Пример #1
    def filterRules(self, acls, forward_chains, custom_rules):
        for line in longComment("filter table"):
            yield line

        yield "*filter"
        for chain in ("INPUT", "FORWARD", "OUTPUT"):
            decision = self.default_decisions.getDecision(chain)
            if decision == 'REJECT':
                decision = 'DROP'
            yield Counters(chain, decision=decision)
        for chain_obj in forward_chains:
            yield chain_obj.create
        if self.options.deny_all:
        for line in self.defaultFilterRules():
            yield line
        for line in self.userPreRules('filter'):
            yield line
        for line in self.customRules(custom_rules, 'filter-pre'):
            yield line

        for line in comment("Dispatch FORWARD to the different chains"):
            yield line
        for line in dispatchRules(forward_chains):
            yield line

        for line in aclsRules(self, acls):
            yield line

        for line in self.customRules(custom_rules, 'filter-post'):
            yield line
        for line in self.userPostRules('filter'):
            yield line
        for line in self.filterDrop(forward_chains):
            yield line
Пример #2
    def defaultFilterRules(self):
        if self.options.gateway:
            chains = ("FORWARD", "INPUT", "OUTPUT")
            chains = ("INPUT", "OUTPUT")
        for line in comment("Default filter rules"):
            yield line

        # Accept packets related to established connections
        for chain in chains:
            yield Arguments(
                "-A", chain,
                "-m", "state", "--state", "RELATED,ESTABLISHED",
                "-j", "ACCEPT")

        # Drop invalid packets?
        if self.config['drop_invalid']:
            for chain in chains:
                if chain == 'INPUT':
                args = Arguments("-A", chain)
                if self.options.ipv6:
                    args += Arguments("!", "-p", "icmpv6")
                args += Arguments("-m", "state", "--state", "INVALID")
                if self.config['log_invalid']:
                    yield args + self.logRule("DROP", "Drop INVALID %s" % chain)
                yield args + Arguments("-j", "DROP")

        # Accept all packets from loopback interface
        yield Arguments("-A", "INPUT",
            "-i", "lo",
            "-j", "ACCEPT") + self._comment("Trust loopback")
        yield Arguments("-A", "OUTPUT",
            "-o", "lo",
            "-j", "ACCEPT") + self._comment("Trust loopback")
Пример #3
    def aclRules(self, acl, chain):
        title = unicode(acl)
        if not acl.enabled:
            title += ' (disabled)'
        for line in comment(title, extra=acl.comment, empty_line=self.empty_line):
            yield line

        rules = AclRule(acl, chain, self.iptables)
        rule_number = 1
        for rule in rules.generateRules(rule_number):
            yield rule
            rule_number += 1
Пример #4
 def userRules(self, table, suffix):
     if self.options.ipv6:
         dirname = LOCAL_RULES_IPV6_DIR
         dirname = LOCAL_RULES_IPV4_DIR
     pattern = path_join(dirname, '%s*.rules' % table) + suffix
     for filename in glob(pattern):
         text = "User rules: %s" % filename
         for line in comment(text):
             yield line
         with open(filename) as user_file:
             for line in user_file:
                 line = line.strip()
                 if not line:
                 if not line.startswith("#"):
                     line = REMOVE_COMMENT.sub('', line)
                 yield line
         for line in closeComment(text):
             yield line
Пример #5
 def dropRules(self, table, chains):
     if not chains:
     for line in comment("Default decisions"):
         yield line
     for chain in chains:
         if isinstance(chain, IptablesChain):
             if chain.isGeneric():
                 yield u"# No default drop for chain %s" % chain
             chain_key = (chain.input.id, chain.output.id)
             # chain is a string (eg. 'FORWARD')
             chain_key = chain
         decision, use_log = self.default_decisions.get(chain_key)
         if (table == "mangle") and (decision == 'REJECT'):
             # It's not possible to reject packets in mangle table
             decision = "DROP"
         if use_log:
             yield self.logDrop(chain, decision)
         yield Arguments("-A", chain, "-j", decision) + self._comment("Default decision")
Пример #6
def iptableRules(iptables, nat, empty_line, apply_rules):
    ruleset = nat.ruleset

    if iptables.options.format == "iptables":
        prefix = Arguments("iptables", "-t", "nat")
        prefix = Arguments()

    # Create header (title and comment)
    title = unicode(nat)
    if not nat.enabled:
        title += u' (disabled)'
    for line in comment(title, extra=nat.comment, empty_line=empty_line):
        yield line

    # Create source and destination parameters
    chain = nat.createChainKey()

    # Create protocols
    protocols = list(flattenObjectList(nat.filters))
    if not protocols:
        protocols = (None,)

    # Get nated sources
    if len(nat.nated_sources):
        nated_src = getFirst(nat.nated_sources)
        nated_src = None

    # Get nated destinations
    if len(nat.nated_destinations):
        nated_dst = getFirst(nat.nated_destinations)
        nated_dst = None

    if nat.type != NAT_TRANSLATE:
        suffix = Arguments('-j', 'ACCEPT')
    elif chain == u'POSTROUTING' and isinstance(nated_src, FirewallResource):
        suffix = Arguments('-j', 'MASQUERADE')
    elif chain == u'POSTROUTING':
        source = getFirstAddress(nat, nated_src, apply_rules)
        if isinstance(nated_src, (NetworkResource, IPsecNetworkResource)):
            suffix = Arguments('-j', 'NETMAP', '--to', source)
            suffix = Arguments('-j', 'SNAT', '--to-source', source)
    elif chain == u'PREROUTING':
        dest = getFirstAddress(nat, nated_dst, apply_rules)
        if len(nat.nated_filters):
            newproto = getFirst(nat.nated_filters)
            dest += u':%s' % newproto.dport
        if isinstance(nated_dst, (NetworkResource, IPsecNetworkResource)):
            suffix = Arguments('-j', 'NETMAP', '--to', dest)
            suffix = Arguments('-j', 'DNAT', '--to-destination', dest)

    rule_number = 1
    for network_args in formatSrcDst(ruleset.resources, nat, chain):
        for proto in protocols:
            iptable_rule = prefix

            if not nat.enabled:
                iptable_rule += Arguments("#")
            iptable_rule += Arguments('-A', chain)
            iptable_rule += network_args
            if proto:
                iptable_rule += formatProtocol(proto, chain)

            iptable_rule += suffix
            if iptables.options.format != "iptables":
                iptable_rule += iptables.ruleComment(nat, rule_number)
            rule_number += 1

            yield iptable_rule