Пример #1
def getKernelOptions(kernelMemInMB):
    '''Create the list of options that get appended onto the "kernel"
    line of the grub.conf file.
    disks = devices.DiskSet()
    rootPartition = disks.findPartitionContaining('/', searchVirtual=True)
    if not rootPartition:
        raise PartitionNotFound('/')

    devPartName = rootPartition.consoleDevicePath
    if not devPartName:
        # expected /dev/sda1 for the 1-disk case
        raise MissingConsoleDevicePath(rootPartition)
    rootPartUuid = getUuid(devPartName)

    # ro: mount "/" read-only in the initrd environment but when the init 
    # scripts start up it magically gets remounted rw.
    options = 'ro'

    # root: tell the kernel where to find "/"
    options += ' root=UUID='+ rootPartUuid

    # mem: tell the kernel how much memory it can use
    options += ' mem='+ kernelMemInMB +'M'

    choices = userchoices.getBoot()
    if choices and choices['kernelParams']:
        options += ' '+ choices['kernelParams']
    return options
Пример #2
    def getOrderedDrives(self, allowUserOverride=True):
        '''Return a list of drives. The order will be the order that the 
        BIOS puts them in, unless the user has specified a particular device 
        to go first.

        This is primarily used to set up GRUB

        TODO: the scripted install "driveOrder" command  only affects the order 
        of at most one device.  This is how I understand it should work.  If 
        that's the case, maybe we need to change the name from "driveOrder" 
        to something else.
        allDrives = self.disks.values()
        comparator = operator.attrgetter('biosBootOrder')

        # XXX - remove this at some point since mixing userchoices here
        #       is bad.
        if allowUserOverride:
            bootOptions = userchoices.getBoot()
            if bootOptions:
                driveOrder = bootOptions['driveOrder']
                if driveOrder:
                    firstDrive = driveOrder[0]
                    if firstDrive not in allDrives:
                        raise InvalidDriveOrder(firstDrive)
                    allDrives.insert(0, firstDrive)
                    log.debug("No drive order specified.  Set to default.")
                log.debug("Drive order set to default.")
        return allDrives
Пример #3
def _genBoot():
    flags = ""
    choice = userchoices.getBoot()

    if choice['doNotInstall']:
        flags += " --location=none"
        flags += " --location=%s" % choice['location']

    if choice['kernelParams']:
        flags += " --append='%s'" % shquote(choice['kernelParams'])

    if choice['password']:
        flagName = "--password"
        if choice['passwordType'] == userchoices.BOOT_PASSWORD_TYPE_MD5:
            flagName = "--md5pass"
        flags += " %s='%s'" % (flagName, shquote(choice['password']))

    if choice['driveOrder']:
        flags += " --driveorder=%s" % ",".join(
            [disk.name for disk in choice['driveOrder']])

    if choice['upgrade']:
        flags += " --upgrade"

    return "bootloader %s\n" % flags
Пример #4
def getKernelOptions(kernelMemInMB):
    '''Create the list of options that get appended onto the "kernel"
    line of the grub.conf file.
    disks = devices.DiskSet()
    rootPartition = disks.findPartitionContaining('/', searchVirtual=True)
    if not rootPartition:
        raise PartitionNotFound('/')

    devPartName = rootPartition.consoleDevicePath
    if not devPartName:
        # expected /dev/sda1 for the 1-disk case
        raise MissingConsoleDevicePath(rootPartition)
    rootPartUuid = getUuid(devPartName)

    # ro: mount "/" read-only in the initrd environment but when the init
    # scripts start up it magically gets remounted rw.
    options = 'ro'

    # root: tell the kernel where to find "/"
    options += ' root=UUID=' + rootPartUuid

    # mem: tell the kernel how much memory it can use
    options += ' mem=' + kernelMemInMB + 'M'

    choices = userchoices.getBoot()
    if choices and choices['kernelParams']:
        options += ' ' + choices['kernelParams']
    return options
Пример #5
    def getOrderedDrives(self, allowUserOverride=True):
        '''Return a list of drives. The order will be the order that the 
        BIOS puts them in, unless the user has specified a particular device 
        to go first.

