Пример #1
def relock(lo, position, type, value, scope='domain', timeout=300):
	Extend a lock of an |UDM| object.

	:param lo: |LDAP| connection.
	:param position: |UDM| position specifying the |LDAP| base container.
	:param type: A string describing the type of object, e.g. `user`.
	:param value: A unique value for the object, e.g. `uid`.
	:param scope: The scope for the lock, e.g. `domain`.
	:param timeout: Number of seconds for the lock being valid.
	:raises univention.admin.uexceptions.permissionDenied: if the lock time cannot be modified.
	:raises univention.admin.uexceptions.noLock: if the lock was not acquired.
	:returns: Number of seconds since the UNIX epoch until which the lock is acquired.
    _d = ud.function(
        'admin.locking.relock type=%s value=%s scope=%s timeout=%d' %
        (type, value, scope, timeout))  # noqa: F841
    dn = lockDn(lo, position, type, value.decode('utf-8'), scope)

    now = int(time.time())
    if timeout > 0:
        locktime = now + timeout
        locktime = 0
    ml = [('lockTime', b'1', str(locktime).encode('ASCII'))]
        lo.modify(dn, ml, exceptions=True)
        return locktime
    except ldap.INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS:
        raise univention.admin.uexceptions.permissionDenied(
            _('Can not modify lock time of %r.') % (dn, ))

    # locking failed
    raise univention.admin.uexceptions.noLock(
        _('The attribute %r could not get locked.') % (type, ))
Пример #2
def unmapMX(old):
    _d = ud.function('admin.handlers.dns.host_record.unmapMX old=%s' %
                     str(old))  # noqa: F841
    new = []
    for i in old:
        new.append(i.split(' '))
    return new
Пример #3
def mapMX(old):
    _d = ud.function('admin.handlers.dns.host_record.mapMX old=%s' %
                     str(old))  # noqa: F841
    new = []
    for i in old:
        new.append(string.join(i, ' '))
    return new
Пример #4
def mapMX(old, encoding=()):
    _d = ud.function('admin.handlers.dns.host_record.mapMX old=%s' %
                     str(old))  # noqa: F841
    new = []
    for i in old:
        new.append(u' '.join(i).encode(*encoding))
    return new
Пример #5
def unmapMX(old, encoding=()):
    _d = ud.function('admin.handlers.dns.host_record.unmapMX old=%s' %
                     str(old))  # noqa: F841
    new = []
    for i in old:
        new.append(i.decode(*encoding).split(u' '))
    return new
Пример #6
def lock(lo, position, type, value, scope='domain', timeout=300):
	Lock an |UDM| object.

	:param lo: |LDAP| connection.
	:param position: |UDM| position specifying the |LDAP| base container.
	:param type: A string describing the type of object, e.g. `user`.
	:param value: A unique value for the object, e.g. `uid`.
	:param scope: The scope for the lock, e.g. `domain`.
	:param timeout: Number of seconds for the lock being valid.
	:raises univention.admin.uexceptions.permissionDenied: if the lock time cannot be modified.
	:raises univention.admin.uexceptions.noLock: if the lock cannot be acquired.
	:returns: Number of seconds since the UNIX epoch until which the lock is acquired.
    _d = ud.function(
        'admin.locking.lock type=%s value=%s scope=%s timeout=%d' %
        (type, value, scope, timeout))  # noqa: F841
    dn = lockDn(lo, position, type, value.decode('utf-8'), scope)

    now = int(time.time())
    if timeout > 0:
        locktime = now + timeout
        locktime = 0

    al = [
        ('objectClass', [b'top', b'lock']),
        ('cn', [value]),
        ('lockTime', [str(locktime).encode('ascii')]),
    if not lo.get(dn, ['lockTime']):
            lo.add(dn, al)
            return locktime
        except ldap.ALREADY_EXISTS:
        except univention.admin.uexceptions.permissionDenied:
            raise univention.admin.uexceptions.permissionDenied(
                _('Can not modify lock time of %r.') % (dn, ))

    oldlocktime = lo.getAttr(dn, 'lockTime')
    if oldlocktime and oldlocktime[0]:
        oldlocktime = int(oldlocktime[0])
        oldlocktime = 0

    # lock is old, try again
    if oldlocktime > 0 and oldlocktime < now:
        ml = [('lockTime', str(oldlocktime).encode('ascii'),
            lo.modify(dn, ml, exceptions=True)
            return locktime
        except ldap.INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS:
            raise univention.admin.uexceptions.permissionDenied(
                _('Can not modify lock time of %r.') % (dn, ))

    raise univention.admin.uexceptions.noLock(
        _('The attribute %r could not get locked.') % (type, ))
Пример #7
def unlock(lo, position, type, value, scope='domain'):
	Unlock an |UDM| object.

