def logout(request): """ Logs the user out of their Uniauth account, and redirects to the next page, defaulting to the URL specified by the UNIAUTH_LOGOUT_REDIRECT_URL setting. If no redirect page is set (URL parameter not given and UNIAUTH_LOGOUT_REDIRECT_URL is None), renders the logout template. Also logs the user out of CAS if they logged in via CAS, and the UNIAUTH_LOGOUT_CAS_COMPLETELY setting is true. """ next_page = request.GET.get('next') auth_method = request.session.get('auth-method') if not next_page and get_setting('UNIAUTH_LOGOUT_REDIRECT_URL'): next_page = get_redirect_url( request, get_setting('UNIAUTH_LOGOUT_REDIRECT_URL')) # Formally log out user auth_logout(request) # Determine whether the user logged in through an institution's CAS institution = None if auth_method and auth_method.startswith("cas-"): try: institution = Institution.objects.get(slug=auth_method[4:]) except Institution.DoesNotExist: pass # If we need to logout an institution's CAS, # redirect to that CAS server's logout URL if institution and get_setting('UNIAUTH_LOGOUT_CAS_COMPLETELY'): redirect_url = urlunparse( (get_protocol(request), request.get_host(), next_page or reverse('uniauth:logout'), '', '', '')) client = CASClient(version=2, service_url=get_service_url(request), server_url=institution.cas_server_url) return HttpResponseRedirect(client.get_logout_url(redirect_url)) # If next page is set, proceed to it elif next_page: return HttpResponseRedirect(next_page) # Otherwise, render the logout view else: return render(request, 'uniauth/logout.html')
def _send_verification_email(request, to_email, verify_email): """ Sends an email (to to_email) containing a link to verify the target email (verify_email) as a linked email address for the user. Expects to_email as a string, and verify_email as a LinkedEmail model instance. """ subject = "Verify your email address." message = render_to_string( 'uniauth/verification-email.html', { 'protocol': get_protocol(request), 'domain': get_current_site(request), 'pk': encode_pk(, 'token': token_generator.make_token(verify_email), 'query_params': _get_global_context(request)["query_params"], }) email = EmailMessage(subject, message, to=[to_email], from_email=get_setting('UNIAUTH_FROM_EMAIL')) email.send()