Пример #1
def analyze_2016_algo():

    # real users
    # users = user.load_users('anon_data_2016.txt')
    # users = user.load_features(users, 'features_2016.txt')
    # users = user.load_prefs(users, 'preferences_2016.txt')
    # users = user.filter_prefs(users)
    # users_dict = user.map_users_list_to_dict(users)
    # matches = format_2016_matches('matches_2016.txt')
    # for u_id in matches:
    #     if (3148 in matches[u_id]):
    #         matches[u_id].remove(3148)
    # del matches[3148]

    # or saved random users
    users = user.load_users('random_data_1500.txt')
    users = user.load_features(users, 'random_features_1500.txt')
    users = user.load_prefs(users, 'random_prefs_1500.txt')
    users = user.filter_prefs(users)
    users_dict = user.map_users_list_to_dict(users)
    matches = format_2016_matches('ip_matches_1500_real_False.txt')

    # double check that we have a valid match set
    for u in matches.keys():
        for m in matches[u]:
            assert (users_dict[u].is_compatibile(users_dict[m]))

    user.sort_all_match_lists(matches, users_dict)
    # check on how many matches people actually have
    user.analyze_num_matches(matches, users_dict)

    for i in range(1, 4, 1):
        print '\033[95m#####################################'
        print 'TOP %s MATCHES' % i
        print '#####################################\033[0m'
        #check the utility values from rank perspective and distance perspective -- in two separate functions
        user.analyze_rank_utility(matches, users_dict, i)
        user.analyze_distance_utility(matches, users_dict, i)
Пример #2
def analyze_2016_algo():

    # real users
    # users = user.load_users('anon_data_2016.txt')
    # users = user.load_features(users, 'features_2016.txt')
    # users = user.load_prefs(users, 'preferences_2016.txt')
    # users = user.filter_prefs(users)
    # users_dict = user.map_users_list_to_dict(users)
    # matches = format_2016_matches('matches_2016.txt')
    # for u_id in matches:
    #     if (3148 in matches[u_id]):
    #         matches[u_id].remove(3148)
    # del matches[3148]

    # or saved random users
    users = user.load_users('random_data_1500.txt')
    users = user.load_features(users, 'random_features_1500.txt')
    users = user.load_prefs(users, 'random_prefs_1500.txt')
    users = user.filter_prefs(users)
    users_dict = user.map_users_list_to_dict(users)
    matches = format_2016_matches('ip_matches_1500_real_False.txt')

    # double check that we have a valid match set
    for u in matches.keys():
        for m in matches[u]:

    user.sort_all_match_lists(matches, users_dict)
    # check on how many matches people actually have
    user.analyze_num_matches(matches, users_dict)

    for i in range(1, 4, 1):
        print '\033[95m#####################################'
        print 'TOP %s MATCHES' % i
        print '#####################################\033[0m'
        #check the utility values from rank perspective and distance perspective -- in two separate functions
        user.analyze_rank_utility(matches, users_dict, i)
        user.analyze_distance_utility(matches, users_dict, i)
Пример #3
def mtm_da_between_groups(proposer, propose_ids, receiver, receive_ids,
                          target_min, matches, all_users_ids):
    propose = copy.deepcopy(proposer)
    receive = copy.deepcopy(receiver)
    propose_dict = user.map_users_list_to_dict(propose)
    receive_dict = user.map_users_list_to_dict(receive)

    #precompute whether each user is within propose and/or receive group
    prop_dict = {}
    rec_dict = {}
    for u_id in all_users_ids:
        prop_dict[u_id] = False
        rec_dict[u_id] = False
    for u_id in propose_ids:
        prop_dict[u_id] = True
    for u_id in receive_ids:
        rec_dict[u_id] = True

    # form initial preference lists
    for u in propose:
        u.temp_prefs = []
        for user_id in u.prefs:
            if rec_dict[user_id]:

    for u in receive:
        u.temp_prefs = []
        u.temp_pref_ranks = {}
        rank = 1
        for user_id in u.prefs:
            if prop_dict[user_id]:
                u.temp_pref_ranks[user_id] = rank
                rank += 1

