Пример #1
def wavgstd(values, asufloat=False):

    Returns the weighted average and standard deviation.
    values, weights -- Numpy ndarrays with the same shape.


    values, weights = checkufloat(values)

    if weights and asufloat is True:
        weights = numpy.array(weights)
        values = numpy.array(values)
        average = numpy.average(values, weights=weights)
        variance = numpy.dot(weights, (values - average) ** 2.0) / weights.sum()  # Fast and numerically precise

        if asufloat:
            ufstdev = uncertainties.sqrt(variance)
            ufvalue = ufloat((average, ufstdev))

            ufvalue = (average, uncertainties.sqrt(variance))

        if asufloat:
            if isinstance(values[0], uncertainties.UFloat):
                ufvalue = numpy.mean(values)
                ufvalue = ufloat(str(numpy.mean(values)))  # assign minimal error if no std deviation

        elif asufloat is False:
            ufvalue = (numpy.mean(values), numpy.std(values, ddof=1))

            raise NameError('ILL DEFINED VARIABLES')

    return ufvalue
Пример #2
import numpy as np
from uncertainties import ufloat
from uncertainties import sqrt

L = ufloat(32.351 * 10**(-3), 0 )
C = ufloat(0.851 * 10**(-9), 0)
Csp = ufloat(0.037 * 10**(-9), 0)

fp = 1 / (2 * np.pi * sqrt(L * C))
print("fp ohne Csp:")

Ck = ufloat(9.99 * 10**(-9),(9.99 * 10**(-9)) * 0.03)
fp = 1 / (2 * np.pi * sqrt(L * (C + Csp)))
fn = 1 / (2 * np.pi * sqrt((L/((1/C)+(2/Ck)) + L * Csp))
#nth = (fn + fp) / (2 * (fn - fp))
#nexp = 12
#abw = (nexp/nth * 100) - 100

Ck = ufloat(8.00 * 10**(-9),(8.00 * 10**(-9)) * 0.03)
#fp = 1 / (2 * np.pi * sqrt(L * (C + Csp)))
#fn = 1 / (2 * np.pi * sqrt((L/((1/C)+(2/Ck)) + L * Csp))