Пример #1
def main():
    SPI = pyb.SPI(1)
    #DIN =>SPI(1).MOSI 'X8' data flow (Master out, Slave in)
    #CLK =>SPI(1).SCK  'X6' SPI clock
    RST = pyb.Pin('PE9')
    CE = pyb.Pin('PE8')
    DC = pyb.Pin('PE7')
    LIGHT = pyb.Pin('PE6')
    lcd_5110 = upcd8544.PCD8544(SPI, RST, CE, DC, LIGHT)
    lcd_5110 = upcd8544.PCD8544(SPI, RST, CE, DC, LIGHT)
    # for i in range(83):
    # lcd_5110.lcd_write_draw(i,0,1)
    # for i in range(83):
    # lcd_5110.lcd_write_draw(i,5,0x80)
    # for i in range(6):
    # lcd_5110.lcd_write_draw(0,i,0xff)
    # for i in range(6):
    # lcd_5110.lcd_write_draw(83,i,0xff)
    while True:
        a = 0
        b = 32
        for i in range(8):
            lcd_5110.lcd_write_pictuer(0, 0, a, b)
            a += 32
            b += 32
Пример #2
def main():
    SPI = pyb.SPI(1)
    #DIN =>SPI(1).MOSI 'X8' data flow (Master out, Slave in)
    #CLK =>SPI(1).SCK  'X6' SPI clock
    RST = pyb.Pin('Y10')
    CE = pyb.Pin('Y11')
    DC = pyb.Pin('Y9')
    LIGHT = pyb.Pin('Y12')
    lcd_5110 = upcd8544.PCD8544(SPI, RST, CE, DC, LIGHT)
    lcd_5110 = upcd8544.PCD8544(SPI, RST, CE, DC, LIGHT)

    lcd_5110.lcd_write_draw_x(0, 0, 20, 50)
    lcd_5110.lcd_write_draw_x(40, 0, 36, 10)
    lcd_5110.lcd_write_draw_x(20, 0, 36, 60)
    lcd_5110.lcd_write_draw_x(30, 10, 0, 80)
Пример #3
def main():
    SPI = pyb.SPI(1)  #DIN=>X8-MOSI/CLK=>X6-SCK
    #DIN =>SPI(1).MOSI 'X8' data flow (Master out, Slave in)
    #CLK =>SPI(1).SCK  'X6' SPI clock

    RST = pyb.Pin('Y10')
    CE = pyb.Pin('Y11')
    DC = pyb.Pin('Y9')
    LIGHT = pyb.Pin('Y12')
    lcd_5110 = upcd8544.PCD8544(SPI, RST, CE, DC, LIGHT)

    lcd_5110.lcd_write_string('Hello Python!', 0, 0)
    lcd_5110.lcd_write_string('Micropython', 6, 1)
    lcd_5110.lcd_write_string('TPYBoard', 12, 2)
    lcd_5110.lcd_write_string('v102', 60, 3)
    lcd_5110.lcd_write_string('This is a test of LCD5110', 0, 4)
Пример #4
def main():
    SPI = pyb.SPI(1)  #DIN=>X8-MOSI/CLK=>X6-SCK
    #DIN =>SPI(1).MOSI 'X8' data flow (Master out, Slave in)
    #CLK =>SPI(1).SCK  'X6' SPI clock

    RST = pyb.Pin('X1')
    CE = pyb.Pin('X2')
    DC = pyb.Pin('X3')
    LIGHT = pyb.Pin('X4')
    lcd_5110 = upcd8544.PCD8544(SPI, RST, CE, DC, LIGHT)

    lcd_5110.lcd_write_string('Hello EveryOne', 0, 0)
    lcd_5110.lcd_write_string('It', 6, 1)
    lcd_5110.lcd_write_string('Is', 12, 2)
    lcd_5110.lcd_write_string('Turnip', 60, 3)
    lcd_5110.lcd_write_string('Smart', 0, 4)
Пример #5
from dht11 import DHT11

def main(lcd_5110, dht, uart6):
    data_ = dht.read_data()
    lcd_5110.lcd_write_string(' ', 0, 1)  #添加一个分隔行
    lcd_5110.lcd_write_string('Temp:' + data_[0], 2, 2)
    lcd_5110.lcd_write_string(' ', 0, 3)
    lcd_5110.lcd_write_string(' Hum:' + data_[1], 2, 4)
    uart6.write(data_[0] + ',' + data_[1])  #通过串口将数据发送给v202

