def get_correlation(session, analyspar, rolling_win=4): """ get_correlation(session, analyspar) Returns ROI correlations for a session. Required args: - session (Session): Session object - analyspar (AnalysPar): named tuple containing analysis parameters Optional args: - rolling_win (int): window to use in rolling mean over individual traces before computing correlation between ROIs (None for no smoothing) default: 4 Returns: - corr_triu (1D array): all correlations """ if session.only_tracked_rois != analyspar.tracked: raise RuntimeError( "session.only_tracked_rois should match analyspar.tracked." ) if analyspar.scale: raise ValueError( "analyspar.scale must be False for correlation analysis." ) full_traces_df = session.get_roi_traces( fluor=analyspar.fluor, rem_bad=analyspar.rem_bad ) full_traces = gen_util.reshape_df_data(full_traces_df, squeeze_cols=True) if rolling_win is not None: full_traces = math_util.rolling_mean(full_traces, win=rolling_win) corrs = np.corrcoef(full_traces) corr_triu = corrs[np.triu_indices(len(corrs), k=1)] return corr_triu
def run_autocorr(sessions, analysis, analyspar, sesspar, stimpar, autocorrpar, figpar, datatype="roi"): """ run_autocorr(sessions, analysis, analyspar, sesspar, stimpar, autocorrpar, figpar) Calculates and plots autocorrelation during stimulus blocks. Saves results and parameters relevant to analysis in a dictionary. Required args: - sessions (list) : list of Session objects - analysis (str) : analysis type (e.g., "a") - analyspar (AnalysPar) : named tuple containing analysis parameters - sesspar (SessPar) : named tuple containing session parameters - stimpar (StimPar) : named tuple containing stimulus parameters - autocorrpar (AutocorrPar): named tuple containing autocorrelation analysis parameters - figpar (dict) : dictionary containing figure parameters Optional args: - datatype (str): type of data (e.g., "roi", "run") """ sessstr_pr = sess_str_util.sess_par_str(sesspar.sess_n, stimpar.stimtype, sesspar.plane, stimpar.visflow_dir, stimpar.visflow_size, stimpar.gabk, "print") dendstr_pr = sess_str_util.dend_par_str(analyspar.dend, sesspar.plane, datatype, "print") datastr = sess_str_util.datatype_par_str(datatype) f"Analysing and plotting {datastr} autocorrelations " f"({sessstr_pr}{dendstr_pr}).", extra={"spacing": "\n"}) xrans = [] stats = [] for sess in sessions: if datatype == "roi" and (sess.only_tracked_rois != analyspar.tracked): raise RuntimeError( "sess.only_tracked_rois should match analyspar.tracked.") stim = sess.get_stim(stimpar.stimtype) all_segs = stim.get_segs_by_criteria(visflow_dir=stimpar.visflow_dir, visflow_size=stimpar.visflow_size, gabk=stimpar.gabk, by="block") sess_traces = [] for segs in all_segs: if len(segs) == 0: continue segs = sorted(segs) # check that segs are contiguous if max(np.diff(segs)) > 1: raise NotImplementedError("Segments used for autocorrelation " "must be contiguous within blocks.") if datatype == "roi": frame_edges = stim.get_fr_by_seg( [min(segs), max(segs)], fr_type="twop") fr = list(range(min(frame_edges[0]), max(frame_edges[1]) + 1)) traces = gen_util.reshape_df_data(sess.get_roi_traces( fr, fluor=analyspar.fluor, rem_bad=analyspar.rem_bad, scale=analyspar.scale), squeeze_cols=True) elif datatype == "run": if autocorrpar.byitem != False: raise ValueError("autocorrpar.byitem must be False for " "running data.") frame_edges = stim.get_fr_by_seg( [min(segs), max(segs)], fr_type="stim") fr = list(range(min(frame_edges[0]), max(frame_edges[1]) + 1)) traces = sess.get_run_velocity_by_fr( fr, fr_type="stim", rem_bad=analyspar.rem_bad, scale=analyspar.scale).to_numpy().reshape(1, -1) sess_traces.append(traces) # Calculate autocorr stats while filtering some warnings msgs = ["Degrees of freedom", "invalid value encountered"] categs = [RuntimeWarning, RuntimeWarning] with gen_util.TempWarningFilter(msgs, categs): xran, ac_st = math_util.autocorr_stats(sess_traces, autocorrpar.lag_s, sess.twop_fps, byitem=autocorrpar.byitem, stats=analyspar.stats, error=analyspar.error) if not autocorrpar.byitem: # also add a 10x lag lag_fr = 10 * int(autocorrpar.lag_s * sess.twop_fps) _, ac_st_10x = math_util.autocorr_stats(sess_traces, lag_fr, byitem=autocorrpar.byitem, stats=analyspar.stats, error=analyspar.error) downsamp = range(0, ac_st_10x.shape[-1], 10) if len(downsamp) != ac_st.shape[-1]: raise RuntimeError("Failed to downsample correctly. " "Check implementation.") ac_st = np.stack([ac_st, ac_st_10x[:, downsamp]], axis=1) xrans.append(xran) stats.append(ac_st) autocorr_data = { "xrans": [xran.tolist() for xran in xrans], "stats": [stat.tolist() for stat in stats] } sess_info = sess_gen_util.get_sess_info(sessions, analyspar.fluor, incl_roi=(datatype == "roi"), rem_bad=analyspar.rem_bad) extrapar = { "analysis": analysis, "datatype": datatype, } info = { "analyspar": analyspar._asdict(), "sesspar": sesspar._asdict(), "stimpar": stimpar._asdict(), "extrapar": extrapar, "autocorrpar": autocorrpar._asdict(), "autocorr_data": autocorr_data, "sess_info": sess_info } fulldir, savename = gen_plots.plot_autocorr(figpar=figpar, **info) file_util.saveinfo(info, savename, fulldir, "json")
def run_full_traces(sessions, analysis, analyspar, sesspar, figpar, datatype="roi"): """ run_full_traces(sessions, analysis, analyspar, sesspar, figpar) Plots full traces across an entire session. If ROI traces are plotted, each ROI is scaled and plotted separately and an average is plotted. Saves results and parameters relevant to analysis in a dictionary. Required args: - sessions (list) : list of Session objects - analysis (str) : analysis type (e.g., "f") - analyspar (AnalysPar): named tuple containing analysis parameters - sesspar (SessPar) : named tuple containing session parameters - figpar (dict) : dictionary containing figure parameters Optional args: - datatype (str): type of data (e.g., "roi", "run") """ dendstr_pr = sess_str_util.dend_par_str(analyspar.dend, sesspar.plane, datatype, "print") sessstr_pr = (f"session: {sesspar.sess_n}, " f"plane: {sesspar.plane}{dendstr_pr}") datastr = sess_str_util.datatype_par_str(datatype) f"Plotting {datastr} traces across an entire " f"session\n({sessstr_pr}).", extra={"spacing": "\n"}) figpar = copy.deepcopy(figpar) if figpar["save"]["use_dt"] is None: figpar["save"]["use_dt"] = gen_util.create_time_str() all_tr, roi_tr, all_edges, all_pars = [], [], [], [] for sess in sessions: # get the block edges and parameters edge_fr, par_descrs = [], [] for stim in sess.stims: stim_str = stim.stimtype if stim.stimtype == "visflow": stim_str = "vis. flow" if datatype == "roi": fr_type = "twop" elif datatype == "run": fr_type = "stim" else: gen_util.accepted_values_error("datatype", datatype, ["roi", "run"]) for b in stim.block_params.index: row = stim.block_params.loc[b] edge_fr.append([ int(row[f"start_frame_{fr_type}"]), int(row[f"stop_frame_{fr_type}"]) ]) par_vals = [row[param] for param in stim.stim_params] pars_str = "\n".join([str(par) for par in par_vals][0:2]) par_descrs.append( sess_str_util.pars_to_descr( f"{stim_str.capitalize()}\n{pars_str}")) if datatype == "roi": if sess.only_tracked_rois != analyspar.tracked: raise RuntimeError( "sess.only_tracked_rois should match analyspar.tracked.") nanpol = None if not analyspar.rem_bad: nanpol = "omit" all_rois = gen_util.reshape_df_data(sess.get_roi_traces( None, analyspar.fluor, analyspar.rem_bad, analyspar.scale)["roi_traces"], squeeze_cols=True) full_tr = math_util.get_stats(all_rois, analyspar.stats, analyspar.error, axes=0, nanpol=nanpol).tolist() roi_tr.append(all_rois.tolist()) elif datatype == "run": full_tr = sess.get_run_velocity( rem_bad=analyspar.rem_bad, scale=analyspar.scale).to_numpy().squeeze().tolist() roi_tr = None all_tr.append(full_tr) all_edges.append(edge_fr) all_pars.append(par_descrs) extrapar = { "analysis": analysis, "datatype": datatype, } trace_info = { "all_tr": all_tr, "all_edges": all_edges, "all_pars": all_pars } sess_info = sess_gen_util.get_sess_info(sessions, analyspar.fluor, incl_roi=(datatype == "roi"), rem_bad=analyspar.rem_bad) info = { "analyspar": analyspar._asdict(), "sesspar": sesspar._asdict(), "extrapar": extrapar, "sess_info": sess_info, "trace_info": trace_info } fulldir, savename = gen_plots.plot_full_traces(roi_tr=roi_tr, figpar=figpar, **info) file_util.saveinfo(info, savename, fulldir, "json")
