Пример #1
def slicing_hdf5alhambra(infile, bpz):
    This routine generates subsample of P(z,T) 
    applying a magnitude-based criteria.

import alhambrahdf5
from alhambrahdf5 import *

    ruta = '/Volumes/amb22/catalogos/reduction_v4f/globalPDZ/'
    basem = U.arange(19., 25.5, 0.5)
    ns = len(basem)
    mo, stflag = U.get_data(bpz, (64, 71))
    for ii in range(ns - 1):
        cond = U.greater_equal(mo, basem[ii]) * U.less_equal(mo, basem[ii + 1])
        cond *= U.less_equal(stflag, 0.8)
        infile2 = infile.split('/')[-1:][0]
        finalname = ruta + infile2 + '.%.1fm%.1f.mat' % (basem[ii],
                                                         basem[ii + 1])
        if not os.path.exists(finalname):
            print 'generating new file %s' % (finalname)
            mat = AH.alhambra_get2Dmatrix_HDF5(infile, cond, finalname, 1)
Пример #2
def runZPcal_catalogue(reference, frame, final):
    plots = 1
    data2 = C.loaddata(frame)  # Loading the whole catalog2 content.
    head2 = C.loadheader(frame)  # Loading the original header2.
    pos_mags = 12  # ([12,20,21,22])

    mag_r = U.get_data(reference, 12)
    mag_f = U.get_data(frame, 12)
    # good_sample = U.greater_equal(mag_r,16.) * U.less_equal(mag_r,21.5)
    good_sample = U.greater_equal(mag_r, 16.) * U.less_equal(mag_r, 19.)
    mag_r2, mag_f2 = U.multicompress(good_sample, (mag_r, mag_f))
    offset = U.mean_robust(mag_f2 - mag_r2)

    if plots:
        plt.figure(11, figsize=(12, 9), dpi=80, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k')
        plt.plot(mag_r, (mag_f - mag_r - offset), 'ko', ms=10, alpha=0.1)
        plt.xlim(16, 25)
        plt.ylim(-5, 5.)
        plt.xlabel('AB', size=25)
        plt.ylabel('Mf-Mr', size=25)
        plt.legend(['Offset: %.4f' % (offset)], loc='upper right', numpoints=1)
        plt.title(A.getfilename(frame), size=15)
        figurename = final[:-3] + 'png'
        print 'figurename: ', figurename
        plt.savefig(figurename, dpi=100)

    # Here it saves the offset in an ASCII file
    fileout = open(final[:-3] + 'txt', 'w')
    linea = '%s %.5f \n' % (final, offset)

