Пример #1
        def do_delete(self, args):
                        doParser = self.arg_delete()
                        doArgs = doParser.parse_args(shlex.split(args))
                        org = org_get(self.api, doArgs.org)

                        allUsergrp = self.api.Usergroups.Getall(Name=org.name)

                        if allUsergrp is None:
                                printer.out("No user groups found in [" + org.name + "].")
                                return 0

                        allUsergrp = allUsergrp.userGroups.userGroup
                        for item in allUsergrp:
                                if item.admin.name == doArgs.name:
                                        result = self.api.Usergroups(item.dbId).Delete()
                                        printer.out("[" + item.admin.name + "] has been successfully deleted.", printer.OK)
                                        return 0

                        printer.out("[" + doArgs.name + "] was not found in [" + org.name + "].")

                        return 0

                except ArgumentParserError as e:
                        printer.out("ERROR: In Arguments: " + str(e), printer.ERROR)
                except Exception as e:
                        return handle_uforge_exception(e)
Пример #2
        def do_delete(self, args):
                        doParser = self.arg_delete()
                        doArgs = doParser.parse_args(shlex.split(args))

                        org = org_utils.org_get(self.api, doArgs.org)
                        if org is None:
                                printer.out("There is no organization matching ["+doArgs.org+"].", printer.OK)
                                return 0

                        printer.out("Getting target platform with id ["+doArgs.id+"] for ["+org.name+"] . . .")
                        targetPlatform = self.api.Orgs(org.dbId).Targetplatforms(doArgs.id).Get()
                        if targetPlatform is None:
                                printer.out("targetPlatform with id "+ doArgs.id +" does not exist", printer.ERROR)
                                return 2
                                result = self.api.Orgs(org.dbId).Targetplatforms(doArgs.id).Delete()
                                printer.out("Target Platform ["+targetPlatform.name+"] has successfully been deleted.", printer.OK)

                        return 0

                except ArgumentParserError as e:
                        printer.out("In Arguments: "+str(e), printer.ERROR)
                except Exception as e:
                        return handle_uforge_exception(e)
Пример #3
        def do_delete(self, args):
                        # add arguments
                        doParser = self.arg_delete()
                        doArgs = doParser.parse_args(shlex.split(args))

                        printer.out("Deleting subscription profile [" + doArgs.name + "] ...")
                        org = org_utils.org_get(self.api, doArgs.org)

                        # call UForge API
                        subscriptions = self.api.Orgs(org.dbId).Subscriptions().Getall(Search=None)

                        exist = False
                        for item in subscriptions.subscriptionProfiles.subscriptionProfile:
                                if item.name == doArgs.name:
                                        exist = True
                                        subscription = subscriptions.subscriptionProfiles.subscriptionProfile[0]
                                        printer.out("Subscription profile [" + doArgs.name + "] deleted", printer.OK)

                        if not exist:
                                printer.out("Subscription profile requested don't exist in [" + org.name + "]")
                                return 0
                        return 0

                except ArgumentParserError as e:
                        printer.out("ERROR: In Arguments: " + str(e), printer.ERROR)
                except Exception as e:
                        return handle_uforge_exception(e)
Пример #4
        def do_create(self, args):
                        doParser = self.arg_create()
                        doArgs = doParser.parse_args(shlex.split(args))
                        org = org_get(self.api, doArgs.org)

                        newUsergrp = userGroup()
                        newUser = user()
                        newUser.loginName = doArgs.name
                        newUser.email = doArgs.email
                        newUser.password = doArgs.usergrpPassword
                        newUsergrp.admin = newUser

                        newUsergrp.members = pyxb.BIND()
                        if doArgs.accounts is not None:
                                for item in doArgs.accounts:
                                        addNewUser = user()
                                        addNewUser.loginName = item
                                        printer.out("[" + addNewUser.loginName + "] has been added to user group.")

                        result = self.api.Usergroups.Create(Org=org.name,body=newUsergrp)
                        printer.out("User group [" + newUser.loginName + "] has been successfully created", printer.OK)
                        return 0

                except ArgumentParserError as e:
                        printer.out("ERROR: In Arguments: " + str(e), printer.ERROR)
                except Exception as e:
                        return handle_uforge_exception(e)
Пример #5
        def do_disable(self, args):
                        doParser = self.arg_enable()
                        doArgs = doParser.parse_args(shlex.split(args))

                        printer.out("Getting subscription profile with name [" + doArgs.name + "]...")
                        org = org_utils.org_get(self.api, doArgs.org)
                        subscriptions = self.api.Orgs(org.dbId).Subscriptions().Getall(Search=doArgs.name)

                        exist = False
                        for item in subscriptions.subscriptionProfiles.subscriptionProfile:
                                if item.name == doArgs.name:
                                        exist = True
                                        updated_subscription = subscriptionProfile()
                                        updated_subscription.name = item.name
                                        updated_subscription.code = item.code
                                        if item.active:
                                                updated_subscription.active = False
                                                printer.out("Disabling subscription profile with name [" + doArgs.name + "] ...")
                                                # call UForge API
                                                printer.out("Subscription [" + doArgs.name + "] is disabled.", printer.OK)
                                                printer.out("Subscription [" + doArgs.name + "] is already disabled", printer.WARNING)
                        if not exist:
                                printer.out("Subscription profile requested don't exist in [" + org.name + "]")
                                return 0
                        return 0

                except ArgumentParserError as e:
                        printer.out("ERROR: In Arguments: " + str(e), printer.ERROR)
                except Exception as e:
                        return handle_uforge_exception(e)
Пример #6
        def do_create(self, args):
                        doParser = self.arg_create()
                        doArgs = doParser.parse_args(shlex.split(args))

                        org = org_utils.org_get(self.api, doArgs.org)
                        allRepo = self.api.Orgs(org.dbId).Repositories.Getall()
                        allRepo = allRepo.repositories.repository

                        for item in allRepo:
                                if doArgs.repoUrl == item.url:
                                        printer.out("The repository with URL [" + item.url + "] already exist in [" + org.name + "].", printer.ERROR)
                                        return 0

                        newRepository = repository()
                        newRepository.url = doArgs.repoUrl
                        newRepository.packagingType = doArgs.type
                        newRepository.name = doArgs.name
                        newRepository.officiallySupported = doArgs.officiallySupported

