def newTexture():
    # Get a list of assets 
    assetList = glob.glob(os.path.join(os.environ['ASSETS_DIR'], '*'))
    selections = []
    for aL in assetList:
        # basename takes last folder in path.
        # sort alphabetically
    answer = ui.listWindow(selections, wmessage='Choose an asset to add/update textures for')
    if answer:
        answer = answer[0]
        assetName = selections[answer]
        assetImageDir = os.path.join(os.environ['ASSETS_DIR'], assetName, 'images')

        # Direct user to geometry file path and have them choose the correct one
        sdir = '$JOB/PRODUCTION/assets/'+assetName+'/geo/bjsonFiles'
        geoPath = ui.fileChooser(start_dir=sdir, wtitle='Choose Asset Geometry for Texture', mode=fileMode.Read, extensions='*.bjson, *.obj')
        geoName, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(geoPath))

        # Show a list of shading passes
        shadingPassList = ['diffuse','specular','bump','scalar_displacement','vector_displacement', 'opacity', 'single_SSS', 'multi_SSS', 'other']
        answer = ui.listWindow(shadingPassList, wmessage='Which texture will you be creating/updating?')
        if answer: 
            answer = answer[0]
            shadingPass = shadingPassList[answer]

            # Allow user to choose texture map in user local directory   
            userDirectory = os.environ['USER_DIR']
            userTextureMap = ui.fileChooser(start_dir=userDirectory, wtitle='Browse to the Texture Map in your User Directory', image=True, extensions='*.jpg,*.jpeg,*.tiff,*.tif,*.png,*.exr') 
            #Allow user to search for texture in any directory
            userTextureMap = os.path.expandvars(userTextureMap)

            # Set Variables for texture paths
            newTexture = '/tmp/newTexture.png'
            convertedTexture = '/tmp/convertedTexture.png'
            finalTexture = '/tmp/finalTexture.exr'

            # Change to 16 bits and convert to png 
            os.system('iconvert -d 16 ' +userTextureMap+ newTexture)
            # Gamma correct for linear workflow
            if shadingPass == 'diffuse' or shadingPass == 'specular' or shadingPass == 'single_SSS' or shadingPass == 'multi_SSS' or shadingPass == 'other':
                os.system('icomposite' +convertedTexture +'= gamma 0.4545454545' +newTexture) 
            # Convert to .exr with otimized settings
            os.system('iconvert -d half '+convertedTexture+finalTexture+' storage tile 64 tiley 65 compression zip')
            # Seperate extension from filename and rename texture to production pipeline name 
            finalTextureName, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(finalTexture))

            newTextureName = assetName+'_'+geoName+'_'+shadingPass+ext
            newfilepath = os.path.join(assetImageDir,newTextureName)


            # Output final success message
            ui.infoWindow('Your texture was saved to: '+newfilepath+' as a .exr image file')
def newGeo(hpath):
    templateNode = hou.node(hpath).createNode("geometryTemplate")
    alist = listContainers()
    resp = ui.inputWindow("Enter the New Operator Label", wtitle="OTL Label")
    filename = str()
    if resp != None and resp.strip() != "":
        name = formatName(resp)
        filename = name.replace(" ", "_")
        templateNode.setName(filename, unique_name=True)
    answer = ui.listWindow(alist, wmessage="Select Container Asset this belongs to:")
    if not answer:
            "Geometry must be associated with a container asset! Geometry asset not created.",
    answer = answer[0]
    sdir = "$JOB/PRODUCTION/assets/"
    gfile = ui.fileChooser(
        start_dir=sdir + alist[answer] + "/geo",
        wtitle="Choose Geometry",
        extensions="*.bjson, *.obj",
    if len(gfile) > 4 and gfile[:4] != "$JOB":
            "Path must start with '$JOB'. Default geometry used instead.",
            wtitle="Path Name",
    elif gfile != "":
        hou.parm(templateNode.path() + "/read_file/file").set(gfile)
def newTexture():
    # Get a list of assets
    assetList = glob.glob(os.path.join(os.environ["ASSETS_DIR"], "*"))
    selections = []
    for aL in assetList:
        # basename takes last folder in path.
        # sort alphabetically
    answer = ui.listWindow(selections, wmessage="Choose an asset to add/update textures for")
    if answer:
        answer = answer[0]
        assetName = selections[answer]
        assetImageDir = os.path.join(os.environ["ASSETS_DIR"], assetName, "images")

        # Allow user to choose texture map in user local directory
        userDirectory = os.environ["USER_DIR"]
        userSelection = ui.fileChooser(
            wtitle="Select texture map, or folder of texture maps",

