def write_to_file(file, content): from unipath import Path p = Path(os.path.realpath(__name__)) u = Path(p.parent, "news", file) u.write_file(html_decode(content))
def append(self, key): key_path = Path(str(key)) if key_path.isfile(): with open(str(key_path)) as f: key = if not isinstance(key, bytes): key = key.encode('utf-8') if key in self: return directory = Path(self.user.path, 'keydir',, hashlib.md5(key.strip().split()[1]).hexdigest()) directory.mkdir(parents=True) key_file = Path(directory, "" % if key_file.exists() and key_file.read_file() == key: return key_file.write_file(key, mode='wb') self.user.git.commit(['keydir'], 'Added new key for user %s' % super(ListKeys, self).append(key)
def add_deployment(directory, name, templates_dir='templates', deployment_dir='deployment', mode=0777): """ Adds new deployment if not exists """ context = { 'datetime':, 'name': name, 'project_name': get_project_name(directory) } dd, df = get_deployment_info(directory, name) if df.exists(): raise ExistingDeploymentError() # create deployments directory df.parent.mkdir(parents=True, mode=mode) # write deployment file df.write_file( get_rendered_template('', context) ) top_td = Path(__file__).parent.child(templates_dir) td = top_td.child(deployment_dir) for tf in td.walk(): if tf.isdir(): continue partitioned = tf.partition(td) target = Path(dd, Path(partitioned[2][1:])) target_dir = target.parent if not target_dir.exists(): target_dir.mkdir(parents=True, mode=mode) tmp = tf.partition(top_td)[2][1:] rendered = get_rendered_template(tmp, context) target.write_file(rendered)
def normaliza_dump_mysql(nome_arquivo): arquivo = Path(nome_arquivo).expand() banco = arquivo.stem conteudo = arquivo.read_file() inicio = re.finditer('--\n-- Table structure for table .*\n--\n', conteudo) inicio = next(inicio).start() conteudo = cabecalho.format(banco=banco) + conteudo[inicio:] arquivo.write_file(conteudo)
def test_load_directionals_no_space_end_of_line(self): temp_dir = Path(tempfile.mkdtemp()) temp_file = Path(temp_dir, 'test.txt') temp_file.write_file('Northeast NE\n') Directional.load_directionals(temp_file.absolute()) temp_dir.rmtree() self.assertEqual('Northeast', Directional.objects.first().direction) self.assertEqual('NE', Directional.objects.first().abbreviation)
def test_load_street_types_no_space_end_of_line(self): temp_dir = Path(tempfile.mkdtemp()) temp_file = Path(temp_dir, 'test.txt') temp_file.write_file('VILLAGE VILL VLG\n') StreetType.load_street_types(temp_file.absolute()) temp_dir.rmtree() self.assertEqual('VILLAGE VILL', StreetType.objects.first().name) self.assertEqual('VLG', StreetType.objects.first().abbreviation)
def test_load_states_space_end_of_line(self): temp_dir = Path(tempfile.mkdtemp()) temp_file = Path(temp_dir, 'test.txt') temp_file.write_file('Florida FL \n') State.load_states(temp_file.absolute()) temp_dir.rmtree() self.assertEqual('Florida', State.objects.first().name) self.assertEqual('FL', State.objects.first().abbreviation)
def process(appname): appdir = Path(appname) if not appdir.isdir(): print("Error: there is no app called {0}.".format(appdir)) sys.exit(1) # else static = Path(appname, 'static', appname) static.mkdir(True) templates = Path(appname, 'templates', appname) templates.mkdir(True) urls = Path(appname, '') if not urls.isfile(): urls.write_file(urls_py)
def create(self, entity): repo_file = Path(self.path, 'conf/repos/%s.conf' % entity) if repo_file.exists(): raise ValueError('Repository %s already exists' % entity) # If there are missing parent paths in the repo path, create them so we don't get IOErrors # In the case of a repo having names with slashes (e.g. "username/reponame") elif repo_file.parent != Path(""): repo_file.parent.mkdir(parents=True) repo_file.write_file("repo %s\n" % entity) self.git.commit([str(repo_file)], 'Created repo %s' % entity) return Repository(entity, self.path, self.git)
def create(self, lookup_repo): repo_file = Path(self.path, 'conf/repos/%s.conf' % lookup_repo) if repo_file.exists(): raise ValueError('Repository %s already exists' % lookup_repo) # If there are missing parent paths in the repo path, create them so we don't get IOErrors # In the case of a repo having names with slashes (e.g. "username/reponame") elif repo_file.parent != Path(""): repo_file.parent.mkdir(parents=True) repo_file.write_file("repo %s\n" % lookup_repo) self.git.commit([str(repo_file)], 'Created repo %s' % lookup_repo) return Repository(lookup_repo, self.path, self.git)
def join_file(path, output_file_name=None, chunk_size='1K'): path = Path(path) chunk_size = get_real_size(chunk_size) if output_file_name is None: output_file_path = create_file_name(path) else: output_file_path = Path(output_file_name) output_file_path.write_file(b'', 'wb') with open(output_file_path, 'wb') as output_file: for cur_file_name in files_iter(path): with open(cur_file_name, 'rb') as cur_file: for piece in read_in_chunks(cur_file, chunk_size): output_file.write(piece)