    # consider relative sizes of propose & receive sides
    if len(receive_ids) > len(propose_ids):
        larger = receive
        smaller = propose
        larger = propose
        smaller = receive

    #assign quotas for each side
    for u in larger:
        u.quota = target_min

    quota = int(math.floor(target_min * len(larger) / len(smaller)))
    for u in smaller:
        u.quota = quota

    # randomly distribute the difference between the two sides
    difference = target_min * len(larger) - quota * len(smaller)
    for u in random.sample(smaller, difference):
        u.quota += 1

    while True:
        # proposal phase
        for u in propose:
            # propose until quota is reached
            while len(u.match_list) < u.quota and u.prop_pos < len(
                receiver_id = u.temp_prefs[u.prop_pos]
                receiver = receive_dict[receiver_id]

                u.prop_pos += 1

                u_rank = receiver.temp_pref_ranks[u.id]
                # insert in sorted order
                bisect.insort_left(receiver.match_list, (u_rank, u.id))

        # accept/reject phase
        for u in receive:
            # reject until match list size is within quota
            while len(u.match_list) > u.quota:
                # remove last element from match list
                rank, proposer_id = u.match_list.pop()
                proposer = propose_dict[proposer_id]

                # unmatch user

        # check if finished
        finished = True
        for u in propose:
            if len(u.match_list) < u.quota and u.prop_pos < len(u.temp_prefs):
                finished = False

        if finished:
            # end the algorithm

    for u in propose:

    for u in receive:
        for rank, id in u.match_list:

    return matches
Пример #4
Файл: ip.py Проект: frw/CS136
            return indices[u2][i]

# random users...
if not load_real_data:
    users = user.gen_users(const_num_users)
    users = user.calc_prefs(users, save=True)
    users = user.filter_prefs(users)
# or actual users...?
    users = user.load_users('anon_data_2016.txt')
    users = user.load_features(users, 'features_2016.txt')
    users = user.load_prefs(users, 'preferences_2016.txt')
    users = user.filter_prefs(users)

# userful variables
users_dict = user.map_users_list_to_dict(users)
user_ids = [u.id for u in users]
num_users = len(user_ids)
# all possible matches and distances
match_names = {}
match_indices = {}
user_dists = {}
running_num_users = 0
for u1 in user_ids:
    match_names[u1] = [str(u1) + "_" + str(u2) for u2 in user_ids if
                        (u1 != u2 and users_dict[u1].is_compatibile(users_dict[u2]))]
    match_indices[u1] = range(running_num_users, running_num_users + len(match_names[u1]))
    user_dists[u1] = [users_dict[u1].dist(users_dict[u2]) for u2 in user_ids if
                        (u1 != u2 and users_dict[u1].is_compatibile(users_dict[u2]))]
    running_num_users += len(match_names[u1])
# be careful that these correspond to each other...
Пример #5
def run_mtm_da_for_all():

    # random users...
    # users = user.gen_users(500)
    # users = user.calc_prefs(users, save=False)
    # users = user.filter_prefs(users)

    # saved random users...
    users = user.load_users('random_data_1500.txt')
    users = user.load_features(users, 'random_features_1500.txt')
    users = user.load_prefs(users, 'random_prefs_1500.txt')
    users = user.filter_prefs(users)

    # or actual users...?
    # users = user.load_users('anon_data_2016.txt')
    # users = user.load_features(users, 'features_2016.txt')
    # users = user.load_prefs(users, 'preferences_2016.txt')
    # users = user.filter_prefs(users)

    users_dict = user.map_users_list_to_dict(users)
    all_users_ids = users_dict.keys()

    #print "id: %d, prefs: %s" % (users[0].id, users[0].prefs[0:10])
    #for u in users[0].prefs[0:40]:
    #    print "id: %d, dist: %s" % (u, users[0].dist(users_dict[u]))

