Пример #1
 def setUp(self):
     """Overridden method. Runs before each test. Makes instance of ToolboxUI class.
     # # Set logging level to Error to silence "Logging level: All messages" print
     logging.disable(level=logging.ERROR)  # Disable logging
     self.toolbox = ToolboxUI()
     self.toolbox.create_project("UnitTest Project", "")
     logging.disable(level=logging.NOTSET)  # Enable logging
Пример #2
    def setUp(self):
        """Overridden method. Runs before each test. Makes instance of TreeViewForm class.

        # # Set logging level to Error to silence "Logging level: All messages" print
        logging.disable(level=logging.ERROR)  # Disable logging
        toolbox = ToolboxUI()
        self.tool_template_widget = ToolTemplateWidget(toolbox)
        logging.disable(level=logging.NOTSET)  # Enable logging
Пример #3
 def setUp(self):
     """Overridden method. Runs before each test. Makes an instance of ToolboxUI class.
     We want the ToolboxUI to start with the default settings and without a project so
     we need to mock CONFIGURATION_FILE to prevent loading user's own configs from settings.conf.
     with mock.patch("ui_main.CONFIGURATION_FILE") as mocked_file_path, \
             mock.patch("os.path.split") as mock_split, \
             mock.patch("configuration.create_dir") as mock_create_dir:
         # # Set logging level to Error to silence "Logging level: All messages" print
         logging.disable(level=logging.ERROR)  # Disable logging
         self.mw = ToolboxUI()
         logging.disable(level=logging.NOTSET)  # Enable logging
 def setUp(self):
     """Runs before each test. Makes an instance of ToolboxUI class.
     We want the ToolboxUI to start with the default settings and without a project so
     we need to mock CONFIGURATION_FILE to prevent loading user's own configs from settings.conf.
     with mock.patch("ui_main.ToolboxUI.save_project") as mock_save_project, \
             mock.patch("project.create_dir") as mock_create_dir, \
             mock.patch("ui_main.CONFIGURATION_FILE") as mock_confs, \
             mock.patch("os.path.split") as mock_split, \
             mock.patch("configuration.create_dir") as mock_create_dir2:
         # logging.disable(level=logging.ERROR)  # Disable logging
         self.toolbox = ToolboxUI()
         self.toolbox.create_project("UnitTest Project", "")
Пример #5
def main(argv):
    """Launch application.

        argv (list): Command line arguments
                        format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)s: %(message)s',
                        datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
    if not pyside2_version_check():
        return 0
    if not spinedatabase_api_version_check():
        return 0
    # QApplication.setAttribute(Qt.AA_DisableHighDpiScaling)
    app = QApplication(argv)
    window = ToolboxUI()
    # Enter main event loop and wait until exit() is called
    return_code = app.exec_()
    return return_code