	:param lo: |LDAP| connection.
	:param position: |UDM| position specifying the |LDAP| base container.
	:param type: A string describing the type of object, e.g. `user`.
	:param value: A unique value for the object, e.g. `uid`.
	:param scope: The scope for the lock, e.g. `domain`.
    _d = ud.function('admin.locking.unlock type=%s value=%s scope=%s' %
                     (type, value, scope))  # noqa: F841
    dn = lockDn(lo, position, type, value.decode('utf-8'), scope)
        lo.delete(dn, exceptions=True)
    except ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT:
Пример #8
def default(module, co, lo, position):
    # type: (univention.admin.modules.UdmModule, univention.admin.uldap.config, univention.admin.uldap.access, univention.admin.uldap.position) -> univention.admin.handlers.simpleLdap
	Create |UDM| object and initialize default values.

	:param module: |UDM| handler.
	:param co: |UDM| configuation object.
	:param lo: |LDAP| connection.
	:param position: |UDM| position instance.
	:returns: An initialized |UDM| object.
    _d = ud.function('admin.objects.default')  # noqa: F841
    module = univention.admin.modules.get(module)
    object = module.object(co, lo, position)
    for name, property in module.property_descriptions.items():
        default = property.default(object)
        if default:
            object[name] = default
    return object
Пример #9
def removePolicyReference(object, policy_type):
	# type: (univention.admin.handlers.simpleLdap, str) -> None
	Remove the policy of the requested type.

	:param object: |UDM| object.
	:param policy_type: Name of the |UDM| policy to lookup.
	# FIXME: Move this to handlers.simpleLdap?
	_d = ud.function('admin.objects.removePolicyReference policy_type=%s' % (policy_type))

	remove = None
	for policy_dn in object.policies:
		for m in univention.admin.modules.identify(policy_dn, object.lo.get(policy_dn)):
			if univention.admin.modules.name(m) == policy_type:
				remove = policy_dn
	if remove:
		ud.debug(ud.ADMIN, ud.INFO, 'removePolicyReference: removing reference: %s' % remove)
Пример #10
def getPolicyReference(object, policy_type):
	# type: (univention.admin.handlers.simpleLdap, str) -> Optional[univention.admin.handlers.simplePolicy]
	Return the policy of the requested type.

	:param object: |UDM| object.
	:param policy_type: Name of the |UDM| policy to lookup.
	:returns: The policy applying to the object or `None`.
	# FIXME: Move this to handlers.simpleLdap?
	_d = ud.function('admin.objects.getPolicyReference policy_type=%s' % (policy_type))

	policyReference = None
	for policy_dn in object.policies:
		for m in univention.admin.modules.identify(policy_dn, object.lo.get(policy_dn)):
			if univention.admin.modules.name(m) == policy_type:
				policyReference = policy_dn
	ud.debug(ud.ADMIN, ud.INFO, 'getPolicyReference: returning: %s' % policyReference)
	return policyReference
Пример #11
def replacePolicyReference(object, policy_type, new_reference):
	# type: (univention.admin.handlers.simpleLdap, str, univention.admin.handlers.simplePolicy) -> None
	Replace the policy of the requested type with a new instance.

	:param object: |UDM| object.
	:param policy_type: Name of the |UDM| policy to lookup.
	# FIXME: Move this to handlers.simpleLdap?
	_d = ud.function('admin.objects.replacePolicyReference policy_type=%s new_reference=%s' % (policy_type, new_reference))

	module = univention.admin.modules.get(policy_type)
	if not univention.admin.modules.recognize(module, new_reference, object.lo.get(new_reference)):
		ud.debug(ud.ADMIN, ud.INFO, 'replacePolicyReference: error.')

	removePolicyReference(object, policy_type)

	ud.debug(ud.ADMIN, ud.INFO, 'replacePolicyReference: appending reference: %s' % new_reference)
Пример #12
def restorePolicyReference(object, policy_type):
	# type: (univention.admin.handlers.simpleLdap, str) -> None
	Restore the policy of the requested type.

	:param object: |UDM| object.
	:param policy_type: Name of the |UDM| policy to lookup.
	# FIXME: Move this to handlers.simpleLdap?
	_d = ud.function('admin.objects.restorePolicyReference policy_type=%s' % (policy_type))
	module = univention.admin.modules.get(policy_type)
	if not module:

	removePolicyReference(object, policy_type)

	restore = None
	for policy_dn in object.oldpolicies:
		if univention.admin.modules.recognize(module, policy_dn, object.lo.get(policy_dn)):
			restore = policy_dn
	if restore:
 def f():
     _d = ud.function('f')  # noqa: F841
Пример #14
 def f():
     _d = ud.function('f')