Пример #1
def get_tim(w, roi):
    fn = get_l1b_file(wisedir, w.scan_id, w.frame_num, band)
    #print fn
    basefn = fn.replace('-int-1b.fits', '')
    fns = [fn, basefn + '-unc-1b.fits.gz', basefn + '-msk-1b.fits.gz']
    for fn in fns:
        if not os.path.exists(fn):
            #cmd = 'rsync -RLrvz carver:unwise/./%s .' % fn
            cmd = 'rsync -RLrvz carver:unwise/./%s* .' % basefn
            print cmd
    tim = read_wise_level1b(basefn, radecroi=roi, nanomaggies=True,
                            mask_gz=True, unc_gz=True, sipwcs=True,
    return tim
Пример #2
def get_tim(w, roi):
    fn = get_l1b_file(wisedir, w.scan_id, w.frame_num, band)
    #print fn
    basefn = fn.replace('-int-1b.fits', '')
    fns = [fn, basefn + '-unc-1b.fits.gz', basefn + '-msk-1b.fits.gz']
    for fn in fns:
        if not os.path.exists(fn):
            #cmd = 'rsync -RLrvz carver:unwise/./%s .' % fn
            cmd = 'rsync -RLrvz carver:unwise/./%s* .' % basefn
    tim = read_wise_level1b(basefn, radecroi=roi, nanomaggies=True,
                            mask_gz=True, unc_gz=True, sipwcs=True,
    return tim
Пример #3
def wise_sources(bands, pred=False):
    S = 25

    if pred:
        psfs = wise_psf(bands=bands, fftcentral=S*2+1, noplots=True)
        print 'psfs:', len(psfs)
        (Sx,Sy,Px,Py,sf) = psfs[0]
        print 'sx:', len(Sx)
        print 'sf', sf

        pitch = 0.1
        print 'Pitch', pitch
        print 'lanczos_test...'
        lan3 = lanczos_test(pitch=pitch, srange=(-S-0.5+pitch/2., S+0.5))#, noplots=True)
        print 'lanczos_test finished.'
        (Slan,Plan,sflan) = lan3[0]
        sflan /= pitch
        sflan = sflan[:S+1]
        Plan = Plan[:S+1]
        Slan = Slan[:S+1]
        print 'lan3:', len(Slan)
        print 'sflan:', sflan
        print 'Plan:', Plan

    ps.basefn = 'wisestars'

    wfn = 'wbox.fits'
    if os.path.exists(wfn):
        W = fits_table(wfn)
        print 'Read', len(W), 'from', wfn
        from wisecat import wise_catalog_radecbox
        W = wise_catalog_radecbox(150., 200., 45., 47.)
        print 'Got', len(W), 'WISE sources'

    from unwise_coadd import get_l1b_file, wisedir, zeropointToScale
    # plt.clf()
    # plt.hist(W.w1snr, 50, histtype='step', color='b')
    # plt.hist(W.w1snr[W.w1sat == 0], 50, histtype='step', color='r')
    # ps.savefig()
    # Find isolated stars...
    I,J,d = match_radec(W.ra, W.dec, W.ra, W.dec, 20. * 2.75 / 3600., notself=True)
    keep = np.ones(len(W), bool)
    keep[J] = False
    print np.sum(keep), 'of', len(W), 'have no neighbors'

    for iband,band in enumerate(bands):

        W.snr = W.get('w%isnr'%band)
        W.sat = W.get('w%isat' % band)
        Wi = W[keep * (W.sat == 0)]
        print len(Wi), 'after cuts'
        #(W.snr > 20) *         
        # plt.clf()
        # plt.hist(Wi.snr, 50, histtype='step', color='m')
        Wi.cut(Wi.ext_flg == 0)
        print 'ext_flg:', len(Wi)
        Wi.cut(Wi.na == 0)
        print 'na:', len(Wi)
        Wi.cut(Wi.nb == 1)
        print 'nb:', len(Wi)
        # plt.hist(Wi.snr, 50, histtype='step', color='k')
        # ps.savefig()