    # The offset is only applied to m!=99. magnitudes.
    new_mags = U.where(abs(mag_f) < 99, mag_f - offset, mag_f)
    data2[:, pos_mags] = new_mags
    C.savedata(data2, final, dir="", header=head2)
    print ' '
Пример #3
def match_spz_sample(cluster): # TO CHECK
    finalcat1 = catalog2[:-3]+'CLASH.redu.cat'
    finalcat2 = catalog2[:-3]+'nada.cat'
    # if not os.path.exists(finalcat1):
    if not os.path.exists(finalcat2):
        # print 'Final catalog does not exist yet.'                           
        if os.path.exists(catalog1) and os.path.exists(catalog2):
            # It matches up detections to its Spectroscopic Sample.
            # Reading specz catalog
            print 'Reading info1 before matching...'
            speczsample = catalog1
            idsp,xsp,ysp = U.get_data(speczsample,(0,3,4))
            goodsp = U.greater_equal(xsp,1500) * U.less_equal(xsp,3500)
            goodsp *= U.greater_equal(ysp,1500) * U.less_equal(ysp,3500)
            idsp,xsp,ysp = U.multicompress(goodsp,(idsp,xsp,ysp))
            print 'New dimension for specz catalogue: ',len(xsp)
            # rasp,decsp,xsp,ysp,zsp = get_data(speczsample,(0,1,2,3,4))
            # xsp,ysp,zsp = get_data(speczsample,(1,2,7))
            ####### idsp = U.arange(len(xsp))+1 
            # idsp = arange(len(rasp))+1
            # Reading ColorPro catalog
            print 'Reading info2 before matching...'
            idcol,xcol,ycol = U.get_data(catalog2,(0,3,4))
            print 'Dimension for input catalogue before compressing: ',len(idcol)
            gsp = U.greater_equal(xcol,1500) * U.less_equal(xcol,3500)
            gsp *= U.greater_equal(ycol,1500) * U.less_equal(ycol,3500)
            idcol,xcol,ycol = U.multicompress(gsp,(idcol,xcol,ycol))
            print 'Dimension for input catalogue after compressing: ',len(idcol)
            # Using "matching_vects" to match up samples...
            print 'Matching samples....'
            pepe = CT.matching_vects(idcol,xcol,ycol,idsp,xsp,ysp,1.1)   # We use now X,Y instead RA,Dec
            # Compressing matches for ColorPro...
            print 'Compressing matches...'
            matchidcol = pepe[:,0].astype(int)
            gdet_col = U.greater(matchidcol,0)  # Excluding 0's (non matched detections)
            matchidcol = U.compress(gdet_col,(matchidcol))
            # Compressing matches for Spectroscopic...
            matchidsp = pepe[:,1].astype(int)
            gdet_spz = U.greater(matchidsp,0)   # Excluding 0's (non matched detections)
            matchidsp = U.compress(gdet_spz,(matchidsp))
            print 'len(idcol)',len(idcol)
            print 'len(idsp)',len(idsp)
            if len(matchidcol) == len(matchidsp):
                print 'Creating idredu & zsredu '
                print 'Dimension of matchidsp ',len(matchidsp)
                idredu = U.zeros(len(matchidsp))
                idspredu = U.zeros(len(matchidsp))
                for ii in range(len(matchidsp)):
                    colindex = A.id2pos(idcol,matchidcol[ii]) # Position for Index idcol
                    spzindex = A.id2pos(idsp,matchidsp[ii])   # Position for Index idsp
                    idredu[ii] = idcol[colindex]  # ID for ColorPro
                    idspredu[ii] = idsp[spzindex]    # Specz for Specz
                # A new smaller catalog will be created containing specz info as an extra column.
                print 'Selecting by rows... ' 
                finalcat1 = catalog2[:-3]+'UDF.redu.cat'
                finalcat2 = catalog2[:-3]+'CLASH.redu.cat'
Пример #4
def figura33(lista):

    I'm using the stellar classification from the version_e.
import alhambra_completeness as alhc
lista = '/Volumes/amb22/catalogos/reduction_v4d/globalcats/lista.list'

    blue = 0
    red = 1
    cats = U.get_str(lista, 0)
    cats2 = U.get_str(lista, 1)
    nc = len(cats)
    dx = 0.2
    dy = 0.4
    nxbins = 4
    nybins = 2
    ods = 0.05
    mmin = 16.0
    mmax = 23.75
    zbmin = 0.0001
    zbmax = 1.4
    Mmin = -24
    Mmax = -17
    if red:
        Tbmin = 1  # 7.
        Tbmax = 5  # 11.
        resolmag = 0.2  # 0.2
        resolz = 0.05
    if blue:
        Tbmin = 7.
        Tbmax = 11.
        resolmag = 0.2
        resolz = 0.05

    resol = 0.025
    areas = ([0.45, 0.47, 0.23, 0.24, 0.47, 0.47, 0.46, 2.79])

