Пример #1
def main(input_file, intrinsics_file, output_file):
    # read the image
    image = plt.imread(input_file)

    # read the camera intrinsics
    K = np.loadtxt(intrinsics_file)

    # get user input for three points on a distorted line in the image
    print "Find a line in the image that has been curved due to radial",
    print "distortion. Select three x, y pixel coordinates and enter them here."
    x1 = input("x1: ")
    y1 = input("y1: ")
    x2 = input("x2: ")
    y2 = input("y2: ")
    x3 = input("x3: ")
    y3 = input("y3: ")

    # calculate the radial distortion coefficient
    k1 = calculate_k1(K, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3)

    print "Estimated value of k1:", k1

    # and finally, undistort the image using the estimated value of k1
    undistort_image(image, K, k1, output_file)
    def encode_image_for_response(img, width, height, undistort_mapping):
        if undistort_mapping is not None:
            img = undistort.undistort_image(img, undistort_mapping)

        return image_utils.encode_image(
            encode_params=[cv2.IMWRITE_WEBP_QUALITY, 20],
            shape=(width, height),
Пример #3
    def fn(frame):
        nonlocal mapx, mapy, roi, first_frame
        if first_frame:
            first_frame = False
            frame_height, frame_width = frame.shape[0], frame.shape[1]
            (mapx, mapy), roi, _ = undistort.get_undistort_mapping(
                frame_width, frame_height, cam_attr

        # write over write frame and use the corrected
        write_frame = undistort.undistort_image(frame, (mapx, mapy))
        # if homography is not None:
        #    write_frame = calib.transform_image(write_frame, homography, screen_x_res)
        return write_frame
Пример #4
	def callback(self,data):
	    #global cont
	        cv_image = self.bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(data, "bgr8")
	    except CvBridgeError as e:
	    (rows,cols,channels) = cv_image.shape
	    m = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D(((cols-1)/2.0, (rows-1)/2.0), 90, 1)
	    cv_image = cv2.warpAffine(cv_image, m, (cols, rows))
	    cv_image= ud.undistort_image(cv_image)
	    cv_image = realzado.realzado(cv_image)
	    #cv2.imshow("Image window", cv_image)

	        self.image_pub.publish(self.bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(cv_image, "bgr8"))
	    except CvBridgeError as e:
Пример #5
def process_image(img):
    Pipeline for processing each frame of the video

    # ------------------------- define camera matrix and distortion coefficient
    mtx = np.array([[1.15777818e+03, 0.00000000e+00, 6.67113857e+02],
                    [0.00000000e+00, 1.15282217e+03, 3.86124583e+02],
                    [0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 1.00000000e+00]])

    dist_coeff = np.array(
        [[-0.24688507, -0.02373155, -0.00109831, 0.00035107, -0.00259868]])

    # --------------------------------------------------------- undistort image
    undist = undistort_image(img, mtx, dist_coeff)

    # --------------------------------------------------- generate binary image
    hls = create_binary_image(undist)

    # ------------------------------------- transform to bird's eye perspective
    warped, src, dst = do_perspective_transform(hls, line_fit)

    # ---------------------------------------------------------- fit polynomial
    leftx, lefty, rightx, righty, l_left_seg, l_right_seg,\
        leftx_base, rightx_base = find_lanes(warped)

    # ------------------------------ color detected lane pixels in warped image
    lane_pix = color_lane_pixels(np.zeros_like(warped), leftx, lefty, rightx,

    # ------------------------------------- unwarp image of colored lane pixels
    lane_pix_unwarped = warp_image(lane_pix, dst, src)

    # ------superpose image of unwarped lane pixels image on original image and
    # -----------------------------add curvature and lane departure information
    res_img = final_image(img, lane_pix_unwarped, img.shape[0], leftx, lefty,
                          rightx, righty, l_left_seg, l_right_seg, src,
                          leftx_base, rightx_base)

    return res_img
Пример #6
# ------------------------------------------------------ first calibrate camera
# get camera matrix and distortion coefficients
mtx, dist_coeff = calibrate_camera()

# --------------------------------------------------------------- import images

# read in all images with names with pattern *.jpg
images = glob.glob('../test_images/*.jpg')

# loop over images
for file_name in images:

    img = mpimg.imread(file_name)

    # --------------------------------------------------------- undistort image
    undist = undistort_image(img, mtx, dist_coeff)

    # - convert to hls color space and apply threshold to generate binary image
    binary = create_binary_image(undist)

    # ------------------------------------- transform to bird's eye perspective
    warped, src, dst = do_perspective_transform(binary, Fit())

    # ---------------------------------------------------------- fit polynomial
    leftx_base, rightx_base = find_starting_points(warped)
    leftx, lefty, rightx, righty, l_left_seg, l_right_seg, output_img =\
        find_lane_pixels(warped, leftx_base, rightx_base)

    # ------------------------------ color detected lane pixels in warped image
    lane_pix = color_lane_pixels(np.zeros_like(warped), leftx, lefty, rightx,
Пример #7
 def take_tmp_photo(self):
     raw_path, persp_path, raw_image = self.take_raw_photo()
     undistorted = undistort_image(raw_image)
     return undistorted
Пример #8
 def take_photo(self):
     _, persp_path, raw_image = self.take_raw_photo()
     undistorted = undistort_image(raw_image)
     cv2.imwrite(persp_path, undistorted)
     self.last_photo = persp_path
     return persp_path, undistorted
Пример #9
import glob
import matplotlib.image as mpimg
from camera_calibration import calibrate_camera
from undistort import undistort_image
from visualization import save_result_image

# get calibration matrix
mtx, dst = calibrate_camera()

# read in all images with names with pattern calibration*.jpg
images = glob.glob('../camera_cal/calibration*.jpg')

# loop over images and undistort them
for file_name in images:
    # read in image
    img = mpimg.imread(file_name)
    # undistort image
    undist_img = undistort_image(img, mtx, dst)
    # save resulting image
    save_result_image(undist_img, "../output_images/undistorted_cal_images",
                      file_name, "-undist")
Пример #10
cap = cv2.VideoCapture('media/mejorado2.webm')

while True:
    #leemos un frame lo invertimos 90º y lo guardamos
    rval, frame = cap.read()
    if rval:
        frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

        # *** Esto para preprocesar captura de video de cámara MASHI
        rows, cols = frame.shape
        # rota la imagen 90ª en sentido antihoraio
        m = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D(((cols - 1) / 2.0, (rows - 1) / 2.0), 90,
        frame = cv2.warpAffine(frame, m, (cols, rows))
        # Corrige distorsión por ojo de pez
        frame = ud.undistort_image(frame)
        # *** Hasta aquí preprocesamiento por el MASHI

        #invierte la imagen con respecto al eje vertical
        frame = cv2.flip(frame, 1, 0)

        #redimensionar la imagen
        mini = cv2.resize(
            frame, (int(frame.shape[1] / size), int(frame.shape[0] / size)))
        """buscamos las coordenadas de los rostros (si los hay) y
        guardamos su posicion"""
        faces = face_cascade.detectMultiScale(mini)

        for i in range(len(faces)):
            face_i = faces[i]
            (x, y, w, h) = [v * size for v in face_i]