        This is primarily used to set up GRUB

        TODO: the scripted install "driveOrder" command  only affects the order 
        of at most one device.  This is how I understand it should work.  If 
        that's the case, maybe we need to change the name from "driveOrder" 
        to something else.
        allDrives = self.disks.values()
        comparator = operator.attrgetter('biosBootOrder')

        # XXX - remove this at some point since mixing userchoices here
        #       is bad.
        if allowUserOverride:
            bootOptions = userchoices.getBoot()
            if bootOptions:
                driveOrder = bootOptions['driveOrder']
                if driveOrder:
                    firstDrive = driveOrder[0]
                    if firstDrive not in allDrives:
                        raise InvalidDriveOrder(firstDrive)
                    allDrives.insert(0, firstDrive)
                    log.debug("No drive order specified.  Set to default.")
                log.debug("Drive order set to default.")
        return allDrives
Пример #6
def _genBoot():
    flags = ""
    choice = userchoices.getBoot()

    if choice['doNotInstall']:
        flags += " --location=none"
        flags += " --location=%s" % choice['location']

    if choice['kernelParams']:
        flags += " --append='%s'" % shquote(choice['kernelParams'])

    if choice['password']:
        flagName = "--password"
        if choice['passwordType'] == userchoices.BOOT_PASSWORD_TYPE_MD5:
            flagName = "--md5pass"
        flags += " %s='%s'" % (flagName, shquote(choice['password']))

    if choice['driveOrder']:
        flags += " --driveorder=%s" % ",".join(
            [disk.name for disk in choice['driveOrder']])

    if choice['upgrade']:
        flags += " --upgrade"

    return "bootloader %s\n" % flags
Пример #7
def reviewBoot(values):
    choice = userchoices.getBoot()
    location = choice.get('location', userchoices.BOOT_LOC_MBR)
    if location == userchoices.BOOT_LOC_MBR:
        locationStr = 'Master Boot Record'
    elif location == userchoices.BOOT_LOC_PARTITION:
        locationStr = 'ESX partition'
        locationStr = 'Not installed'
    values['bootLocation'] = locationStr
Пример #8
    def write(self, stringSubstitutionDict):
        choices = userchoices.getBoot()
        if choices and choices['doNotInstall']:
            log.info('Skipping the writing of the bootloader to disk')


        cmd = cmd_grub % stringSubstitutionDict

        rc, stdout, stderr = execCommand(cmd)


Пример #9
    def write(self, stringSubstitutionDict):
        choices = userchoices.getBoot()
        if choices and choices['doNotInstall']:
            log.info('Skipping the writing of the bootloader to disk')


        cmd = cmd_grub % stringSubstitutionDict

        rc, stdout, stderr = execCommand(cmd)


Пример #10
def getPasswordLine():
    '''Create the (optional) "password" line of the grub.conf file.
    [password [--md5] PASSWD]
    passwordLine = ''
    password = ''

    choices = userchoices.getBoot()
    if choices:
        password = choices['password']

    if (password
        and choices['passwordType'] == userchoices.BOOT_PASSWORD_TYPE_MD5):
        passwordLine = 'password --md5 '+ password
    elif password:
        passwordLine = 'password '+ password
    return passwordLine
Пример #11
def getPasswordLine():
    '''Create the (optional) "password" line of the grub.conf file.
    [password [--md5] PASSWD]
    passwordLine = ''
    password = ''

    choices = userchoices.getBoot()
    if choices:
        password = choices['password']

    if (password
            and choices['passwordType'] == userchoices.BOOT_PASSWORD_TYPE_MD5):
        passwordLine = 'password --md5 ' + password
    elif password:
        passwordLine = 'password ' + password
    return passwordLine
Пример #12
def copyGrubStageImages():
    '''make sure all the "stage" images are stored on the boot
    This replaces `/sbin/grub-install --just-copy` that was in anaconda

    choices = userchoices.getBoot()
    if choices and choices['doNotInstall']:
        log.info('Skipping the writing of the bootloader to disk')
    if not os.path.exists(grub_dir):
        os.makedirs(grub_dir) #makes directory for the stage images

