def new_file(self, widget, file=''): dialog = file_dialog.FileDialog(self.main, file, False) resp = if resp == Gtk.ResponseType.DELETE_EVENT or resp == Gtk.ResponseType.REJECT: dialog.destroy() else: self.file = dialog.file self.main.load_new_file(dialog, self.file) dialog.destroy()
def new_file(self, widget, file=''): dialog = file_dialog.FileDialog(self.dependency_check.HAS_PYEW, self.dependency_check.HAS_RADARE, self.uicore.backend, file) resp = if resp == gtk.RESPONSE_DELETE_EVENT or resp == gtk.RESPONSE_REJECT: dialog.destroy() else: self.file = dialog.file self.main.load_new_file(dialog, self.file) dialog.destroy()
def new_file(self, widget, file=''): dialog = file_dialog.FileDialog(False, self.dependency_check.HAS_RADARE, 'radare', file) resp = if resp == Gtk.ResponseType.DELETE_EVENT or resp == Gtk.ResponseType.REJECT: dialog.destroy() else: self.file = dialog.file self.main.load_new_file(dialog, self.file) dialog.destroy()
def __init__(self, target, backend): self.dependency_check = dependency_check = target self.backend = backend self.empty_gui = False # Variable to hold the Process object in case we choose to disassemble a binary. self.dasm_process = False # Check if we have, at least, one core; else: exit if not dependency_check.HAS_PYEW and not dependency_check.HAS_RADARE: md = gtk.MessageDialog(None, gtk.DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT, gtk.MESSAGE_ERROR, gtk.BUTTONS_CLOSE, None) md.set_markup("<big><b>No backend engines found!</b></big>") md.format_secondary_markup("Install either pyew or radare to run bokken:\n\n<b>Pyew:</b>\t\t<a href=\"\"></a>\n<b>Radare:</b>\t<a href=\"\"></a>") md.destroy() sys.exit(1) # Launch file selection dialog dialog = file_dialog.FileDialog(dependency_check.HAS_PYEW, dependency_check.HAS_RADARE, self.backend, resp = if resp == gtk.RESPONSE_DELETE_EVENT or resp == gtk.RESPONSE_REJECT: sys.exit(1) # Get dialog selected file, backend and options = dialog.file self.backend = dialog.backend # Load selected core if self.backend == 'pyew': import ui.core as core self.uicore = core.Core(, dialog.deep, dialog.progress_bar) elif self.backend == 'radare': import ui.radare_core as radare_core self.uicore = radare_core.Core(dialog.radare_lower, dialog.analyze_bin, dialog.asm_syn ,dialog.use_va, dialog.asm_byt, dialog.progress_bar) self.uicore.backend = self.backend # Check if target name is an URL, pyew stores it as 'raw' self.uicore.is_url( if # Just open the target if path is correct or an url if self.uicore.core.format != 'URL' and not os.path.isfile( print "Incorrect file argument:", FAIL,, ENDC sys.exit(1) self.load_file( import ui.core_functions ui.core_functions.repaint() else: self.empty_gui = True self.window = gtk.Window(gtk.WINDOW_TOPLEVEL) self.window.set_focus = True self.window.connect("delete_event", self.quit) self.window.set_icon_from_file(os.path.dirname(__file__)+os.sep+'data'+os.sep+'bokken.svg') gtk.settings_get_default().set_long_property("gtk-button-images", True, "main") # Title self.window.set_title(MAINTITLE) # Positions self.window.resize(800, 600) self.window.move(25, 25) # Maximize window self.window.maximize() # Create VBox to contain top buttons and other VBox self.supervb = gtk.VBox(False, 1) # Menu bar self.mbar = menu_bar.MenuBar(self) self.supervb.pack_start(self.mbar, False, False, 1) # Create top buttons and add to VBox if self.backend == 'pyew': import ui.pyew_toolbar as toolbar self.topbuttons = toolbar.TopButtons(self.uicore, self) elif self.backend == 'radare': import ui.radare_toolbar as toolbar self.topbuttons = toolbar.TopButtons(self.uicore, self) self.supervb.pack_start(self.topbuttons, False, True, 1) # Create VBox to contain textviews and statusbar self.mainvb = gtk.VBox(False, 1) self.supervb.pack_start(self.mainvb, True, True, 1) # Initialize and add TextViews self.tviews = textviews.TextViews(self.uicore, self) # Create toolbar show/hide tabs menu self.mbar.create_view_menu() # Initialize and add Statusbar self.sbar = statusbar.Statusbar(self.uicore, self.tviews) self.sbar.create_statusbar() # Add textviews and statusbar to the VBox self.mainvb.pack_start(self.tviews, True, True, 1) self.mainvb.pack_start(self.sbar, False, True, 1) self.window.add(self.supervb) # Disable all until file loads self.disable_all() if self.empty_gui: self.show_empty_gui() self.show_file_data() self.window.show_all() # Hide left tree for plain or unsupported formats if self.uicore.core.format in ['Hexdump', 'Plain Text', 'OLE2']: self.tviews.left_scrolled_window.hide() if self.uicore.backend == 'radare': if not self.uicore.do_anal: self.topbuttons.diff_tb.set_sensitive(False) dialog.destroy() # We make sure that we remove the reference to the scrollbar to avoid errors. self.uicore.core.progress_bar = None gtk.main()
