Пример #1
class Free:
    title = 'Free'
    view = None
    para = None

    def run(self, para=None):
        print 'this is a plugin'

    def load(self):
        return True

    def show(self):
        if self.view == None: return wx.ID_OK
        self.dialog = ParaDialog(IPy.get_window(), self.title)
        self.dialog.init_view(self.view, self.para, False, True)
        return self.dialog.ShowModal()

    def start(self, para=None, thd=True):
        if not self.load(): return
        if para != None or self.show() == wx.ID_OK:
            if para == None: para = self.para
            win = TextLogManager.get('Recorder')
            if win != None:
                wx.CallAfter(win.append, '%s>%s' % (self.title, para))
Пример #2
 def show(self):
     self.dialog = ParaDialog(WindowsManager.get(), self.title)
                           'preview' in self.note,
     self.dialog.set_handle(lambda x: self.preview(self.para))
     if self.modal: return self.dialog.ShowModal()
     self.dialog.on_ok = lambda: self.ok(self.ips)
     self.dialog.on_cancel = lambda: self.cancel(self.ips)
Пример #3
 def init_view(self, items, para, hist):
     self.histcvs = HistCanvas(self)
     self.add_ctrl('hist', self.histcvs)
     ParaDialog.init_view(self, items, para, True, False)
Пример #4
class Filter:
    title = 'Filter'
    modal = True
    note = []
    'all, 8_bit, 16_bit, rgb, float, not_channel, not_slice, req_roi, auto_snap, auto_msk, preview, 2int, 2float'
    para = None
    view = None  #[(float, (0,30), 1,  'sigma', 'sigma', 'pix')]

    def __init__(self, ips=None):
        if ips == None: ips = IPy.get_ips()
        self.dialog = None
        self.ips = ips

    def show(self):
        self.dialog = ParaDialog(WindowsManager.get(), self.title)
                              'preview' in self.note,
        self.dialog.set_handle(lambda x: self.preview(self.para))
        if self.modal: return self.dialog.ShowModal()
        self.dialog.on_ok = lambda: self.ok(self.ips)
        self.dialog.on_cancel = lambda: self.cancel(self.ips)

    def run(self, ips, snap, img, para=None):
        return 255 - img

    def check(self, ips):
        note = self.note
        if ips == None:
            IPy.alert('no image opened!')
            return False
        elif 'req_roi' in note and ips.roi == None:
            IPy.alert('no Roi found!')
            return False
        elif not 'all' in note:
            if ips.get_imgtype() == 'rgb' and not 'rgb' in note:
                IPy.alert('do not surport rgb image')
                return False
            elif ips.get_imgtype() == '8-bit' and not '8-bit' in note:
                IPy.alert('do not surport 8-bit image')
                return False
            elif ips.get_imgtype() == '16-bit' and not '16-bit' in note:
                IPy.alert('do not surport 16-bit image')
                return False
            elif ips.get_imgtype() == 'float' and not 'float' in note:
                IPy.alert('do not surport float image')
                return False
        return True

    def preview(self, para):
        process_one(self, self.ips, self.ips.snap, self.ips.get_img(), para)
        self.ips.update = 'pix'

    def load(self, ips):
        return True

    def ok(self, ips, para=None):
        if para == None:
            para = self.para
            if not 'not_slice' in self.note and ips.get_nslices() > 1:
                if para == None: para = {}
            if para != None and para.has_key('stack'): del para['stack']
        win = TextLogManager.get('Recorder')
        if ips.get_nslices() == 1 or 'not_slice' in self.note:
            process_one(self, ips, ips.snap, ips.get_img(), para)
            if win != None: win.append('%s>%s' % (self.title, para))
        elif ips.get_nslices() > 1:
            has, rst = para.has_key('stack'), None
            if not has:
                rst = IPy.yes_no('run every slice in current stacks?')
            if 'auto_snap' in self.note: ips.swap()
            if has and para['stack'] or rst == 'yes':
                para['stack'] = True
                process_stack(self, ips, ips.snap, ips.imgs, para)
                if win != None: win.append('%s>%s' % (self.title, para))
            elif has and not para['stack'] or rst == 'no':
                para['stack'] = False
                process_one(self, ips, ips.snap, ips.get_img(), para)
                if win != None: win.append('%s>%s' % (self.title, para))
            elif rst == 'cancel': pass
        ips.update = 'pix'

    def cancel(self, ips):
        if 'auto_snap' in self.note:
            ips.update = 'pix'

    def start(self, para=None):
        ips = self.ips
        if not self.check(ips): return
        if not self.load(ips): return
        if 'auto_snap' in self.note: ips.snapshot()

        if para != None or self.view == None:
            self.ok(ips, para)
        elif self.modal:
            if self.show() == wx.ID_OK:
Пример #5
 def show(self):
     if self.view==None:return wx.ID_OK
     self.dialog = ParaDialog(IPy.get_window(), self.title)
     self.dialog.init_view(self.view, self.para, modal=True)
     return self.dialog.ShowModal()
Пример #6
class Simple:
    title = 'SimpleFilter'
    note = []
    para = None
    'all, 8_bit, 16_bit, rgb, float, req_roi, stack, stack2d, stack3d'
    view = None
    def __init__(self, ips=None):
        if ips==None:ips = IPy.get_ips()
        self.dialog = None
        self.ips = ips
    def load(self, ips):
        return True
    def show(self):
        if self.view==None:return wx.ID_OK
        self.dialog = ParaDialog(IPy.get_window(), self.title)
        self.dialog.init_view(self.view, self.para, modal=True)
        return self.dialog.ShowModal()
    def run(self, ips, imgs, para = None):pass
    def check(self, ips):
        note = self.note
        if ips == None:
            IPy.alert('no image opened!')
            return False
        elif 'req_roi' in note and ips.roi == None:
            IPy.alert('no Roi found!')
            return False
        elif not 'all' in note:
            if ips.get_imgtype()=='rgb' and not 'rgb' in note:
                IPy.alert('do not surport rgb image')
                return False
            elif ips.get_imgtype()=='8-bit' and not '8-bit' in note:
                IPy.alert('do not surport 8-bit image')
                return False
            elif ips.get_imgtype()=='16-bit' and not '16-bit' in note:
                IPy.alert('do not surport 16-bit image')
                return False
            elif ips.get_imgtype()=='float' and not 'float' in note:
                IPy.alert('do not surport float image')
                return False
        elif sum([i in note for i in ('stack','stack2d','stack3d')])>0:
            if ips.get_nslices()==1:
                IPy.alert('stack required!')
                return False
            elif 'stack2d' in note and ips.is3d:
                IPy.alert('stack2d required!')
                return False
            elif 'stack3d' in note and not ips.is3d:
                IPy.alert('stack3d required!')
                return False
        return True
    def start(self, para=None):
        #print self.title, para
        if not self.check(self.ips):return
        if not self.load(self.ips):return
        if para!=None or self.show() == wx.ID_OK:
            if para == None:para = self.para
            win = TextLogManager.get('Recorder')
            if win!=None: win.append('%s>%s'%(self.title, para))
            self.run(self.ips, self.ips.imgs, para)
            self.ips.update = 'pix'
        if self.dialog!=None:self.dialog.Destroy()
Пример #7
def get_para(title, view, para):
    pd = ParaDialog(curapp, title)
    pd.init_view(view, para)
    rst = pd.ShowModal()
    return rst