                        result = self.api.Orgs(org.dbId).Repositories.Create(body=newRepository)
                        printer.out("Successfully created repository with URL [" + doArgs.repoUrl + "] in [" + org.name + "].", printer.OK)
                        return 0

                except ArgumentParserError as e:
                        printer.out("In Arguments: "+str(e), printer.ERROR)
                except Exception as e:
                        return handle_uforge_exception(e)
Пример #7
        def do_list(self, args):
                        doParser = self.arg_list()
                        doArgs = doParser.parse_args(shlex.split(args))

                        org = org_utils.org_get(self.api, doArgs.org)
                        printer.out("Getting category list for ["+org.name+"] . . .")
                        allCategory = self.api.Orgs(org.dbId).Categories.Getall()
                        allCategory = order_list_object_by(allCategory.categories.category, "name")

                        if len(allCategory) is 0:
                                printer.out("["+org.name+"] has no categories.")
                                return 0

                        table = Texttable(200)
                        table.set_cols_align(["l", "l", "l"])
                        table.header(["Id", "Category", "type"])

                        for item in allCategory:
                                table.add_row([item.dbId, item.name, item.type])
                        print table.draw() + "\n"
                        printer.out("Found " + str(len(allCategory)) + " categories.")
                        return 0

                except ArgumentParserError as e:
                        printer.out("In Arguments: "+str(e), printer.ERROR)
                except Exception as e:
                        return handle_uforge_exception(e)
Пример #8
        def do_create(self, args):
                        doParser = self.arg_create()
                        doArgs = doParser.parse_args(shlex.split(args))

                        org = org_utils.org_get(self.api, doArgs.org)
                        allCategory = self.api.Orgs(org.dbId).Categories.Getall()
                        allCategory = allCategory.categories.category

                        Exist = False
                        for item in allCategory:
                                if doArgs.name == item.name:
                                        Exist = True
                                        printer.out("A category already have the name ["+doArgs.name+"].", printer.ERROR)
                                        return 0

                        if not Exist:
                                newCategory = category()
                                newCategory.name = doArgs.name
                                newCategory.type = doArgs.type

                                result = self.api.Orgs(org.dbId).Categories.Create(body=newCategory)
                                printer.out("Category ["+newCategory.name+"] has successfully been created.", printer.OK)

                        return 0

                except ArgumentParserError as e:
                        printer.out("In Arguments: "+str(e), printer.ERROR)
                except Exception as e:
                        return handle_uforge_exception(e)
Пример #9
        def do_list(self, args):
                        doParser = self.arg_list()
                        doArgs = doParser.parse_args(shlex.split(args))
                        org = org_utils.org_get(self.api, doArgs.org)

                        # call UForge API
                        printer.out("Getting all the subscription profiles for organization ...")
                        subscriptions = self.api.Orgs(org.dbId).Subscriptions().Getall(Search=None)
                        subscriptions = generics_utils.order_list_object_by(subscriptions.subscriptionProfiles.subscriptionProfile, "name")
                        if subscriptions is None or len(subscriptions) == 0:
                                printer.out("There is no subscriptions in [" + org.name + "] ")
                                return 0
                        printer.out("List of subscription profiles in [" + org.name + "] :")
                        table = Texttable(200)
                        table.set_cols_align(["c", "c", "c", "c"])
                        table.header(["Name", "Code", "Active", "description"])
                        for subscription in subscriptions:
                                if subscription.active:
                                        active = "X"
                                        active = ""
                                table.add_row([subscription.name, subscription.code, active, subscription.description])
                        print table.draw() + "\n"
                        printer.out("Foumd " + str(len(subscriptions)) + " subscription profile(s).")
                        return 0

                except ArgumentParserError as e:
                        printer.out("ERROR: In Arguments: " + str(e), printer.ERROR)
                except Exception as e:
                        return handle_uforge_exception(e)
Пример #10
        def do_delete(self, args):
                        doParser = self.arg_delete()
                        doArgs = doParser.parse_args(shlex.split(args))

                        org = org_utils.org_get(self.api, doArgs.org)
                        allCategory = self.api.Orgs(org.dbId).Categories.Getall()
                        allCategory = allCategory.categories.category

                        deleteList = []
                        if doArgs.name is not None:
                                for arg1 in doArgs.name:
                                        for item in allCategory:
                                                if arg1 == item.name:
                        if doArgs.ids is not None:
                                for arg2 in doArgs.ids:
                                        for item2 in allCategory:
                                                if long(arg2) == item2.dbId:

                        for item3 in deleteList:
                                result = self.api.Orgs(org.dbId).Categories.Delete(Id=item3.dbId)
                                printer.out("Category ["+item3.name+"] has been deleted.", printer.OK)
                        return 0

                except ArgumentParserError as e:
                        printer.out("In Arguments: "+str(e), printer.ERROR)
                except Exception as e:
                        return handle_uforge_exception(e)
Пример #11
        def do_create(self, args):
                        # add arguments
                        doParser = self.arg_create()
                        doArgs = doParser.parse_args(shlex.split(args))

                        printer.out("Creating role [" + doArgs.name + "] ...")
                        org = org_utils.org_get(self.api, doArgs.org)

                        new_role = role()
                        new_role.name = doArgs.name
                        if doArgs.description:
                                new_role.description = doArgs.description
                        if doArgs.entitlements:
                                if doArgs.entitlements is not None:
                                        new_role.entitlements = pyxb.BIND()
                                        entList = self.api.Entitlements.Getall()
                                        entList = entList.entitlements.entitlement
                                        entList = compare(entList, doArgs.entitlements, "name")
                                        for ent in entList:
                                                add_entitlement = entitlement()
                                                add_entitlement.name = ent.name
                                                add_entitlement.description = ent.description
                                                printer.out("Entitlement " + ent.name + " added to the role")

                        printer.out("Role [" + new_role.name + "] was correctly created", printer.OK)
                        return 0
                except ArgumentParserError as e:
                        printer.out("ERROR: In Arguments: " + str(e), printer.ERROR)
                except Exception as e:
                        return handle_uforge_exception(e)
Пример #12
        def do_list(self, args):
                        doParser = self.arg_list()
                        doArgs = doParser.parse_args(shlex.split(args))