    #define parameters
    overall_target_min = 10
    mixing_ratio = 0.5

    #set up dictionary to hold everyone's matchings
    #divide population into particular groups
    #record ids for different groups
    matches = {}
    homo_male = []
    homo_female = []
    heter_male = []
    heter_female = []
    bi_male = []
    bi_female = []
    homo_m_id = []
    homo_f_id = []
    heter_m_id = []
    heter_f_id = []
    bi_m_id = []
    bi_f_id = []
    for u in users:

        matches[u.id] = set()
        if u.gender == 0:
            if u.seeking == 0:
            elif u.seeking == 1:
            if u.seeking == 0:
            elif u.seeking == 1:
    print len(homo_m_id)
    print len(bi_m_id)
    print len(homo_f_id)
    print len(bi_m_id)
    print len(heter_m_id)
    print len(heter_f_id)

    #temporarily truncate for test reasons
    #heter_male = heter_male[:100]
    #heter_female = heter_female[:150]
    #heter_m_id = heter_m_id[:100]
    #heter_f_id = heter_f_id[:150]

    #call the iterated DA functions in 6 stages
    print colored("Computing matchings for homosexual & bisexual males...",
    matches = mtm_da_within_group((homo_male + bi_male), (homo_m_id + bi_m_id),
                                  int(overall_target_min * mixing_ratio),
                                  matches, all_users_ids)
    print colored("Computing matchings for homosexual & bisexual females...",
    matches = mtm_da_within_group(
        (homo_female + bi_female), (homo_f_id + bi_f_id),
        int(overall_target_min * mixing_ratio), matches, all_users_ids)
    print colored("Computing matchings for homosexual males...",
    matches = mtm_da_within_group(
        homo_male, homo_m_id, int(overall_target_min * (1.0 - mixing_ratio)),
        matches, all_users_ids)
    print colored("Computing matchings for homosexual females...",
    matches = mtm_da_within_group(
        homo_female, homo_f_id, int(overall_target_min * (1.0 - mixing_ratio)),
        matches, all_users_ids)
    print colored(
        "Computing matchings for bisexual & heterosexual males & females...",
    matches = mtm_da_between_groups(
        (heter_male + bi_male), (heter_m_id + bi_m_id),
        (heter_female + bi_female), (heter_f_id + bi_f_id),
        int(overall_target_min * (1.0 - mixing_ratio)), matches, all_users_ids)
    # matches = mtm_da_between_groups((heter_female + bi_female), (heter_f_id + bi_f_id), (heter_male + bi_male), (heter_m_id + bi_m_id), int(overall_target_min * (1.0 - mixing_ratio)), matches, all_users_ids)
    print colored("Computing matchings for heterosexual males & females...",
    matches = mtm_da_between_groups(heter_male, heter_m_id, heter_female,
                                    int(overall_target_min * mixing_ratio),
                                    matches, all_users_ids)
    # matches = mtm_da_between_groups(heter_female, heter_f_id, heter_male, heter_m_id, int(overall_target_min * mixing_ratio), matches, all_users_ids)

    #create ranked list for each person by sorting their matches
    user.sort_all_match_lists(matches, users_dict)
    print colored("Matching completed!", 'red', 'on_green', attrs=['bold'])
    #check on how many matches people actually have
    user.analyze_num_matches(matches, users_dict)

    for i in range(1, 4, 1):
        print '\033[95m#####################################'
        print 'TOP %s MATCHES' % i
        print '#####################################\033[0m'
        #check the utility values from rank perspective and distance perspective -- in two separate functions
        user.analyze_rank_utility(matches, users_dict, i)
        user.analyze_distance_utility(matches, users_dict, i)
Пример #6
def mtm_da_within_group(people, people_ids, target_min, matches,
    #precompute whether each user is within this group of people
    group_dict = {}
    for u_id in all_users_ids:
        group_dict[u_id] = False
    for u_id in people_ids:
        group_dict[u_id] = True

    #form initial preference lists
    for u in people:
        u.temp_prefs = []
        u.temp_pref_ranks = {}
        rank = 1
        for user_id in u.prefs:
            if group_dict[user_id]:
                u.temp_pref_ranks[user_id] = rank
                rank += 1