    stageImgFilenames = glob.glob(grub_stage_img_dir + '*')
    if not stageImgFilenames:
        raise Exception('grub package directory (%s) was empty!'
                        % grub_stage_img_dir)
    for fname in stageImgFilenames:
        basename = os.path.basename(fname)
        destination = grub_dir + basename
        shutil.copy(fname, destination)
Пример #13
def copyGrubStageImages():
    '''make sure all the "stage" images are stored on the boot
    This replaces `/sbin/grub-install --just-copy` that was in anaconda

    choices = userchoices.getBoot()
    if choices and choices['doNotInstall']:
        log.info('Skipping the writing of the bootloader to disk')

    if not os.path.exists(grub_dir):
        os.makedirs(grub_dir)  #makes directory for the stage images

    stageImgFilenames = glob.glob(grub_stage_img_dir + '*')
    if not stageImgFilenames:
        raise Exception('grub package directory (%s) was empty!' %
    for fname in stageImgFilenames:
        basename = os.path.basename(fname)
        destination = grub_dir + basename
        shutil.copy(fname, destination)
Пример #14
def writeGrubConfFiles(stringSubstitutionDict):
    '''make grub config files'''
    # make sure the expected directories exist
    if not os.path.exists(grub_dir):
    if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(sysconfig_grub_file)):

    newEntry = grub_conf_entry % stringSubstitutionDict

    debugEntrySubstDict = stringSubstitutionDict.copy()

    debugEntrySubstDict['label'] = "Troubleshooting mode"
    debugEntrySubstDict['bootDirRelativeToGrub'] += "trouble/"
    debugEntrySubstDict['kernelOptions'] += " trouble"
    debugEntry = grub_conf_entry % debugEntrySubstDict
    choices = userchoices.getBoot()
    if (os.path.exists(grub_conf_file) and
        (userchoices.getUpgrade() or choices.get('upgrade', False))):
        # For an upgrade, we need to preserve all the settings in the file,
        # not just the titles.  Otherwise, we lose things like password.
        grubFile = open(grub_conf_file)
        grubContents = grubFile.read()
        grubContents = removeTitle(grubContents, newEntry.split('\n')[0])
        grubContents = removeTitle(grubContents, debugEntry.split('\n')[0])
        grubContents = grubContents.replace('VMware ESX Server',
                                            'VMware ESX Server 3')
        grubContents = grubContents.replace(
            'Service Console only',
            'ESX Server 3 Service Console only')
        grubContents = grub_conf_header % stringSubstitutionDict

    grubContents = insertTitle(grubContents, debugEntry)
    grubContents = insertTitle(grubContents, newEntry)
    grubContents = changeSetting(grubContents, "default", "0")
    if userchoices.getUpgrade():
        grubContents = writeUpgradeFiles(grubContents)
    # Write the whole file out first and then use rename to atomically install
    # it in the directory, we don't want to put a broken file in there during
    # an upgrade.
    tmpPath = os.tempnam(os.path.dirname(grub_conf_file), "grub.conf")
    fp = open(tmpPath, 'w')

    os.chmod(tmpPath, 0600)

    os.rename(tmpPath, grub_conf_file)

    fp = open(device_map_file, 'w')
    fp.write(device_map % stringSubstitutionDict)

    fp = open(sysconfig_grub_file, 'w')
    fp.write(sysconfig_grub % stringSubstitutionDict)
Пример #15
def getStringSubstitutionDict():
    label, version = getKernelLabelAndVersion()

