def setUp(self): ''' python will run this instruction every time it encounters a new method ''' self.new_user = Users("Edgar","pass123") self.new_credential = Credentials("facebook", "ekibe", "pass123")
def test_save_multiple_accounts(self): ''' test_save_multiple_contact to check if we can save multiple contact objects to our contact_list ''' self.new_user_data.save_account() test_account = Users("account", "username", "*****@*****.**", "password") #regestering a new account test_account.save_account() self.assertEqual(len(Users.account_details), 2)
def test_delete_account(self): ''' test_delete_account to test if we can remove a saved account from our account details list ''' self.new_user_data.save_account() test_account = Users("account", "username", "*****@*****.**", "password") # registered new account test_account.save_account() self.new_user_data.delete_account() self.assertEqual(len(Users.account_details), 1)
def test_account_exists(self): ''' test to check if we can return a Boolean if we cannot find the account details. ''' self.new_user_data.save_account() test_account = Users("account", "username", "*****@*****.**", "password") #registered new account test_account.save_account() account_exists = Users.account_exist("username") self.assertTrue(account_exists)
def test_find_details_by_username(self): ''' test to check if we can find the details of an account by typing the username and display information ''' self.new_user_data.save_account() test_account = Users("account", "username", "*****@*****.**", "password") #registered new account test_account.save_account() found_account = Users.find_by_username("username") self.assertEqual(,
def test_user_with_an_account_can_login(self): ''' test to check if a user exists ''' self.new_user.save_user() user_exist = Users.find_by_username("Edgar") self.assertTrue(user_exist)
def test_user_with_an_account_can_login(self): ''' tests if user can log in using the credentials already saved in users list ''' self.new_user.save_user() validate_user = Users.check_user("Edgar","pass123") self.assertEqual(validate_user, self.new_user.user_name)
class UserTestCases(unittest.TestCase): def tearDown(self): Users.users_list=[] ''' clears the users list before next method ''' def setUp(self): ''' python will run this instruction every time it encounters a new method ''' self.new_user = Users("Edgar","pass123") self.new_credential = Credentials("facebook", "ekibe", "pass123") def test_if_user_can_create_an_account(self): ''' tests if created user account is saved in the list ''' self.new_user.save_user() self.assertEqual(len(Users.users_list),1) def test_user_with_an_account_can_login(self): ''' test to check if a user exists ''' self.new_user.save_user() user_exist = Users.find_by_username("Edgar") self.assertTrue(user_exist) def test_user_with_an_account_can_login(self): ''' tests if user can log in using the credentials already saved in users list ''' self.new_user.save_user() validate_user = Users.check_user("Edgar","pass123") self.assertEqual(validate_user, self.new_user.user_name) # Tests credentials def test_if_user_can_create_credential(self): ''' test if credentials_list gets appended with added credential ''' self.new_credential.save_credential() self.assertEqual(len(Credentials.credentials_list),1)
def check_existing_accounts(username): ''' Function that check if a contact exists with that number and return a Boolean ''' return Users.account_exist(username)
def find_account(username): ''' Function that finds account details using the username ''' return Users.find_by_username(username)
def verify_user(uname, upass): ''' Function that verifies the existance of the user before creating credentials ''' checking_user = Users.check_user(uname, upass) return checking_user
def create_acc(u_name, u_pass): # u_pass= # encrypted_pass=sdigest(u_pass) new_acc = Users(u_name, u_pass) return new_acc
def test_display_all_accounts(self): ''' method that returns a list of all accounts saved ''' self.assertEqual(Users.display_accounts(), Users.account_details)
class TestUsers(unittest.TestCase): ''' Test class that defines test cases for the users class behaviours. Args: unittest.TestCase: TestCase class that helps in creating test cases ''' def setUp(self): ''' Set up method to run before each test cases. ''' self.new_user_data = Users("Instagram", "@levim", "*****@*****.**", "axolotl") # create contact object def test_init(self): ''' test_init test case to test if the object is initialized properly ''' self.assertEqual(self.new_user_data.account_name, "Instagram") self.assertEqual(self.new_user_data.username, "@levim") self.assertEqual(, "*****@*****.**") self.assertEqual(self.new_user_data.password, "axolotl") def test_save_user_data(self): ''' test_save_user_data test case to test if the users object is saved into the account details. ''' self.new_user_data.save_account() # saving the new account details self.assertEqual(len(Users.account_details), 1) def tearDown(self): ''' tearDown method that does clean up after each test case has run. ''' Users.account_details = [] def test_save_multiple_accounts(self): ''' test_save_multiple_contact to check if we can save multiple contact objects to our contact_list ''' self.new_user_data.save_account() test_account = Users("account", "username", "*****@*****.**", "password") #regestering a new account test_account.save_account() self.assertEqual(len(Users.account_details), 2) def test_delete_account(self): ''' test_delete_account to test if we can remove a saved account from our account details list ''' self.new_user_data.save_account() test_account = Users("account", "username", "*****@*****.**", "password") # registered new account test_account.save_account() self.new_user_data.delete_account() self.assertEqual(len(Users.account_details), 1) def test_find_details_by_username(self): ''' test to check if we can find the details of an account by typing the username and display information ''' self.new_user_data.save_account() test_account = Users("account", "username", "*****@*****.**", "password") #registered new account test_account.save_account() found_account = Users.find_by_username("username") self.assertEqual(, def test_account_exists(self): ''' test to check if we can return a Boolean if we cannot find the account details. ''' self.new_user_data.save_account() test_account = Users("account", "username", "*****@*****.**", "password") #registered new account test_account.save_account() account_exists = Users.account_exist("username") self.assertTrue(account_exists) def test_display_all_accounts(self): ''' method that returns a list of all accounts saved ''' self.assertEqual(Users.display_accounts(), Users.account_details)
def display_accounts(): ''' Function that returns all the saved contacts ''' return Users.display_accounts()
def create_account(account_name,username,email,password): ''' Function to create account detail ''' new_account = Users(account_name,username,email,password) return new_account
def setUp(self): ''' Set up method to run before each test cases. ''' self.new_user_data = Users("Instagram", "@levim", "*****@*****.**", "axolotl") # create contact object