        T = Wi[np.argsort(-Wi.snr)]
        T.cut(T.snr > 25.)
        print 'SN cut:', len(T)
        #T = Wi[np.argsort(-Wi.snr)[:25]]
        #print 'Coadd S/N:', T.snr
        # band = 1
        # T = fits_table('w%i.fits' % band)
        # plt.clf()
        # n,b,p = plt.hist(T.get('w%impro' % band), 50, histtype='step', color='b')
        # plt.xlabel('w%impro' % band)
        # print 'blend_ext_flags:', ['0x%x' % x for x in np.unique(T.blend_ext_flags)]
        # T.cut(T.blend_ext_flags & 0xf == 1)
        # print 'Cut to', len(T), 'on blend'
        # T.cut(T.get('w%isat' % band) == 0)
        # print 'Cut to', len(T), 'on sat'
        # T.cut(T.get('w%iflg' % band) == 0)
        # print 'Cut to', len(T), 'on flg'
        # plt.hist(T.get('w%impro' % band), histtype='step', color='r', bins=b)
        # ps.savefig()
        dbs = []

        l1dbs = []
        #print 'Coadds', T.coadd_id
        for t in T:
            print 'coadd', t.coadd_id
            #print 'RA,Dec', t.ra, t.dec
            coadd = t.coadd_id.replace('_ab41', '').strip()
            for base in ['data/unwise', 'data/unwise-nersc']:
                dirnm = os.path.join(base, coadd[:3], coadd)
                fn = os.path.join(dirnm, 'unwise-%s-w%i-img-m.fits' % (coadd, band))
                if os.path.exists(fn):
            img = fitsio.read(fn)
            #print 'img', img.shape, img.dtype
            wcs = Tan(fn)
            ok,x,y = wcs.radec2pixelxy(t.ra, t.dec)
            x -= 1
            y -= 1
            #print 'x,y', x,y
            ix = int(np.round(x))
            iy = int(np.round(y))
            im = img[iy-S:iy+S+1, ix-S:ix+S+1]
            if im.shape != (2*S+1, 2*S+1):
            imH,imW = im.shape
            imax = np.argmax(im)
            my,mx = np.unravel_index(imax, im.shape)
            #print 'max pixel:', my,mx, im[my,mx]
            #print 'center pixel:', imH/2,imW/2, im[imH/2,imW/2]
            if my != imH/2 or mx != imW/2:
            # F = np.fft.fft2(im)
            # S = np.fft.fftshift(F)
            # P = S.real**2 + S.imag**2
            # P /= P.max()
            # freqs = np.fft.fftfreq(W)
            # sfreqs = np.fft.fftshift(freqs)
            # ff = np.hypot(sfreqs.reshape(1,W), sfreqs.reshape(W,1))
            # print 'ff', ff.shape
            #plt.plot(ff.ravel(), P.ravel(), 'b.', alpha=0.1)
            Y = im[imH/2, :]
            X = im[:, imW/2]
            Fy = np.fft.fft(Y)
            Fx = np.fft.fft(X)
            Sy = np.fft.fftshift(Fy)
            Sx = np.fft.fftshift(Fx)
            Px = Sx.real**2 + Sx.imag**2
            Py = Sy.real**2 + Sy.imag**2

            # Grab "blank" lines nearby to assess noise
            n = im[imH/4, :]
            Fn = np.fft.fft(n)
            Sn = np.fft.fftshift(Fn)
            Pn = Sn.real**2 + Sn.imag**2
            freqs1 = np.fft.fftfreq(len(Y))
            sfreqs1 = np.fft.fftshift(freqs1)
            s0 = np.flatnonzero(sfreqs1 == 0)
            s0 = s0[0]
            s1 = s0
            dbs.append((Sx[s1:], Sy[s1:], Px[s1:], Py[s1:], sfreqs1[s1:], Pn[s1:]))

            print 'sx', len(Sx[s1:])
            print 'sf', sfreqs1[s1:]


            fn = os.path.join(dirnm, 'unwise-%s-w%i-frames.fits' % (coadd, band))
            T = fits_table(fn)
            print 'Read', len(T), 'from', fn
            T.cut(T.included > 0)
            T.cut(T.use > 0)
            print 'Cut to', len(T), 'used'
            T.cut(T.coextent[:,0] < ix - S)
            T.cut(T.coextent[:,1] > ix + S)
            T.cut(T.coextent[:,2] < iy - S)
            T.cut(T.coextent[:,3] > iy + S)
            print 'Cut to', len(T), 'containing target pixels'