    # Get the kernel mem to put in the boot command line.
    kernelMemInMB = vmkctl.MemoryInfoImpl().GetServiceConsoleReservedMem()
    upperMemInKB = str(kernelMemInMB*1024)

    disks = devices.DiskSet()

    if userchoices.getUpgrade():
        # We reuse the boot partition from the old install.
        bootPath = os.path.join(consts.ESX3_INSTALLATION, "boot")
        bootPath = "/boot"
    slashBootPartition = disks.findPartitionContaining(bootPath)
    if not slashBootPartition:
        raise PartitionNotFound(bootPath)

    devPartName = slashBootPartition.consoleDevicePath
    if not devPartName:
        raise MissingConsoleDevicePath(slashBootPartition)
    slashBootPartUuid = getUuid(devPartName)

    diskIndex, partIndex = grubDiskAndPartitionIndicies(slashBootPartition)
    if diskIndex != 0:
        log.warn('Installing GRUB to the MBR of a disk that was not the first'
                 ' disk reported by the BIOS.  User must change their BIOS'
                 ' settings if they want to boot from this disk')
    slashBootPartNum = partIndex

    grubInstallDevice = findGrubInstallDevice(slashBootPartition)

    # This code protects against instability with the /vmfs partition
    # going missing.  We try to use the canonical path first, however if it
    # isn't there, use the /dev/sdX path and warn.  The variable is used
    # in device.map.

    if os.path.exists(grubInstallDevice.path):
        installerDevDiskName = grubInstallDevice.path
    elif os.path.exists(grubInstallDevice.consoleDevicePath):
        log.warn('The normal path to the boot disk did not exist. '
                 'Using console device path instead.')
        installerDevDiskName = grubInstallDevice.consoleDevicePath
        raise RuntimeError, "Couldn't find a place to write GRUB."

    # decide between installing to the MBR or the first partition
    bootChoices = userchoices.getBoot()
    if bootChoices and \
       bootChoices['location'] == userchoices.BOOT_LOC_PARTITION:
        grubInstallLocation = '(hd0,%s)' % slashBootPartNum
        log.info('Installing GRUB to the first partition of %s ' %
        grubInstallLocation = '(hd0)'
        log.info('Installing GRUB to the MBR of (%s)' % installerDevDiskName)

    # need to tell grub.conf where it will find the kernel and initrd
    # relative to the root of the partition it searches.
    if slashBootPartition.mountPoint in [
        '/boot', os.path.join(consts.ESX3_INSTALLATION, "boot")]:
        bootDirRelativeToGrub = '/'
    elif slashBootPartition.mountPoint in ['/', consts.ESX3_INSTALLATION]:
        bootDirRelativeToGrub = '/boot/'

    kernelOptions = getKernelOptions(str(kernelMemInMB))

    passwordLine = getPasswordLine()

    substitutes = dict(
                       label = label,
                       version = version,
                       devPartName = devPartName,
                       kernel_file = kernel_file,
                       initrd_file = initrd_file,
                       passwordLine = passwordLine,
                       upperMemInKB = upperMemInKB,
                       kernelMemInMB = kernelMemInMB,
                       kernelOptions = kernelOptions,
                       slashBootPartNum = slashBootPartNum,
                       slashBootPartUuid = slashBootPartUuid,
                       grubInstallLocation = grubInstallLocation,
                       installerDevDiskName = installerDevDiskName,
                       bootDirRelativeToGrub = bootDirRelativeToGrub,
    return substitutes
Пример #16
def writeGrubConfFiles(stringSubstitutionDict):
    '''make grub config files'''
    # make sure the expected directories exist
    if not os.path.exists(grub_dir):
    if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(sysconfig_grub_file)):

    newEntry = grub_conf_entry % stringSubstitutionDict

    debugEntrySubstDict = stringSubstitutionDict.copy()

    debugEntrySubstDict['label'] = "Troubleshooting mode"
    debugEntrySubstDict['bootDirRelativeToGrub'] += "trouble/"
    debugEntrySubstDict['kernelOptions'] += " trouble"
    debugEntry = grub_conf_entry % debugEntrySubstDict

    choices = userchoices.getBoot()
    if (os.path.exists(grub_conf_file)
            and (userchoices.getUpgrade() or choices.get('upgrade', False))):
        # For an upgrade, we need to preserve all the settings in the file,
        # not just the titles.  Otherwise, we lose things like password.
        grubFile = open(grub_conf_file)
        grubContents = grubFile.read()

        grubContents = removeTitle(grubContents, newEntry.split('\n')[0])
        grubContents = removeTitle(grubContents, debugEntry.split('\n')[0])

        grubContents = grubContents.replace('VMware ESX Server',
                                            'VMware ESX Server 3')
        grubContents = grubContents.replace(
            'Service Console only', 'ESX Server 3 Service Console only')
        grubContents = grub_conf_header % stringSubstitutionDict

    grubContents = insertTitle(grubContents, debugEntry)
    grubContents = insertTitle(grubContents, newEntry)
    grubContents = changeSetting(grubContents, "default", "0")

    if userchoices.getUpgrade():
        grubContents = writeUpgradeFiles(grubContents)