    #duplicate the users
    propose = receive = copy.deepcopy(people)
    propose_dict = user.map_users_list_to_dict(propose)
    receive_dict = user.map_users_list_to_dict(receive)

    while True:
        # proposal phase
        for u in propose:
            # propose until quota is reached
            while len(u.match_list) < target_min and u.prop_pos < len(
                receiver_id = u.temp_prefs[u.prop_pos]
                receiver = receive_dict[receiver_id]

                r_rank = u.temp_pref_ranks[receiver_id]
                elem = (r_rank, receiver_id)
                if elem not in u.match_list:
                    # insert in sorted order
                    bisect.insort_left(u.match_list, elem)

                u.prop_pos += 1

                u_rank = receiver.temp_pref_ranks[u.id]
                elem = (u_rank, u.id)
                if elem not in receiver.match_list:
                    # insert in sorted order
                    bisect.insort_left(receiver.match_list, elem)

        # accept/reject phase
        for u in receive:
            # reject until match list size is within quota
            while len(u.match_list) > target_min:
                # remove last element from match list
                rank, proposer_id = u.match_list.pop()
                proposer = propose_dict[proposer_id]

                # unmatch user
                u_rank = proposer.temp_pref_ranks[u.id]
                proposer.match_list.remove((u_rank, u.id))

        # check if finished
        finished = True
        for u in propose:
            if len(u.match_list) < target_min and u.prop_pos < len(
                finished = False

        if finished:
            # end the algorithm

    for u in receive:
        for rank, id in u.match_list:

    return matches
Пример #7
def iter_da_within_group(people, people_ids, people_min, people_max, matches, all_users_ids):
    # precompute whether each user is within this group of people
    group_dict = {}
    for u_id in all_users_ids:
        group_dict[u_id] = False
    for u_id in people_ids:
        group_dict[u_id] = True

    # form initial preference lists
    for u in people:
        u.temp_prefs = []
        for user_id in u.prefs:
            if group_dict[user_id] == True:
        u.temp_prefs.append(0) # represents not getting matched

    # duplicate the users
    propose = copy.deepcopy(people)
    receive = copy.deepcopy(people)
    propose_dict = user.map_users_list_to_dict(propose)
    receive_dict = user.map_users_list_to_dict(receive)

    # dictionary for how many matches have been obtained: shared between propose and receive
    matches_obtained = {}
    for u_id in people_ids:
        matches_obtained[u_id] = 0

    #dictionary for whether dropped out: shared between propose and receive
    dropped_out = {}
    for u_id in people_ids:
        dropped_out[u_id] = False

    need_more_matches = True
    num_iters = 0
    while (need_more_matches):
        print "\rRunning iteration %d" % num_iters,

        still_unmatched_proposers = True

        while (still_unmatched_proposers):
            # do proposing
            for u in propose:
                if dropped_out[u.id]:

                if u.current_match is None:
                    target_id = None
                    while True:
                        target_id = u.temp_prefs[u.prop_pos]
                        if target_id == 0:
                        # not getting matched this round
                            u.current_match = 0
                        u.prop_pos += 1

                        if (not dropped_out[target_id]):
                            # found a valid target id

                    if target_id != 0:
                        target = receive_dict[target_id]

                        if (target.current_match is None) or (target.temp_prefs.index(u.id) < target.rec_rank):
                            # accept the proposal
                            if target.current_match is not None:
                                propose_dict[target.current_match].current_match = None
                            u.current_match = target.id
                            target.current_match = u.id
                            target.rec_rank = target.temp_prefs.index(u.id)

            # check if any proposers are still unmatched
            still_unmatched_proposers = False
            for u in propose:
                if dropped_out[u.id]:

                if u.current_match is None:
                    still_unmatched_proposers = True

        # add matches from this round to master matches list
        # remove this round's match from preference list
        # reset user fields for next iteration
        for u in propose:
            if dropped_out[u.id]:
            if u.current_match != 0:
                if (u.current_match not in matches[u.id]):
                    matches_obtained[u.id] += 1
                if u.current_match is not None:
            u.prop_pos = 0
            u.current_match = None
        for u in receive:
            if dropped_out[u.id]:
            if (u.current_match is not None):
                if (u.current_match not in matches[u.id]):
                    matches_obtained[u.id] += 1
            u.rec_rank = None
            u.current_match = None