            #ims = []

            #for f in T[:10]:
            for f in T:
                fn = get_l1b_file(wisedir, f.scan_id, f.frame_num, band)
                print 'frame', fn
                img,hdr = fitsio.read(fn, header=True)
                img -= f.sky1

                gain = hdr.get('FEBGAIN')
                print 'Gain:', gain

                sig1 = np.sqrt(1./f.weight)
                zpscale = 1. / zeropointToScale(f.zeropoint)
                sig1 /= zpscale
                print 'Sigma1:', sig1

                print 'Sky:', f.sky1

                wcs = Sip(fn)

                mask = fitsio.read(fn.replace('-int-', '-msk-') + '.gz')

                #print 'RA,Dec', t.ra, t.dec
                ok,x,y = wcs.radec2pixelxy(t.ra, t.dec)
                #print 'x,y', x,y
                x -= 1
                y -= 1
                fx = int(np.round(x))
                fy = int(np.round(y))
                im = img[fy-S:fy+S+1, fx-S:fx+S+1]
                if im.shape != (2*S+1, 2*S+1):
                imH,imW = im.shape

                mask = mask[fy-S:fy+S+1, fx-S:fx+S+1]
                ok = (mask == 0)
                if not patch_image(im, ok):
                    print 'Patching failed'

                Y = im[imH/2, :]
                X = im[:, imW/2]
                Fy = np.fft.fft(Y)
                Fx = np.fft.fft(X)
                Sy = np.fft.fftshift(Fy)
                Sx = np.fft.fftshift(Fx)
                Px = Sx.real**2 + Sx.imag**2
                Py = Sy.real**2 + Sy.imag**2

                freqs1 = np.fft.fftfreq(len(Y))
                sfreqs1 = np.fft.fftshift(freqs1)
                s0 = np.flatnonzero(sfreqs1 == 0)
                s0 = s0[0]

                # Grab "blank" lines nearby to assess noise
                n = im[imH/4, :]
                Fn = np.fft.fft(n)
                Sn = np.fft.fftshift(Fn)
                Pn = Sn.real**2 + Sn.imag**2

                l1dbs.append((Px[s0+1:], Py[s0+1:], sfreqs1[s0+1:], Pn[s0+1:]))


            # plt.clf()
            # for i,im in enumerate(ims[:9]):
            #     plt.subplot(3,3,1+i)
            #     plt.imshow(im, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower')
            # ps.savefig()

        print len(dbs), 'coadds'
        print len(l1dbs), 'L1bs'

        left = 0.17
        right = 0.03
        bot = 0.12
        top = 0.03
        plt.subplots_adjust(left=left, right=1.-right, bottom=bot, top=1.-top)

        if pred:
            (Sxpsf, Sypsf, Pxpsf, Pypsf, sfpsf) = psfs[iband]
            Spsf = (Sxpsf + Sypsf) / 2.
            Ppsf = Spsf.real**2 + Spsf.imag**2
            plt.plot(sfpsf, 10.*np.log10(Pxpsf / Pxpsf[0]), 'r-')
            plt.plot(sfpsf, 10.*np.log10(Pypsf / Pypsf[0]), 'm-')
            plt.plot(sfpsf, 10.*np.log10(Ppsf / Ppsf[0]), '-', color=(1.,0.6,0))
            plt.plot(sflan, 10.*np.log10(Plan / Plan[0]), 'k-')
            #print 'sflan', sflan
            #print 'Plan', Plan
            #print 'db', 10.*np.log10(Plan / Plan[0])
            for Sx,Sy,Px,Py,sfreq,Pn in dbs:
                Sm = (Sx + Sy) / 2.
                P = Sm.real**2 + Sm.imag**2
                plt.plot(sfreq, 10.*np.log10(P / P[0]), 'b-', alpha=0.1)
            Spred = Spsf * Slan
            Ppred = Spred.real**2 + Spred.imag**2
            plt.plot(sfreq, 10.*np.log10(Ppred / Ppred[0]), 'g-')
            plt.ylim(-40, 3)

