def __init__(self, component, logger, netcfg, read_only=False, client=None): # Define ruleset attributes if not client: self.client = createLocalClient() else: self.client = client = None self.filename = None self.filetype = "ruleset" self.is_template = False self.read_only = read_only self.input_output_rules = component.input_output_rules self.format_version = RULESET_VERSION self.config = component.config # Create object libraries self.resources = Resources(self) self.protocols = Protocols(self) self.applications = Applications(self) self.periodicities = Periodicities(self) self.operating_systems = OperatingSystems(self) self.user_groups = UserGroups(self) self.durations = Durations(self) self.acls_ipv4 = AclIPv4Rules(self) self.acls_ipv6 = AclIPv6Rules(self) self.nats = NatRules(self) self.rules = { 'acls-ipv4': self.acls_ipv4, 'acls-ipv6': self.acls_ipv6, 'nats': self.nats, } self.platforms = Platforms(self) self.custom_rules = CustomRules(self) self.include_templates = {} # name => IncludeTemplate object # order is cosmetic self._libraries = odict(( ('resources', self.resources), ('protocols', self.protocols), ('platforms', self.platforms), ('applications', self.applications), ('periodicities', self.periodicities), ('operating_systems', self.operating_systems), ('user_groups', self.user_groups), ('durations', self.durations), ('acls_ipv4', self.acls_ipv4), ('acls_ipv6', self.acls_ipv6), ('nats', self.nats), )) self.createBaseObjects(logger, netcfg) # Generic links, fusion and actions attributes self.generic_links = GenericLinks(self) self.generic_links.load() self.fusion = Fusion(self) self.actions = ActionStack(self, UNDO_MAX_SIZE)
def _createAttributes(cls): attributes = [] for name in dir(cls): attr = getattr(cls, name) if not isinstance(attr, Attribute): continue attributes.append((name, attr)) attributes.sort(key=lambda(name,attr): attr.index) return odict(attributes)
def __init__(self, window, rule_type, rule_class): Model.__init__(self, window, rule_type) self.compatibility = window.compatibility self.rule_type = rule_type = rule_type self.rule_class = rule_class self.enabled = True # identifier (int) => AclIPv4, AclIPv6 or Nat object self.rules = {} # chain key => InputChain, OutputChain or ForwardChain # eg. chain=("eth0", "eth2") or chain="INPUT" self.chains = odict()
def createUpdatesOdict(all_updates): updates_odict = odict() for domain, updates_list in all_updates: updates = Updates() for update in updates_list: type, identifiers = update if domain.endswith("-chains"): _identifiers = [] for chain, rule_id in identifiers: if isinstance(chain, list): # ['eth0', 'eth2'] => ('eth0', 'eth2') chain = tuple(chain) _identifiers.append((chain, rule_id)) identifiers = _identifiers update = Update(domain, type, *identifiers) updates.addUpdate(update) updates_odict[domain] = updates return updates_odict
def paint(self, painter, rect, widget_size, draw_highlight): GraphXYView.paint(self, painter, rect, widget_size, draw_highlight) smooth = 2.5 # this is invert smoothing, increase it to sharpen graph if not self.model(): return option = self.viewOptions() background = option.palette.base() foreground = QPen(option.palette.color(QPalette.Foreground)) # Handle step by step size increment step_width = floor(widget_size.width() / RESIZE_INCREMENT) * RESIZE_INCREMENT step_height = floor(widget_size.height() / RESIZE_INCREMENT) * RESIZE_INCREMENT if self.model().rowCount(self.rootIndex()) != 0: value_max = self.getValueMaxAll() else: value_max = 0 # If there is no data yet, or the max is at 0, use a max of 10 to dispaly an axe if self.fetcher.fragment.type == 'LoadStream': if value_max < 100: value_max = 100 else: if value_max == 0: value_max = 10 if len( != 0: xmin = self.getValueMin(0) xmax = self.getValueMax(0) else: return if xmin == xmax: return # avoid division by 0 # Offset to cerrectly center the graph after the resizing due to the step by step increment painter.translate((widget_size.width() - step_width) / 2.0, (widget_size.height() - step_height) / 2.0) painter.setPen(foreground) # Draw lines fm = QFontMetrics(painter.font()) margin_size = fm.width("0") if self.fetcher.fragment.type == 'TrafficStream': x_axe_off = fm.width(unicode(value_max * 2000)) else: x_axe_off = fm.width(unicode(value_max * 200)) # Order them by max mean value means = {} for col in xrange(1, len([0])): means[col] = self.getMeanValue(col) def mean_sorter(x, y): return cmp(y[1], x[1]) means_sorted = means.items() means_sorted.sort(mean_sorter) def