    # Write the whole file out first and then use rename to atomically install
    # it in the directory, we don't want to put a broken file in there during
    # an upgrade.
    tmpPath = os.tempnam(os.path.dirname(grub_conf_file), "grub.conf")
    fp = open(tmpPath, 'w')

    os.chmod(tmpPath, 0600)

    os.rename(tmpPath, grub_conf_file)

    fp = open(device_map_file, 'w')
    fp.write(device_map % stringSubstitutionDict)

    fp = open(sysconfig_grub_file, 'w')
    fp.write(sysconfig_grub % stringSubstitutionDict)
Пример #17
def getStringSubstitutionDict():
    label, version = getKernelLabelAndVersion()

    # Get the kernel mem to put in the boot command line.
    kernelMemInMB = vmkctl.MemoryInfoImpl().GetServiceConsoleReservedMem()
    upperMemInKB = str(kernelMemInMB * 1024)

    disks = devices.DiskSet()

    if userchoices.getUpgrade():
        # We reuse the boot partition from the old install.
        bootPath = os.path.join(consts.ESX3_INSTALLATION, "boot")
        bootPath = "/boot"
    slashBootPartition = disks.findPartitionContaining(bootPath)
    if not slashBootPartition:
        raise PartitionNotFound(bootPath)

    devPartName = slashBootPartition.consoleDevicePath
    if not devPartName:
        raise MissingConsoleDevicePath(slashBootPartition)
    slashBootPartUuid = getUuid(devPartName)

    diskIndex, partIndex = grubDiskAndPartitionIndicies(slashBootPartition)
    if diskIndex != 0:
        log.warn('Installing GRUB to the MBR of a disk that was not the first'
                 ' disk reported by the BIOS.  User must change their BIOS'
                 ' settings if they want to boot from this disk')
    slashBootPartNum = partIndex

    grubInstallDevice = findGrubInstallDevice(slashBootPartition)

    # This code protects against instability with the /vmfs partition
    # going missing.  We try to use the canonical path first, however if it
    # isn't there, use the /dev/sdX path and warn.  The variable is used
    # in device.map.

    if os.path.exists(grubInstallDevice.path):
        installerDevDiskName = grubInstallDevice.path
    elif os.path.exists(grubInstallDevice.consoleDevicePath):
        log.warn('The normal path to the boot disk did not exist. '
                 'Using console device path instead.')
        installerDevDiskName = grubInstallDevice.consoleDevicePath
        raise RuntimeError, "Couldn't find a place to write GRUB."

    # decide between installing to the MBR or the first partition
    bootChoices = userchoices.getBoot()
    if bootChoices and \
       bootChoices['location'] == userchoices.BOOT_LOC_PARTITION:
        grubInstallLocation = '(hd0,%s)' % slashBootPartNum
        log.info('Installing GRUB to the first partition of %s ' %
        grubInstallLocation = '(hd0)'
        log.info('Installing GRUB to the MBR of (%s)' % installerDevDiskName)

    # need to tell grub.conf where it will find the kernel and initrd
    # relative to the root of the partition it searches.
    if slashBootPartition.mountPoint in [
            '/boot', os.path.join(consts.ESX3_INSTALLATION, "boot")
        bootDirRelativeToGrub = '/'
    elif slashBootPartition.mountPoint in ['/', consts.ESX3_INSTALLATION]:
        bootDirRelativeToGrub = '/boot/'

    kernelOptions = getKernelOptions(str(kernelMemInMB))

    passwordLine = getPasswordLine()

    substitutes = dict(
    return substitutes