Пример #1
def select_side(hyperplane, offset, point, rng_state):
    margin = offset
    for d in range(point.shape[0]):
        margin += hyperplane[d] * point[d]

    if abs(margin) < EPS:
        side = abs(tau_rand_int(rng_state)) % 2
        if side == 0:
            return 0
            return 1
    elif margin > 0:
        return 0
        return 1
Пример #2
def sparse_select_side(hyperplane, offset, point_inds, point_data, rng_state):
    margin = offset

    hyperplane_inds = arr_unique(hyperplane[0])
    hyperplane_data = hyperplane[1, :hyperplane_inds.shape[0]]

    aux_inds, aux_data = sparse_mul(hyperplane_inds, hyperplane_data,
                                    point_inds, point_data)

    for d in range(aux_data.shape[0]):
        margin += aux_data[d]

    if margin == 0:
        side = abs(tau_rand_int(rng_state)) % 2
        if side == 0:
            return 0
            return 1
    elif margin > 0:
        return 0
        return 1
Пример #3
def _nn_layout_optimize_single_epoch(
    for i in numba.prange(epochs_per_sample.shape[0]):
        if epoch_of_next_sample[i] <= n:
            j = head[i]  # j == source index
            k = tail[i]  # k == target index

            current = head_embedding[j]  # current == source location
            other = tail_embedding[k]  # other == target location

            dist_squared = rdist(current, other)  # get distance between them

            if dist_squared > 0.0:
                grad_coeff = -2.0 * a * b * pow(dist_squared, b - 1.0)
                grad_coeff /= a * pow(dist_squared, b) + 1.0
                grad_coeff = 0.0

            for d in range(dim):
                grad_d = clip(grad_coeff * (current[d] - other[d]), 10.0)

                grad_other = 1.0
                if hub_info[k] == 2:
                    grad_other = gamma

                current[d] += grad_d * alpha

                if move_other:
                    # other[d] += -grad_d * alpha
                    other[d] += -grad_d * alpha * grad_other

            epoch_of_next_sample[i] += epochs_per_sample[i]

            n_neg_samples = int(
                (n - epoch_of_next_negative_sample[i]) / epochs_per_negative_sample[i]

            for p in range(n_neg_samples):
                while True:
                    k = tau_rand_int(rng_state) % n_vertices
                    if hub_info[k] > 0:

                other = tail_embedding[k]
                dist_squared = rdist(current, other)

                if dist_squared > 0.0:
                    grad_coeff = 2.0 * b
                    grad_coeff /= (0.001 + dist_squared) * (
                        a * pow(dist_squared, b) + 1
                elif j == k:
                    grad_coeff = 0.0

                for d in range(dim):
                    if grad_coeff > 0.0:
                        grad_d = clip(grad_coeff * (current[d] - other[d]), 10.0)
                        grad_d = 10.0

                    # current[d] += grad_d * alpha
                    current[d] += grad_d * alpha * gamma

            epoch_of_next_negative_sample[i] += (
                n_neg_samples * epochs_per_negative_sample[i]
Пример #4
def angular_random_projection_split(data, indices, rng_state):
    """Given a set of ``indices`` for data points from ``data``, create
    a random hyperplane to split the data, returning two arrays indices
    that fall on either side of the hyperplane. This is the basis for a
    random projection tree, which simply uses this splitting recursively.
    This particular split uses cosine distance to determine the hyperplane
    and which side each data sample falls on.
    data: array of shape (n_samples, n_features)
        The original data to be split
    indices: array of shape (tree_node_size,)
        The indices of the elements in the ``data`` array that are to
        be split in the current operation.
    rng_state: array of int64, shape (3,)
        The internal state of the rng
    indices_left: array
        The elements of ``indices`` that fall on the "left" side of the
        random hyperplane.
    indices_right: array
        The elements of ``indices`` that fall on the "left" side of the
        random hyperplane.
    dim = data.shape[1]

    # Select two random points, set the hyperplane between them
    left_index = tau_rand_int(rng_state) % indices.shape[0]
    right_index = tau_rand_int(rng_state) % indices.shape[0]
    right_index += left_index == right_index
    right_index = right_index % indices.shape[0]
    left = indices[left_index]
    right = indices[right_index]

    left_norm = norm(data[left])
    right_norm = norm(data[right])

    if abs(left_norm) < EPS:
        left_norm = 1.0

    if abs(right_norm) < EPS:
        right_norm = 1.0

    # Compute the normal vector to the hyperplane (the vector between
    # the two points)
    hyperplane_vector = np.empty(dim, dtype=np.float32)

    for d in range(dim):
        hyperplane_vector[d] = (data[left, d] / left_norm) - (data[right, d] /

    hyperplane_norm = norm(hyperplane_vector)
    if abs(hyperplane_norm) < EPS:
        hyperplane_norm = 1.0

    for d in range(dim):
        hyperplane_vector[d] = hyperplane_vector[d] / hyperplane_norm