                        org = org_utils.org_get(self.api, doArgs.org)
                        printer.out("Getting user list for ["+org.name+"] . . .")
                        allUsers = self.api.Orgs(org.dbId).Members.Getall()
                        allUsers = order_list_object_by(allUsers.users.user, "loginName")

                        table = Texttable(200)
                        table.set_cols_align(["l", "l", "c"])
                        table.header(["Login", "Email", "Active"])

                        for item in allUsers:
                                if item.active:
                                        active = "X"
                                        active = ""
                                table.add_row([item.loginName, item.email, active])

                        print table.draw() + "\n"
                        return 0

                except ArgumentParserError as e:
                        printer.out("In Arguments: "+str(e), printer.ERROR)
                except Exception as e:
                        return handle_uforge_exception(e)
Пример #13
        def do_create(self, args):
                        doParser = self.arg_create()
                        doArgs = doParser.parse_args(shlex.split(args))

                        org = org_utils.org_get(self.api, doArgs.org)
                        allDist = self.api.Orgs(org.dbId).Distributions.Getall()
                        allDist = allDist.distributions.distribution

                        goldenId = None
                        for distrib in allDist:
                                if distrib.name == doArgs.name and distrib.version == doArgs.version and distrib.arch == doArgs.arch:
                                        goldenId = distrib.dbId

                        if goldenId is None:
                                printer.out("No distributions found with the arguments entered.")
                                return 0

                        result = self.api.Orgs(org.dbId).Distributions(goldenId).Goldens.Create(Language=doArgs.language, Edition=doArgs.edition, Type=doArgs.type, Goldendate=doArgs.goldenDate, Filename=doArgs.goldenName, body=None)
                        printer.out("Golden image [" + result.name + "] has been created", printer.OK)
                        return 0

                except ArgumentParserError as e:
                        printer.out("In Arguments: "+str(e), printer.ERROR)
                except Exception as e:
                        return handle_uforge_exception(e)
Пример #14
        def do_list(self, args):
                        doParser = self.arg_list()
                        doArgs = doParser.parse_args(shlex.split(args))
                        org = org_get(self.api, doArgs.org)

                        allUsergrp = self.api.Usergroups.Getall(Name=org.name)

                        if allUsergrp is None:
                                printer.out("No user groups found.")
                                return 0

                        allUsergrp = allUsergrp.userGroups.userGroup

                        table = Texttable(200)
                        table.set_cols_align(["l", "r"])
                        table.header(["Name", "# Members"])
                        for item in allUsergrp:
                                table.add_row([item.admin.name, str(len(item.members.member))])
                        print table.draw() + "\n"

                        printer.out("Found " + str(len(allUsergrp)) + " user group in [" + org.name + "].")

                        return 0

                except ArgumentParserError as e:
                        printer.out("ERROR: In Arguments: " + str(e), printer.ERROR)
                except Exception as e:
                        return handle_uforge_exception(e)
Пример #15
        def do_enable(self, args):
                        doParser = self.arg_enable()
                        doArgs = doParser.parse_args(shlex.split(args))
                        org = org_utils.org_get(self.api, doArgs.org)
                        if org is None:
                                printer.out("There is no organization matching ["+doArgs.org+"].", printer.OK)
                                return 0

                        targetPlatformsOrg = self.api.Orgs(org.dbId).Targetplatforms.Getall()
                        if targetPlatformsOrg is None or len(targetPlatformsOrg.targetPlatforms.targetPlatform) == 0:
                                printer.out("There is no target platform for the user \""+doArgs.account+"\" in [" + org.name + "].")
                                return 0
                                targetPlatformsOrg = targetPlatformsOrg.targetPlatforms.targetPlatform

                                targetPlatformsList = targetPlatforms()
                                targetPlatformsList.targetPlatforms = pyxb.BIND()

                                targetPlatformsOrg = compare(targetPlatformsOrg, doArgs.targetPlatforms, "name")

                                if len(targetPlatformsOrg) == 0:
                                        listName = ""
                                        for tpname in doArgs.targetPlatforms:
                                                listName = listName + tpname + " "
                                        printer.out("There is no target platforms matching ["+listName+"].")
                                        return 0

                                for item in targetPlatformsOrg:
                                        targetPlatformToEnable = targetPlatform()
                                        targetPlatformToEnable = item
                                        targetPlatformToEnable.active = True
                                        targetPlatformToEnable.access = True
                                        printer.out("Enabling ["+item.name+"].")

                                result = self.api.Users(doArgs.account).Targetplatforms.Update(Org=org.name,body=targetPlatformsList)
                                result =generics_utils.order_list_object_by(result.targetPlatforms.targetPlatform, "name")

                                table = Texttable(200)
                                table.set_cols_align(["c", "c", "c", "c"])
                                table.header(["Id", "Name", "Type", "Access"])

                                for item in result:
                                        if item.access:
                                                access = "X"
                                                access = ""
                                        table.add_row([item.dbId, item.name, item.type, access])

                                printer.out("Target Platform list for user \""+doArgs.account+"\" :")
                                print table.draw() + "\n"
                        return 0

                except ArgumentParserError as e:
                        printer.out("In Arguments: "+str(e), printer.ERROR)
                except Exception as e:
                        return handle_uforge_exception(e)
        def do_remove(self, args):
                        # add arguments
                        doParser = self.arg_remove()
                        doArgs = doParser.parse_args(shlex.split(args))

                        printer.out("Getting subscription profile with name [" + doArgs.name + "]...")
                        org = org_utils.org_get(self.api, doArgs.org)
                        if org is None:
                                printer.out("There is no organization matching ["+doArgs.org+"].", printer.OK)
                                return 0

                        subscriptions = self.api.Orgs(org.dbId).Subscriptions().Getall(Search=None)

                        exist = False
                        subProfileSelected = None
                        for item in subscriptions.subscriptionProfiles.subscriptionProfile:
                                if item.name == doArgs.name:
                                        subProfileSelected = item
                                        exist = True
                                        all_targetFormats = targetFormats()
                                        all_targetFormats.targetFormats = pyxb.BIND()

