Пример #1
    def add(self, symbol, base_value, dimensions, tex_repr=None, offset=None):
        Add a symbol to this registry.

        from unyt.unit_object import _validate_dimensions

        self._unit_system_id = None

        # Validate
        if not isinstance(base_value, float):
            raise UnitParseError("base_value (%s) must be a float, got a %s."
                                 % (base_value, type(base_value)))

        if offset is not None:
            if not isinstance(offset, float):
                raise UnitParseError(
                    "offset value (%s) must be a float, got a %s."
                    % (offset, type(offset)))
            offset = 0.0


        if tex_repr is None:
            # make educated guess that will look nice in most cases
            tex_repr = r"\rm{" + symbol.replace('_', '\ ') + "}"

        # Add to lut
        self.lut.update({symbol: (base_value, dimensions, offset, tex_repr)})
Пример #2
    def add(self,
        Add a symbol to this registry.


        symbol : str
           The name of the unit
        base_value : float
           The scaling from the units value to the equivalent SI unit
           with the same dimensions
        dimensions : expr
           The dimensions of the unit
        tex_repr : str, optional
           The LaTeX representation of the unit. If not provided a LaTeX
           representation is automatically generated from the name of
           the unit.
        offset : float, optional
           If set, the zero-point offset to apply to the unit to convert
           to SI. This is mostly used for units like Farhenheit and
           Celcius that are not defined on an absolute scale.
        prefixable : bool
           If True, then SI-prefix versions of the unit will be created
           along with the unit itself.

        from unyt.unit_object import _validate_dimensions

        self._unit_system_id = None

        # Validate
        if not isinstance(base_value, float):
            raise UnitParseError("base_value (%s) must be a float, got a %s." %
                                 (base_value, type(base_value)))

        if offset is not None:
            if not isinstance(offset, float):
                raise UnitParseError(
                    "offset value (%s) must be a float, got a %s." %
                    (offset, type(offset)))
            offset = 0.0


        if tex_repr is None:
            # make educated guess that will look nice in most cases
            tex_repr = r"\rm{" + symbol.replace('_', '\ ') + "}"

        # Add to lut
        self.lut[symbol] = (base_value, dimensions, offset, tex_repr,