Пример #1
    def update_json_video(self, item):
        """ Updates an existing MediaItem with more data.

        Used to update none complete MediaItems (self.complete = False). This
        could include opening the item's URL to fetch more data and then process that
        data or retrieve it's real media-URL.

        The method should at least:
        * cache the thumbnail to disk (use self.noImage if no thumb is available).
        * set at least one MediaItemPart with a single MediaStream.
        * set self.complete = True.

        if the returned item does not have a MediaItemPart then the self.complete flag
        will automatically be set back to False.

        :param MediaItem item: the original MediaItem that needs updating.

        :return: The original item with more data added to it's properties.
        :rtype: MediaItem


        Logger.debug('Starting update_video_item: %s', item.name)

        data = UriHandler.open(item.url, proxy=self.proxy, additional_headers=self.httpHeaders)
        json_data = JsonHelper(data)
        streams = json_data.get_value("formats")
        if not streams:
            return item

        qualities = {"720p": 1600, "480p": 1200, "360p": 500, "other": 0}  # , "http-hls": 1500, "3gp-mob01": 300, "flv-web01": 500}
        part = item.create_new_empty_media_part()
        urls = []
        for stream in streams:
            url = stream["url"].values()[-1]
            if url in urls:
                # duplicate url, ignore


            # actually process the url
            if not url.endswith(".m3u8"):
                    bitrate=qualities.get(stream.get("name", "other"), 0)
                item.complete = True
            # elif AddonSettings.use_adaptive_stream_add_on():
            #     content_type, url = UriHandler.header(url, self.proxy)
            #     stream = part.append_media_stream(url, 0)
            #     M3u8.SetInputStreamAddonInput(stream, self.proxy)
            #     item.complete = True
                content_type, url = UriHandler.header(url, self.proxy)
                for s, b in M3u8.get_streams_from_m3u8(url, self.proxy):
                    item.complete = True
                    part.append_media_stream(s, b)

        return item
    def update_video_item(self, item):
        """ Updates an existing MediaItem with more data.

        Used to update none complete MediaItems (self.complete = False). This
        could include opening the item's URL to fetch more data and then process that
        data or retrieve it's real media-URL.

        The method should at least:
        * cache the thumbnail to disk (use self.noImage if no thumb is available).
        * set at least one MediaItemPart with a single MediaStream.
        * set self.complete = True.

        if the returned item does not have a MediaItemPart then the self.complete flag
        will automatically be set back to False.

        :param MediaItem item: the original MediaItem that needs updating.

        :return: The original item with more data added to it's properties.
        :rtype: MediaItem


        Logger.debug("Updating a (Live) video item")
        content, url = UriHandler.header(item.url, proxy=self.proxy)

        part = item.create_new_empty_media_part()
        if AddonSettings.use_adaptive_stream_add_on():
            part = item.create_new_empty_media_part()
            stream = part.append_media_stream(url, 0)
            M3u8.set_input_stream_addon_input(stream, self.proxy,
            item.complete = True
            for s, b in M3u8.get_streams_from_m3u8(url,
                item.complete = True
                part.append_media_stream(s, b)
            item.complete = True

        return item
Пример #3
    def update_video_item(self, item):
        """ Updates an existing MediaItem with more data.

        Used to update none complete MediaItems (self.complete = False). This
        could include opening the item's URL to fetch more data and then process that
        data or retrieve it's real media-URL.

        The method should at least:
        * cache the thumbnail to disk (use self.noImage if no thumb is available).
        * set at least one MediaItemPart with a single MediaStream.
        * set self.complete = True.

        if the returned item does not have a MediaItemPart then the self.complete flag
        will automatically be set back to False.

        :param MediaItem item: the original MediaItem that needs updating.

        :return: The original item with more data added to it's properties.
        :rtype: MediaItem


        Logger.debug('Starting update_video_item for %s (%s)', item.name,

        # we need to fetch the actual url as it might differ for single video items
        data, secure_url = UriHandler.header(item.url, proxy=self.proxy)

        # Get the MZID
        secure_url = secure_url.rstrip("/")
        secure_url = "%s.mssecurevideo.json" % (secure_url, )
        data = UriHandler.open(secure_url,
        secure_data = JsonHelper(data, logger=Logger.instance())
        mzid = secure_data.get_value(
            list(secure_data.json.keys())[0], "videoid")
        return self.update_video_for_mzid(item, mzid)
    def update_video_item(self, item):  # NOSONAR
        """ Updates an existing MediaItem with more data.