    plt.figure(111, figsize=(21.5, 11.5), dpi=70, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k')
    ss = 0
    for jj in range(nybins):
        for ii in range(nxbins):
            # Reading data from catalogs.
            mo, zb, tb, odds, m814 = U.get_data(cats[ss], (81, 72, 75, 76, 62))
            sf = U.get_data(cats2[ss], 71)
            # mo,zb,tb,sf,odds,m814 = U.get_data(cats[ss],(81,72,75,71,76,62))
            g = U.greater_equal(abs(m814), mmin) * U.less_equal(
                abs(m814), mmax)
            # g* = U.greater_equal(odds,ods)
            g *= U.greater_equal(tb, Tbmin) * U.less_equal(tb, Tbmax)
            g *= U.less_equal(sf, 0.8)
            yy = -0.014 * m814 + 0.38
            g *= U.greater(odds, yy)
            g *= U.less_equal(mo, Mmax + resol) * U.greater(mo, Mmin - resol)
            g *= U.greater(zb, zbmin) * U.less_equal(zb, zbmax)
            mo, zb, tb, odds = U.multicompress(g, (mo, zb, tb, odds))
            print 'dimension', len(mo)
            # Plotting density.
            # cuadrado = plt.axes([.1+(ii*dx),.1+((nybins-jj-1)*dy),dx,dy])
            if ii == nxbins - 1:
                cuadrado = plt.axes([
                    .1 + (ii * dx), .1 + ((nybins - jj - 1) * dy),
                    dx + (dx * 0.2), dy
                cuadrado = plt.axes(
                    [.1 + (ii * dx), .1 + ((nybins - jj - 1) * dy), dx, dy])
            matrix, axis2, axis1 = rs.CC_numberdensity_contour_zvolume(
                zb, mo, resolz, resolmag, 1)
            if blue:
                             U.log10(matrix / areas[ss]),
                             vmax=-7.)  # blue galaxies
            if red:
                             U.log10(matrix / areas[ss]),
                             vmax=-7.65)  # red galaxies

            if ii == nxbins - 1:
                aa = plt.colorbar(pad=0., format='%.1f')
                aa.set_label('Log. Density [N/Mpc$^{3}$/deg$^{2}$]', size=18)
            if jj != nybins - 1: plt.setp(cuadrado, xticks=[])
            if ii != 0: plt.setp(cuadrado, yticks=[])
            if jj == nybins - 1:
                plt.xlabel('M$_{B}$', size=27)
            if ii == 0:
                plt.ylabel('redshift', size=28)

            # plotting axis manually
            base1 = U.arange(Mmin, Mmax + 1., 1.)
            base2 = U.arange(0, zbmax + (2. * resol), resol)
            dim1 = len(base1)
            dim2 = len(base2)
            for rr in range(dim1):
                plt.plot(base2 * 0. + base1[rr],
            for rr in range(dim2):
                         base1 * 0. + base2[rr],

            # plt.grid()
            plt.ylim(zbmin + 0.0001, zbmax - 0.001)
            plt.xlim(Mmin + 0.0001, Mmax - 0.0001)
            if ss == 7: labelleg = 'Global'
            else: labelleg = 'A%i' % (ss + 2)
            xypos = (Mmax - 1.6, zbmax - 0.18)
            if ss == 7: xypos = (Mmax - 3.5, zbmax - 0.18)
            plt.annotate(labelleg, xy=xypos, fontsize=40, color='black')
            ss += 1

