class FileReaderTest(TestCase): MORPH = file_reader.FileReader('/home/bingzhang/Documents/Dataset/MORPH/MORPH/','MORPH_Info.mat') # file_reader.__str__() print MORPH.__str__() data,_ = MORPH.next_batch(20) sio.savemat('test.mat',{'data':data})
class FileReaderTest(TestCase): CACD = file_reader.FileReader( '/home/bingzhang/Documents/Dataset/CACD/CACD2000/', 'cele.mat') # file_reader.__str__() cele1 = celebrity.Celebrity(CACD.age[0], CACD.identity[0], str(CACD.path[0])) print cele1.__str__() print CACD.__str__() data = CACD.select_identity(2, 2) sio.savemat('test.mat', {'data': data})
class FileReaderTest(TestCase): CACD = file_reader.FileReader( 'C:/Users/BingZhang/Documents/MATLAB/CACD/CACD2000/', 'cele.mat', contain_val=False, val_data_dir='/home/bingzhang/Documents/Dataset/lfw/', val_list='/home/bingzhang/Documents/Dataset/ZID/LFW/lfw_trip_val.txt') # file_reader.__str__() # cele1 = celebrity.Celebrity(CACD.age[0], CACD.identity[0], str(CACD.path[0])) data = CACD.get_next_batch(2) sio.savemat('./test.mat', {'data': data}) print(CACD.__str__()) _, label_data, image_path, ages = CACD.select_age(3, 20) print(ages) print(image_path) print(label_data)
def extract_feature(self): step = 0 saver = tf.train.Saver() saver.restore(self.sess, './DRModel-76000') feature = [] idx = [] CACD = fr.FileReader(self.paths.data_dir, 'celenew.mat', contain_val=True, val_data_dir=self.paths.val_dir, val_list=self.paths.val_list) for i in xrange(0, CACD.total_images // self.batch_size): data, label = CACD.get_next_batch(self.batch_size) idx.append(label) feature_tmp =, feed_dict={self.image_in: data}) feature.append(feature_tmp) print('processing %d/%d batch', i, CACD.total_images // self.batch_size) sio.savemat('f.mat', {'feature': feature, 'label': idx})
def train(self): init_op = tf.global_variables_initializer() step = 0 saver = tf.train.Saver() # saver.restore(self.sess, self.model) # step = 120000 # saver = tf.train.Saver() CACD = fr.FileReader(self.data_dir, 'cele.mat', contain_val=True, val_data_dir=self.val_dir, val_list=self.val_list) triplet_select_times = 1 writer_train = tf.summary.FileWriter(self.log_dir + '/train', self.sess.graph) writer_train_1 = tf.summary.FileWriter( self.log_dir + '/train/margin=0.5', self.sess.graph) writer_train_2 = tf.summary.FileWriter( self.log_dir + '/train/margin=1', self.sess.graph) writer_train_3 = tf.summary.FileWriter( self.log_dir + '/train/margin=1.3', self.sess.graph) writer_train_4 = tf.summary.FileWriter( self.log_dir + '/train/margin=1.6', self.sess.graph) sampled_freq = np.zeros([2000, 1]) acc = 0 with tf.name_scope('ToCheck'): tf.summary.image('affinity', self.affinity, 1) tf.summary.image('result', self.result) tf.summary.scalar('possible triplets', self.possible_triplets) tf.summary.image('sampled_freq', self.sampled_freq) summary_op = tf.summary.merge_all() val_summary_op = tf.summary.scalar('val_acc', self.val_acc) while triplet_select_times < 19999: # ID step print '!!!!!!!!!ID!!!!!!!!!!start forward propagation on a SAMPLE_BATCH (nof_sampled_id,nof_image_per_id)=(%d,%d)' % ( self.nof_sampled_id, self.nof_images_per_id) time_start = time.time() image, label, image_path, sampled_id = CACD.select_identity( self.nof_sampled_id, self.nof_images_per_id) sampled_freq[sampled_id] += 1 id_emb =, feed_dict={ self.image_in: image, self.label_in: label }) aff = [] for idx in range(len(label)): aff.append(np.sum(np.square(id_emb[idx][:] - id_emb), 1)) result = get_rank_k(aff, self.nof_images_per_id) print 'Time Elapsed %lf' % (time.time() - time_start) time_start = time.time() print '[%d]selecting id triplets' % triplet_select_times triplet = triplet_sample(id_emb, self.nof_sampled_id, self.nof_images_per_id, nof_triplet = len(triplet) print 'num of selected id triplets:%d' % nof_triplet print 'Time Elapsed:%lf' % (time.time() - time_start) inner_step = 0 for i in xrange(0, nof_triplet, self.batch_size // 3): if i + self.batch_size // 3 < nof_triplet: triplet_image, triplet_label = CACD.read_triplet( image_path, label, triplet, i, self.batch_size // 3) triplet_image = np.reshape(triplet_image, [-1, 250, 250, 3]) triplet_label = np.reshape(triplet_label, [-1]) start_time = time.time() err, summary, _ = [self.id_loss, summary_op, self.id_opt], feed_dict={ self.image_in: triplet_image, self.label_in: triplet_label, self.affinity: np.reshape(np.array(aff), [ -1, self.nof_images_per_id * self.nof_sampled_id, self.nof_images_per_id * self.nof_sampled_id, 1 ]), self.possible_triplets: nof_triplet, self.val_acc: acc, self.result: np.reshape(result, [ -1, self.nof_images_per_id * self.nof_sampled_id, self.nof_images_per_id * self.nof_sampled_id, 1 ]), self.sampled_freq: np.reshape(sampled_freq, [1, 50, 40, 1]) }) print '[%d/%d@%dth select_triplet & global_step %d] \033[1;31;40m loss:[%lf] \033[1;m time elapsed:%lf' % ( inner_step, (nof_triplet * 3) // self.batch_size, triplet_select_times, step, err, time.time() - start_time) writer_train.add_summary(summary, step) step += 1 inner_step += 1 if inner_step % 5 == 0: emb =, feed_dict={ self.image_in: image, self.label_in: label }) aff = [] for idx in range(len(label)): aff.append(np.sum(np.square(emb[idx][:] - emb), 1)) result = get_rank_k(aff, self.nof_images_per_id) if step % 200 == 0: # perform validate val_iters = CACD.val_size // 20 true_label = [] emb = [] for _ in range(val_iters): validate_data, validate_label = CACD.get_test(20) validate_data = np.reshape(validate_data, [-1, 250, 250, 3]) true_label.append(validate_label) emb_bacth = self.id_embeddings, feed_dict={self.image_in: validate_data}) emb.append(emb_bacth) true_label = np.reshape(true_label, (-1, )) emb = np.reshape(emb, (-1, 128)) pre_label = [] for j in range(CACD.val_size): if np.sum(np.square(emb[j * 2] - emb[j * 2 + 1])) < 0.5: pre_label.append(1) else: pre_label.append(0) correct = np.sum( abs(np.array(pre_label) - np.array(true_label))) acc = 1 - float(correct) / CACD.val_size sum =, feed_dict={self.val_acc: acc}) writer_train_1.add_summary(sum, step) pre_label = [] for j in range(CACD.val_size): if np.sum(np.square(emb[j * 2] - emb[j * 2 + 1])) < 1: pre_label.append(1) else: pre_label.append(0) correct = np.sum( abs(np.array(pre_label) - np.array(true_label))) acc = 1 - float(correct) / CACD.val_size sum =, feed_dict={self.val_acc: acc}) writer_train_2.add_summary(sum, step) pre_label = [] for j in range(CACD.val_size): if np.sum(np.square(emb[j * 2] - emb[j * 2 + 1])) < 1.3: pre_label.append(1) else: pre_label.append(0) correct = np.sum( abs(np.array(pre_label) - np.array(true_label))) acc = 1 - float(correct) / CACD.val_size sum =, feed_dict={self.val_acc: acc}) writer_train_3.add_summary(sum, step) pre_label = [] for j in range(CACD.val_size): if np.sum(np.square(emb[j * 2] - emb[j * 2 + 1])) < 1.6: pre_label.append(1) else: pre_label.append(0) correct = np.sum( abs(np.array(pre_label) - np.array(true_label))) acc = 1 - float(correct) / CACD.val_size sum =, feed_dict={self.val_acc: acc}) writer_train_4.add_summary(sum, step) if step % 10000 == 0:, 'QModel', step) # AGE step print '!!!!!!!!!AGE!!!!!!!!!!start forward propagation on a SAMPLE_BATCH (nof_sampled_age,nof_image_per_age)=(%d,%d)' % ( self.nof_sampled_age, self.nof_images_per_age) time_start = time.time() image, label, image_path, sampled_id = CACD.select_age( self.nof_sampled_age, self.nof_images_per_age) age_emb =, feed_dict={ self.image_in: image, self.label_in: label }) print 'Time Elapsed %lf' % (time.time() - time_start) time_start = time.time() print '[%d]selecting age triplets' % triplet_select_times triplet = triplet_sample(age_emb, self.nof_sampled_age, self.nof_images_per_age, nof_triplet = len(triplet) print 'num of selected age triplets:%d' % nof_triplet print 'Time Elapsed:%lf' % (time.time() - time_start) inner_step = 0 for i in xrange(0, nof_triplet, self.batch_size // 3): if i + self.batch_size // 3 < nof_triplet: triplet_image, triplet_label = CACD.read_triplet( image_path, label, triplet, i, self.batch_size // 3) triplet_image = np.reshape(triplet_image, [-1, 250, 250, 3]) triplet_label = np.reshape(triplet_label, [-1]) start_time = time.time() err, summary, _ = [self.age_loss, summary_op, self.age_opt], feed_dict={ self.image_in: triplet_image, self.label_in: triplet_label, self.affinity: np.reshape(np.array(aff), [ -1, self.nof_images_per_id * self.nof_sampled_id, self.nof_images_per_id * self.nof_sampled_id, 1 ]), self.possible_triplets: nof_triplet, self.val_acc: acc, self.result: np.reshape(result, [ -1, self.nof_images_per_id * self.nof_sampled_id, self.nof_images_per_id * self.nof_sampled_id, 1 ]), self.sampled_freq: np.reshape(sampled_freq, [1, 50, 40, 1]) }) print '[%d/%d@%dth select_triplet & global_step %d] \033[1;31;40m loss:[%lf] \033[1;m time elapsed:%lf' % ( inner_step, (nof_triplet * 3) // self.batch_size, triplet_select_times, step, err, time.time() - start_time) inner_step += 1 writer_train.add_summary(summary, step) step += 1 if step % 10000 == 0:, 'QModel', step) triplet_select_times += 1
def train(self): step = 0 saver = tf.train.Saver() writer_train = tf.summary.FileWriter(self.paths.log_dir, self.sess.graph) CACD = fr.FileReader(self.paths.data_dir, 'cele.mat', contain_val=True, val_data_dir=self.paths.val_dir, val_list=self.paths.val_list) fp = open('dis.txt', 'a') with tf.name_scope('ToCheck'): tf.summary.image('affinity', self.affinity, 1) tf.summary.image('result', self.result) tf.summary.image('dis', self.dis_check, 1) tf.summary.scalar('id_loss', self.id_loss) tf.summary.scalar('possile_triples', self.possible_triplets) dis = np.zeros(200) summary_op = tf.summary.merge_all() triplet_select_times = 1 while triplet_select_times < 19999: # ID step print( '!!!!!!!!!ID!!!!!!!!!!start forward propagation on a SAMPLE_BATCH (nof_sampled_id,nof_image_per_id)=(%d,%d)' % (self.nof_sampled_id, self.nof_images_per_id)) time_start = time.time() image, label, image_path, sampled_id = CACD.select_identity( self.nof_sampled_id, self.nof_images_per_id) id_emb =, feed_dict={ self.image_in: image, self.label_in: label }) aff = [] for idx in range(len(label)): aff.append(np.sum(np.square(id_emb[idx][:] - id_emb), 1)) result = get_rank_k(aff, self.nof_images_per_id) print('Time Elapsed %lf' % (time.time() - time_start)) time_start = time.time() print('[%d]selecting id triplets' % triplet_select_times) triplet = triplet_sample(id_emb, self.nof_sampled_id, self.nof_images_per_id, nof_triplet = len(triplet) print('num of selected id triplets:%d' % nof_triplet) print('Time Elapsed:%lf' % (time.time() - time_start)) inner_step = 0 for i in xrange(0, nof_triplet, self.batch_size // 3): if i + self.batch_size // 3 < nof_triplet: triplet_image, triplet_label = CACD.read_triplet( image_path, label, triplet, i, self.batch_size // 3) triplet_image = np.reshape(triplet_image, [-1, 250, 250, 3]) triplet_label = np.reshape(triplet_label, [-1]) start_time = time.time() err, summary, _ = [self.id_loss, summary_op, self.id_opt], feed_dict={ self.image_in: triplet_image, self.label_in: triplet_label, self.dis_check: np.reshape(np.array(dis), [-1, 10, 20, 1]), self.possible_triplets: nof_triplet, self.affinity: np.reshape(np.array(aff), [ -1, self.nof_images_per_id * self.nof_sampled_id, self.nof_images_per_id * self.nof_sampled_id, 1 ]), self.result: np.reshape(result, [ -1, self.nof_images_per_id * self.nof_sampled_id, self.nof_images_per_id * self.nof_sampled_id, 1 ]), }) print( '[%d/%d@%dth select_triplet & global_step %d] \033[1;31;40m loss:[%lf] \033[1;m time elapsed:%lf' % (inner_step, (nof_triplet * 3) // self.batch_size, triplet_select_times, step, err, time.time() - start_time)) writer_train.add_summary(summary, step) step += 1 inner_step += 1 if inner_step % 5 == 0: emb =, feed_dict={ self.image_in: image, self.label_in: label }) aff = [] for idx in range(len(label)): aff.append(np.sum(np.square(emb[idx][:] - emb), 1)) result = get_rank_k(aff, self.nof_images_per_id) if step % 200 == 0: val_iters = CACD.val_size // 20 ground_truth = [] emb = [] # extract embeddings by batch as GPU memory is not enough for _ in range(val_iters): val_data, val_label = CACD.get_test(20) val_data = np.reshape(val_data, [-1, 250, 250, 3]) ground_truth.append(val_label) emb_batch = self.id_embeddings, feed_dict={self.image_in: val_data}) emb.append(emb_batch) ground_truth = np.reshape(ground_truth, (-1, )) emb = np.reshape(emb, (-1, 128)) for j in range(CACD.val_size): dis[j] = np.sum( np.square(emb[j * 2] - emb[j * 2 + 1])) for item in dis: fp.write(str(item) + ' ') print(item) fp.write('\n') if step % 2000 == 0:, 'DRModel', step) triplet_select_times += 1
print("Please provide a valid input.") sys.exit() output_path = '{}_graphs'.format(person_name) ############################################################ # # # INTERNAL FUNCTIONS # # # ############################################################ # setting figure up figure = plt.gcf() # get current figure figure.set_size_inches(16, 9) read_filesVar = file_reader.FileReader(person_name) cvmList = read_filesVar.get_cvms() repList = read_filesVar.get_rms() print("Creating output directory") print("Processing data") os.makedirs(output_path, exist_ok=True) # ############################################################ # # # # # CALCULATING RMS # # # # # ############################################################