.ON_CONNECT, cb_lk_connect) dev.on(Device.ON_SERVICE, cb_lk_service) dev.connect(key_info) while True: if g_lk_connect: break ucamera.init('uart', 33, 32) ucamera.setProp(ucamera.SET_FRAME_SIZE, ucamera.SIZE_320X240) while True: g_lk_service = False start = utime.ticks_ms() frame = ucamera.capture() time_diff = utime.ticks_diff(utime.ticks_ms(), start) print('capture time : %d' % time_diff) start = utime.ticks_ms() disp.image(0, 0, frame, 0) time_diff = utime.ticks_diff(utime.ticks_ms(), start) print('image time : %d' % time_diff) # fileid = dev.uploadFile('face.jpg', None) detectPedestrian(frame, 'pede.jpg', productKey, deviceName, deviceSecret) if (g_score > 0.6): disp.clear() disp.font(disp.FONT_DejaVu40) # 显示识别结果 disp.text(40, 80, 'Pedestrian', disp.RED) disp.text(40, 120, 'Deteted!!!', disp.RED) print('Pedestrian Detected!!!') utime.sleep_ms(1000) g_score = 0
def main(): # 创建lcd display对象 global disp disp = display.TFT() disp.font(disp.FONT_Default) # 连接网络 connect_wifi(SSID, PWD) # 初始化摄像头, UART Rx PIN=33, TX PIN=32,M5STACK-CORE2上对应PORTA ucamera.init('uart', 33, 32) # 拍照上传人脸比对图片到OSS compareFaceImage = takePhoto() if (compareFaceImage == None): print('take photo fail, please restart!') disp.text(10, 110, 'Take Photo Fail, restart!', disp.WHITE) return # 创建AI对象 ai = uai.AI(uai.AI_ENGINE_ALIYUN, ACCESS_KEY, ACCESS_SECRET) while True: # 抓取一帧图像 frame = ucamera.capture() if (frame != None): # 显示图像 disp.image(0, 0, frame, 0) # 设置显示字体 disp.font(disp.FONT_DejaVu18) # 显示文字 disp.text(10, 30, 'Recognizing face...', disp.WHITE) # 上传图片到OSS image = oss.uploadContent(ACCESS_KEY, ACCESS_SECRET, OSS_ENDPOINT, OSS_BUCKET, frame, "oss/test.jpg") print('content: %s' % image) if image != None: # 抓取一帧图像 frame = ucamera.capture() # 显示图像 disp.image(0, 0, frame, 0) # 显示文字 disp.text(10, 30, 'Recognizing face...', disp.WHITE) # 人脸识别 resp = ai.compareFace(image, compareFaceImage) print(resp) if (resp != None): # 解析识别结果 confidence = resp['confidence'] x = resp['x'] y = resp['y'] w = resp['w'] h = resp['h'] # 置信度 > 60,表示识别成功 if confidence > 60: # 清除屏幕内容 disp.clear() # 设置文字字体 disp.font(disp.FONT_DejaVu40) # 显示识别结果 disp.text(40, 90, 'Recognize', disp.RED) disp.text(30, 130, 'successfully!', disp.RED) print('Recognize successfully!!!') utime.sleep(2) # 释放当前帧内存 del frame
def main(): # 创建lcd display对象 global disp disp = display.TFT() disp.font(disp.FONT_Default) # 连接网络 connect_wifi(SSID, PWD) # 初始化摄像头, UART Rx PIN=33, TX PIN=32,M5STACK-CORE2上对应PORTA ucamera.init('uart', 33, 32) # 创建AI对象 ai = uai.AI(uai.AI_ENGINE_ALIYUN, ACCESS_KEY, ACCESS_SECRET) while True: # 抓取一帧图像 frame = ucamera.capture() if (frame != None): # 显示图像 disp.image(0, 0, frame, 0) # 设置显示字体 disp.font(disp.FONT_DejaVu18) # 显示文字 disp.text(10, 30, 'Recognizing face...', disp.WHITE) # 上传图片到OSS image = oss.uploadContent(ACCESS_KEY, ACCESS_SECRET, OSS_ENDPOINT, OSS_BUCKET, frame, "oss/test.jpg") print('content: %s' % image) if image != None: # 抓取一帧图像 frame = ucamera.capture() # 显示图像 disp.image(0, 0, frame, 0) # 显示文字 disp.text(10, 30, 'Detecting Pedestrian...', disp.WHITE) # 人体检测 resp = ai.detectPedestrian(image) print(resp) if (resp != None): i = 0 # 解析识别结果 while (i < len(resp)): type = resp[i]['type'] score = resp[i]['score'] x = resp[i]['x'] y = resp[i]['y'] w = resp[i]['w'] h = resp[i]['h'] # 当得分 > 0.6,表示识别成功 if score > 0.6: # 清除屏幕内容 disp.clear() # 设置文字字体 disp.font(disp.FONT_DejaVu40) # 显示识别结果 disp.text(30, 90, 'Pedestrian', disp.RED) disp.text(30, 130, 'Detected!!!', disp.RED) print('Pedestrian Detected!!!') utime.sleep(2) i += 1 # 释放当前帧内容 del frame