                                        newTargetFormats = compare(item.targetFormats.targetFormat, doArgs.targetFormats, "name")

                                        if len(newTargetFormats) == 0:
                                                listName = ""
                                                for tfname in doArgs.targetFormats:
                                                        listName = listName + tfname + " "
                                                printer.out("There is no target formats matching ["+listName+"].")
                                                return 0

                                        for targetFormatItem in item.targetFormats.targetFormat:
                                                for deleteList in newTargetFormats:
                                                        if targetFormatItem.name == deleteList.name:
                                                                already_targetFormat = targetFormat()
                                                                already_targetFormat.access = targetFormatItem.access
                                                                already_targetFormat.active = False
                                                                already_targetFormat.preselected = targetFormatItem.preselected
                                                                already_targetFormat.name = targetFormatItem.name
                                                                already_targetFormat.uri = targetFormatItem.uri
                                                                printer.out("Removed target format " + targetFormatItem.name + " for subscription.")

                                        # call UForge API
                                        self.api.Orgs(org.dbId).Subscriptions(subProfileSelected.dbId).Targetformats.Orgsubscriptionprofiletargetformatupdate(Allusers=doArgs.allusers, body=all_targetFormats)
                                        printer.out("Somes target formats removed from subscription profile [" + doArgs.name + "]...", printer.OK)

                        if not exist:
                                printer.out("Subscription profile requested don't exist in [" + org.name + "]")
                        return 0

                except ArgumentParserError as e:
                        printer.out("ERROR: In Arguments: " + str(e), printer.ERROR)
                except Exception as e:
                        return handle_uforge_exception(e)
Пример #17
        def do_create(self, args):
                        doParser = self.arg_create()
                        doArgs = doParser.parse_args(shlex.split(args))

                        org = org_utils.org_get(self.api, doArgs.org)
                        if org is None:
                                printer.out("There is no organization matching ["+doArgs.org+"].", printer.OK)
                                return 0

                        newTargetFormat = targetFormat()
                        newTargetFormat.name = doArgs.name
                        field = fieldImageFormat
                        format = imageFormat()
                        format.name = doArgs.format
                        newTargetFormat.format = format
                        targetFormatCategory = category()
                        targetFormatCategory.name = doArgs.category
                        targetFormatCategory.type = categoryImageFormat
                        newTargetFormat.category = targetFormatCategory
                        field = fieldType
                        newTargetFormat.type = doArgs.type
                        if doArgs.credAccountType is not None:
                                field = fieldCredAccountType
                                newTargetFormat.credAccountType = doArgs.credAccountType
                        if doArgs.credInfos is not None:
                                newTargetFormat.credInfos = doArgs.credInfos
                        if doArgs.imageInfos is not None:
                                newTargetFormat.imageInfos = doArgs.imageInfos
                        if doArgs.publishInfos is not None:
                                newTargetFormat.publishInfos = doArgs.publishInfos

                        result = self.api.Orgs(org.dbId).Targetformats.Create(body=newTargetFormat)
                        if doArgs.file is not None and result is not None:
                                fileName = os.path.basename(doArgs.file)
                                file = open(doArgs.file, "r")
                                self.api.Orgs(org.dbId).Targetformats(result.dbId).Logo(Logoid=result.logo.dbId, Filename=fileName).Upload(body=file)

                        printer.out("Target Format ["+newTargetFormat.name+"] has successfully been created.", printer.OK)

                        return 0

                except ArgumentParserError as e:
                        printer.out("In Arguments: "+str(e), printer.ERROR)
                except pyxb.SimpleFacetValueError as e:
                        printer.out("Unknown " + field + " ["+str(e.value)+"] for target format." , printer.ERROR)
                        values = None
                        for value in e.type.values():
                                if values is None:
                                        values = value
                                        values = values + ", " + value
                        printer.out("Please change for one of these values: " + values, printer.ERROR)
                        return 2
                except Exception as e:
                        return handle_uforge_exception(e)
Пример #18
        def do_disable(self, args):
                        doParser = self.arg_disable()
                        doArgs = doParser.parse_args(shlex.split(args))

                        org = org_get(api=self.api,name=doArgs.org)
                        printer.out("Getting distributions list for user \""+doArgs.account+"\".")

                        distrosUser = self.api.Users(doArgs.account).Distros.Getall()
                        distrosUser = distrosUser.distributions.distribution

                        distrosUser = compare(distrosUser, doArgs.name, "name")
                        if doArgs.version is not None:
                                distrosUser = compare(distrosUser, doArgs.version, "version")
                        if doArgs.arch is not None:
                                distrosUser = compare(distrosUser, doArgs.arch, "arch")

                        distribs = distributions()
                        distribs.distributions = pyxb.BIND()
                        for item in distrosUser:
                                newDistro = distribution()
                                newDistro = item
                                newDistro.active = False

                        printer.out("Updating distributions list for user \""+doArgs.account+"\" :")
                        returnList = self.api.Users(doArgs.account).Distros.Update(Org=org.name,body=distribs)
                        printer.out("List for user \""+doArgs.account+"\" updated :", printer.OK)

                        table = Texttable(200)
                        table.set_cols_align(["c", "c", "c", "c", "c", "c"])
                        table.header(["Distribution", "Version", "Architecture", "Access", "Visible", "Release Date"])
                        for item in returnList.distributions.distribution:
                                if item.active:
                                        active = "X"
                                        active = ""

                                if item.visible:
                                        visible = "X"
                                        visible = ""

                                if item.releaseDate is None:
                                        releaseDate = "Unknown"
                                        releaseDate = item.releaseDate
                                table.add_row([item.name, item.version, item.arch, active, visible, releaseDate])
                        print table.draw() + "\n"
                        return 0

                except ArgumentParserError as e:
                        printer.out("In Arguments: "+str(e), printer.ERROR)
                except Exception as e:
                        return handle_uforge_exception(e)
Пример #19
        def do_list(self, args):
                        doParser = self.arg_list()
                        doArgs = doParser.parse_args(shlex.split(args))

                        org = org_utils.org_get(self.api, doArgs.org)
                        allRepo = self.api.Orgs(org.dbId).Repositories.Getall()