        # check if any user still needs more matches
        # flag any users that are dropping out
        need_more_matches = False
        for u in propose:
            if matches_obtained[u.id] < people_min:
                need_more_matches = True
            elif matches_obtained[u.id] >= people_max:
                dropped_out[u.id] = True

        num_iters += 1

        sat_prop = [u for u in propose if matches_obtained[u.id] < people_min]
        sat_rec = [u for u in receive if matches_obtained[u.id] < people_min]
        drop_prop = [u for u in propose if not dropped_out[u.id]]
        drop_rec = [u for u in receive if not dropped_out[u.id]]
        print "(%d propose not done, %d receive not done)" % (len(sat_prop), len(sat_rec)),
        print "(%d propose avail. left, %d receive avail. left)" % (len(drop_prop), len(drop_rec)),

        if num_iters > 100:
            print colored("Failed to meet min matches", 'red', attrs=['bold'])
            return matches

    print colored("Finished matching stage!", 'green', attrs=['bold'])

    return matches
Пример #8
def run_iter_da_for_all():

    # random users...
    # users = user.gen_users(500)
    # users = user.calc_prefs(users, save=False)
    # users = user.filter_prefs(users)

    # saved random users...
    users = user.load_users('random_data_1500.txt')
    users = user.load_features(users, 'random_features_1500.txt')
    users = user.load_prefs(users, 'random_prefs_1500.txt')
    users = user.filter_prefs(users)

    # or actual users...?
    # users = user.load_users('anon_data_2016.txt')
    # users = user.load_features(users, 'features_2016.txt')
    # users = user.load_prefs(users, 'preferences_2016.txt')
    # users = user.filter_prefs(users)

    users_dict = user.map_users_list_to_dict(users)
    all_users_ids = users_dict.keys()

    ########    PARAMETERS    ###############################
    mixing_ratio = 0.6 # proportion of the matches that come from the different stages

    overall_female_min = 8 # overall_female_min * mixing_ratio & overall_female_min * (1-mixing_ratio) are lower bounds on # matches for females in between groups algo
    overall_male_min = 1 # overall_male_min * mixing_ratio & overall_male_min * (1-mixing_ratio) are lower bounds on # matches for males in between groups algo
    overall_within_group_min = 9 # overall_within_group_min * mixing_ratio & overall_within_group_min * (1-mixing_ratio) are lower bounds on # matches for within group algo
    # (These approximately translate to lower bounds on # matches overall)

    dropout_female_factor = 1.2 # scalar multiple to set diff. btwn. female min & max # of matches in between groups algo
    dropout_male_factor = 18.0 # scalar multiple to set diff. btwn. male min & max # of matches in between groups algo
    dropout_within_group_factor = 1.3 # scalar multiple to set diff. btwn. min & max # of matches in within groups algo
    # (max # of matches <=> user dropping out in the algo)

    Sort users into preference groups
    Record ids for each group
    Set up dictionary to hold everyone's matchings

    matches = {}
    homo_male = []
    homo_female = []
    heter_male = []
    heter_female = []
    bi_male = []
    bi_female = []
    homo_m_id = []
    homo_f_id = []
    heter_m_id = []
    heter_f_id = []
    bi_m_id = []
    bi_f_id = []
    for u in users:
        matches[u.id] = []
        if u.gender == 0:
            if u.seeking == 0:
            elif u.seeking == 1:
            if u.seeking == 0:
            elif u.seeking == 1:

    #print len(homo_m_id)
    #print len(bi_m_id)
    #print len(homo_f_id)
    #print len(bi_f_id)
    #print len(heter_m_id)
    #print len(heter_f_id)