def create_file(self, which_one): self.render_config_for_file_template(which_one=which_one)'Creating config files in parent dir: %s' % self.install_path) #gets self.postdeactivate if which_one=postdeactivate contents = getattr(self, which_one)'%s: Writing contents to file ...' % which_one) p = Path(self.install_path, which_one) #write configuration and append it to the file p.write_file(contents, 'a+')'...done')
def get_thesaurus_text(): p = Path('./thesaurus.txt') text = None if not p.exists():"File doesn't exist, parsing from internet") text = _retrieve_thesaurus_text() p.write_file(text.encode('utf-8')) else:"File exists, reading in") text = p.read_file().decode('utf-8')"Read text length: %s" % len(text)) return text
def generate_thumbnail(obj, image_field='logo'): source = getattr(obj, image_field) source_img = Path(source.path) parent_dir = source_img.parent target_img = Path( parent_dir, source_img.stem + THUMBNAIL_SUFFIX + source_img.ext ) source_img_open = open(source_img) image_generator = Thumbnail(source=source_img_open) resized_image = image_generator.generate() target_img.write_file(
def dump_sapl(sigla): sigla = sigla[-3:] # ignora prefixo (por ex. 'sapl_cm_') data_fs_path, documentos_fs_path = [ DIR_DADOS_MIGRACAO.child('datafs', '{}_cm_{}.fs'.format(prefixo, sigla)) for prefixo in ('Data', 'DocumentosSapl') ] assert exists(data_fs_path), 'Origem não existe: {}'.format(data_fs_path) if not exists(documentos_fs_path): documentos_fs_path = data_fs_path nome_banco_legado = 'sapl_cm_{}'.format(sigla) destino = DIR_DADOS_MIGRACAO.child('repos', nome_banco_legado) destino.mkdir(parents=True) repo = git.Repo.init(destino) if TAG_ZOPE in repo.tags: print( '{}: A exportação de documentos já está feita -- abortando'.format( sigla)) return repo_execute(repo, 'git annex init') repo_execute(repo, 'git config annex.thin true') salvar = build_salvar(repo) try: finalizado = False arq_mtimes = Path(repo.working_dir, 'mtimes.yaml') mtimes = yaml.load( arq_mtimes.read_file()) if arq_mtimes.exists() else {} _dump_sapl(data_fs_path, documentos_fs_path, destino, salvar, mtimes) finalizado = True finally: # grava mundaças repo_execute(repo, 'git annex add sapl_documentos') arq_mtimes.write_file(yaml.safe_dump(mtimes, allow_unicode=True)) repo.git.add(A=True) # atualiza repo if 'master' not in repo.heads or repo.index.diff('HEAD'): # se de fato existe mudança status = 'completa' if finalizado else 'parcial' repo.index.commit(u'Exportação do zope {}'.format(status)) if finalizado: repo.git.execute('git tag -f'.split() + [TAG_ZOPE])
def unused_write_release_notes(): """ Generate docs/releases/x.y.z.rst file from setup_info. """ v = env.SETUP_INFO['version'] if v.endswith('+'): return notes = Path(env.ROOTDIR, 'docs', 'releases', '%s.rst' % v) if notes.exists(): return must_confirm("Create %s" % notes.absolute()) #~ context = dict(date=get_current_date().strftime(env.long_date_format)) context = dict(date=get_current_date().strftime('%Y%m%d')) context.update(env.SETUP_INFO) txt = """\ ========================== Version %(version)s ========================== Release process started :blogref:`%(date)s` List of changes =============== New features ------------ Optimizations ------------- Bugfixes -------- Manual tasks after upgrade -------------------------- """ % context notes.write_file(txt) notes.parent.child('index.rst').set_times() args = [os.environ['EDITOR']] args += [notes.absolute()] local(' '.join(args))
def create(self, name): """ Given a name, create the group. Idempotent. :param name: the group name to create. :type name: str :returns: The group created. :rtype: pyolite.models.Group """ path = Path( os.path.join(self.path, 'conf', 'groups', '{}.conf'.format(name))) if path.exists(): #Already exist return self.get(name) # If there are missing parent paths in the group path, create them so we don't get IOErrors # In the case of a repo having names with slashes (e.g. "username/reponame") elif path.parent != Path(""): path.parent.mkdir(parents=True) # path.write_file("") self.git.commit([str(path)], 'Created group %s' % name) return Group(name, self.path, self.git)
def move_to_venv(self, which_one): """ Moves the created config_files into the bin folder to be executed. Does this by first pasting all the contents of the temporary file into the new or existing target file and then deleting the temp file. """ target = Path(self.venv_folder, self.project_name, 'bin', which_one) source = Path(self.install_path, which_one)'target: %s, move_orig: %s' % (target, source)) if source.exists():'Moving %s into place ...' % which_one) content = source.read_file() #make sure the directory exists if not target.parent.exists(): target.parent.mkdir(parents=True) target.write_file(content, 'w+') source.remove()'...done')