        Used to update none complete MediaItems (self.complete = False). This
        could include opening the item's URL to fetch more data and then process that
        data or retrieve it's real media-URL.

        The method should at least:
        * cache the thumbnail to disk (use self.noImage if no thumb is available).
        * set at least one MediaItemPart with a single MediaStream.
        * set self.complete = True.

        if the returned item does not have a MediaItemPart then the self.complete flag
        will automatically be set back to False.

        :param MediaItem item: the original MediaItem that needs updating.

        :return: The original item with more data added to it's properties.
        :rtype: MediaItem


        Logger.debug('Starting update_video_item for %s (%s)', item.name,

        # we need to fetch the actual url as it might differ for single video items
        data, secure_url = UriHandler.header(item.url, proxy=self.proxy)

        # Get the MZID
        secure_url = secure_url.rstrip("/")
        secure_url = "%s.mssecurevideo.json" % (secure_url, )
        data = UriHandler.open(secure_url,
        secure_data = JsonHelper(data, logger=Logger.instance())
        mzid = secure_data.get_value(
            list(secure_data.json.keys())[0], "videoid")

        # region New URL retrieval with DRM protection
        # We need a player token
        token_data = UriHandler.open(
            additional_headers={"Content-Type": "application/json"})

        token = JsonHelper(token_data).get_value("vrtPlayerToken")

        asset_url = "https://media-services-public.vrt.be/vualto-video-aggregator-web/rest/" \
            .format(HtmlEntityHelper.url_encode(mzid), HtmlEntityHelper.url_encode(token))
        asset_data = UriHandler.open(asset_url,
        asset_data = JsonHelper(asset_data)

        drm_key = asset_data.get_value("drm")
        drm_protected = drm_key is not None
        adaptive_available = AddonSettings.use_adaptive_stream_add_on(
        part = item.create_new_empty_media_part()
        srt = None

        # see if we prefer hls over dash
        hls_prio = 2 if self._get_setting("hls_over_dash", False) else 0

        for target_url in asset_data.get_value("targetUrls"):
            video_type = target_url["type"]
            video_url = target_url["url"]

            if video_type == "hls_aes" and drm_protected and adaptive_available:
                # no difference in encrypted or not.
                Logger.debug("Found HLS AES encrypted stream and a DRM key")
                stream = part.append_media_stream(video_url, 0)
                M3u8.set_input_stream_addon_input(stream, self.proxy)

            elif video_type == "hls" and not drm_protected:
                # no difference in encrypted or not.
                if adaptive_available:
                        "Found standard HLS stream and without DRM protection")
                    stream = part.append_media_stream(video_url, hls_prio)
                    M3u8.set_input_stream_addon_input(stream, self.proxy)
                    m3u8_data = UriHandler.open(video_url, self.proxy)
                    for s, b, a in M3u8.get_streams_from_m3u8(
                        item.complete = True
                        if a:
                            audio_part = a.rsplit("-", 1)[-1]
                            audio_part = "-%s" % (audio_part, )
                            s = s.replace(".m3u8", audio_part)
                        part.append_media_stream(s, b)

                    srt = M3u8.get_subtitle(video_url,
                    if not srt:

                    srt = srt.replace(".m3u8", ".vtt")
                    part.Subtitle = SubtitleHelper.download_subtitle(
                        srt, format="webvtt")

            elif video_type == "mpeg_dash" and adaptive_available:
                if not drm_protected:
                        "Found standard MPD stream and without DRM protection")
                    stream = part.append_media_stream(video_url, 1)
                    Mpd.set_input_stream_addon_input(stream, self.proxy)
                    stream = part.append_media_stream(video_url, 1)
                    encryption_json = '{{"token":"{0}","drm_info":[D{{SSM}}],"kid":"{{KID}}"}}'\
                    encryption_key = Mpd.get_license_key(
                            "Content-Type": "text/plain;charset=UTF-8"
                        stream, self.proxy, license_key=encryption_key)

            if video_type.startswith("hls") and srt is None:
                srt = M3u8.get_subtitle(video_url, proxy=self.proxy)
                if srt:
                    srt = srt.replace(".m3u8", ".vtt")
                    part.Subtitle = SubtitleHelper.download_subtitle(
                        srt, format="webvtt")

            item.complete = True
        # endregion
        return item
Пример #5
    def update_json_video_item(self, item):
        """ Updates an existing MediaItem with more data.

