Пример #1
def building_stables(w=16, h=16):
    Construct stables with storage and two rows of horse boxes.


        - Map width and map height must be >= 16 and <=23.

    w : int
        Map width

    h : int
        Map height

    # Initial checks. Don't accept too small/big stables
    if w < 16 or h < 16:
        raise ValueError('Building is too small: w or h < 16')
    elif w > 23 or h > 23:
        raise ValueError('Building is too big: w or h > 25')

    M = Map(w, h, fill_cell=C.floor_rocks)
    for x in range(w):
        for y in range(h):
            if random.random() > 0.75:
                M[x, y] = C.flora_grass()

    # Calculate w and h for storage, horse boxes and stables.
    horse_box_size_w = w // 2 - 4
    horse_box_size_h = 2
    stables_size_w = horse_box_size_w * 2 + 3
    stables_shift_h = (h - 1) % 3
    stables_size_h = h - stables_shift_h
    storage_size_w = w - stables_size_w + 1
    storage_size_h = h * 2 // 3
    storage_start_w = w - storage_size_w

    # Meld stables, storage, add dog.
    main_stables = room_horse_stables(stables_size_w, stables_size_h,
                                      horse_box_size_w, horse_box_size_h)
    M.meld(main_stables, 0, 0)
    main_storage = room_storage(storage_size_w, storage_size_h)
    M.meld(main_storage, storage_start_w, 0)
    M[w - (w - stables_size_w) // 2, storage_size_h].put(T.well())
    dog_place_x = random.randint(stables_size_w, w - 1)
    dog_place_y = random.randint(storage_size_h + 1, h - 1)
    M[dog_place_x, dog_place_y].put(A.animal_dog())
    if random.choice([True, False]):

    return M
Пример #2
def room_horse_box(w, h, orientation='left'):
    Construct small horse box.
    M = Map(w, h, fill_cell=C.floor_rocks)

    # Place watertrough and horse food.
    M[0, 0].put(T.water_trough())
    M[w - 1, 0] = C.door_closed()
    M[0, h - 1].put(T.water_trough())
    M[w - 1, h - 1] = C.wall_fence()
    if h > 2:
        for y in range(1, h - 1):
            M[0, y].put(T.water_trough())
            M[w - 1, y] = C.wall_fence()

    # Create horse box with animal or without.
    stable_with_horse_chance = random.random()
    all_coord = []
    while True:
        x = random.randint(1, w - 2)
        y = random.randint(0, h - 1)
        if (x, y) not in all_coord:
            M[x, y] = C.flora_grass()
            all_coord.append((x, y))
    if stable_with_horse_chance > 0.3:
        while True:
            x = random.randint(1, w - 2)
            y = random.randint(0, h - 1)
            if (x, y) not in all_coord:
                M[x, y].put(T.farm_mangler())
                all_coord.append((x, y))
        while True:
            x = random.randint(1, w - 2)
            y = random.randint(0, h - 1)
            if (x, y) not in all_coord:
                M[x, y].put(A.animal_horse())
                all_coord.append((x, y))
    if orientation == 'right':

    return M
def building_ruined_house(w=6, h=6, material=None):
    Construct ruined house.
    It contain chimney, barrel and some animal.


        - Map width and map height must be >= 6 and <= 10.

    w : int
        Map width

    h : int
        Map height

    # Initial checks. Don't accept too small/big house.
    if w < 6 or h < 6:
        raise ValueError('Building is too small: w or h < 6')
    elif w > 10 or h > 10:
        raise ValueError('Building is too big: w or h > 10')

    # Choose materials
    wall_material = None
    if not material:
        wall_material = random.choice(
            [C.wall_block, C.wall_plank, C.wall_stone, C.wall_brick])
    elif material not in (['block', 'plank', 'stone', 'brick']):
        raise ValueError(
            'Material should be "block", "plank", "stone" or "brick"')

    if material == 'stone':
        wall_material = C.wall_stone
    elif material == 'block':
        wall_material = C.wall_block
    elif material == 'plank':
        wall_material = C.wall_plank
    elif material == 'brick':
        wall_material = C.wall_brick

    M = room_default(w, h, wall_type=wall_material, floor_type=C.floor_rocks)

    # Calculate % of replaced walls and added grass. 10% for walls and 20% for grass.
    grass_count = int((w - 2) * (h - 2) * 0.2)
    wall_ruined = int(w * h * 0.1)
    M[w // 2, h - 1] = C.door_open_dark()

    # Place some furniture and animals.
    all_coord = [(w // 2, h - 1), (w // 2, h - 2)]
    for item_class in (T.furniture_chimney, A.animal_bat, A.animal_spider,
                       T.web, T.furniture_barrel):
        while True:
            x = random.randint(1, w - 2)
            y = random.randint(1, h - 2)
            if (x, y) not in all_coord:
                M[x, y].put(item_class())
                all_coord.append((x, y))

    # Place some grass.
    for _ in range(grass_count):
        while True:
            x = random.randint(0, w - 1)
            y = random.randint(0, h - 1)
            if (x, y) not in all_coord:
                M[x, y] = C.flora_grass()
                all_coord.append((x, y))

    # Replace some walls with rocks.
    for _ in range(wall_ruined):
        while True:
            x = random.randint(0, w - 1)
            y = random.choice([0, h - 1])
            if (x, y) not in all_coord:
                M[x, y] = C.floor_rocks()
                all_coord.append((x, y))

    return M