Пример #1
def _radd(self, o):
    if not isinstance(o, _valid_types):
        return NotImplemented
    if isinstance(o, numbers.Number) and o == 0:
        # Allow adding scalar int 0 as a no-op, even for shaped self,
        # needed for sum([a,b])
        return self
    return Sum(o, self)
Пример #2
def _rsub(self, o):
    if not isinstance(o, _valid_types):
        return NotImplemented
    return Sum(o, -self)
Пример #3
def _add(self, o):
    if not isinstance(o, _valid_types):
        return NotImplemented
    return Sum(self, o)
Пример #4
    def sum(self, x):
        Return the terms that might eventually yield the correct

        The logic required for sums is a bit elaborate:

        A sum may contain terms providing different arguments. We
        should return (a sum of) a suitable subset of these
        terms. Those should all provide the same arguments.

        For each term in a sum, there are 2 simple possibilities:

        1a) The relevant part of the term is zero -> skip.
        1b) The term provides more arguments than we want -> skip

        2) If all terms fall into the above category, we can just
        return zero.

        Any remaining terms may provide exactly the arguments we want,
        or fewer. This is where things start getting interesting.

        3) Bottom-line: if there are terms with providing different
        arguments -- provide terms that contain the most arguments. If
        there are terms providing different sets of same size -> throw
        error (e.g. Argument(-1) + Argument(-2))

        parts_that_provide = {}

        # 1. Skip terms that provide too much
        original_terms = x.operands()
        for term in original_terms:

            # Visit this term in the sum
            part, term_provides = self.visit(term)

            # If this part is zero or it provides more than we want,
            # skip it
            if isinstance(part, Zero) or (term_provides - self._want):

            # Add the contributions from this part to temporary list
            term_provides = frozenset(term_provides)
            if term_provides in parts_that_provide:
                parts_that_provide[term_provides] += [part]
                parts_that_provide[term_provides] = [part]

        # 2. If there are no remaining terms, return zero
        if not parts_that_provide:
            return (zero(x), set())

        # 3. Return the terms that provide the biggest set
        most_provided = frozenset()
        for (provideds, parts
             ) in parts_that_provide.iteritems():  # TODO: Just sort instead?

            # Throw error if size of sets are equal (and not zero)
            if len(provideds) == len(most_provided) and len(most_provided):
                    "Don't know what to do with sums with different Arguments."

            if provideds > most_provided:
                most_provided = provideds

        terms = parts_that_provide[most_provided]
        if len(terms) == len(original_terms):
            x = self.reuse_if_possible(x, *terms)
            x = Sum(*terms)

        return (x, most_provided)