slope_by_index(points, index, sens): if index >= len(points): return 0 if index == 0: return points[index].y() + (points[index+1].y()-points[index].y())/smooth if index == (len(points) - 1): return points[index].y() - (points[index].y()-points[index-1].y())/smooth vpoints = [ points[index-1].y(), points[index].y(), points[index+1].y()] if points[index].y() == max(vpoints): return points[index].y() if points[index].y() == min(vpoints): return points[index].y() if sens == 0: return points[index].y() + (points[index+1].y()-points[index].y())/smooth #return points[index].y() + (points[index+1].y() - points[index-1].y()) / (points[index+1].x()-points[index-1].x()) * (points[index+1].x() - points[index].x()) / smooth else: return points[index].y() - (points[index].y()-points[index-1].y())/smooth #return points[index].y() + (points[index+1].y() - points[index-1].y()) / (points[index+1].x()-points[index-1].x()) * (points[index-1].x() - points[index].x()) / smooth colors = odict() for _col in means_sorted: col = _col[0] path = QPainterPath() path.setFillRule(Qt.WindingFill) last_point = None height_max = 0.0 width_max = step_width - 2 * margin_size - x_axe_off height_max = (step_height * (1.0 - TITLE_AREA)) - 2 * margin_size points = [] for row in xrange(len( index = self.model().index(row, col, self.rootIndex()) value =[0] x_value = int([row][0]) #print "x=", x_value, "y=", value if value >= 0.0: height = height_max * value/value_max x = (float(x_value - xmin) / float(xmax - xmin)) * width_max point = QPointF(x + margin_size + x_axe_off, height_max - height + margin_size) points.append(point) for index, point in enumerate(points): # draw simple point painter.setBrush(QBrush(QColor(self.colours[col]).dark(200))) painter.drawEllipse(QRectF(point.x() - 2, point.y() - 2, 4, 4)) # init drawing if index == 0: path.moveTo(point) continue px = points[index-1].x() + (points[index].x() - points[index-1].x()) / smooth py = slope_by_index(points, index-1, 0) c1 = QPointF(px, py) px = points[index].x() - ( points[index].x() - points[index-1].x() ) / smooth py = slope_by_index(points, index, 1) c2 = QPointF(px, py) path.cubicTo(c1, c2, point) last_point = points[len(points)-1] if last_point: txt = self.model().headerData(col, Qt.Horizontal).toString() txt_width = fm.width(txt) txt_height = fm.height() colors[txt] = QColor(self.colours[col]) path.lineTo(QPointF(x + margin_size + x_axe_off, height_max + margin_size)) path.lineTo(QPointF(margin_size + x_axe_off, height_max + margin_size)) color = QColor(self.colours[col]) color.setAlpha(200) ## Create the gradient effect grad = QLinearGradient(QPointF(0.0, 0.0), QPointF(0.0, height_max)) grad.setColorAt(1.0, color.dark(150)) grad.setColorAt(0.95, color) grad.setColorAt(0.05, color) grad.setColorAt(0.0, Qt.white) painter.setBrush(QBrush(grad)) painter.drawPath(path) # Graduations nbr_grad = xmax - xmin dgrad = 1 while nbr_grad > 10: nbr_grad = floor(nbr_grad / 10) dgrad = dgrad * 10 if nbr_grad <= 2: dgrad = dgrad / 10 nbr_grad = 10 # Prevent for infinite loops. if dgrad < 1: dgrad = 1 dx = (float(dgrad) / float(xmax-xmin)) * width_max text_dy = fm.height() i = 0 while (i * dgrad) <= xmax - xmin: if self.fetcher.fragment.type != 'TrafficStream' or (self.fetcher.fragment.type == 'TrafficStream' and i % 4 == 0): grad_width = fm.width("0") painter.drawLine(margin_size + x_axe_off + (i*dx), height_max + margin_size, margin_size + x_axe_off + (i*dx), height_max + margin_size + grad_width) text = unicode(int(dgrad * i)) # Legend drawing: painter.translate(margin_size + x_axe_off + (i*dx), height_max + margin_size + 2*grad_width) painter.rotate(-45.0) int_time = (i * dgrad) + xmin text = QString('%ds' % (xmax - int_time)) txt_width = fm.width(text) painter.drawText(QRect(-txt_width, -dx, txt_width, 2*dx), Qt.AlignRight|Qt.AlignVCenter, text) painter.rotate(45.0) painter.translate(-(margin_size + x_axe_off + (i*dx)), -(height_max + margin_size + 2*grad_width)) i = i + 1 interval = 0 height = height_max + margin_size + txt_width * sin(45) + 30 for k, v in colors.iteritems(): painter.setPen(v) legendRect = QRect(interval, height, 10, 10) painter.drawRect(legendRect) painter.fillRect(legendRect, QBrush(v)) painter.setPen(foreground) txt_width = fm.width(k) txt_height = fm.height() painter.drawText(QRect(interval + 10, height, txt_width, txt_height), Qt.AlignRight|Qt.AlignVCenter, k) interval += 20 + txt_width painter.translate((step_width - widget_size.width()) / 2.0, (step_height - widget_size.height()) / 2.0) painter.restore()