Пример #1
    def read(self, url, data=None, method='GET', fmt='json'):
        Returns parsed Python object or raises an error.

          :url:       Target url

          :data:      Dictionary with parameters

          :method:    (optional, default ``GET``)
                      HTTP method, possible values:
                        * ``GET``
                        * ``POST``
                        * ``PUT``
                        * ``DELETE``

          :fmt:         (optional, default ``json``)
                        API response format.
                        Currently only ``'json'`` is supported

        assert fmt == 'json', "Only JSON format is supported at the moment"

        if '/gds/' not in url:
            url = '{0}.{1}'.format(url, fmt)

        logger = logging.getLogger('python-upwork')

        logger.debug('Prepairing to make Upwork call')
        logger.debug('URL: {0}'.format(url))
            logger.debug('Data: {0}'.format(
                json.dumps(data, default=decimal_default)))
        except TypeError:
            logger.debug('Data: {0}'.format(str(data)))
        logger.debug('Method: {0}'.format(method))
        response = self.urlopen(url, data, method)

        if response.status != 200:
            logger.debug('Error: {0}'.format(response))
            raise_http_error(url, response)

        result = response.data
        logger.debug('Response: {0}'.format(result))

        if fmt == 'json':
                result = json.loads(result.decode('utf-8'))
            except ValueError:
                # Not a valid json string
                logger.debug('Response is not a valid json string')
                raise IncorrectJsonResponseError(
                        'status': response.status,
                        'body': result
        return result
Пример #2
    def read(self, url, data=None, method='GET', fmt='json'):
        Returns parsed Python object or raises an error.

          :url:       Target url

          :data:      Dictionary with parameters

          :method:    (optional, default ``GET``)
                      HTTP method, possible values:
                        * ``GET``
                        * ``POST``
                        * ``PUT``
                        * ``DELETE``

          :fmt:         (optional, default ``json``)
                        API response format.
                        Currently only ``'json'`` is supported

        assert fmt == 'json', "Only JSON format is supported at the moment"

        if '/gds/' not in url:
            url = '{0}.{1}'.format(url, fmt)

        logger = logging.getLogger('python-upwork')

        logger.debug('Prepairing to make Upwork call')
        logger.debug('URL: {0}'.format(url))
            logger.debug('Data: {0}'.format(
                json.dumps(data, default=decimal_default)))
        except TypeError:
            logger.debug('Data: {0}'.format(str(data)))
        logger.debug('Method: {0}'.format(method))
        response = self.urlopen(url, data, method)

        if response.status != 200:
            logger.debug('Error: {0}'.format(response))
            raise_http_error(url, response)

        result = response.data
        logger.debug('Response: {0}'.format(result))

        if fmt == 'json':
                result = json.loads(result)
            except ValueError:
                # Not a valid json string
                logger.debug('Response is not a valid json string')
                raise IncorrectJsonResponseError(
                    json.dumps({'status': response.status, 'body': result},
        return result