Пример #1
 def post(self, status_id):
     if len(status_id) < 8:
         raise tornado.web.HTTPError(404)
     status_id = decode(status_id)
     comments = self.get_argument("commenttext", None)
     user_id = self.current_user.id
     pubdate = time.strftime('%y-%m-%d %H:%M', time.localtime())
     comment_id = self.db.execute(
         "insert into fd_Stacomm (user_id, "
         " status_id, comments, pubdate) values (%s,%s,%s,%s)", user_id,
         status_id, comments, pubdate)
     if comment_id:
         status_key = self.rd.keys('status*%s' % status_id)[0]
         prev_comments_num = self.rd.hget(status_key, 'comm')
         if not prev_comments_num:
             comments_num = 1
             comments_num = int(prev_comments_num) + 1
         self.rd.hset(status_key, 'comm', comments_num)
             self.avatar('m', self.current_user.id,
                         self.current_user.uuid_), ',',
                         extra_params="target='_blank' rel='nofollow'")))
Пример #2
 def post(self):
     user = self.get_argument("user",None)
     actto = self.get_argument("actto",None)
     acttype = self.get_argument("acttype",None)
     user_id = get_id_by_name(self.db, self.rd, user)
     if len(actto) < 8 or not user_id or int(user_id) != self.current_user.id:
         raise tornado.web.HTTPError(405)
     acttype = int(acttype)
     actto = decode(actto)
     # don't remove in db now because data is not got wholy in redis,just mark it
     if acttype == 1:
         self.db.execute("update fd_Status set status_ = 1 where id = %s", actto)
     elif acttype == 2:
         self.db.execute("update fd_Note set status_ = 2 where id = %s", actto)
     elif acttype == 3:
         self.db.execute("update fd_Link set status_ = 2 where id = %s", actto)
     elif acttype == 4:
         doc_id = self.db.get("select doc_id,name,user_id from fd_Doc where id = %s", actto)
         if not doc_id:
             raise tornado.web.HTTPError(500)
         tld = doc_id.name.split(".").pop()
         prepath = "/data/static/usrdoc/%s/%s.%s" % (doc_id.user_id, doc_id.doc_id, tld)
         jpgpath = "/work/Dormforge/static/usrdoc/%s/%s.jpg" % (doc_id.user_id, doc_id.doc_id)
         swfpath = "/work/Dormforge/static/usrdoc/%s/%s.swf" % (doc_id.user_id, doc_id.doc_id)
         if os.path.exists(prepath) and os.path.exists(jpgpath) and os.path.exists(swfpath):
             self.db.execute("update fd_Doc set status_ = 2 where id = %s", actto)
     del_activity(self.rd, user_id, acttype, actto)
Пример #3
 def get(self):
     template_values = {}
     pubtype = self.get_argument("pubtype",0)
     linkid = self.get_argument("id",None)
     if linkid and pubtype == 0:
         if len(linkid) < 8:
             raise tornado.web.HTTPError(404)
         link_id = decode(linkid)
         link = self.db.get("select url,title,summary,user_id,status_, "
                 "tags from fd_Link where id = %s", link_id)
         if not link or link.user_id != self.current_user.id:
             raise tornado.web.HTTPError(404)
         template_values['url'] = link.url
         template_values['title'] = link.title
         template_values['summary'] = link.summary
         template_values['tags'] = link.tags
         template_values['id'] = linkid
         template_values['checked'] = "checked" if link.status_ == 1 else ""
         pubtype = 2
         url = self.get_argument("url",None)
         title = self.get_argument("title",None)
         template_values['url'] = url
         template_values['title'] = title
     template_values['sugg'] = pubtype or self.current_user.sugg_link
     template_values['pubtype'] = pubtype
     self.render("editlink.html", template_values=template_values)
Пример #4
 def get(self, note_id):
     template_values = {}
     if len(note_id) < 8:
         raise tornado.web.HTTPError(404)
     note_id = decode(note_id)