    plt.savefig('completeness.alhambra.png', dpi=200)
Пример #5
def flagging_dobledetections(cat1,cat2):
    This serves to append an extra column (each to both inputted catalogs)
    indicating either a detection was repeated and with the lowest S/N
    of the two.
    Sources flagged as 1 are those detections to be excluded when combining
    both catalogs into a single one.
import alhambra_overlap as alhov
cat1 = '/Volumes/amb22/catalogos/reduction_v4e/f02/f02p02_colorproext_1_ISO.cat'
cat2 = '/Volumes/amb22/catalogos/reduction_v4e/f02/f02p01_colorproext_1_ISO.cat'
    id1,ra1,dec1,x1,y1,s2n1 = U.get_data(cat1,(0,1,2,3,4,14))
    id2,ra2,dec2,x2,y2,s2n2 = U.get_data(cat2,(0,1,2,3,4,14))
    ne1 = len(id1)
    ne2 = len(id2)
    g1 = U.greater_equal(ra1,min(ra2))
    g2 = U.less_equal(ra2,max(ra1))
    id1r,ra1r,dec1r,x1r,y1r,s2n1r = U.multicompress(g1,(id1,ra1,dec1,x1,y1,s2n1))
    id2r,ra2r,dec2r,x2r,y2r,s2n2r = U.multicompress(g2,(id2,ra2,dec2,x2,y2,s2n2))
    flag1 = U.zeros(ne1)
    flag2 = U.zeros(ne2)
    dim1 = len(id1r)
    dim2 = len(id2r)
    print 'dim1,dim2',dim1,dim2
    if dim1>0 and dim2>0:
       print 'Matching samples....'
       pepe = matching_vects_ddet(id1r,ra1r,dec1r,id2r,ra2r,dec2r,0.000312)   # We use now X,Y instead RA,Dec
       # Purging null elements
       matchidcol = pepe[:,0].astype(int)
       good_det1 = U.greater(matchidcol,0)  # Excluding 0's (non matched detections)
       matchidcol = U.compress(good_det1,(matchidcol))
       matchidsp = pepe[:,1].astype(int)
       good_det2 = U.greater(matchidsp,0) # Excluding 0's (non matched detections)
       matchidsp = U.compress(good_det2,(matchidsp))
       if len(matchidcol) == len(matchidsp) and len(matchidcol) >0 :
           newdim = len(matchidsp)
           print 'Dimension of matching',newdim
           idr1  = U.zeros(newdim)
           idr2  = U.zeros(newdim)
           s2nr1 = U.zeros(newdim)
           s2nr2 = U.zeros(newdim)
           for ii in range(newdim):
               idr1index = ap.id2pos(id1r,matchidcol[ii]) 
               idr2index = ap.id2pos(id2r,matchidsp[ii]) 
               idr1[ii]  = id1r[idr1index]
               s2nr1[ii] = s2n1r[idr1index]               
               idr2[ii]  = id2r[idr2index] 
               s2nr2[ii] = s2n2r[idr2index]
           # Select/Purge detections according to its S/N
           marcador1 = U.zeros(newdim)
           marcador2 = U.zeros(newdim)
           for ss in range(newdim):
               cociente = s2nr1[ss]/s2nr2[ss]  
               if cociente >= 1.: marcador1[ss] = 1.
               else: marcador2[ss] = 1.     
           cond1 = U.less(marcador1,1)
           cond2 = U.less(marcador2,1)
           idr1b = U.compress(cond1,idr1)
           dim1rr = len(idr1b)
           idr2b = U.compress(cond2,idr2)
           dim2rr = len(idr2b)
           # Two new IDs (finalid1 & finalid2) are generated with 
           # the final elements to be included in the output catalog.
           for hh1 in range(ne1):
               if id1[hh1] in idr1b:
                  flag1[hh1] = 1
           for hh2 in range(ne2):
               if id2[hh2] in idr2b:
                  flag2[hh2] = 1

           # A new smaller catalog will be created containing specz info as an extra column.
           outcat1 = ap.decapfile(cat1)+'.doubledetect.cat'
           outcat2 = ap.decapfile(cat2)+'.doubledetect.cat'
           print 'outcat1',outcat1
           print 'outcat2',outcat2

           # Renaming files
           if not os.path.exists(cat1): ap.renamefile(outcat1,cat1)
           if not os.path.exists(cat2): ap.renamefile(outcat2,cat2)           
       print 'No common sources in betwen the catalogs'
       # A new smaller catalog will be created containing specz info as an extra column.
       outcat1 = ap.decapfile(cat1)+'.doubledetect.cat'
       outcat2 = ap.decapfile(cat2)+'.doubledetect.cat'
       print 'outcat1',outcat1
       print 'outcat2',outcat2
       # Renaming files
       if not os.path.exists(cat1): ap.renamefile(outcat1,cat1)
       if not os.path.exists(cat2): ap.renamefile(outcat2,cat2)   
Пример #6
def purging_dobledetections(cat1,cat2):