def append(self, key): key_path = Path(key) if key_path.isfile(): with open(str(key_path)) as f: key = if key in self: return directory = Path(self.user.path, 'keydir',, hashlib.md5(key.strip().split()[1]).hexdigest()) directory.mkdir(parents=True) key_file = Path(directory, "" % if key_file.exists() and key_file.read_file() == key: return key_file.write_file(key) self.user.git.commit(['keydir'], 'Added new key for user %s' % super(ListKeys, self).append(key)
import arrow, json, math from functools import wraps from tinydb import TinyDB, Query import uuid import os, logging from logging.handlers import RotatingFileHandler from unipath import Path logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) # create a file handler log_file = Path( os.path.realpath(__file__)).parent.parent.child('data').child('serial.log') if not log_file.exists(): log_file.write_file("") handler = RotatingFileHandler(log_file, mode='a', maxBytes=5 * 1024 * 1024, backupCount=2, encoding=None, delay=0) handler.setLevel(logging.INFO) # create a logging format formatter = logging.Formatter( '%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s') handler.setFormatter(formatter) # add the handlers to the logger logger.addHandler(handler)
def write_to_file_path(filename, content, path): from unipath import Path p = Path(path, filename) p.write_file(html_decode(content))
def save_file(self, response): p = Path("data/" + response.url.split("/")[-1] + '.html') p.write_file(response.body)
def index(notebook): #return '<h1>Hello World!</h1>' if notebook == None: notebooks_list = db.all(); return render_template('index.html', notebooks=notebooks_list) else: if request.method == 'POST': # Check if the notebook already exists selected_notebook ='slug') == notebook) notebook_data = {} if selected_notebook: notebook_data['title'] = selected_notebook[0].get('title') notebook_data['slug'] = selected_notebook[0].get('slig') notebook_data['desc'] = selected_notebook[0].get('desc') new_md_file = Path(notebooks_dir, notebook + '.md') new_md_file.write_file('\n'.join(request.form['content'].split('\r\n'))) db.update({'desc':request.form['desc'], 'title':request.form['title']}, where('slug') == notebook) else: notebook_data['title'] = request.form['title'] notebook_data['slug'] = slugify(request.form['title']) notebook_data['desc'] = request.form['desc'] #notebook_data['content'] = request.form['content'].split('\r\n') #Create markdown file under notebooks dir new_md_file = Path(notebooks_dir, notebook_data['slug'] + '.md') new_md_file.write_file('\n'.join(request.form['content'].split('\r\n'))) db.insert(notebook_data) notebook = notebook_data['slug'] #return render_template('notebook.html', notebook=notebook_data) return redirect(notebook) else: notebook_data = {} notebook_html = '' mode = request.args.get('m') selected_notebook ='slug') == notebook) notebook_path = Path(notebooks_dir, notebook + '.md') if selected_notebook: notebook_data['title'] = selected_notebook[0].get('title') notebook_data['desc'] = selected_notebook[0].get('desc') else: notebook_data['title'] = '' notebook_data['desc'] = '' notebook_data['content'] = '' if mode == None: if selected_notebook: if notebook_path.exists(): notebook_html = md.markdown(notebook_path.read_file(), extras=["code-friendly", "fenced-code-blocks", "tables", "metadata", "cuddled-lists", "link-patterns"], link_patterns=link_patterns) notebook_data['content'] = notebook_html #notebook_data['content'] = '\n'.join(selected_notebook[0].get('content')) return render_template('notebook.html', notebook=notebook_data) else: if selected_notebook: if notebook_path.exists(): notebook_html = notebook_path.read_file() notebook_data['content'] = notebook_html return render_template('notebook-edit.html', notebook=notebook_data)
salvar = build_salvar(repo) try: finalizado = False <<<<<<< HEAD _dump_sapl(data_fs_path, documentos_fs_path, destino, salvar) ======= arq_mtimes = Path(repo.working_dir, 'mtimes.yaml') mtimes = yaml.load( arq_mtimes.read_file()) if arq_mtimes.exists() else {} _dump_sapl(data_fs_path, documentos_fs_path, destino, salvar, mtimes) >>>>>>> 3.1.x finalizado = True finally: # grava mundaças repo_execute(repo, 'git annex add sapl_documentos') arq_mtimes.write_file(yaml.safe_dump(mtimes, allow_unicode=True)) repo.git.add(A=True) # atualiza repo if 'master' not in repo.heads or repo.index.diff('HEAD'): # se de fato existe mudança status = 'completa' if finalizado else 'parcial' repo.index.commit(u'Exportação do zope {}'.format(status)) if finalizado: repo.git.execute('git tag -f'.split() + [TAG_ZOPE]) if __name__ == "__main__": if len(sys.argv) == 2: sigla = sys.argv[1] dump_sapl(sigla) else:
def write_raw_content(report_dir, host, filename, content): f = Path(report_dir, [host, filename]) f.parent.mkdir(parents=True) f.write_file(content, mode="w")