     notes = self.db.query(
             "select title,note,rev_num,rev_user_name as name,rev_user_domain as domain"
             ", revdate from fd_NoteHistory where note_id = %s and rev_status = 0"
             " order by rev_num desc", note_id)
     if not notes:
         raise tornado.web.HTTPError(404)
     for i in range(len(notes)):
         next_note = {}
         if i == len(notes)-1:
             next_note['title'] = ''
             next_note['note'] = ''
             next_note['title'] = notes[i+1].title
             next_note['note'] = notes[i+1].note
         notes[i].title = textdiff(xhtml_escape(next_note['title']), xhtml_escape(notes[i].title))
         note1 = self.br(linkify(next_note['note'], extra_params="target='_blank' rel='nofollow'"))
         note2 = self.br(linkify(notes[i].note, extra_params="target='_blank' rel='nofollow'"))
         notes[i].note = self.at(textdiff(note1, note2))
         notes[i]['rev'] = 0
         if i == 0:
             notes[i]['rev'] = 1
     template_values['notes'] = notes
     self.render("notehistory.html", template_values=template_values)
Пример #5
 def get(self):
     noteid = self.get_argument("note_id",None)
     if not noteid or len(noteid) < 8:
         raise tornado.web.HTTPError(404)
     noteid = decode(noteid)
     note = self.db.get("select note from fd_Note where "
             "id = %s", noteid)
     if note:
         self.write(self.br(self.at(linkify(note.note, extra_params="target='_blank' rel='nofollow'"))))
Пример #6
 def get(self):
     template_values = {}
     noteid = self.get_argument("id",None)
     if noteid:
         if len(noteid) < 8:
             raise tornado.web.HTTPError(404)
         note_id = decode(noteid)
         note = self.db.get("select id,title,note,user_id,status_ "
                 "from fd_Note where id = %s", note_id)
         if not note or note.user_id != self.current_user.id:
             raise tornado.web.HTTPError(404)
         note.id = noteid
         template_values['note'] = note
     self.render("pubnote.html", template_values=template_values)
Пример #7
 def post(self):
     statusid = self.get_argument("statusid",None)
     statuscontent = self.get_argument("status",None)
     user_id = self.current_user.id
     if statusid and statuscontent and statuscontent != "":
         statusid = decode(statusid)
         status_user = self.db.get("select user_id from fd_Status where id = %s", statusid)
         if not status_user or status_user.user_id != user_id:
             raise tornado.web.HTTPError(404)
         self.db.execute("update fd_Status set status = %s "
                 "where id = %s", statuscontent, statusid)
         status_key = "status:%s:%s" % (user_id, statusid)
         actdict = {'status':statuscontent}
         if self.rd.hmset(status_key, actdict):
             self.redirect("/status/%s" % encode(statusid))
Пример #8
 def get(self):
     template_values = {}
     statusid = self.get_argument("id",None)
     if not statusid:
         raise tornado.web.HTTPError(404)
         if len(statusid) < 8:
             raise tornado.web.HTTPError(404)
         status_id = decode(statusid)
         status = self.db.get("select status,user_id,status_ "
                 "from fd_Status where id = %s", status_id)
         if not status or status.user_id != self.current_user.id:
             raise tornado.web.HTTPError(404)
         template_values['status'] = status.status
         template_values['id'] = statusid
     self.render("editstatus.html", template_values=template_values)
Пример #9
 def post(self):
     noteid = self.get_argument("id",None)
     notetype = self.get_argument("notetype",None)
     notetitle = self.get_argument("notetitle",None)
     notecontent = self.get_argument("notecontent",None)
     rednotecontent = notecontent
     if len(notecontent) > 150:
         rednotecontent = notecontent[:140] + " ..."