        # Allow user to search for texture in any directory
        userSelection = os.path.expandvars(userSelection)

        if os.path.isdir(userSelection):
            folder_name = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(userSelection))
            texture_paths = glob.glob(os.path.join(userSelection, "*"))

            newFileDir = os.path.join(assetImageDir, folder_name)
            os.system("rm -rf " + newFileDir)
            print "newFileDir:: " + newFileDir

            for t in texture_paths:
                convert_texture(t, assetImageDir, folder_name=folder_name)
            convert_texture(userSelection, assetImageDir)

Пример #4
def newGeo(hpath):
    templateNode = hou.node(hpath).createNode("geometryTemplate")
    alist = listContainers()
    resp = ui.inputWindow("Enter the New Operator Label", wtitle="OTL Label")
    filename = str()
    if resp != None and resp.strip() != '':
        name = formatName(resp)
        filename = name.replace(' ', '_')
        templateNode.setName(filename, unique_name=True)
    answer = ui.listWindow(alist, wmessage='Select Container Asset this belongs to:')
    if not answer:
        ui.infoWindow("Geometry must be associated with a container asset! Geometry asset not created.", msev=messageSeverity.Error)
    answer = answer[0]
    sdir = '$JOB/PRODUCTION/assets/'
    gfile = ui.fileChooser(start_dir=sdir + alist[answer]+'/geo', wtitle='Choose Geometry', mode=fileMode.Read, extensions='*.bjson, *.obj')
    if len(gfile) > 4 and gfile[:4] != '$JOB':
        ui.infoWindow("Path must start with '$JOB'. Default geometry used instead.", wtitle='Path Name', msev=messageSeverity.Error)
    elif gfile != '':
        hou.parm(templateNode.path() + '/read_file/file').set(gfile)
Пример #5
def newTexture():
    # Get a list of assets 
    assetList = glob.glob(os.path.join(os.environ['ASSETS_DIR'], '*'))
    selections = []
    for aL in assetList:
        # basename takes last folder in path.
        # sort alphabetically
    answer = ui.listWindow(selections, wmessage='Choose an asset to add/update textures for')
    if answer:
        answer = answer[0]
        assetName = selections[answer]
        assetImageDir = os.path.join(os.environ['ASSETS_DIR'], assetName, 'images')

        # Allow user to choose texture map in user local directory   
        userDirectory = os.environ['USER_DIR']
        userSelection = ui.fileChooser(start_dir=userDirectory, wtitle='Select texture map, or folder of texture maps', image=True, extensions='*.jpg,*.jpeg,*.tiff,*.tif,*.png,*.exr') 
        #Allow user to search for texture in any directory
        userSelection = os.path.expandvars(userSelection)

        if os.path.isdir(userSelection):
            folder_name = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(userSelection))
            texture_paths = glob.glob(os.path.join(userSelection, '*'))

            newFileDir = os.path.join(assetImageDir, folder_name)
            os.system('rm -rf '+newFileDir)
            print 'newFileDir:: '+newFileDir
            for t in texture_paths:
                convert_texture(t, assetImageDir, folder_name=folder_name)
            convert_texture(userSelection, assetImageDir)

def newTexture():
    # Get a list of assets
    assetList = glob.glob(os.path.join(os.environ["ASSETS_DIR"], "*"))
    selections = []
    for aL in assetList:
        # basename takes last folder in path.
        # sort alphabetically
    answer = ui.listWindow(selections, wmessage="Choose an asset to add/update textures for")
    if answer:
        answer = answer[0]
        assetName = selections[answer]
        assetImageDir = os.path.join(os.environ["ASSETS_DIR"], assetName, "images")

        # Direct user to geometry file path and have them choose the correct one
        sdir = "$JOB/PRODUCTION/assets/" + assetName + "/geo/bjsonFiles"
        geoPath = ui.fileChooser(
            start_dir=sdir, wtitle="Choose Asset Geometry for Texture", mode=fileMode.Read, extensions="*.bjson, *.obj"
        geoName, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(geoPath))

        # Show a list of shading passes
        shadingPassList = [
        answer = ui.listWindow(shadingPassList, wmessage="Which texture will you be creating/updating?")
        if answer:
            answer = answer[0]
            shadingPass = shadingPassList[answer]

            # Allow user to choose texture map in user local directory
            userDirectory = os.environ["USER_DIR"]
            userTextureMap = ui.fileChooser(
                wtitle="Browse to the Texture Map in your User Directory",
            # Allow user to search for texture in any directory
            userTextureMap = os.path.expandvars(userTextureMap)