import alhambra_overlap
from alhambra_overlap import *
cat1 = '/Volumes/amb22/catalogos/reduction_v4e/f02/f02p02_colorproext_1_ISO.cat'
cat2 = '/Volumes/amb22/catalogos/reduction_v4e/f02/f02p01_colorproext_1_ISO.cat'
    id1,ra1,dec1,x1,y1,s2n1 = U.get_data(cat1,(0,1,2,3,4,14))
    id2,ra2,dec2,x2,y2,s2n2 = U.get_data(cat2,(0,1,2,3,4,14))
    ne1 = len(id1)
    ne2 = len(id2)
    g1 = U.greater_equal(ra1,min(ra2))
    g2 = U.less_equal(ra2,max(ra1))
    id1r,ra1r,dec1r,x1r,y1r,s2n1r = U.multicompress(g1,(id1,ra1,dec1,x1,y1,s2n1))
    id2r,ra2r,dec2r,x2r,y2r,s2n2r = U.multicompress(g2,(id2,ra2,dec2,x2,y2,s2n2))

    dim1 = len(id1r)
    dim2 = len(id2r)
    print 'dim1,dim2',dim1,dim2
    if dim1>0 and dim2>0:
       print 'Matching samples....'
       pepe = matching_vects_ddet(id1r,ra1r,dec1r,id2r,ra2r,dec2r,0.000312)   # We use now X,Y instead RA,Dec
       # Purging null elements
       matchidcol = pepe[:,0].astype(int)
       good_det1 = U.greater(matchidcol,0)  # Excluding 0's (non matched detections)
       matchidcol = U.compress(good_det1,(matchidcol))
       matchidsp = pepe[:,1].astype(int)
       good_det2 = U.greater(matchidsp,0) # Excluding 0's (non matched detections)
       matchidsp = U.compress(good_det2,(matchidsp))
       if len(matchidcol) == len(matchidsp) and len(matchidcol) >0 :
           newdim = len(matchidsp)
           print 'Dimension of matching',newdim
           idr1  = U.zeros(newdim)
           idr2  = U.zeros(newdim)
           s2nr1 = U.zeros(newdim)
           s2nr2 = U.zeros(newdim)
           for ii in range(newdim):
               idr1index = ap.id2pos(id1r,matchidcol[ii]) 
               idr2index = ap.id2pos(id2r,matchidsp[ii]) 
               idr1[ii]  = id1r[idr1index]
               s2nr1[ii] = s2n1r[idr1index]               
               idr2[ii]  = id2r[idr2index] 
               s2nr2[ii] = s2n2r[idr2index]
           # Select/Purge detections according to its S/N
           marcador1 = U.zeros(newdim)
           marcador2 = U.zeros(newdim)
           for ss in range(newdim):
               cociente = s2nr1[ss]/s2nr2[ss]  
               if cociente >= 1.: marcador1[ss] = 1.
               else: marcador2[ss] = 1.     
           cond1 = U.less(marcador1,1)
           cond2 = U.less(marcador2,1)
           idr1b = U.compress(cond1,idr1)
           dim1rr = len(idr1b)
           idr2b = U.compress(cond2,idr2)
           dim2rr = len(idr2b)
           print ''
           print 'Number of detections to be removed from cat1: ', dim1rr
           print 'Number of detections to be removed from cat2: ', dim2rr
           print ''
           # Two new IDs (finalid1 & finalid2) are generated with 
           # the final elements to be included in the output catalog.
           finalid1 = U.zeros((ne1-dim1rr))
           finalid2 = U.zeros((ne2-dim2rr))
           kk1 = 0
           for hh1 in range(ne1):
               if id1[hh1] not in idr1b:
                  finalid1[kk1] = id1[hh1]
                  kk1 += 1
           print 'kk1',kk1
           kk2 = 0       
           for hh2 in range(ne2):
               if id2[hh2] not in idr2b:
                  if kk2 <= (ne2-dim2rr-1): 
                     finalid2[kk2] = id2[hh2]
           print 'kk2',kk2       
           # A new smaller catalog will be created containing specz info as an extra column.
           outcat1 = ap.decapfile(cat1)+'.wo2detect.cat'
           outcat2 = ap.decapfile(cat2)+'.wo2detect.cat'
           print 'outcat1',outcat1
           print 'outcat2',outcat2
       print 'No common sources in betwen the catalogs'
Пример #7
def getsample_4_alhambra_multiple_mosaic(pepe):
import os,sys
import useful as U
import alhambra_photools as alh
import alhambra_mosaics as alhmos
import pyfits