def __init__(self, target, backend): import time # Allow only the main thread to touch the GUI (gtk) part, while letting # other threads do background work. GObject.threads_init() = target self.backend = backend self.empty_gui = False # Variable to hold the Process object in case we choose to disassemble a binary. self.dasm_process = False # Check if we have, at least, one available core; otherwise exit. # TODO: Should be removed? now with one core and dependency_check doing the core check... if not glob.has_radare: md = Gtk.MessageDialog(None, Gtk.DialogFlags.DESTROY_WITH_PARENT, Gtk.MessageType.ERROR, Gtk.ButtonsType.CLOSE, None) md.set_markup("<big><b>No backend engine found!</b></big>") md.format_secondary_markup(( 'Install radare to run bokken:\n\n' '<b>Radare:</b>\t<a href="">' '</a>')) md.destroy() sys.exit(1) # Start up the HTTP server. if glob.http_server: import lib.http as httpd http = httpd.BokkenHttpServer(glob.http_server_bind_address, glob.http_server_port) print("\nBringing up HTTP server on %s:%d." % (glob.http_server_bind_address, glob.http_server_port)) # We start the thread. http.start() time.sleep(0.2) if not http.is_alive(): print('Unable to bind to %s:%d.' % (glob.http_server_bind_address, glob.http_server_port)) return None # We put the http structure in glob to have it accessible in the # global __main__ handler. glob.http = http # Create a main window before anything else. self.window = Gtk.Window(Gtk.WindowType.TOPLEVEL) self.window.set_focus = True self.window.connect("delete_event", self.quit) ui.gtk3.common.set_bokken_icon(self.window) Gtk.Settings.get_default().set_long_property("gtk-button-images", True, "main") # Title self.window.set_title(MAINTITLE + glob.version + " - " + # Launch file selection dialog dialog = file_dialog.FileDialog(self,, True) resp = if resp == Gtk.ResponseType.DELETE_EVENT or resp == Gtk.ResponseType.REJECT: return None # Get dialog selected file, backend and options = dialog.file self.backend = 'radare' # I'm leaving that as may be needed in the future # Load core import ui.radare_core as core self.uicore = core.Core(dialog) # Create a global object under glob. glob.core = self.uicore if # Just open the target if path is correct or an url if not os.path.isfile( print(common.console_color('Incorrect file argument: %s' %, 'red')) sys.exit(1) self.load_file( if not self.uicore.file_loaded: error_msg = "Error opening file " + md = Gtk.MessageDialog(None, Gtk.DialogFlags.DESTROY_WITH_PARENT, Gtk.MessageType.ERROR, Gtk.ButtonsType.CLOSE, None) md.set_markup("<big><b>File open error!</b></big>") md.format_secondary_markup(error_msg) md.destroy() print(error_msg) sys.exit(1) ui.gtk3.common.repaint() else: self.empty_gui = True # Positions #self.window.resize(1000, 700) #self.window.move(25, 25) self.window.set_position(Gtk.WindowPosition.CENTER) # Maximize window #self.window.maximize() # Create LanguageManager object to handle all the syntax highlighting. # Every textview in the app will use it. self.lm = GtkSource.LanguageManager.get_default() # Add UI data dir to language paths paths = self.lm.get_search_path() paths.append(common.datafile_path()) self.lm.set_search_path(paths) # Create VBox to contain top buttons and other VBox self.supervb = Gtk.VBox(False, 1) # Create top buttons and add to VBox import ui.radare_toolbar as toolbar self.topbuttons = toolbar.TopButtons(self.uicore, self) self.supervb.pack_start(self.topbuttons, False, True, 1) # Create VBox to contain textviews and statusbar self.mainvb = Gtk.VBox(False, 1) self.supervb.pack_start(self.mainvb, True, True, 1) # Initialize and add TextViews self.tviews = textviews.TextViews(self) # Create toolbar show/hide tabs menu # Initialize and add Statusbar self.sbar = statusbar.Statusbar(self.uicore, self.tviews) self.sbar.create_statusbar() # Add textviews and statusbar to the VBox self.mainvb.pack_start(self.tviews, True, True, 1) self.mainvb.pack_start(self.sbar, False, True, 1) self.window.add(self.supervb) # Disable all until file loads self.disable_all() if self.empty_gui: self.show_empty_gui() self.show_file_data() self.tviews.console.add_message('Bokken ' + glob.version + ' ready') self.tviews.console.add_message('Starting background analysis') self.window.show_all() # Hide left tree for plain or unsupported formats if self.uicore.core.format == 'Hexdump': self.tviews.left_scrolled_window.hide() if not self.uicore.do_anal: self.topbuttons.diff_tb.set_sensitive(False) self.topbuttons.sections_tb.set_sensitive(False) dialog.destroy() # We make sure that we remove the reference to the scrollbar to avoid errors. self.uicore.core.progress_bar = None Gtk.main()