            # Set Variables for texture paths
            convertedTexture = "/tmp/intermediateTexture.exr"
            finalTexture = "/tmp/finishedTexture.exr"

            # Gamma correct for linear workflow
            if shadingPass in (shadingPassList[:4] + shadingPassList[-1:]):
                args = ["icomposite", convertedTexture, "=", "gamma", str(1 / 2.2), userTextureMap]
                didgamma = "\nIt has been gamma corrected."
                convertedTexture = userTextureMap
                didgamma = ""

            # Convert to .exr with otimized settings. Also, setting compatible with RenderMan (in case we need to render there)
            args = ["txmake", "-mode", "periodic", "-compression", "zip"]
            args += ["-format", "openexr", "-half", convertedTexture, finalTexture]


            # Uncomment the following and comment out the previous call if PRMan is not present
            args = 'iconvert -d half ' + convertedTexture + ' ' 
            args += finalTexture + ' storage tile tilex 32 tiley 32 compression zip'

            subprocess.check_call( args.split() )

            # Rename texture and move into production pipeline
            finalTextureName, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(finalTexture))

            newTextureName = assetName + "_" + geoName + "_" + shadingPass + ext

            newfilepath = os.path.join(assetImageDir, newTextureName)

            shutil.copy(finalTexture, newfilepath)

            # Remove temporary files

            # Output final success message
            ui.infoWindow("Your texture was saved to: " + newfilepath + didgamma)
def newTexture():
    # Get a list of assets 
    assetList = glob.glob(os.path.join(os.environ['ASSETS_DIR'], '*'))
    selections = []
    for aL in assetList:
        # basename takes last folder in path.
        # sort alphabetically
    answer = ui.listWindow(selections, wmessage='Choose an asset to add/update textures for')
    if answer:
        answer = answer[0]
        assetName = selections[answer]
        assetImageDir = os.path.join(os.environ['ASSETS_DIR'], assetName, 'images')

        # Direct user to geometry file path and have them choose the correct one
        sdir = '$JOB/PRODUCTION/assets/'+assetName+'/geo/bjsonFiles'
        geoPath = ui.fileChooser(start_dir=sdir, wtitle='Choose Asset Geometry for Texture', mode=fileMode.Read, extensions='*.bjson, *.obj')
        geoName, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(geoPath))

        # Show a list of shading passes
        shadingPassList = ['diffuse','specular','single_SSS','multi_SSS','opacity','bump','scalar_displacement','vector_displacement','other']
        answer = ui.listWindow(shadingPassList, wmessage='Which texture will you be creating/updating?')
        if answer: 
            answer = answer[0]
            shadingPass = shadingPassList[answer]

            # Allow user to choose texture map in user local directory   
            userDirectory = os.environ['USER_DIR']
            userTextureMap = ui.fileChooser(start_dir=userDirectory, wtitle='Browse to the Texture Map in your User Directory', image=True, extensions='*.jpg,*.jpeg,*.tiff,*.tif,*.png,*.exr') 
            #Allow user to search for texture in any directory
            userTextureMap = os.path.expandvars(userTextureMap)

            # Set Variables for texture paths
            convertedTexture = '/tmp/convertedTexture.exr'
            finalTexture = '/tmp/finalTexture.exr'

            # Gamma correct for linear workflow
            if shadingPass in (shadingPassList[:4] + shadingPassList[-1:]):
                args = ['icomposite',convertedTexture,'=','gamma',str(1/2.2),userTextureMap]
                didgamma = '\nIt has been gamma corrected.'
                convertedTexture = userTextureMap
                didgamma = ''
            # Convert to .exr with otimized settings. Also, setting compatible with RenderMan (in case we need to render there)
            args = ['txmake','-mode','periodic','-compression','zip']
            args += ['-format','openexr','-half',convertedTexture,finalTexture]


            # Uncomment the following and comment out the previous call if PRMan is not present
            args = 'iconvert -d half ' + convertedTexture + ' ' 
            args += finalTexture + ' storage tile tilex 32 tiley 32 compression zip'

            subprocess.check_call( args.split() )
            # Rename texture and move into production pipeline 
            finalTextureName, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(finalTexture))

            newTextureName = assetName + '_' + geoName + '_' + shadingPass + ext
            newfilepath = os.path.join(assetImageDir,newTextureName)


            # Output final success message
            ui.infoWindow('Your texture was saved to: ' + newfilepath + didgamma)