    manual = 0
    pepa = open('mosaico.list', 'w')
    for ii in range(7):
        for jj in range(4):
            for kk in range(4):
                catalog = root_catalogs + 'f0%i/alhambra.f0%ip0%ic0%i.ColorProBPZ.Prior1Peak.cat' % (
                    ii + 2, ii + 2, jj + 1, kk + 1)
                colorimage = root_images + 'f0%i/color_images/f0%ip0%i_OPTICAL_%i.png' % (
                    ii + 2, ii + 2, jj + 1, kk + 1)
                if os.path.exists(catalog):
                    ids = U.get_str(catalog, 0)
                    xx, yy = U.get_data(catalog, (3, 4))
                    area, mm = U.get_data(catalog, (5, 62))
                    sf = U.get_data(
                        % (ii + 2, ii + 2, jj + 1, kk + 1), 71)
                    g = U.greater_equal(area, 100) * U.less_equal(
                        area, 500) * U.greater_equal(mm, 17) * U.less_equal(
                            mm, 21) * U.less(sf, 0.2)
                    # g = U.greater_equal(area,10000) * U.less_equal(mm,17) * U.less(sf,0.1)
                    # g = U.less_equal(mm,23.) * U.greater_equal(mm,18) * U.greater_equal(sf,0.8)
                    if manual != 1:
                        for ss in range(len(ids)):
                            if g[ss] == True:
                                linea = '%s \n' % (ids[ss])
                        for ss in range(len(ids)):
                            if g[ss] == True:
                                print xx[ss], yy[ss]
                                print round(xx[ss]), round(yy[ss])
                                x = int(round(xx[ss]))
                                y = int(round(yy[ss]))
                                colorfile = colorimage
                                im = Image.open(colorfile)
                                imsize = nx, ny = im.size
                                dx = 70
                                dy = 70
                                dxo = dyo = 0
                                stamp = im.crop(
                                    (x - dx - dxo, ny - y - dy + dyo,
                                     x + dx - dxo, ny - y + dy + dyo))
                                draw = ImageDraw.Draw(stamp)
                                ressize = 300
                                stamp2 = stamp.resize((ressize, ressize),
                                buena = raw_input(
                                    'Include this source in the mosaic? [y/n]')
                                if buena == 'y':
                                    linea = '%s \n' % (ids[ss])

Пример #8
# Reading data from catalogs.
ft1, fob1, efob1 = P.getinfo4_mosaic_uncert_obsvsmod(columns, fluxcomparison)
mag1 = U.get_data(fluxcomparison, 1)

#emob = B.e_frac2mag(efob1[ii][:])/float(fob1[ii][:])

plt.figure(1, figsize=(24, 12), dpi=80, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k')

bin_labels = [0, 6]
base_x = N.linspace(-3.0, 3.0, 300)

for ss in range(12):
    plt.subplot(2, 6, ss + 1)
    if ss == 0:
        g_1 = U.greater_equal(mag1, mmin) * U.less_equal(mag1, mmax + 3)
        g_1 = U.greater_equal(mag1, mmin) * U.less_equal(mag1, mmax)
    dm2_1 = B.flux2mag(fob1[ss][g_1]) - B.flux2mag(ft1[ss][g_1])
    emob = B.e_frac2mag(efob1[ss][g_1]) / fob1[ss][g_1]
    sense_values_1 = N.less(abs(dm2_1), 5.)
    sense_values_1 *= N.less(abs(emob), 1.)
    dm2_1, emob2 = U.multicompress(sense_values_1, (dm2_1, emob))
    #dm2_1 = N.compress(sense_values_1,dm2_1)

    valor = base_x * 0.
    for ii in range(len(emob2)):
        temporal = A.gaussian(base_x, emob2[ss], 0.00, 1)
        valor += temporal * temporal
    valor = N.sqrt(valor)