     status_ = int(notetype)
     user_id = self.current_user.id
     rev_user = get_namedomainuuid_by_id(self.db,self.rd,str(user_id))
     pubdate = time.strftime('%y-%m-%d %H:%M', time.localtime())
     if noteid:
         noteid = decode(noteid)
         note_user = self.db.get("select user_id from fd_Note where id = %s", noteid)
         if not note_user or note_user.user_id != user_id:
             raise tornado.web.HTTPError(404)
         self.db.execute("update fd_Note set title = %s, note = %s,"
                 "status_ = %s where id = %s", notetitle, notecontent, status_, noteid)
         rev_num = int(self.db.get("select max(rev_num) as rev_num from fd_NoteHistory where note_id = %s", noteid).rev_num)
         self.db.execute("insert into fd_NoteHistory(note_id,title,note,rev_num,rev_user_id,"
                 "rev_user_name,rev_user_domain,revdate) values (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)", noteid, notetitle,
                 notecontent, rev_num+1, user_id, rev_user[0], rev_user[1], pubdate)
         note_key = "note:%s:%s" % (user_id, noteid)
         actdict = {'title':notetitle, 'content':rednotecontent, 'status':status_}
         if self.rd.hmset(note_key, actdict):
         redpubdate = pubdate[4:] if pubdate[3] == '0' else pubdate[3:]
         note_id = self.db.execute("insert into fd_Note (user_id, title, "
                 "note, pubdate, status_) values (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)", user_id,
                 notetitle, notecontent, pubdate, status_)
         if note_id:
             self.db.execute("insert into fd_NoteHistory(note_id,title,note,rev_num,rev_user_id,"
                     "rev_user_name,rev_user_domain,revdate) values (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)", note_id, notetitle,
                     notecontent, 1, user_id, rev_user[0], rev_user[1], pubdate)
             actdict = {'time':redpubdate, 'title':notetitle, 
                     'content':rednotecontent, 'status':status_}
             addresult = add_activity(self.rd, user_id, note_id, 2, actdict)
             if addresult:
Пример #10
 def get(self, status_id):
     template_values = {}
     if len(status_id) < 8:
         raise tornado.web.HTTPError(404)
     status_id = decode(status_id)
     status = self.db.get("select p.name,p.domain,p.uuid_,p.id,s.status,s.pubdate,s.status_ "
             "from fd_People p, fd_Status s where s.user_id = p.id and "
             "s.id = %s", status_id)
     if not status or status.status_ == 1:
         raise tornado.web.HTTPError(404)
     template_values['activity'] = status
     comments = self.db.query("select p.name,p.domain,p.uuid_,p.id,c.comments, "
             "c.pubdate from fd_People p, fd_Stacomm c where p.id"
             "=c.user_id and status_id = %s", status_id)
     template_values['comments_length'] = len(comments)
     template_values['comments'] = comments
     self.render("status.html", template_values=template_values)
Пример #11
 def post(self):
     statusid = self.get_argument("statusid", None)
     statuscontent = self.get_argument("status", None)
     user_id = self.current_user.id
     if statusid and statuscontent and statuscontent != "":
         statusid = decode(statusid)
         status_user = self.db.get(
             "select user_id from fd_Status where id = %s", statusid)
         if not status_user or status_user.user_id != user_id:
             raise tornado.web.HTTPError(404)
             "update fd_Status set status = %s "
             "where id = %s", statuscontent, statusid)
         status_key = "status:%s:%s" % (user_id, statusid)
         actdict = {'status': statuscontent}
         if self.rd.hmset(status_key, actdict):
             self.redirect("/status/%s" % encode(statusid))
Пример #12
 def get(self):
     template_values = {}
     statusid = self.get_argument("id", None)
     if not statusid:
         raise tornado.web.HTTPError(404)
         if len(statusid) < 8:
             raise tornado.web.HTTPError(404)
         status_id = decode(statusid)
         status = self.db.get(
             "select status,user_id,status_ "
             "from fd_Status where id = %s", status_id)
         if not status or status.user_id != self.current_user.id:
             raise tornado.web.HTTPError(404)
         template_values['status'] = status.status
         template_values['id'] = statusid
     self.render("editstatus.html", template_values=template_values)
Пример #13
 def get(self, link_id):
     template_values = {}
     if len(link_id) < 8:
         raise tornado.web.HTTPError(404)
     link_id = decode(link_id)
     link = self.db.get("select p.name,p.domain,p.uuid_,p.id,l.url,l.title,"
             "l.summary,l.pubdate,l.status_ "
             "from fd_People p, fd_Link l where l.user_id = p.id and "
             "l.id = %s", link_id)
     if not link or link.status_ == 1 and link.name != self.current_user.name:
         raise tornado.web.HTTPError(404)
     template_values['activity'] = link
     comments = self.db.query("select p.name,p.domain,p.uuid_,p.id,c.comments, "
             "c.pubdate from fd_People p, fd_Linkcomm c where p.id"
             "=c.user_id and link_id = %s", link_id)
     template_values['comments_length'] = len(comments)
     template_values['comments'] = comments
     self.render("link.html", template_values=template_values)
Пример #14
 def get(self):
     template_values = {}
     doc_id = self.get_argument("id", None)
     if doc_id:
         if len(doc_id) < 8:
             raise tornado.web.HTTPError(404)
         docid = decode(doc_id)
         doc = self.db.get("select title,summary,tags,user_id,status_ "
                 "from fd_Doc where id = %s", docid)
         if not doc or doc.user_id != self.current_user.id:
             raise tornado.web.HTTPError(404)
         template_values['title'] = doc.title
         template_values['summary'] = doc.summary
         template_values['tag'] = doc.tags
         if doc.status_ == 1:
             template_values['checked'] = 'checked'
         template_values['id'] = doc_id
     self.render("editdoc.html", template_values=template_values)
Пример #15
 def get(self, note_id):
     template_values = {}
     if len(note_id) < 8:
         raise tornado.web.HTTPError(404)
     note_id = decode(note_id)
     note = self.db.get("select p.name,p.domain,n.title,n.note,n.status_ "
             ",n.pubdate from fd_People p, fd_Note n where n.user_id = p.id and "
             "n.id = %s", note_id)
     if not note or note.status_ == 2 or \
     note.status_ == 1 and note.name != self.current_user.name:
         raise tornado.web.HTTPError(404)
     template_values['activity'] = note
     comments = self.db.query("select p.name,p.domain,p.uuid_,p.id,c.comments, "
             "c.pubdate from fd_People p, fd_Notecomm c where p.id"
             "=c.user_id and note_id = %s", note_id)
     template_values['comments_length'] = len(comments)
     template_values['comments'] = comments
     self.render("note.html", template_values=template_values)
Пример #16
 def post(self, link_id):
     if len(link_id) < 8:
         raise tornado.web.HTTPError(404)
     link_id = decode(link_id)
     comments = self.get_argument("commenttext",None)
     user_id = self.current_user.id
     pubdate = time.strftime('%y-%m-%d %H:%M', time.localtime())
     comment_id = self.db.execute("insert into fd_Linkcomm (user_id, "
                 " link_id, comments, pubdate) values (%s,%s,%s,%s)", 
                 user_id, link_id, comments, pubdate)
     if comment_id:
         link_key = self.rd.keys('link*%s' % link_id)[0]
         prev_comments_num = self.rd.hget(link_key, 'comm')
         if not prev_comments_num:
             comments_num = 1
             comments_num = int(prev_comments_num) + 1
         self.rd.hset(link_key, 'comm', comments_num)
         self.write(''.join([self.avatar('m',self.current_user.id,self.current_user.uuid_), ',', self.br(self.at(linkify(comments, extra_params="target='_blank' rel='nofollow'")))]))
Пример #17
 def get(self, status_id):
     template_values = {}
     if len(status_id) < 8:
         raise tornado.web.HTTPError(404)
     status_id = decode(status_id)
     status = self.db.get(
         "select p.name,p.domain,p.uuid_,p.id,s.status,s.pubdate,s.status_ "
         "from fd_People p, fd_Status s where s.user_id = p.id and "
         "s.id = %s", status_id)
     if not status or status.status_ == 1:
         raise tornado.web.HTTPError(404)
     template_values['activity'] = status
     comments = self.db.query(
         "select p.name,p.domain,p.uuid_,p.id,c.comments, "
         "c.pubdate from fd_People p, fd_Stacomm c where p.id"
         "=c.user_id and status_id = %s", status_id)
     template_values['comments_length'] = len(comments)
     template_values['comments'] = comments
     self.render("status.html", template_values=template_values)
Пример #18
 def post(self, note_id):
     version = self.get_argument("version",None)
     if len(note_id) < 8 or not version:
         raise tornado.web.HTTPError(404)
     note_id = decode(note_id)
     user = self.db.get("select user_id from fd_Note where id = %s", note_id)
     #only owner and administrator can revert
     if user.user_id != self.current_user.id and self.current_user.actlevel != 0:
         return self.write("nopermit")
     self.db.execute("update fd_NoteHistory set rev_status = 1 where note_id = %s and rev_num > %s"
             , note_id, version)
     note = self.db.get("select title,note from fd_NoteHistory where note_id = %s and rev_num = %s"
             , note_id, version)
     self.db.execute("update fd_Note set title = %s, note = %s where id = %s", note.title, note.note, note_id)
     note_key = "note:%s:%s" % (user.user_id, note_id)
     rednotecontent = note.note
     if len(note.note) > 150:
         rednotecontent = note.note[:140] + " ..."