        Used to update none complete MediaItems (self.complete = False). This
        could include opening the item's URL to fetch more data and then process that
        data or retrieve it's real media-URL.

        The method should at least:
        * cache the thumbnail to disk (use self.noImage if no thumb is available).
        * set at least one MediaItemPart with a single MediaStream.
        * set self.complete = True.

        if the returned item does not have a MediaItemPart then the self.complete flag
        will automatically be set back to False.

        :param MediaItem item: the original MediaItem that needs updating.

        :return: The original item with more data added to it's properties.
        :rtype: MediaItem


        headers = {"accept": "application/vnd.sbs.ovp+json; version=2.0"}
        data = UriHandler.open(item.url,

        if UriHandler.instance().status.code == 404:
            Logger.warning("No normal stream found. Trying newer method")
            new_url = item.url.replace("https://embed.kijk.nl/api/",
            item.url = new_url[:new_url.index("?")]
            return self.__update_embedded_video(item)

        json = JsonHelper(data)
        embed_url = json.get_value("metadata", "embedURL")
        if embed_url:
                "Embed URL found. Using that to determine the streams.")
            item.url = embed_url
                return self.__update_embedded_video(item)
                Logger.warning("Failed to update embedded item:",

        use_adaptive_with_encryption = AddonSettings.use_adaptive_stream_add_on(
            with_encryption=True, channel=self)
        mpd_info = json.get_value("entitlements", "play")

        # is there MPD information in the API response?
        if mpd_info is not None:
            return self.__update_video_from_mpd(item, mpd_info,

        # Try the plain M3u8 streams
        part = item.create_new_empty_media_part()
        m3u8_url = json.get_value("playlist")
        use_adaptive = AddonSettings.use_adaptive_stream_add_on(channel=self)

        # with the Accept: application/vnd.sbs.ovp+json; version=2.0 header, the m3u8 streams that
        # are brightcove based have an url paramter instead of an empty m3u8 file
        Logger.debug("Trying standard M3u8 streams.")
        if m3u8_url != "https://embed.kijk.nl/api/playlist/.m3u8" \
                and "hostingervice=brightcove" not in m3u8_url:
            for s, b in M3u8.get_streams_from_m3u8(m3u8_url,
                if "_enc_" in s:

                if use_adaptive:
                    # we have at least 1 none encrypted streams
                    Logger.info("Using HLS InputStreamAddon")
                    strm = part.append_media_stream(m3u8_url, 0)
                    M3u8.set_input_stream_addon_input(strm, proxy=self.proxy)
                    item.complete = True
                    return item

                part.append_media_stream(s, b)
                item.complete = True
            return item

        Logger.warning("No M3u8 data found. Falling back to BrightCove")
        video_id = json.get_value("vpakey")
        # videoId = json.get_value("videoId") -> Not all items have a videoId
        mpd_manifest_url = "https://embed.kijk.nl/video/%s?width=868&height=491" % (
            video_id, )
        referer = "https://embed.kijk.nl/video/%s" % (video_id, )

        data = UriHandler.open(mpd_manifest_url,
        # First try to find an M3u8
        m3u8_urls = Regexer.do_regex('https:[^"]+.m3u8', data)
        for m3u8_url in m3u8_urls:
            m3u8_url = m3u8_url.replace("\\", "")

            # We need the actual URI to make this work, so fetch it.
            m3u8_url = UriHandler.header(m3u8_url, proxy=self.proxy)[-1]
            Logger.debug("Found direct M3u8 in brightcove data.")
            if use_adaptive:
                # we have at least 1 none encrypted streams
                Logger.info("Using HLS InputStreamAddon")
                strm = part.append_media_stream(m3u8_url, 0)
                M3u8.set_input_stream_addon_input(strm, proxy=self.proxy)
                item.complete = True
                return item

            for s, b in M3u8.get_streams_from_m3u8(m3u8_url,
                item.complete = True
                part.append_media_stream(s, b)

            return item

        return self.__update_video_from_brightcove(
            item, data, use_adaptive_with_encryption)