                        if allRepo is None:
                                printer.out("No repositories found in [" + org.name + "].")
                                return 0

                        if doArgs.sort is not None:
                                if doArgs.sort.lower() == "name":
                                        printer.out("Repository list ordered by [name] :")
                                        allRepo = order_list_object_by(allRepo.repositories.repository, "name")
                                elif doArgs.sort.lower() == "id":
                                        printer.out("Repository list ordered by [id] :")
                                        allRepo = sorted(allRepo.repositories.repository, key=lambda x: getattr(x, "dbId"), reverse=False)
                                elif doArgs.sort.lower() == "url":
                                        printer.out("Repository list ordered by [url] :")
                                        allRepo = order_list_object_by(allRepo.repositories.repository, "url")
                                elif doArgs.sort.lower() == "type":
                                        printer.out("Repository list ordered by [type] :")
                                        allRepo = order_list_object_by(allRepo.repositories.repository, "packagingType")
                                        printer.out("Sorting parameter filled don't exist.", printer.WARNING)
                                        printer.out("Repository list :")
                                        allRepo = sorted(allRepo.repositories.repository, key=lambda x: getattr(x, "dbId"), reverse=False)
                                printer.out("Repository list :")
                                allRepo = sorted(allRepo.repositories.repository, key=lambda x: getattr(x, "dbId"), reverse=False)

                        table = Texttable(200)
                        table.set_cols_align(["c", "c", "l", "l", "c"])
                        table.header(["Id", "Off. Supported", "Name", "URL", "Type"])

                        for item in allRepo:
                                if item.officiallySupported:
                                        officiallySupported = "X"
                                        officiallySupported = ""
                                table.add_row([item.dbId, officiallySupported, item.name, item.url, item.packagingType])

                        print table.draw() + "\n"

                        printer.out("Found " + str(len(allRepo)) + " repositories.")

                        return 0

                except ArgumentParserError as e:
                        printer.out("In Arguments: "+str(e), printer.ERROR)
                except Exception as e:
                        return handle_uforge_exception(e)
Пример #20
        def do_disable(self, args):
                        doParser = self.arg_disable()
                        doArgs = doParser.parse_args(shlex.split(args))

                        org = org_utils.org_get(self.api, doArgs.org)
                        if org is None:
                                printer.out("There is no organization matching ["+doArgs.org+"].", printer.OK)
                                return 0

                        printer.out("Getting target platform list for ["+org.name+"] . . .")
                        allTargetPlatforms = self.api.Orgs(org.dbId).Targetplatforms.Getall()
                        allTargetPlatforms = allTargetPlatforms.targetPlatforms.targetPlatform

                        if len(allTargetPlatforms) == 0:
                                printer.out("There is no target platforms in ["+org.name+"].", printer.WARNING)
                                return 0

                        all_targetplatforms = targetPlatforms()
                        all_targetplatforms.targetPlatforms = pyxb.BIND()

                        allTargetPlatforms = compare(allTargetPlatforms, doArgs.targetPlatforms, "name")

                        if len(allTargetPlatforms) == 0:
                                listName = ""
                                for tpname in doArgs.targetPlatforms:
                                        listName = listName + tpname + " "
                                printer.out("There is no target platforms matching ["+listName+"].", printer.ERROR)
                                return 2

                        for item in allTargetPlatforms:
                                targetPlatformToDisable = targetPlatform()
                                targetPlatformToDisable = item
                                targetPlatformToDisable.active = False
                                targetPlatformToDisable.access = False
                                printer.out("Disabling ["+item.name+"].")

                        result = self.api.Orgs(org.dbId).Targetplatforms.Updateaccess(body=all_targetplatforms)

                        if result is None or len(result.targetPlatforms.targetPlatform) == 0:
                                printer.out("The target platforms(s) selected are already disabled", printer.WARNING)
                                return 0
                        sentenceReturn = "Target Platform(s)"
                        for tp in result.targetPlatforms.targetPlatform:
                                sentenceReturn = sentenceReturn + " " + tp.name + " "
                        printer.out(sentenceReturn + "has/have been disabled.", printer.OK)

                        return 0

                except ArgumentParserError as e:
                        printer.out("In Arguments: "+str(e), printer.ERROR)
                except Exception as e:
                        return handle_uforge_exception(e)
Пример #21
        def do_add(self, args):
                        doParser = self.arg_add()
                        doArgs = doParser.parse_args(shlex.split(args))

                        # call UForge API
                        printer.out("Getting user [" + doArgs.account + "] ...")
                        user = self.api.Users(doArgs.account).Get()

                        if user is None:
                                printer.out("user " + self.login + "does not exist", printer.ERROR)
                                return 0

                        org = org_get(self.api, doArgs.org)
                        orgRoles = self.api.Orgs(org.dbId).Roles().Getall(body=None)

                        # Check if the given roles really exist in the organization
                        if doArgs.roles != None:
                                checkedRoleList = []
                                for r in doArgs.roles:
                                        found = False
                                        for existing_role in orgRoles.roles.role:
                                                if existing_role.name == r:
                                                        found = True
                                        if found == False:
                                                printer.out("Unable to find role with name [" + r + "] in organization [" + org.name + "]", printer.ERROR)
                                                return 0

                                # Create a new roles structures
                                new_roles = roles()
                                new_roles.roles = pyxb.BIND()

                                # Add the new roles
                                for new_role in checkedRoleList:
                                        r = role()
                                        r.name = new_role
                                # Add the user existing roles
                                for existing_user_role in user.roles.role:

                                printer.out("User [" + doArgs.account + "] updated with new roles.", printer.OK)
                                printer.out("You need to specify roles to add.", printer.ERROR)

                        return 0

                except ArgumentParserError as e:
                        printer.out("In Arguments: "+str(e), printer.ERROR)
                except Exception as e:
                        return handle_uforge_exception(e)
Пример #22
        def do_enable(self, args):
                        doParser = self.arg_enable()
                        doArgs = doParser.parse_args(shlex.split(args))

                        org = org_utils.org_get(self.api, doArgs.org)
                        if org is None:
                                printer.out("There is no organization matching ["+doArgs.org+"].", printer.OK)
                                return 0