     actdict = {'title':note.title, 'content':rednotecontent}
     self.rd.hmset(note_key, actdict)
Пример #19
 def get(self, doc_id):
     template_values = {}
     if len(doc_id) < 8:
         raise tornado.web.HTTPError(404)
     doc_id = decode(doc_id)
     doc = self.db.get("select p.id ,p.name,p.domain,d.title,d.summary,d.status_,d.doc_id "
             ",d.pubdate from fd_People p, fd_Doc d where d.user_id = p.id and "
             "d.id = %s", doc_id)
     if not doc or doc.status_ == 2 or \
     doc.status_ == 1 and doc.name != self.current_user.name:
         raise tornado.web.HTTPError(404)
     template_values['activity'] = doc
     template_values['path'] = self.static_url("usrdoc/%s/%s.swf" % (doc.id, doc.doc_id))
     template_values['epath'] = self.static_url("usrdoc/expressInstall.swf")
     comments = self.db.query("select p.name,p.domain,p.uuid_,p.id,c.comments, "
             "c.pubdate from fd_People p, fd_Doccomm c where p.id"
             "=c.user_id and doc_id = %s", doc_id)
     template_values['comments_length'] = len(comments)
     template_values['comments'] = comments
     self.render("doc.html", template_values=template_values)
Пример #20
 def post(self):
     url = self.get_argument("linkurl",None)
     title = self.get_argument("linktitle",None)
     summary = self.get_argument("linksummary",None)
     tag = self.get_argument("linktag",None)
     oldtag = self.get_argument("oldtag",None)
     linktype = self.get_argument("linktype",None)
     pubtype = self.get_argument("pubtype",0)
     linkid = self.get_argument("linkid",None)
     pubtype = int(pubtype)
     if linkid:
         linkid = decode(linkid)
         link_user = self.db.get("select user_id from fd_Link where id = %s", linkid)
         if not link_user or link_user.user_id != self.current_user.id:
             raise tornado.web.HTTPError(404)
     if not url:
         raise tornado.web.HTTPError(500)
     url = url[7:] if url.startswith("http://") else url
     url = url[8:] if url.startswith("https://") else url
     if linkid:
         link_sql = ["update fd_Link set url = '{0}',".format(url.replace('%','%%'))]
         link_sql = ["insert into fd_Link set url = '{0}',".format(url.replace('%','%%'))]
     if title:
         link_sql.append("title = '{0}',".format(title.replace("'", "''").replace('%','%%')))
     if summary:
         link_sql.append("summary = '{0}',".format(summary.replace("'", "''").replace('%','%%')))
     if tag:
         tag = tag.strip().replace(' ',',')
         tag = tag.strip().replace(',',',')
         tags = tag.split(",")
         taglists = []
         for t in tags:
             if t in taglists:
         newtag = " ".join(taglists)
         if not (pubtype == 2 and newtag == oldtag):
             link_sql.append("tags = '{0}',".format(newtag.replace("'", "''").replace('%','%%')))
     pubdate = time.strftime('%y-%m-%d %H:%M', time.localtime())
     redpubdate = pubdate[4:] if pubdate[3] == '0' else pubdate[3:]
     if pubtype == 2:
         link_sql.append("status_ = {0} where id = {1}".format(linktype,linkid))
         link_sql.append("user_id = {0},pubdate = '{1}',status_ = {2}".format(self.current_user.id,pubdate,linktype))
     fd_link_sql = "".join(link_sql)
     link_id = self.db.execute(fd_link_sql)
     if tag:
         if pubtype != 2 or pubtype == 2 and newtag != oldtag:
             for t in taglists:
                 tag_id = self.db.get("select id from fd_Tag where tag = %s", t)
                 if tag_id:
                     tag_id = tag_id.id
                     tag_id = self.db.execute("insert into fd_Tag (tag) values (%s)", t)
                 if linkid:
                     with_link_id = linkid
                 elif link_id:
                     with_link_id = link_id
                 ltag_id = self.db.execute("insert into fd_Ltag (link_id,tag_id) values (%s,%s)", with_link_id, tag_id)
     if linkid: 
         link_key = "link:%s:%s" % (self.current_user.id, linkid)
