Пример #1
def max_k_clustering(gr, k):
    sorted_edges = sorted(gr.get_edge_weights())
    uf = UnionFind()
    #initialize each node as its cluster
    for n in gr.nodes():
    for (w, (u, v)) in sorted_edges:
        if uf.count_groups() <= k:
            return uf.get_sets()
        if uf.get_leader(u) != uf.get_leader(v):
            uf.make_union(uf.get_leader(u), uf.get_leader(v))
Пример #2
def kruskal_MST(gr):
    """ computes minimum cost spanning tree in a undirected, 
    connected graph using Kruskal's MST. Uses union-find data structure
    for running times of O(mlogn) """
    sorted_edges = sorted(gr.get_edge_weights())
    uf = UnionFind()
    min_cost = 0
    for (w, (u, v)) in sorted_edges:
        if (not uf.get_leader(u) and not uf.get_leader(v)) \
                or (uf.get_leader(u) != uf.get_leader(v)):
            uf.insert(u, v)
            min_cost += w
    return min_cost
def is_graph_cyclic(gr):
    uf = UnionFind()
    edges_explored = set()
    for node in gr.nodes():
        uf.insert(node, node)
    for edge in gr.edges():
        if edge in edges_explored:
        node, neighbor = edge
        edges_explored.add((neighbor, node))

        x = uf.get_leader(node)
        y = uf.get_leader(neighbor)
        if x == y:
            return True
        uf.make_union(x, y)
    return False
Пример #4
def setup_uf():
    uf = UnionFind()
    uf.insert("a", "b")
    uf.insert("b", "c")
    uf.insert("i", "j")
    return uf
Пример #5
 def setUp(self):
     self.uf = UnionFind()
     self.uf.insert("a", "b")
     self.uf.insert("b", "c")
     self.uf.insert("i", "j")
Пример #6
import os, sys
import operator
sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), os.path.pardir))
from graphs.graph import graph
from itertools import *
from union_find.unionfind import UnionFind

def ham_dist(e1, e2):
    """ computes hamming distance between two strings e1 and e2 """
    ne = operator.ne
    return sum(imap(ne, e1, e2))

path = "clustering3.txt"
nodes = open(path).readlines()
uf = UnionFind()

# bitcount = {i: nodes[i].count('1') for i in range(len(nodes))}
# similar = [(bitcount[i]-9, ham_dist(nodes[i], nodes[0])) for i in range(1, len(nodes))]
# print nodes[1].count('1') - nodes[2].count('1')
# print hamdist(nodes[1], nodes[2])
for i in range(len(nodes)):
    for j in range(i + 1, len(nodes)):
        print(i, j, ham_dist(nodes[i], nodes[j]))