                        printer.out("Getting target format list for ["+org.name+"] . . .")
                        allTargetFormats = self.api.Orgs(org.dbId).Targetformats.Getall()
                        allTargetFormats = allTargetFormats.targetFormats.targetFormat

                        if len(allTargetFormats) == 0:
                                printer.out("There is no target formats in ["+org.name+"].", printer.WARNING)
                                return 0

                        all_targetformats = targetFormats()
                        all_targetformats.targetFormats = pyxb.BIND()

                        allTargetFormats = compare(allTargetFormats, doArgs.targetFormats, "name")

                        if len(allTargetFormats) == 0:
                                listName = ""
                                for tfname in doArgs.targetFormats:
                                        listName = listName + tfname + " "
                                printer.out("There is no target formats matching ["+listName+"].", printer.ERROR)
                                return 2

                        for item in allTargetFormats:
                                newTargetFormat = targetFormat()
                                newTargetFormat = item
                                newTargetFormat.active = True
                                newTargetFormat.access = True
                                printer.out("Enabling ["+item.name+"].")

                        result = self.api.Orgs(org.dbId).Targetformats.Updateaccess(body=all_targetformats)

                        if result is None or len(result.targetFormats.targetFormat) == 0:
                                printer.out("The target format(s) selected are already enabled", printer.WARNING)
                                return 0
                        sentenceReturn = "Target Format(s)"
                        for tf in result.targetFormats.targetFormat:
                                sentenceReturn = sentenceReturn + " " + tf.name + " "
                        printer.out(sentenceReturn + "has/have been enabled.", printer.OK)

                        return 0

                except ArgumentParserError as e:
                        printer.out("In Arguments: "+str(e), printer.ERROR)
                except Exception as e:
                        return handle_uforge_exception(e)
Пример #23
        def do_create(self, args):
                        # add arguments
                        doParser = self.arg_create()
                        doArgs = doParser.parse_args(shlex.split(args))
                        org = org_utils.org_get(self.api, doArgs.org)

                        # call UForge API
                        printer.out("Creating subscription profile [" + doArgs.name + "] ...")

                        # create a user manually
                        new_subscription_profile = subscriptionProfile()
                        new_subscription_profile.name = doArgs.name
                        new_subscription_profile.code = doArgs.code
                        if doArgs.description:
                                new_subscription_profile.description = doArgs.description
                        if doArgs.active:
                                new_subscription_profile.active = doArgs.active

                        new_subscription_profile.admins = pyxb.BIND()
                        if doArgs.admins:
                                for a in doArgs.admins:
                                        new_admin = user()
                                        new_admin.loginName = a

                        new_subscription_profile.roles = pyxb.BIND()
                        if doArgs.roles:
                                for a in doArgs.roles:
                                        new_role = role()
                                        new_role.name = a

                        # Send the create user request to the server
                        new_subscription_profile = self.api.Orgs(org.dbId).Subscriptions().Add(new_subscription_profile)

                        if new_subscription_profile is None:
                                printer.out("No information about the new subscription profile available", printer.ERROR)
                                printer.out("New subscription profile [" + new_subscription_profile.name + "] created.", printer.OK)
                                table = Texttable(200)
                                table.set_cols_align(["c", "c", "c"])
                                        ["Name", "Code", "Active"])
                                table.add_row([new_subscription_profile.name, new_subscription_profile.code,
                                               "X" if new_subscription_profile.active else ""])
                                print table.draw() + "\n"
                        return 0

                except ArgumentParserError as e:
                        printer.out("ERROR: In Arguments: " + str(e), printer.ERROR)
                except Exception as e:
                        return handle_uforge_exception(e)
Пример #24
        def do_remove(self, args):
                        doParser = self.arg_remove()
                        doArgs = doParser.parse_args(shlex.split(args))

                        printer.out("Getting subscription profile with name [" + doArgs.name + "]...")
                        org = org_utils.org_get(self.api, doArgs.org)
                        subscriptions = self.api.Orgs(org.dbId).Subscriptions().Getall(Search=None)
                        osList = self.api.Orgs(org.dbId).Distributions.Getall()
                        osList = osList.distributions.distribution
                        if osList == None:
                                printer.out("The organization as no OS available")

                        if doArgs.os is not None:
                                osList = compare(osList, doArgs.os, "name")
                        if doArgs.version is not None:
                                osList = compare(osList, doArgs.version, "version")
                        if doArgs.arch is not None:
                                osList = compare(osList, doArgs.arch, "arch")

                        if len(osList) == 0:
                                printer.out("There is no distribution matching the request.")
                                return 0

                        subProfileSelected = None
                        exist = False
                        for subProfile in subscriptions.subscriptionProfiles.subscriptionProfile:
                                if subProfile.name == doArgs.name:
                                        subProfileSelected = subProfile
                                        exist = True
                                        all_distros = distributions()
                                        all_distros.distributions = pyxb.BIND()

                                        for distribItem in subProfile.distributions.distribution:
                                                for nr in osList:
                                                        if distribItem.name == nr.name and distribItem.version == nr.version and distribItem.arch == nr.arch:
                                                                distro = distribution()
                                                                distro = nr
                                                                distro.active = False
                        if not exist:
                                printer.out("Subscription profile requested don't exist in [" + org.name + "]")
                                return 0
                        self.api.Orgs(org.dbId).Subscriptions(subProfileSelected.dbId).Distros.Update(Allusers=doArgs.allusers, body=all_distros)
                        printer.out("Some OS removed for subscription profile [" + doArgs.name + "]...", printer.OK)
                        return 0

                except ArgumentParserError as e:
                        printer.out("ERROR: In Arguments: " + str(e), printer.ERROR)
                except Exception as e:
                        return handle_uforge_exception(e)
Пример #25
    def do_add(self, args):
            doParser = self.arg_add()
            doArgs = doParser.parse_args(shlex.split(args))

            printer.out("Getting subscription profile with name [" + doArgs.name + "]...")
            org = org_utils.org_get(self.api, doArgs.org)
            subscriptions = self.api.Orgs(org.dbId).Subscriptions().Getall(Search=None)
            osList = self.api.Orgs(org.dbId).Distributions.Getall()
            osList = osList.distributions.distribution
            if osList == None:
                printer.out("The organisation as no OS available")