         actdict = {'url':url, 'status':linktype}
         if title:
             actdict['title'] = title
         if summary:
             actdict['summary'] = summary
         if self.rd.hmset(link_key, actdict):
     elif link_id:
         actdict = {'time':redpubdate, 'url':url, 'status':linktype}
         if title:
             actdict['title'] = title
         if summary:
             actdict['summary'] = summary
         addresult = add_activity(self.rd, self.current_user.id, link_id, 3, actdict)
         if addresult:
             self.write("http://" + url)
Пример #21
    def post(self):
        template_values = {}
        title = self.get_argument("title", None)
        summary = self.get_argument("summary", None)
        tag = self.get_argument("tag", None)
        secret = self.get_argument("secret", None)
        endocid = self.get_argument("docid", None)
        oldtag = self.get_argument("oldtag", None)
        errors = 0
        title_error = 0
        title_error_messages = ['',
        if not endocid:
            name = self.get_argument("doc.name", None)
            content_type = self.get_argument("doc.content_type", None)
            path = self.get_argument("doc.path", None)
            md5 = self.get_argument("doc.md5", None)
            size = self.get_argument("doc.size", None)
        if not title or len(title) == 0:
            errors = errors + 1
            title_error = 1
            template_values['title_error'] = title_error
            template_values['title_error_message'] = title_error_messages[title_error]
            doc_error = 0
            doc_error_messages = ['',
            if not endocid:
                if not (name and path and md5 and size):
                    errors = errors + 1
                    doc_error = 1
                    if name.split(".").pop().lower() not in ["doc", "docx", "ppt", "pptx", "pdf", "xls"]:
                        errors = errors + 1
                        doc_error = 2
                        if int(size) > 1024*1024*20:
                            errors = errors + 1
                            doc_error = 3
                            predoc = self.db.get("select * from fd_Doc where md5 = %s and status_ = 0", md5)
                            if predoc:
                                errors = errors + 1
                                doc_error = 4
                                usrpath = u"/data/static/usrdoc/%s/" % self.current_user.id
                                staticpath = u"/work/Dormforge/static/usrdoc/%s/" % self.current_user.id
                                if not os.path.exists(usrpath):
                                if not os.path.exists(staticpath):
                                docid = "".join([path.split("/").pop(), str(time.time()).split(".")[0]])
                                doctype = name.split(".").pop().lower()
                                usrdoc = ''.join([usrpath, docid, '.', doctype])
                                shutil.move(path, usrdoc)
                                if name.split(".").pop().lower() != 'pdf':
                                    usrpdf = ''.join([usrpath, docid, ".pdf"])
                                    usrjpg = ''.join([staticpath, docid, ".jpg"])
                                    usrswf = ''.join([staticpath, docid, ".swf"])
                                    if os.path.exists("/opt/libreoffice3.5/program/python"):
                                        os.system("/opt/libreoffice3.5/program/python /work/Dormforge/util/DocumentConverter.py %s %s" % (usrdoc, usrpdf))
                                        os.system("python /work/Dormforge/util/DocumentConverter.py %s %s" % (usrdoc, usrpdf))
                                    os.system("convert -sample 150x150 %s[0] %s" % (usrpdf, usrjpg))
                                    os.system("pdf2swf %s -o %s -f -T 9 -t -s storeallcharacters" % (usrpdf, usrswf))
                                    usrjpg = ''.join([staticpath, docid, ".jpg"])