    # For each point compute the margin (project into normal vector)
    # If we are on lower side of the hyperplane put in one pile, otherwise
    # put it in the other pile (if we hit hyperplane on the nose, flip a coin)
    n_left = 0
    n_right = 0
    side = np.empty(indices.shape[0], np.int8)
    for i in range(indices.shape[0]):
        margin = 0.0
        for d in range(dim):
            margin += hyperplane_vector[d] * data[indices[i], d]

        if abs(margin) < EPS:
            side[i] = abs(tau_rand_int(rng_state)) % 2
            if side[i] == 0:
                n_left += 1
                n_right += 1
        elif margin > 0:
            side[i] = 0
            n_left += 1
            side[i] = 1
            n_right += 1

    # Now that we have the counts allocate arrays
    indices_left = np.empty(n_left, dtype=np.int64)
    indices_right = np.empty(n_right, dtype=np.int64)

    # Populate the arrays with indices according to which side they fell on
    n_left = 0
    n_right = 0
    for i in range(side.shape[0]):
        if side[i] == 0:
            indices_left[n_left] = indices[i]
            n_left += 1
            indices_right[n_right] = indices[i]
            n_right += 1

    return indices_left, indices_right, hyperplane_vector, None
Пример #5
def sparse_euclidean_random_projection_split(inds, indptr, data, indices,
    """Given a set of ``indices`` for data points from a sparse data set
    presented in csr sparse format as inds, indptr and data, create
    a random hyperplane to split the data, returning two arrays indices
    that fall on either side of the hyperplane. This is the basis for a
    random projection tree, which simply uses this splitting recursively.
    This particular split uses cosine distance to determine the hyperplane
    and which side each data sample falls on.
    inds: array
        CSR format index array of the matrix
    indptr: array
        CSR format index pointer array of the matrix
    data: array
        CSR format data array of the matrix
    indices: array of shape (tree_node_size,)
        The indices of the elements in the ``data`` array that are to
        be split in the current operation.
    rng_state: array of int64, shape (3,)
        The internal state of the rng
    indices_left: array
        The elements of ``indices`` that fall on the "left" side of the
        random hyperplane.
    indices_right: array
        The elements of ``indices`` that fall on the "left" side of the
        random hyperplane.
    # Select two random points, set the hyperplane between them
    left_index = tau_rand_int(rng_state) % indices.shape[0]
    right_index = tau_rand_int(rng_state) % indices.shape[0]
    right_index += left_index == right_index
    right_index = right_index % indices.shape[0]
    left = indices[left_index]
    right = indices[right_index]

    left_inds = inds[indptr[left]:indptr[left + 1]]
    left_data = data[indptr[left]:indptr[left + 1]]
    right_inds = inds[indptr[right]:indptr[right + 1]]
    right_data = data[indptr[right]:indptr[right + 1]]

    # Compute the normal vector to the hyperplane (the vector between
    # the two points) and the offset from the origin
    hyperplane_offset = 0.0
    hyperplane_inds, hyperplane_data = sparse_diff(left_inds, left_data,
                                                   right_inds, right_data)
    offset_inds, offset_data = sparse_sum(left_inds, left_data, right_inds,
    offset_data = offset_data / 2.0
    offset_inds, offset_data = sparse_mul(hyperplane_inds, hyperplane_data,
                                          offset_inds, offset_data)

    for d in range(offset_data.shape[0]):
        hyperplane_offset -= offset_data[d]

    # For each point compute the margin (project into normal vector, add offset)
    # If we are on lower side of the hyperplane put in one pile, otherwise
    # put it in the other pile (if we hit hyperplane on the nose, flip a coin)
    n_left = 0
    n_right = 0
    side = np.empty(indices.shape[0], np.int8)
    for i in range(indices.shape[0]):
        margin = hyperplane_offset
        i_inds = inds[indptr[indices[i]]:indptr[indices[i] + 1]]
        i_data = data[indptr[indices[i]]:indptr[indices[i] + 1]]

        mul_inds, mul_data = sparse_mul(hyperplane_inds, hyperplane_data,
                                        i_inds, i_data)
        for d in range(mul_data.shape[0]):
            margin += mul_data[d]

        if abs(margin) < EPS:
            side[i] = abs(tau_rand_int(rng_state)) % 2
            if side[i] == 0:
                n_left += 1
                n_right += 1
        elif margin > 0:
            side[i] = 0
            n_left += 1
            side[i] = 1
            n_right += 1

    # Now that we have the counts allocate arrays
    indices_left = np.empty(n_left, dtype=np.int64)
    indices_right = np.empty(n_right, dtype=np.int64)

    # Populate the arrays with indices according to which side they fell on
    n_left = 0
    n_right = 0
    for i in range(side.shape[0]):
        if side[i] == 0:
            indices_left[n_left] = indices[i]
            n_left += 1
            indices_right[n_right] = indices[i]
            n_right += 1

    hyperplane = np.vstack((hyperplane_inds, hyperplane_data))

    return indices_left, indices_right, hyperplane, hyperplane_offset