            if doArgs.os is not None:
                osList = compare(osList, doArgs.os, "name")
            if doArgs.version is not None:
                osList = compare(osList, doArgs.version, "version")
            if doArgs.arch is not None:
                osList = compare(osList, doArgs.arch, "arch")

            subProfileSelected = None
            exist = False
            for subProfile in subscriptions.subscriptionProfiles.subscriptionProfile:
                if subProfile.name == doArgs.name:
                    subProfileSelected = subProfile
                    exist = True
                    all_distros = distributions()
                    all_distros.distributions = pyxb.BIND()

                    for f in subProfile.distributions.distribution:

                    for nr in osList:
                        existRole = False
                        for item in all_distros.distributions.distribution:
                            if item.name == nr.name:
                                existRole = True
                        if not existRole:

            if not exist:
                printer.out("Subscription profile requested don't exist in [" + org.name + "]")
                return 0
            printer.out("Some OS added for subscription profile [" + doArgs.name + "]...", printer.OK)
            return 0

        except ArgumentParserError as e:
            printer.out("ERROR: In Arguments: " + str(e), printer.ERROR)
        except Exception as e:
            return handle_uforge_exception(e)
Пример #26
    def do_add(self, args):
            # add arguments
            do_parser = self.arg_add()
            doArgs = do_parser.parse_args(shlex.split(args))
            org = org_utils.org_get(self.api, doArgs.org)

            printer.out("Getting role [" + doArgs.name + "]...")
            all_roles = self.api.Orgs(org.dbId).Roles().Getall(None)

            old_role = None
            for r in all_roles.roles.role:
                if r.name == doArgs.name:
                    old_role = r

            if old_role is None:
                printer.out("No role [" + doArgs.name + "]...")
                return 1

            new_role = role()
            new_role.name = old_role.name
            new_role.description = old_role.description
            new_role.entitlements = pyxb.BIND()

            for r in old_role.entitlements.entitlement:
                already_entitlement = entitlement()
                already_entitlement.name = r.name

            entitlementsList = self.api.Entitlements.Getall()
            entitlementsList = compare(entitlementsList.entitlements.entitlement, doArgs.entitlements, "name")

            for e in entitlementsList:
                new_entitlement = entitlement()
                new_entitlement.name = e.name
                printer.out("Added " + new_entitlement.name + " to role.")

            if len(entitlementsList) == 0:
                printer.out("No entitlements found.", printer.ERROR)
                return 0

            printer.out("Role [" + doArgs.name + "] updated with new entitlements.", printer.OK)
            return 0
        except ArgumentParserError as e:
            printer.out("ERROR: In Arguments: " + str(e), printer.ERROR)
        except Exception as e:
            return handle_uforge_exception(e)
        def do_add(self, args):
                        # add arguments
                        doParser = self.arg_add()
                        doArgs = doParser.parse_args(shlex.split(args))

                        printer.out("Getting subscription profile with name [" + doArgs.name + "]...")
                        org = org_utils.org_get(self.api, doArgs.org)
                        if org is None:
                                printer.out("There is no organization matching ["+doArgs.org+"].", printer.OK)
                                return 0

                        subscriptions = self.api.Orgs(org.dbId).Subscriptions().Getall(Search=None)
                        orgTargetPlatforms = self.api.Orgs(org.dbId).Targetplatforms.Getall()
                        if orgTargetPlatforms is None:
                                printer.out("The organization as no target platform available.")
                                return 0

                        exist = False
                        subProfileSelected = None
                        for item in subscriptions.subscriptionProfiles.subscriptionProfile:
                                if item.name == doArgs.name:
                                        exist = True
                                        subProfileSelected = item
                                        all_targetPlatforms = targetPlatforms()
                                        all_targetPlatforms.targetPlatforms = pyxb.BIND()

                                        newTargetPlatforms = compare(orgTargetPlatforms.targetPlatforms.targetPlatform, doArgs.targetPlatforms, "name")

                                        if len(newTargetPlatforms) == 0:
                                                listName = ""
                                                for tpname in doArgs.targetPlatforms:
                                                        listName = listName + tpname + " "
                                                printer.out("There is no target platforms matching ["+listName+"].")
                                                return 0

                                        for nr in newTargetPlatforms:
                                                printer.out("Added target platform " + nr.name + " for subscription.")

                                        self.api.Orgs(org.dbId).Subscriptions(subProfileSelected.dbId).Targetplatforms.Orgsubscriptionprofiletargetplatformupdate(Allusers=doArgs.allusers, body=all_targetPlatforms)
                                        printer.out("Some target platforms added for subscription profile [" + doArgs.name + "]...", printer.OK)
                        if not exist:
                                printer.out("Subscription profile requested don't exist in [" + org.name + "]")
                        return 0

                except ArgumentParserError as e:
                        printer.out("ERROR: In Arguments: " + str(e), printer.ERROR)
                except Exception as e:
                        return handle_uforge_exception(e)
Пример #28
        def do_listTargetFormat(self, args):
                        doParser = self.arg_listTargetFormat()
                        doArgs = doParser.parse_args(shlex.split(args))

                        org = org_utils.org_get(self.api, doArgs.org)
                        if org is None:
                                printer.out("There is no organization matching ["+doArgs.org+"].", printer.OK)
                                return 0

                        printer.out("Getting target platform with id ["+doArgs.id+"] for ["+org.name+"] . . .")
                        targetPlatform = self.api.Orgs(org.dbId).Targetplatforms(doArgs.id).Get()
                        if targetPlatform is None:
                                printer.out("TargetPlatform with id "+ doArgs.id +" does not exist", printer.ERROR)
                                return 2
                                printer.out("Getting target format list for target platform ["+targetPlatform.name+"] . . .")
                                allTargetFormats = self.api.Orgs(org.dbId).Targetplatforms(targetPlatform.dbId).Targetformats.Getalltargetformats()
                                allTargetFormats = order_list_object_by(allTargetFormats.targetFormats.targetFormat, "name")

                                if len(allTargetFormats) == 0:
                                        printer.out("There is no target formats in target platform ["+targetPlatform.name+"].", printer.OK)
                                        return 0