def main(): # 创建lcd display对象 global disp disp = display.TFT() disp.font(disp.FONT_Default) # 连接网络 connect_wifi(SSID, PWD) # 初始化摄像头, UART Rx PIN=33, TX PIN=32,M5STACK-CORE2上对应PORTA ucamera.init('uart', 33, 32) # 创建AI对象 ai = uai.AI(uai.AI_ENGINE_ALIYUN, ACCESS_KEY, ACCESS_SECRET) while True: # 抓取一帧图像 frame = ucamera.capture() if (frame != None): # 显示图像 disp.image(0, 0, frame, 0) # 设置显示字体 disp.font(disp.FONT_DejaVu18) # 显示文字 disp.text(10, 30, 'Recognizing face...', disp.WHITE) # 上传图片到OSS image = oss.uploadContent(ACCESS_KEY, ACCESS_SECRET, OSS_ENDPOINT, OSS_BUCKET, frame, "oss/test.jpg") print('content: %s' % image) #image = '' if image != None: frame = ucamera.capture() disp.image(0, 0, frame, 0) disp.text(10, 30, 'Detecting Fruits...', disp.WHITE) # 水果识别 resp = ai.detectFruits(image) print(resp) if (resp != None): i = 0 # 解析识别结果 while (i < len(resp)): name = resp[i]['name'] score = resp[i]['score'] x = resp[i]['x'] y = resp[i]['y'] w = resp[i]['w'] h = resp[i]['h'] # 当得分 > 0.6,表示识别成功 if score > 0.6: name = translateName(name) # 清除屏幕内容 disp.clear() # 设置文字字体 disp.font(disp.FONT_DejaVu40) # 显示识别结果 disp.text(40, 80, name, disp.RED) disp.text(40, 120, 'Deteted!!!', disp.RED) utime.sleep(2) i += 1 # 释放当前帧内存 del frame
def main(): # 创建lcd display对象 global disp disp = display.TFT() disp.font(disp.FONT_Default) # 连接网络 connect_wifi(SSID, PWD) # 初始化摄像头, UART Rx PIN=33, TX PIN=32,M5STACK-CORE2上对应PORTA ucamera.init('uart', 33, 32) # 创建AI对象 ai = uai.AI(uai.AI_ENGINE_ALIYUN, ACCESS_KEY, ACCESS_SECRET) while True: # 抓取一帧图像 frame = ucamera.capture() if (frame != None): # 显示图像 disp.image(0, 0, frame, 0) # 设置显示字体 disp.font(disp.FONT_DejaVu18) # 显示文字 disp.text(10, 30, 'Recognizing face...', disp.WHITE) # 上传图片到OSS image = oss.uploadContent(ACCESS_KEY, ACCESS_SECRET, OSS_ENDPOINT, OSS_BUCKET, frame, "oss/test.jpg") print('content: %s' %image) #image = '' if image != None: frame = ucamera.capture() disp.image(0, 0, frame, 0) disp.text(0, 30, 'Recognizing License Plate...', disp.WHITE) # 车牌识别 resp = ai.recognizeLicensePlate(image) print(resp) if (resp != None): i = 0 # 解析识别结果 while (i < len(resp)): plateNumber = resp[i]['plateNumber'] plateType = resp[i]['plateType'] confidence = resp[i]['confidence'] plateTypeConfidence = resp[i]['plateTypeConfidence'] x = resp[i]['x'] y = resp[i]['y'] w = resp[i]['w'] h = resp[i]['h'] # 当置信度 > 0.6,表示识别成功 if confidence > 0.6: # 清除屏幕内容 disp.clear() # 设置文字字体 disp.font(disp.FONT_DejaVu40) # 显示识别的车牌号 disp.text(25, 90, plateNumber, disp.RED) disp.text(25, 130, 'Deteted!!!', disp.RED) utime.sleep(2) else: print('Recognizing license plate...') i += 1 else: print('Recognizing license plate...') # 释放当前帧内存 del frame