        for Sx,Sy,Px,Py,sfreq,Pn in dbs:
            plt.plot(sfreq, 10.*np.log10(Py / Py[0]), 'b-', alpha=0.2)
            plt.plot(sfreq, 10.*np.log10(Px / Px[0]), 'g-', alpha=0.2)
            plt.plot(sfreq, 10.*np.log10(Pn / np.sqrt(Px[0]*Py[0])), 'r-', alpha=0.2)
        plt.ylim(-40, 3)
        plt.title('Isolated sources in coadd: W%i' % band)
        xx = np.zeros((len(dbs), len(dbs[0][0])))
        yy = np.zeros((len(dbs), len(dbs[0][0])))
        nn = np.zeros((len(dbs), len(dbs[0][0])))
        mm = np.zeros((len(dbs), len(dbs[0][0])))
        for i,(Sx,Sy,Px,Py,sfreq,Pn) in enumerate(dbs):
            xx[i,:] = 10.*np.log10(Px / Px[0])
            yy[i,:] = 10.*np.log10(Py / Py[0])
            nn[i,:] = 10.*np.log10(Pn / np.sqrt(Px[0]*Py[0]))
            Sm = (Sx + Sy) / 2.
            P = Sm.real**2 + Sm.imag**2
            mm[i,:] = 10.*np.log10(P / P[0])

        if pred:
            med = np.median(mm, axis=0)
            plt.plot(sfreq, med, 'g-')
            plt.plot(sfpsf, 10.*np.log10(Ppsf / Ppsf[0]), '-', color=(1.,0.6,0))
            plt.plot(sflan, 10.*np.log10(Plan / Plan[0]), 'k-')
            plt.plot(sfreq, 10.*np.log10(Ppred / Ppred[0]), 'r-')
            plt.ylim(-40, 3)

        plt.plot(sfreq, np.median(xx, axis=0), 'g-')
        plt.plot(sfreq, np.median(yy, axis=0), 'b-')
        plt.plot(sfreq, np.median(nn, axis=0), 'r-')
        plt.title('Isolated sources in coadd: W%i median' % band)
        #plt.xlabel('frequency (cycles/pixel)')
        plt.ylim(-40, 3)

        print 'Freqs:', sfreq

        if len(l1dbs) == 0:
        for Px,Py,sf,noise in l1dbs:
            plt.plot(sf, 10.*np.log10(Px / Px[0]), 'g-', alpha=0.2)
            plt.plot(sf, 10.*np.log10(Py / Py[0]), 'b-', alpha=0.2)
            plt.plot(sf, 10.*np.log10(noise / Py[0]), 'r-', alpha=0.2)
            plt.plot(sf, 10.*np.log10(noise / Px[0]), 'r-', alpha=0.2)
        plt.ylim(-40, 3)
        plt.title('Isolated sources in L1bs: W%i' % band)

        xx = np.zeros((len(l1dbs), len(l1dbs[0][0])))
        yy = np.zeros((len(l1dbs), len(l1dbs[0][0])))
        zz = np.zeros((len(l1dbs), len(l1dbs[0][0])))
        zz2 = np.zeros((len(l1dbs), len(l1dbs[0][0])))
        for i,(Px,Py,sfreq,noise) in enumerate(l1dbs):
            xx[i,:] = 10.*np.log10(Px / Px[0])
            yy[i,:] = 10.*np.log10(Py / Py[0])
            zz[i,:] = 10.*np.log10(noise / Py[0])
            zz2[i,:] = 10.*np.log10(noise / Px[0])

        plt.plot(sfreq, np.median(xx, axis=0), 'g-')
        plt.plot(sfreq, np.median(yy, axis=0), 'b-')
        plt.plot(sfreq, np.median(zz, axis=0), 'r-')
        plt.plot(sfreq, np.median(zz2, axis=0), 'r-')
        plt.title('Isolated sources in L1bs: W%i median' % band)
        #plt.xlabel('frequency (cycles/pixel)')
        plt.ylim(-40, 3)