def get_decoding_data(sess, analyspar, stimpar, comp="Dori", ctrl=False): """ get_decoding_data(sess, analyspar, stimpar) Retrieves data for decoding. Required args: - sess (Session): Session object - analyspar (AnalysPar): named tuple containing analysis parameters - stimpar (StimPar): named tuple containing stimulus parameters Optional args: - comp (str): comparison used to define classes ("Dori" or "Eori") default: "Dori" - ctrl (bool): if True, the number of examples per class for the unexpected data is returned (applies to "Dori" comp only). default: False Returns: - all_input_data (3D array): input data, dims: seq x frames x ROIs - all_target_data (1D array): class target for each input sequence - ctrl_ns (list): number of examples per class for the unexpected data (None if it doesn't apply) """ if stimpar.stimtype != "gabors": raise ValueError("Expected stimpar.stimtype to be 'gabors'.") if comp == "Dori": unexp = 0 ctrl_ns = [] elif comp == "Uori": unexp = 1 ctrl = False ctrl_ns = False else: gen_util.accepted_values_error("comp", comp, ["Dori", "Uori"]) gab_oris = sess_gen_util.filter_gab_oris(comp[0], stimpar.gab_ori) stim = sess.get_stim(stimpar.stimtype) all_input_data = [] all_target_data = [] for g, gab_ori in enumerate(gab_oris): segs = stim.get_segs_by_criteria(gabfr=stimpar.gabfr, gabk=stimpar.gabk, gab_ori=gab_ori, unexp=unexp, remconsec=False, by="seg") fr_ns = stim.get_fr_by_seg(segs, start=True, fr_type="twop")["start_frame_twop"] # sample as many sequences as are usable for unexpected data if ctrl: ctrl_gab_ori = sess_gen_util.get_unexp_gab_ori(gab_ori) segs_ctrl = stim.get_segs_by_criteria(gabfr=stimpar.gabfr, gabk=stimpar.gabk, gab_ori=ctrl_gab_ori, unexp=1, remconsec=False, by="seg") fr_ns_ctrl = stim.get_fr_by_seg(segs_ctrl, start=True, ch_fl=[stimpar.pre,], fr_type="twop")["start_frame_twop"] ctrl_ns.append(len(fr_ns_ctrl)) ori_data_df = stim.get_roi_data(fr_ns, stimpar.pre,, rem_bad=analyspar.rem_bad, scale=analyspar.scale) # seq x frames x ROIs ori_data = np.transpose( gen_util.reshape_df_data(ori_data_df, squeeze_cols=True), [1, 2, 0]) all_input_data.append(ori_data) all_target_data.append(np.full(len(ori_data), g)) all_input_data = np.concatenate(all_input_data, axis=0) all_target_data = np.concatenate(all_target_data) return all_input_data, all_target_data, ctrl_ns
def get_stim_data(sess, stimtype, win_leng_s, gabfr=0, pre=0, post=1.5, unexp="any", step_size=1, gabk=16, run=True, run_mean=None, run_std=None): """ get_stim_data(sess, stimtype, win_leng_s) Returns stimulus data (x position, y position, size, orientation, each scaled based on its maximal range), and optionally running for windows taken for the each of the segments of interest. Required args: - sess (Session) : session - stimtype (str) : stimulus type ("gabors"or "visflow") - win_leng_s (num) : window length in seconds Optional args: - gabfr (int) : gabor reference frame for determining the 2p frames in each sequence default: 0 - pre (num) : number of frames to include before reference gabor frame in each sequence (in sec) default: 0 - post (num) : number of frames to include after reference gabor frame in each sequence (in sec) default: 1.5 - unexp (str, list or int): unexpected value criteria for including reference gabor frames (0, 1, or "any") default: "any" - step_size (int) : step size between windows default: 1 - gabk (int or list) : gabor kappa criteria for including reference gabor frames (4, 16 or "any") default: 16 - run (bool) : if True, running data is appended to the end of the stimulus data default: True - run_mean (num) : mean value with which to scale running data, if running data is included. If run_mean or run_std is None, both are calculated from the running data retrieved and returned as outputs. default: None - run_std (num) : standard deviation value with which to scale running data, if running data is included. If run_mean or run_std is None, both are calculated from the running data retrieved and returned as outputs. default: None Returns: - stim_wins (3D array): array of stimulus data, structured as: seq wins x frames x pars, where the pars are: - for each gabor: x_pos, y_pos, size, ori - run velocity if run and run_mean or run_std is None: - (list): - run_mean (num) : mean of retrieved running values - run_std (num) : standard deviation of retrieved running values """ if win_leng_s > (pre + post): raise ValueError("Windows cannot be longer than the sequences.") stim = sess.get_stim(stimtype) segs = stim.get_segs_by_criteria(gabfr=gabfr, gabk=gabk, unexp=unexp, by="seg") twopfr = stim.get_fr_by_seg(segs, start=True, fr_type="twop")["start_frame_twop"] # get stim params in df with indices seg x frame x gabor x par # (x, y, ori, size). Each param scaled to between -1 and 1 based on known # ranges from which they were sampled pars_df = stim.get_stim_par_by_fr(twopfr, pre, post, scale=True, fr_type="twop") targ = [len(pars_df.index.unique(lev)) for lev in pars_df.index.names] + \ [len(pars_df.columns.unique("parameters"))] targ[1] = -1 # 2p frame number is not repeated across sequences pars = pars_df.to_numpy().reshape(targ) if run: twop_fr_seqs = gen_util.reshape_df_data(sess.get_fr_ran( twopfr, pre, post, fr_type="twop"), squeeze_cols=True) run_velocity = gen_util.reshape_df_data(sess.get_run_velocity_by_fr( twop_fr_seqs, rem_bad=True, scale=False), squeeze_cols=True) # scale running array to mean 0 with std 1 ret_run_stats = False if run_mean is None or run_std is None: ret_run_stats = True run_mean = np.mean(run_velocity) run_std = np.std(run_velocity) run_velocity = 2. * (run_velocity - run_mean) / run_std - 1. # stim params: seq x frame x flat (gab x pars) all_pars = pars.reshape([pars.shape[0], pars.shape[1], -1]) if run: all_pars = np.concatenate([all_pars, run_velocity[:, :, np.newaxis]], axis=2) win_leng = int(np.floor(win_leng_s * sess.twop_fps)) stim_wins = [] for seq_pars in all_pars: stim_wins.append( data_util.window_2d(seq_pars, win_leng, step_size=step_size)) stim_wins = np.concatenate(stim_wins, axis=0).transpose([0, 2, 1]) if run and ret_run_stats: return stim_wins, [run_mean, run_std] else: return stim_wins
def get_roi_data(sess, stimtype, win_leng_s, gabfr=0, pre=0, post=1.5, unexp="any", step_size=1, gabk=16, roi_means=None, roi_stds=None): """ get_roi_data(sess, stimtype, win_leng_s) Returns stimulus data (x position, y position, size, orientation, each scaled based on its maximal range), and optionally running for windows taken for the each of the segments of interest. Required args: - sess (Session) : session - stimtype (str) : stimulus type ("gabors"or "visflow") - win_leng_s (num) : window length in seconds Optional args: - gabfr (int) : gabor reference frame for determining the 2p frames in each sequence default: 0 - pre (num) : number of frames to include before reference gabor frame in each sequence (in sec) default: 0 - post (num) : number of frames to include after reference gabor frame in each sequence (in sec) default: 1.5 - unexp (str, list or int): unexpected value criteria for including reference gabor frames (0, 1, or "any") default: "any" - step_size (int) : step size between windows default: 1 - gabk (int or list) : gabor kappa criteria for including reference gabor frames (4, 16 or "any") default: 16 - roi_means (1D array) : mean values for each ROI with which to scale trace data. If roi_means or roi_stds is None, both are calculated from the trace data retrieved and returned as outputs. default: None - roi_stds (1D array) : standard deviation values for each ROI with which to scale trace data. If roi_means or roi_stds is None, both are calculated from the trace data retrieved and returned as outputs. default: None Returns: - xran (1D array) : time values for the 2p frames - trace_wins (3D array): array of ROI data, structured as: seq wins x frames x ROI if roi_means or roi_stds is None: - (list): - roi_means (1D array): trace means for each ROI - roi_stds (1D array) : trace standard deviations for each ROI """ if win_leng_s > (pre + post): raise ValueError("Windows cannot be longer than the sequences.") stim = sess.get_stim(stimtype) segs = stim.get_segs_by_criteria(gabfr=gabfr, gabk=gabk, unexp=unexp, by="seg") twopfr = stim.get_fr_by_seg(segs, start=True, fr_type="twop")["start_frame_twop"] roi_data_df = stim.get_roi_data(twopfr, pre, post, rem_bad=True, scale=False) ret_roi_stats = False xran = roi_data_df.index.unique("time_values").to_numpy() traces = gen_util.reshape_df_data(roi_data_df, squeeze_cols=True) # scale each ROI to mean 0, std 1 if roi_means is None or roi_stds is None: ret_roi_stats = True roi_means = np.mean(traces.reshape(traces.shape[0], -1), axis=1) roi_stds = np.std(traces.reshape(traces.shape[0], -1), axis=1) traces = 2. * (traces - roi_means.reshape([-1, 1, 1]))/ \ roi_stds.reshape([-1, 1, 1]) - 1. # traces: seq x frames x ROI traces = traces.transpose(1, 2, 0) trace_wins = [] win_leng = int(np.floor(sess.twop_fps * win_leng_s)) for seq_traces in traces: # n_wins x n_ROIs x win_leng trace_wins.append( data_util.window_2d(seq_traces, win_leng, step_size=step_size)) # concatenate windows trace_wins = np.concatenate(trace_wins, axis=0).transpose([0, 2, 1]) if ret_roi_stats: return xran, trace_wins, [roi_means, roi_stds] else: return xran, trace_wins
def trace_stats_by_qu(stim, qu_segs, pre, post, analyspar, byroi=True, integ=False, ret_arr=False, nan_empty=False, baseline=None, datatype="roi"): """ trace_stats_by_qu(stim, qu_seg, pre, post, analyspar) Returns trace statistics for the quantiles of interest. If ret_arr, also returns trace data arrays. Required args: - stim (Stim object) : stim object - qu_segs (dict) : list of sublists for each quantile, each containing segment numbers for that quantile - pre (num) : range of frames to include before each frame reference (in s) - post (num) : range of frames to include after each frame reference (in s) - analyspar (AnalysPar): named tuple containing analysis parameters Optional args: - byroi (bool) : If datatype is "roi", if True, returns statistics for each ROI. If False, returns statistics across ROIs. default: True - integ (bool) : if True, dF/F is integrated over sequences default: False - ret_arr (bool) : if True, data arrays are returned also default: False - nan_empty (bool): if a quantile is empty, returns NaN arrays instead of an error (1 sequence, for qu_array) default: False - baseline (num) : number of seconds to use as baseline. If None, data is not baselined. default: None - datatype (str) : datatype, i.e. ROIs or running default: "roi" Returns: - xran (1D array) : time values for the 2p frames (None if integ) - qu_stats (2 to 4D array) : trace data statistics, structured as: quantiles x stats (me, err) x (ROIs if byroi x) (frames if not integ) if ret_arr, also: - qu_array (list) : list per quantile of 1-3D arrays of trace data structured as: (ROIs x) sequences (x frames if not integ) """ if datatype == "roi" and (stim.sess.only_tracked_rois != analyspar.tracked): raise RuntimeError( "stim.sess.only_tracked_rois should match analyspar.tracked." ) qu_stats, qu_array = [], [] xran = None for segs in qu_segs: rep_nan = False for _ in range(2): # allows retrying if nan_empty is True try: if datatype == "roi": twop_fr = stim.get_fr_by_seg( segs, start=True, fr_type="twop")["start_frame_twop"] trace_df = stim.get_roi_stats_df(twop_fr, pre, post, byroi=byroi, fluor=analyspar.fluor, rem_bad=analyspar.rem_bad, stats=analyspar.stats, error=analyspar.error, integ=integ, ret_arr=ret_arr, scale=analyspar.scale, baseline=baseline) elif datatype == "run": stim_fr = stim.get_fr_by_seg( segs, start=True, fr_type="stim")["start_frame_stim"] trace_df = stim.get_run_stats_df(stim_fr, pre, post, rem_bad=analyspar.rem_bad, stats=analyspar.stats, error=analyspar.error, integ=integ, ret_arr=ret_arr, scale=analyspar.scale, baseline=baseline) else: gen_util.accepted_values_error( "datatype", datatype, ["roi", "run"]) break # break out of for loop if successful except Exception as err: # RuntimeError or ValueError empty = ("No frames" in str(err) or "No segments" in str(err)) if nan_empty and empty: segs = [10] # dummy segment to use rep_nan = True # later, replace values with NaNs else: raise err if not integ: xran = trace_df.index.unique("time_values").to_numpy() # array: stats [me, err] (x ROI) (x frames) # (catch performance warning for unsorted large dataframes) msg, categ = ["indexing past lexsort", pd.errors.PerformanceWarning] with gen_util.TempWarningFilter(msg, categ): trace_stats = gen_util.reshape_df_data( trace_df.loc["stats", ], squeeze_cols=True) if datatype == "roi": if not byroi: trace_stats = trace_stats.squeeze(0) else: trace_stats = trace_stats.transpose( 1, 0, *range(len(trace_stats.shape))[2:]) if rep_nan: # replace dummy values with NaNs trace_stats = np.full_like(trace_stats, np.nan) qu_stats.append(trace_stats) if ret_arr: trace_array = gen_util.reshape_df_data( trace_df.loc["data", ], squeeze_cols=True) if rep_nan: # replace dummy values with NaNs trace_array = np.full_like(trace_array, np.nan) qu_array.append(trace_array) qu_stats = np.asarray(qu_stats) if ret_arr: return xran, qu_stats, qu_array else: return xran, qu_stats
def get_data(stim, refs, analyspar, pre=0, post=1, ch_fl=None, integ=False, ref_type="segs", datatype="roi"): """ get_data(stim, refs, analyspar) Returns data for a specific stimulus around sequence references provided. Required args: - stim (Stim): Stimulus object - refs (1D array): Sequences references (either segments or frames, specified by ref_type) - analyspar (AnalysPar): named tuple containing analysis parameters Optional args: - pre (num): number of seconds to keep before refs default: 0 - post (num): number of seconds to keep after refs default: 1 - ch_fl (list): flanks to check for discarding refs with insufficient flanks default: None - integ (bool): if True, sequence data is integrated default: False - ref_type (str): type of references provided (segments, twop frames or stimulus frames) ("segs", "twop", "stim") default: "segs" - datatype (str): type of data to return ("roi", "run" or "pupil") default: "roi" Returns: - data_arr (1-3D array): sequence data array dims: (ROIs x) seq (x frames) - time_values (1D array): values for each frame, in seconds """ if stim.sess.only_tracked_rois != analyspar.tracked: raise RuntimeError( "stim.sess.only_tracked_rois should match analyspar.tracked.") fr_ns, _ = get_frame_numbers(stim, refs, ch_fl=ch_fl, ref_type=ref_type, datatype=datatype) # obtain data if datatype == "roi": data_df = stim.get_roi_data(fr_ns, pre, post, rem_bad=analyspar.rem_bad, scale=analyspar.scale) col_name = "roi_traces" integ_dt = stim.sess.twop_fps elif datatype == "run": data_df = stim.get_run_data(fr_ns, pre, post, rem_bad=analyspar.rem_bad, scale=analyspar.scale) col_name = "run_velocity" integ_dt = stim.sess.stim_fps elif datatype == "pupil": data_df = stim.get_pup_diam_data(fr_ns, pre, post, rem_bad=analyspar.rem_bad, scale=analyspar.scale) col_name = "pup_diam" integ_dt = stim.sess.twop_fps else: gen_util.accepted_values_error("datatype", datatype, ["roi", "run", "pupil"]) time_values = data_df.index.unique("time_values").to_numpy() data_arr = gen_util.reshape_df_data(data_df[col_name], squeeze_cols=True) if integ: nanpol = None if analyspar.rem_bad else "omit" data_arr = math_util.integ(data_arr, 1. / integ_dt, axis=-1, nanpol=nanpol) return data_arr, time_values
def calc_tune_curvs(sess, analyspar, stimpar, nrois="all", ngabs="all", grp2="unexp", comb_gabs=True, vm_estim=False, collapse=True, parallel=True): """ calc_tune_curvs(sess, analyspar, stimpar) Returns orientations and corresponding fluorescence levels for the sessions of interest. Required args: - sess (Session) : session - analyspar (AnalysPar): named tuple containing analysis parameters - stimpar (StimPar) : named tuple containing stimulus parameters Optional args: - nrois (int) : number of ROIs to include in analysis default: "all" - ngabs (int) : number of gabors to include in analysis (set to 1 if comb_gabs, as all gabors are combined) default: "all" - grp2 (str) : second group: either unexp, exp or rand (random subsample of exp, the size of unexp) default: "unexp" - comb_gabs (bool): if True, all gabors have been combined for gab_oris and roi_data default: False - vm_estim (bool) : if True, analysis is run using a von Mises tuning curve estimation method - collapse (bool) : if True, opposite orientations in the 0 to 360 range are collapsed to the 0 to 180 range - parallel (bool) : if True, some of the analysis is parallelized across CPU cores Returns: - tc_oris (list) : list of orientation values corresponding to the tc_data: unexp x gabor (1 if comb_gabs) x oris - tc_data (list) : list of mean integrated fluorescence data per orientation, for each ROI, structured as ROI x unexp x gabor (1 if comb_gabs) x oris - tc_nseqs (list) : number of sequences per unexp if vm_estim, also: - tc_vm_pars (list) : nested list of Von Mises parameters for each ROI: ROI x unexp x gabor (1 if comb_gabs) x par - tc_vm_mean (list) : nested list of mean Von Mises means for each ROI, not weighted by kappa value or weighted (if not comb_gabs) (in rad): ROI x unexp x kappa weighted (False, (True)) - tc_hist_pars (list): parameters used to convert tc_data to histogram values (sub, mult) used in Von Mises parameter estimation, structured as: ROI x unexp x gabor (1 if comb_gabs) x param (sub, mult) """ if sess.only_tracked_rois != analyspar.tracked: raise RuntimeError( "sess.only_tracked_rois should match analyspar.tracked.") gabfrs = gen_util.list_if_not(stimpar.gabfr) if len(gabfrs) == 1: gabfrs = gabfrs * 2 if grp2 == "unexp": unexps = [0, 1] elif grp2 in ["exp", "rand"]: unexps = [0, 0] else: gen_util.accepted_values_error("grp2", grp2, ["unexp", "exp", "rand"]) stim = sess.get_stim(stimpar.stimtype) nrois_tot = sess.get_nrois(analyspar.rem_bad, analyspar.fluor) ngabs_tot = stim.n_patches if nrois == "all": sess_nrois = nrois_tot else: sess_nrois = np.min([nrois_tot, nrois]) if ngabs == "all": sess_ngabs = stim.n_patches else: sess_ngabs = np.min([stim.n_patches, ngabs]) tc_data, tc_oris, tc_nseqs = [], [], [] # estimate tuning curves by fitting a Von Mises distribution if vm_estim: tc_vm_pars, tc_vm_mean, tc_hist_pars = [], [], [] for i, (gf, e) in enumerate(zip(gabfrs, unexps)): # get segments segs = stim.get_segs_by_criteria(gabfr=gf, visflow_dir=stimpar.visflow_dir, visflow_size=stimpar.visflow_size, gabk=stimpar.gabk, unexp=e, by="seg") if grp2 == "rand" and i == 1: n_segs = len( stim.get_segs_by_criteria(gabfr=gf, visflow_dir=stimpar.visflow_dir, visflow_size=stimpar.visflow_size, gabk=stimpar.gabk, unexp=1, by="seg")) np.random.shuffle(segs) segs = sorted(segs[:n_segs]) tc_nseqs.append(len(segs)) twopfr = stim.get_fr_by_seg(segs, start=True, fr_type="twop")["start_frame_twop"] # ROI x seq roi_data = gen_util.reshape_df_data(stim.get_roi_data( twopfr, stimpar.pre,, analyspar.fluor, integ=True, rem_bad=analyspar.rem_bad, scale=analyspar.scale)["roi_traces"], squeeze_cols=True)[:sess_nrois] # gab x seq gab_oris = gen_util.reshape_df_data(stim.get_stim_par_by_seg( segs, pos=False, ori=True, size=False), squeeze_cols=True).T if collapse: gab_oris = collapse_dir(gab_oris) if comb_gabs: ngabs = 1 gab_oris = gab_oris.reshape([1, -1]) roi_data = np.tile(roi_data, [1, ngabs_tot]) tc_oris.append(gab_oris.tolist()) tc_data.append(roi_data.tolist()) # estimate tuning curves by fitting a Von Mises distribution if vm_estim: [ gab_tc_oris, gab_tc_data, gab_vm_pars, gab_vm_mean, gab_hist_pars ] = tune_curv_estims(gab_oris, roi_data, ngabs_tot, sess_nrois, sess_ngabs, comb_gabs, collapse=False, parallel=parallel) tc_oris[i] = gab_tc_oris tc_data[i] = gab_tc_data tc_vm_pars.append(gab_vm_pars) tc_vm_mean.append(gab_vm_mean) tc_hist_pars.append(gab_hist_pars) if vm_estim: return tc_oris, tc_data, tc_nseqs, tc_vm_pars, tc_vm_mean, tc_hist_pars else: return tc_oris, tc_data, tc_nseqs