                        printer.out("Found "+str(len(allTargetFormats))+" target formats in target platform ["+targetPlatform.name+"].", printer.OK)
                        table = Texttable(200)
                        table.set_cols_align(["c", "l", "l", "l", "l", "l", "c"])
                        table.header(["Id", "Name", "Format", "Category", "Type", "CredAccountType", "Access"])

                        for item in allTargetFormats:
                                if item.access:
                                        access = "X"
                                        access = ""
                                if item.credAccountType is None:
                                        credAccountType = ""
                                        credAccountType = item.credAccountType
                                table.add_row([item.dbId, item.name, item.format.name, item.category.name, item.type, credAccountType, access])

                        print table.draw() + "\n"
                        return 0

                except ArgumentParserError as e:
                        printer.out("In Arguments: "+str(e), printer.ERROR)
                except Exception as e:
                        return handle_uforge_exception(e)
Пример #29
    def do_promote(self, args):
            doParser = self.arg_promote()
            doArgs = doParser.parse_args(shlex.split(args))
            org = org_utils.org_get(self.api, doArgs.org)

            adminUser = self.api.Users(doArgs.account).Get()

            if adminUser == None:
                printer.out("User [" + doArgs.account + "] doesn't exist.", printer.ERROR)
                return 0
            self.api.Orgs(org.dbId).Members(adminUser.loginName).Change(Admin=True, body=adminUser)
            printer.out("User [" + doArgs.account + "] has been promoted in [" + org.name + "] :", printer.OK)

            # Second API call to get latest infos
            adminUser = self.api.Users(doArgs.account).Get()
            if adminUser.active:
                active = "X"
                active = ""

            printer.out("Informations about [" + adminUser.loginName + "] :")
            table = Texttable(200)
            table.set_cols_align(["c", "l", "c", "c", "c", "c", "c", "c"])
                ["Login", "Email", "Lastname", "Firstname", "Created", "Active", "Promo Code", "Creation Code"]
                    adminUser.created.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
            print table.draw() + "\n"

            return 0

        except ArgumentParserError as e:
            printer.out("In Arguments: " + str(e), printer.ERROR)
        except Exception as e:
            return handle_uforge_exception(e)
Пример #30
        def do_add(self, args):
                        doParser = self.arg_add()
                        doArgs = doParser.parse_args(shlex.split(args))
                        org = org_get(self.api, doArgs.org)

                        allUsergrp = self.api.Usergroups.Getall(Name=org.name)
                        if allUsergrp.userGroups.userGroup is None or len(allUsergrp.userGroups.userGroup) == 0:
                                printer.out("There is no user group in organization [" + org.name + "].")
                                return 0
                        Exist = False
                        for item in allUsergrp.userGroups.userGroup:
                                if item.admin.name == doArgs.name:
                                        Exist = True
                                        userGroupId = item.dbId
                        if not Exist:
                                printer.out("The user group [" + doArgs.name + "] doesn't exist in [" + org.name + "].")
                                return 0

                        allMembers = self.api.Usergroups(userGroupId).Members.Get()

                        newUsers = users()
                        newUsers.users = pyxb.BIND()
                        for item2 in allMembers.users.user:
                                newUser = user()
                                newUser.loginName = item2.loginName
                        for item3 in doArgs.accounts:
                                userExist = False
                                for item4 in allMembers.users.user:
                                        if item3 == item4.loginName:
                                                userExist = True
                                                printer.out("User [" + item3 + "] is already in the user group.", printer.WARNING)
                                if not userExist:
                                        newUser = user()
                                        newUser.loginName = item3
                                        printer.out("User " + newUser.loginName + " has been added to the user group.", printer.OK)

                        result = self.api.Usergroups(userGroupId).Members.Add(body=newUsers)
                        return 0

                except ArgumentParserError as e:
                        printer.out("ERROR: In Arguments: " + str(e), printer.ERROR)
                except Exception as e:
                        return handle_uforge_exception(e)
Пример #31
    def do_disable(self, args):
            doParser = self.arg_disable()
            doArgs = doParser.parse_args(shlex.split(args))
            org = org_utils.org_get(self.api, doArgs.org)
            if org is None:
                    "There is no organization matching [" + doArgs.org + "].",
                return 0

            if doArgs.org is not None:
                targetPlatformsUser = self.api.Users(
                targetPlatformsUser = self.api.Users(
            if targetPlatformsUser is None or len(
                    targetPlatformsUser.targetPlatforms.targetPlatform) == 0:
                printer.out("There is no target platform for the user \"" +
                            doArgs.account + "\" in [" + org.name + "].")
                return 0
                targetPlatformsUser = targetPlatformsUser.targetPlatforms.targetPlatform

                targetPlatformsList = targetPlatforms()
                targetPlatformsList.targetPlatforms = pyxb.BIND()

                targetPlatformsUser = compare(targetPlatformsUser,
                                              doArgs.targetPlatforms, "name")

                if len(targetPlatformsUser) == 0:
                    listName = ""
                    for tpname in doArgs.targetPlatforms:
                        listName = listName + tpname + " "
                    printer.out("There is no target platforms matching [" +
                                listName + "].")
                    return 0

                for item in targetPlatformsUser:
                    targetPlatformToDisable = targetPlatform()
                    targetPlatformToDisable = item
                    targetPlatformToDisable.active = False
                    targetPlatformToDisable.access = False
                    printer.out("Disabling [" + item.name + "].")

                result = self.api.Users(doArgs.account).Targetplatforms.Update(
                    Org=org.name, body=targetPlatformsList)
                result = generics_utils.order_list_object_by(
                    result.targetPlatforms.targetPlatform, "name")

                table = Texttable(200)
                table.set_cols_align(["c", "c", "c", "c"])
                table.header(["Id", "Name", "Type", "Access"])

                for item in result:
                    if item.access:
                        access = "X"
                        access = ""
                    table.add_row([item.dbId, item.name, item.type, access])

                printer.out("Target Platform list for user \"" +
                            doArgs.account + "\" :")
                print table.draw() + "\n"
            return 0

        except ArgumentParserError as e:
            printer.out("In Arguments: " + str(e), printer.ERROR)
        except Exception as e:
            return handle_uforge_exception(e)