if __name__ == '__main__':
    #init UART
    u6 = pyb.UART(6, 115200)
    #init DHT11
    dht = DHT11('X12')
    #init LCD5110
    SPI = pyb.SPI(1)
    RST = pyb.Pin('Y11')
    CE = pyb.Pin('Y10')
    DC = pyb.Pin('Y9')
    LIGHT = pyb.Pin('X4')
    #DIN =>SPI(1).MOSI 'X8' data flow (Master out, Slave in)
    #CLK =>SPI(1).SCK  'X6' SPI clock
    lcd_5110 = upcd8544.PCD8544(SPI, RST, CE, DC, LIGHT)
    lcd_5110.lcd_write_string('TPYBoard v102', 1, 0)
    while True:
        main(lcd_5110, dht, u6)
Пример #6
# main.py -- put your code here!

from machine import SPI, Pin

# WiPy (on Exp board, SD and User-LED jumper have to be removed!)
SPI = machine.SPI(0)  # GP14 (CLK) + GP16 (MOSI->DIN), User-LED jumper removed!
RST = machine.Pin('GP24')
CE = machine.Pin('GP12')
DC = machine.Pin('GP22')
LIGHT = machine.Pin('GP23')
# PWR    = directly from 3V3 pin of the WiPy

import upcd8544

lcd = upcd8544.PCD8544(SPI, RST, CE, DC, LIGHT)

lcd.data([0xaa, 0x55, 0xaa, 0x55, 0xaa, 0x55, 0xaa])
Пример #7
* D5 (GPIO14)     4 Clk         Output from ESP SPI clock
* 3V3             5 Vcc         3.3V from ESP to display
* D0 (GPIO16)     6 BL          3.3V to turn backlight on, or PWM
* G               7 Gnd         Ground

from machine import Pin, SPI
from time import sleep, ticks_ms
import upcd8544

spi = SPI(1, baudrate=80000000, polarity=0, phase=0)
RST = Pin(4)
CE = Pin(5)
DC = Pin(12)
BL = Pin(16)
lcd = upcd8544.PCD8544(spi, RST, CE, DC, BL)


# Use a framebuffer to store the 4032 pixels (84x48):

import framebuf
width = 84
height = 48
pages = height // 8
buffer = bytearray(pages * width)
framebuf = framebuf.FrameBuffer1(buffer, width, height)

# Print Hello, World! using the 8x8 font:
Пример #8
import upcd8544
from machine import SPI, Pin
from pyb import UART
from ubinascii import hexlify
from ubinascii import *  #以上内容为声明所使用的类库

leds = [pyb.LED(i) for i in range(1, 5)]
P, L, SHUCHU = 0, 0, 0
SPI = pyb.SPI(1)  #DIN=>X8-MOSI/CLK=>X6-SCK
#DIN =>SPI(1).MOSI 'X8' data flow (Master out, Slave in)
#CLK =>SPI(1).SCK  'X6' SPI clock
RST = pyb.Pin('X20')
CE = pyb.Pin('X19')
DC = pyb.Pin('X18')
LIGHT = pyb.Pin('X17')
lcd_5110 = upcd8544.PCD8544(SPI, RST, CE, DC, LIGHT)  #以上内容为声明并初始化显示屏
count_ = 0
N2 = Pin('Y3', Pin.OUT_PP)  #定义“Y3”为输出模式,这个引脚是控制蜂鸣器的,来电话了需要响铃的
N1 = Pin('Y6', Pin.OUT_PP)  #定义“Y6”位输出模式,“Y6”引脚是板载通信系统的开关控制引脚
pyb.delay(10000)  #通过拉低拉高开光控制引脚,启动通信系统
u2 = UART(4, 115200)  #设置串口4,并设置串口波特率为115200
i = '0'
w = 0
d = 0
q = 0
G = 0
j = 0
while 0 < 1:
Пример #9
import upcd8544


import framebuf
import math


#spi = HSPI(baudrate=80000000, polarity=0, phase=0)
spi = SPI(-1,
RST = Pin(3)
#CE = Pin(5)
DC = Pin(2)
#BL = Pin(16)
lcd = upcd8544.PCD8544(spi, RST, DC)

width = 84
height = 48
pages = height // 8
buffer = bytearray(pages * width)
framebuf1 = framebuf.FrameBuffer1(buffer, width, height)