    # temporarily truncate for test reasons
    #heter_male = heter_male[:163]
    #heter_female = heter_female[:199]
    #heter_m_id = heter_m_id[:163]
    #heter_f_id = heter_f_id[:199]

    Find matches in 6 stages
    print colored("Computing matchings for homosexual & bisexual males...", 'magenta', attrs=['bold'])
    min_target = (overall_within_group_min * mixing_ratio)
    matches = iter_da_within_group((homo_male + bi_male), (homo_m_id + bi_m_id), min_target, min_target*dropout_within_group_factor, matches, all_users_ids)
    print colored("Computing matchings for homosexual & bisexual females...", 'magenta', attrs=['bold'])
    min_target = (overall_within_group_min * mixing_ratio)
    matches = iter_da_within_group((homo_female + bi_female), (homo_f_id + bi_f_id), min_target, min_target*dropout_within_group_factor, matches, all_users_ids)
    print colored("Computing matchings for homosexual males...", 'magenta', attrs=['bold'])
    min_target = (overall_within_group_min * (1.0 - mixing_ratio))
    matches = iter_da_within_group(homo_male, homo_m_id, min_target, min_target*dropout_within_group_factor, matches, all_users_ids)
    print colored("Computing matchings for homosexual females...", 'magenta', attrs=['bold'])
    min_target = (overall_within_group_min * (1.0 - mixing_ratio))
    matches = iter_da_within_group(homo_female, homo_f_id, min_target, min_target*dropout_within_group_factor, matches, all_users_ids)
    print colored("Computing matchings for bisexual & heterosexual males & females...", 'magenta', attrs=['bold'])
    min_target_female = (overall_female_min * (1.0 - mixing_ratio))
    min_target_male = (overall_male_min * (1.0 - mixing_ratio))
    #matches = iter_da_between_groups((heter_male + bi_male), (heter_m_id + bi_m_id), (heter_female + bi_female), (heter_f_id + bi_f_id), min_target_male, min_target_female, min_target_male * dropout_male_factor, min_target_female * dropout_female_factor, matches, all_users_ids)
    matches = iter_da_between_groups((heter_female + bi_female), (heter_f_id + bi_f_id), (heter_male + bi_male), (heter_m_id + bi_m_id), min_target_female, min_target_male, min_target_female * dropout_female_factor, min_target_male * dropout_male_factor, matches, all_users_ids)
    print colored("Computing matchings for heterosexual males & females...", 'magenta', attrs=['bold'])
    min_target_female = (overall_female_min * (mixing_ratio))
    min_target_male = (overall_male_min * (mixing_ratio))
    #matches = iter_da_between_groups(heter_male, heter_m_id, heter_female, heter_f_id, min_target_male, min_target_female, min_target_male * dropout_male_factor, min_target_female * dropout_female_factor, matches, all_users_ids)
    matches = iter_da_between_groups(heter_female, heter_f_id, heter_male, heter_m_id, min_target_female, min_target_male, min_target_female * dropout_female_factor, min_target_male * dropout_male_factor, matches, all_users_ids)

    # create ranked list for each person by sorting their matches
    user.sort_all_match_lists(matches, users_dict)

    print colored("Matching completed!", 'red', 'on_green', attrs=['bold'])

    # check on how many matches people actually have
    user.analyze_num_matches(matches, users_dict)

    for i in range(1, 4, 1):
        print '\033[95m#####################################'
        print 'TOP %s MATCHES' % i
        print '#####################################\033[0m'
        #check the utility values from rank perspective and distance perspective -- in two separate functions
        user.analyze_rank_utility(matches, users_dict, i)
        user.analyze_distance_utility(matches, users_dict, i)
Пример #9
def iter_da_between_groups(proposer, propose_ids, receiver, receive_ids, prop_min, rec_min, prop_max, rec_max, matches, all_users_ids):
    propose = copy.deepcopy(proposer)
    receive = copy.deepcopy(receiver)
    propose_dict = user.map_users_list_to_dict(propose)
    receive_dict = user.map_users_list_to_dict(receive)

    prop_dict = {}
    for u_id in all_users_ids:
        prop_dict[u_id] = False
    for u_id in propose_ids:
        prop_dict[u_id] = True
    rec_dict = {}
    for u_id in all_users_ids:
        rec_dict[u_id] = False
    for u_id in receive_ids:
        rec_dict[u_id] = True