                                    usrswf = ''.join([staticpath, docid, ".swf"])
                                    os.system("convert -sample 150x150 %s[0] %s" % (usrdoc, usrjpg))
                                    os.system("pdf2swf %s -o %s -f -T 9 -t -s storeallcharacters" % (usrdoc, usrswf))

            if doc_error != 0:
                template_values['doc_error'] = doc_error
                template_values['doc_error_message'] = doc_error_messages[doc_error]
                if endocid:
                    doc_sql = ["update fd_Doc set "]
                    if os.path.exists(usrjpg) and os.path.exists(usrswf):
                        doc_sql = ["insert into fd_Doc set doc_id = '%s',name = '%s',content_type = '%s',md5 = '%s', docsize = %s," % (docid,name.replace("'", "''").replace("%", "%%"),content_type,md5,int(size))]
                doc_sql.append("title = '%s'," % title.replace("'", "''").replace("%", "%%"))
                if summary:
                    doc_sql.append("summary = '%s'," % summary.replace("'", "''").replace("%", "%%"))
                if tag:
                    tag = tag.strip().replace(' ',',')
                    tag = tag.strip().replace(',',',')
                    tags = tag.split(",")
                    taglists = []
                    for t in tags:
                        if t in taglists:
                    newtag = " ".join(taglists)
                    if not (endocid and newtag == oldtag):
                        doc_sql.append("tags = '%s'," % newtag.replace("'", "''").replace("%", "%%"))
                pubdate = time.strftime('%y-%m-%d %H:%M', time.localtime())
                redpubdate = pubdate[4:] if pubdate[3] == '0' else pubdate[3:]
                doctype = 0
                if secret and secret == "on":
                    doctype = 1
                if endocid:
                    doc_sql.append("status_ = %s where id = %s" % (doctype, decode(endocid)))
                    doc_sql.append("user_id = %s,pubdate = '%s',status_ = %s" % (self.current_user.id,pubdate,doctype))
                doc_id = self.db.execute("".join(doc_sql))
                if tag:
                    if (not endocid) or (endocid and newtag != oldtag):
                        for t in taglists:
                            tag_id = self.db.get("select id from fd_Doctag where tag = %s", t)
                            if tag_id:
                                tag_id = tag_id.id
                                tag_id = self.db.execute("insert into fd_Doctag (tag) values (%s)", t)
                            if endocid:
                                with_doc_id = decode(endocid)
                            elif doc_id:
                                with_doc_id = doc_id
                            dtag_id = self.db.execute("insert into fd_Dtag (doc_id,tag_id) values (%s,%s)", with_doc_id, tag_id)
                if endocid:
                    doc_key = "doc:%s:%s" % (self.current_user.id, decode(endocid))
                    actdict = {'status':doctype}
                elif doc_id:
                    actdict = {'time':redpubdate, 'docid':docid, 'status':doctype}#docid not doc_id
                if title:
                    actdict['title'] = title
                if summary:
                    actdict['summary'] = summary
                if endocid:
                    if self.rd.hmset(doc_key, actdict):
                        self.redirect("/doc/" + endocid)
                elif doc_id:
                    addresult = add_activity(self.rd, self.current_user.id, doc_id, 4, actdict)
                    if addresult:
                        self.redirect("/doc/" + encode(str(doc_id)))

        if errors != 0:
            if title:
                template_values['title'] = title
            if summary:
                template_values['summary'] = summary
            if tag:
                template_values['tag'] = tag
            self.render("editdoc.html", template_values=template_values)