def peristim_data(sess, stimpar, ran_s=None, datatype="both", returns="diff", fluor="dff", stats="mean", rem_bad=True, scale=False, first_unexp=True, trans_all=False): """ peristim_data(sess, stimpar) Returns pupil, ROI and run data around unexpected onset, or the difference between post and pre unexpected onset, or both. Required args: - sess (Session) : session object - stimpar (StimPar): named tuple containing stimulus parameters Optional args: - ran_s (dict, list or num): number of frames to take before and after unexpected for each datatype (ROI, run, pupil) (in sec). If dictionary, expected keys are: "pup_pre", "pup_post", ("roi_pre", "roi_post"), ("run_pre", "run_post"), If list, should be structured as [pre, post] and the same values will be used for all datatypes. If num, the same value will be used for all keys. If None, the values are taken from the stimpar pre and post attributes. default: None - datatype (str) : type of data to include with pupil data, "roi", "run" or "both" default: "roi" - returns (str) : type of data to return (data around unexpected, difference between post and pre unexpected) default: "diff" - fluor (str) : if "dff", dF/F is used, if "raw", ROI traces default: "dff" - stats (str) : measure on which to take the pre and post unexpected difference: either mean ("mean") or median ("median") default: "mean" - rem_bad (bool) : if True, removes ROIs with NaN/Inf values anywhere in session and running array with NaNs linearly interpolated is used. If False, NaNs are ignored in calculating statistics for the ROI and running data (always ignored for pupil data) default: True - scale (bool) : if True, data is scaled default: False - first_unexp (bool) : if True, only the first of consecutive unexpecteds are retained default: True - trans_all (bool) : if True, only ROIs with transients are retained default: False Returns: if datatype == "data" or "both": - datasets (list): list of 2-3D data arrays, structured as datatype (pupil, (ROI), (running)) x [trial x frames (x ROI)] elif datatype == "diff" or "both": - diffs (list) : list of 1-2D data difference arrays, structured as datatype (pupil, (ROI), (running)) x [trial (x ROI)] """ stim = sess.get_stim(stimpar.stimtype) # initialize ran_s dictionary if needed if ran_s is None: ran_s = [stimpar.pre,] ran_s = get_ran_s(ran_s, datatype) if first_unexp: unexp_segs = stim.get_segs_by_criteria( visflow_dir=stimpar.visflow_dir, visflow_size=stimpar.visflow_size, gabk=stimpar.gabk, unexp=1, remconsec=True, by="seg") if stimpar.stimtype == "gabors": unexp_segs = [seg + stimpar.gabfr for seg in unexp_segs] else: unexp_segs = stim.get_segs_by_criteria( visflow_dir=stimpar.visflow_dir, visflow_size=stimpar.visflow_size, gabk=stimpar.gabk, gabfr=stimpar.gabfr, unexp=1, remconsec=False, by="seg") unexp_twopfr = stim.get_fr_by_seg(unexp_segs, start=True, fr_type="twop")["start_frame_twop"] unexp_stimfr = stim.get_fr_by_seg(unexp_segs, start=True, fr_type="stim")["start_frame_stim"] # get data dataframes pup_data = gen_util.reshape_df_data(stim.get_pup_diam_data( unexp_twopfr, ran_s["pup_pre"], ran_s["pup_post"], rem_bad=rem_bad, scale=scale)["pup_diam"], squeeze_cols=True) datasets = [pup_data] datanames = ["pup"] if datatype in ["roi", "both"]: # ROI x trial x fr roi_data = gen_util.reshape_df_data(stim.get_roi_data( unexp_twopfr, ran_s["roi_pre"], ran_s["roi_post"], fluor=fluor, integ=False, rem_bad=rem_bad, scale=scale, transients=trans_all)["roi_traces"], squeeze_cols=True) datasets.append(roi_data.transpose([1, 2, 0])) # ROIs last datanames.append("roi") if datatype in ["run", "both"]: run_data = gen_util.reshape_df_data(stim.get_run_data( unexp_stimfr, ran_s["run_pre"], ran_s["run_post"], rem_bad=rem_bad, scale=scale), squeeze_cols=True) datasets.append(run_data) datanames.append("run") if rem_bad: nanpolgen = None else: nanpolgen = "omit" if returns in ["diff", "both"]: for key in ran_s.keys(): if "pre" in key and ran_s[key] == 0: raise ValueError( "Cannot set pre to 0 if returns is 'diff' or 'both'.") # get avg for first and second halves diffs = [] for dataset, name in zip(datasets, datanames): if name == "pup": nanpol = "omit" else: nanpol = nanpolgen n_fr = dataset.shape[1] pre_s = ran_s[f"{name}_pre"] post_s = ran_s[f"{name}_post"] split = int(np.round(pre_s / (pre_s + post_s) * n_fr)) # find 0 mark pre = math_util.mean_med(dataset[:, :split], stats, 1, nanpol) post = math_util.mean_med(dataset[:, split:], stats, 1, nanpol) diffs.append(post - pre) if returns == "data": return datasets elif returns == "diff": return diffs elif returns == "both": return datasets, diffs else: gen_util.accepted_values_error("returns", returns, ["data", "diff", "both"])