Пример #1
    def __init__(self, options, args):
        self._batch_mode = options.batch
        self._verbose = options.verbose

        self._input_filename = options.filename

        self.use_channels = []

        self._systematic = options.systematic
        if self._systematic:
            if self._systematic.endswith("+"):
                self._load_systematic = { "plus": True, "minus": False}

            elif self._systematic.endswith("-"):
                self._load_systematic = { "plus": False, "minus": True}

                self._load_systematic = None

            self._systematic = self._systematic.rstrip("+-")

        if not self._systematic:
            raise RuntimeError("systematic is not specified")

        if options.channels:
            use_channels, ban_channels = split_use_and_ban(set(
                channel.strip() for channel in options.channels.split(',')))

            # use only allowed channels or all if None specified
            channels = self.channels
            if use_channels:
                channels &= use_channels

            # remove banned channels
            if ban_channels:
                channels -= ban_channels

            self.use_channels = list(channels)
            self.use_channels = self.channels

        self.loader = None
Пример #2
    def __init__(self, options, args):
                options, args,
                disable_systematics=False if (options.systematic and
                                              ("scale" in options.systematic or
                                               "matching" in options.systematic))
                                          else True)

        if options.systematic:
            systematic = options.systematic[:-1]
            self.suffix = "__{0}__{1}".format(
                    systematic + "_ttbar"
                        if "scale" == systematic or "matching" == systematic
                        else systematic, 
                    "plus" if options.systematic.endswith("+") else "minus")
            self.suffix = None

        self.theta_prefix = options.thetaprefix
        self.output_filename = options.output

        if options.savechannels:
            use_channels, ban_channels = split_use_and_ban(set(
                channel.strip() for channel in options.savechannels.split(',')))

            # use only allowed channels or all if None specified
            channels = set(channel_type.ChannelType.channel_types.keys())
            if use_channels:
                channels &= self._expand_channels(use_channels)

            # remove banned channels
            if ban_channels:
                channels -= self._expand_channels(ban_channels)

            self.save_channels = list(channels)
            self.save_channels = []
Пример #3
    def __init__(self, options, args, config,

        self._verbose = (options.verbose if options.verbose
                         else config["core"]["verbose"])

        self._batch_mode = (options.batch if options.batch
                            else config["core"]["batch"])

        if self._batch_mode and not options.save and self._verbose:
            print("warning: script is run in batch mode but canvases are not "

        # load channel configuration
        channel_config = (options.channel_config if options.channel_config
                          else config["template"]["channel"])
        if not channel_config:
            raise RuntimeError("channel config is not defined")

        self._channel_config = channel.load(os.path.expanduser(channel_config))

        # load channel scale(s)
        self._channel_scale = (
                if options.channel_scale
                else None)

        # load plot configuration
        plot_config = (options.plot_config if options.plot_config
                        else config["template"]["plot"])

        if not plot_config:
            raise RuntimeError("plot config is not defined")

        self._plot_config = plot.load(os.path.expanduser(plot_config))

        # Get list of channels to be loaded
        if not options.channels:
            raise RuntimeError("no channels are specified")

        use, ban = split_use_and_ban(ch.strip()
                                     for ch in options.channels.split(','))
        if not use:
            raise RuntimeError("no channels are turned ON")

        use = channel.expand(self._channel_config, use, verbose=self._verbose)

        if ban:
            use -= channel.expand(self._channel_config, ban,

        if not use:
            raise RuntimeError("all channels are turned OFF")

        self._channels = use

        # Loaded plots are kept in the structures like:
        # plot_name: {
        #   channel1: hist_obj,
        #   channel2: hist_obj,
        #   etc.
        # }
        self._plots = {}
        self._channel_loader = channel_loader
        self._prefix = options.prefix
        if options.save:
            value = options.save.lower()

            if value not in ["ps", "pdf"]:
                raise RuntimeError("unsupported save format: " + value)

            self._save = value
            self._save = False

        self._bg_error = options.bg_error
        if self._bg_error:
            self._bg_error = float(self._bg_error)
            if not (0 <= self._bg_error <= 100):
                raise RuntimeError("background error is out of range")
                self._bg_error /= 100

        self._label = options.label or os.getenv("EXO_PLOT_LABEL", None)
        self._sub_label = options.sub_label or os.getenv("EXO_PLOT_SUBLABEL",

        if options.plots:
            self._plot_patterns = options.plots.split(':')
            self._plot_patterns = []

        self._legend_align = "right"
        self._legend_valign = "top"

        self._log = options.log
        self._ratio= options.ratio
Пример #4
    def __init__(self, options, args, disable_systematics=True):
        Configure Templates object with parsed command-line arguments

        options and args should represent parsed arguments by OptionParser.
        Supported options:

            batch       keep all Canvases open and wait for user to press
                        Enter before exit application if set

            filename    specify input ROOT filename to load all plots from
            scales      absolute scale factors for specific channels. If set
                        then corresponding channel histogram will be scaled
                        with specified value

            fractions   relative scale factors for MC, QCD. The scale factor
                        is calculated per plot and equal to:

                            MC_scale * Data.Integral() / MC.Integral()
                            QCD_scale * Data.Integral() / QCD.Integral()

                        therefore Data needs to be loaded

                        Note:   TFractionFitter is automatically turned off if
                                --fractions options is used

            notff       Do not use TFractionFitter

                        Note:   TFractionFitter is automatically turned off if
                                --fractions options is used

            ratio       Plot ratio of specific channels in the comparision
                        plot. Any two channels cha be specified in the ratio.
                        Use 'bg' to reference background which is MC + QCD.

                        Note:   it is user responsibility to make sure
                                corresponding channels are loaded

            plots       list all plot names to be loaded. By default all
                        histograms are loaded from input file. Plot names
                        should be separated with comma. Use '-' to turn
                        specific plot OFF, e.g.:

                            --plots met,mass

                        that is plot met and mass

                            --plots -njets,-mass

                        plot everything except njets and mass

            folders     specify TDirectory(-ies) to load plots from. All
                        subfolders in ROOT file are scanned. Folder names
                        should be separated with comma. Use '-' to exclude
                        specific folders. See --plots comment for example.

                        Note:   only plots that are specified in plots option
                                will be loaded if --plots is used

            channels    list channels to be loaded. All channels are loaded by
                        default. Channel names should be separated with comma.
                        Use '-' to exclude specific channels. See --plots
                        comment for example.

                        Note: 'data' can be used to reference all Data channels

            suffix      is added to each canvas when saved if any isspecified

        self._verbose = options.verbose
        self._batch_mode = options.batch        # wait for Enter before exit
        self._input_filename = options.filename # ROOT file to load plots from
        self._logy = options.log

        if options.suffix:
            self._canvas_template = "{0}_" + options.suffix + ".pdf"
            self._canvas_template = "{0}.pdf"

        if options.label:
            self._label = options.label
            if options.btag:
                self._label = {
                        "0btag": "N_{btags} = 0",
                        "1btag": "N_{btags} #geq 1"
                        }.get(options.btag, None)
                self._label = None

        self._btag = options.btag

        # Absolute scales for specific channels
        self._scales = []
        if options.scales:
            for filename in options.scales.split(','):
                scales = Scales()

                if self._verbose:
                    print('loaded scales: ', scales)


        # Relative fractions for specific channels
        if options.fractions:
            fractions = Scales()

            tmp_fractions = {}
            for fraction_type in ["mc", "qcd"]:
                fraction = fractions.scales.get(fraction_type)
                if not fraction:
                    raise RuntimeError(("fractions file doe not contain {0} "

                tmp_fractions[fraction_type] = fraction

            self.fractions = tmp_fractions
            self.fractions = {}

        # disable/enable TFractionFitter. It is enabled by default
        self._use_tfraction_fitter = not options.notff and not self.fractions

        # Use ratio in the comparison plot
        ratio = options.ratio.lower()
        if ratio:
            if "none" == ratio:
                self._ratio = "none"
            elif "/" in ratio:
                self._ratio = ratio.split('/')
                self._ratio = None

                print("only simple ratios are supported: channel/channel",
                      file = sys.stderr)
            self._ratio = None

        self.use_plots = []
        self.ban_plots = []

        if options.plots:
            self.use_plots, self.ban_plots = map(list,
                    plot.strip() for plot in options.plots.split(','))))

        self.use_folders = []
        self.ban_folders = []

        if options.folders:
            self.use_folders, self.ban_folders = map(list,
                    folder.strip() for folder in options.folders.split(','))))

        self.use_channels = []

        if options.channels:
            use_channels, ban_channels = split_use_and_ban(set(
                channel.strip() for channel in options.channels.split(',')))

            # use only allowed channels or all if None specified
            if disable_systematics:
                channels = set(channel
                        for channel in channel_type.ChannelType.channel_types.keys()
                            if "matching" not in channel and
                               "scale" not in channel)
                channels = set(channel_type.ChannelType.channel_types.keys())

            if use_channels:
                channels &= self._expand_channels(use_channels)

            # remove banned channels
            if ban_channels:
                channels -= self._expand_channels(ban_channels)

            self.use_channels = list(channels)

        self.loader = None

        self._str_format = "{0:>20}: {1}" # nice __str__ format