    # form initial preference lists
    for u in propose:
        u.temp_prefs = []
        for user_id in u.prefs:
            if rec_dict[user_id] == True:
        u.temp_prefs.append(0) # represents not getting matched
    for u in receive:
        u.temp_prefs = []
        for user_id in u.prefs:
            if prop_dict[user_id] == True:
        u.temp_prefs.append(0) # represents not getting matched

    # assign number of matches so far
    for u in propose:
        u.matches_obtained = 0
    for u in receive:
        u.matches_obtained = 0

    need_more_matches = True
    num_iters = 1
    while need_more_matches:
        print "\rRunning iteration %d" % num_iters,
        # start new iteration of DA
        still_unmatched_proposers = True
        while (still_unmatched_proposers):
            # do proposing
            for u in propose:
                if u.dropped_out:

                if u.current_match is None:
                    target_id = None
                    while True:
                        target_id = u.temp_prefs[u.prop_pos]
                        if target_id == 0:
                        # not getting matched this round
                            u.current_match = 0
                        u.prop_pos += 1

                        if (not receive_dict[target_id].dropped_out):
                            # found a valid target id

                    if target_id != 0:
                        target = receive_dict[target_id]
                        if (target.current_match is None) or (target.temp_prefs.index(u.id) < target.rec_rank):
                            # accept the proposal
                            if target.current_match is not None:
                                propose_dict[target.current_match].current_match = None
                            u.current_match = target.id
                            target.current_match = u.id
                            target.rec_rank = target.temp_prefs.index(u.id)

            # check if any proposers are still unmatched
            unmatched_props = [u for u in propose if (not u.dropped_out and u.current_match is None)]
            still_unmatched_proposers = False
            for u in propose:
                if u.dropped_out:
                if u.current_match is None:
                    still_unmatched_proposers = True
            print "\rRunning iteration %d (Number unmatched in DA sub-round: %d)" % (num_iters, len(unmatched_props)),

        # add matches from this round to master matches list
        # remove this round's match from preference list
        # reset user fields for next iteration
        # update matches_needed for bigger side
        for u in propose:
            if u.dropped_out:
            if u.current_match != 0:
                if (u.current_match not in matches[u.id]):
                    u.matches_obtained += 1
                if u.current_match is not None:
            u.prop_pos = 0
            u.current_match = None
        for u in receive:
            if u.dropped_out:
            if (u.current_match is not None):
                if (u.current_match not in matches[u.id]):
                    u.matches_obtained += 1
            u.rec_rank = None
            u.current_match = None

        # check if any user still needs more matches
        # flag any users that are dropping out
        need_more_matches = False
        for u in propose:
            if u.matches_obtained < prop_min:
                need_more_matches = True
                #print "prop" + str(u.matches_obtained)
            elif u.matches_obtained >= prop_max:
                u.dropped_out = True
        for u in receive:
            if u.matches_obtained < rec_min:
                need_more_matches = True
                #print "rec" + str(u.matches_obtained)
            elif u.matches_obtained >= rec_max:
                u.dropped_out = True

        sat_prop = [u for u in propose if u.matches_obtained < prop_min]
        sat_rec = [u for u in receive if u.matches_obtained < rec_min]
        drop_prop = [u for u in propose if not u.dropped_out]
        drop_rec = [u for u in receive if not u.dropped_out]
        print "\rRunning iteration %d (%d propose not done, %d receive not done)" % (num_iters, len(sat_prop), len(sat_rec)),
        print "(%d propose avail. left, %d receive avail. left)" % (len(drop_prop), len(drop_rec)),

        num_iters += 1
        if num_iters > 100:
            print colored("Failed to meet min matches", 'red', attrs=['bold'])
            return matches

    print colored("Finished matching stage!", 'green', attrs=['bold'])
    return matches