def gen_rclone_cfg(args, filepath): sa_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(args.service_account_dir, '*.json')) if len(sa_files) == 0: log('No json files found in ./{}'.format(args.service_account_dir), 'ERROR', args) sys.exit(-1) source_remote = None dest_remote = None src_is_crypt = False dst_is_crypt = False is_config_file_specified = False parsed_config = None if args.rclone_config_path: is_config_file_specified = True parsed_config = config_parser.parse_config(args.rclone_config_path, args) # Source parsing if args.source: source_remote, src_is_crypt = gen_remote_template( args.source, parsed_config, args, is_config_file_specified) # Destination parsing if args.destination: dest_remote, dst_is_crypt = gen_remote_template( args.destination, parsed_config, args, is_config_file_specified) with open(filepath, 'w') as fp: for i, filename in enumerate(sa_files): dir_path = os.path.dirname(Path(os.path.realpath(__file__)).parent) filename = os.path.join(dir_path, filename) filename = filename.replace(os.sep, '/') index = i + 1 if source_remote: if src_is_crypt: remote_type = 'src' fp.write( source_remote.format(remote_type, index, filename, remote_type, index, remote_type, index)) else: fp.write(source_remote.format('src', index, filename)) if dest_remote: if dst_is_crypt: remote_type = 'dst' fp.write( dest_remote.format(remote_type, index, filename, remote_type, index, remote_type, index)) else: fp.write(dest_remote.format('dst', index, filename)) return i, src_is_crypt, dst_is_crypt
def parse_config(file_path, args): try: file = open(file_path, 'r') except FileNotFoundError: print("Rclone config file not found!") sys.exit(-1) config_content = remotes_unparsed = [] remotes_tmp = config_content.split('[') for i in range(1, len(remotes_tmp)): remote_tmp = remotes_tmp[i].split(']\n') # ['Remote Name', 'Remote Data'] remotes_unparsed.append([remote_tmp[0], remote_tmp[1]]) remotes_parsed = [] for remote in remotes_unparsed: name = remote[0] data = remote[1] properties = [] data_tmp = data.split('\n') # Remove empty array items caused by \n characters data_tmp = list(filter(None, data_tmp)) for data in data_tmp: data_split = data.split('=') # ['Property', 'Value'] properties.append([data_split[0].strip(), data_split[1].strip()]) remotes_parsed.append([name, properties]) remotes = [] for remote in remotes_parsed: name = remote[0] properties = remote[1] remote_type = None team_drive = None root_folder_id = None remote = None filename_encryption = None directory_name_encryption = None password = None password2 = None willSkipRemote = False for prop in properties: if prop[0] == "type": remote_type = prop[1] elif prop[0] == "team_drive": team_drive = prop[1] elif prop[0] == "root_folder_id": root_folder_id = prop[1] elif prop[0] == "remote": remote = prop[1] elif prop[0] == "filename_encryption": filename_encryption = prop[1] elif prop[0] == "directory_name_encryption": directory_name_encryption = prop[1] elif prop[0] == "password": password = prop[1] elif prop[0] == "password2": password2 = prop[1] if remote_type == "drive": if team_drive or root_folder_id: new_remote = drive_remote(name, team_drive, root_folder_id) else: willSkipRemote = True helpers.log( "Rclone remote '{}' is not available for use with service accounts please specify either a root_folder_id or team_drive." .format(name), "WARN", args) elif remote_type == "crypt": new_remote = crypt_remote(name, remote, filename_encryption, directory_name_encryption, password, password2) if not willSkipRemote: remotes.append(new_remote) return remotes
def main(): # Sets the scripts SIGINT handler to our exit_handler signal(SIGINT, exit_handler) # Check if RClone is installed, if it isn't, exit ret = helpers.check_rclone_exists() # Parse args args = arg_parser.parse_args() # Log that rclone was detected helpers.log('RClone detected: {}'.format(ret), 'INFO', args) # Generate config rclone_generated_config_path = args.generated_config_path source_path = '' # Use either source remote or source path, if neither exist exit if args.source: source_path = args.source elif args.source_path: source_path = args.source_path else: helpers.log( 'A source is required, please use either --source or --source_path.', 'ERROR', args) sys.exit(-1) # If both a remote and a path exist combine them using RClone syntax if args.source and args.source_path: source_path += ":" + args.source_path # See comments above destination_path = '' if args.destination: destination_path = args.destination elif args.destination_path: destination_path = args.destination_path else: helpers.log( 'A destination is required, please use either --destination or --destination_path.', 'ERROR', args) sys.exit(-1) if args.destination and args.destination_path: destination_path += ":" + args.destination_path # Set id initially to the starting SA id id = args.sa_start_id end_id = args.sa_end_id helpers.log('Generating RClone config file...', 'INFO', args) # Generate RClone config file end_id, src_is_crypt, dst_is_crypt = config_gen.gen_rclone_cfg( args, rclone_generated_config_path) time_start = time.time() helpers.log( 'Starting job: {}, at {}'.format(, time.strftime('%H:%M:%S')), 'INFO', args) helpers.log('Source: ' + source_path, 'INFO', args) helpers.log('Destination: ' + destination_path, 'INFO', args) helpers.log('AutoRClone Log: ' + args.log_file, 'INFO', args) helpers.log('RClone Log: ' + args.rclone_log_file, 'INFO', args) helpers.log('Calculating source size, please wait', 'INFO', args) # Initialise exit counter outside of loop so it keeps it's value exit_counter = 0 error_counter = 0 global_bytes_transferred = 0 while id <= end_id + 1: if id == end_id + 1: break # Construct destination and source labels src_label = 'src' + '{0:03d}'.format(id) + ':' dst_label = 'dst' + '{0:03d}'.format(id) + ':' if src_is_crypt: src_label = 'src' + '{0:03d}_crypt'.format(id) + ':' if dst_is_crypt: dst_label = 'dst' + '{0:03d}_crypt'.format(id) + ':' # Fix for local paths that do not use a remote if args.source_path: if not args.source: src_label = args.source_path else: src_label += args.source_path if args.destination_path: if not args.destination: dst_label = args.destination_path else: dst_label += args.destination_path if id == args.sa_start_id: amount_to_transfer_bytes = helpers.calculate_path_size( src_label, rclone_generated_config_path) amount_to_transfer = helpers.convert_bytes_to_best_unit( amount_to_transfer_bytes) helpers.log('Source size: ' + amount_to_transfer + '\n', 'INFO', args) # Construct RClone command rclone_cmd = 'rclone --config {} '.format(rclone_generated_config_path) if args.copy: rclone_cmd += 'copy ' elif args.move: rclone_cmd += 'move ' elif args.sync: rclone_cmd += 'sync ' else: helpers.log( 'Please specify an operation (--copy, --move or --sync)', 'ERROR', args) sys.exit() rclone_cmd += '--drive-server-side-across-configs --drive-acknowledge-abuse --ignore-existing --rc ' rclone_cmd += '--rc-addr=\"localhost:{}\" --tpslimit {} --transfers {} --drive-chunk-size {} --bwlimit {} --log-file {} '.format( args.port, args.tpslimit, args.transfers, args.drive_chunk_size, args.bwlimit, args.rclone_log_file) if args.dry_run: rclone_cmd += '--dry-run ' if args.v: rclone_cmd += '-v ' if args.vv: rclone_cmd += '-vv ' if args.delete_empty_src_dirs: rclone_cmd += '--delete-empty-src-dirs ' if args.create_empty_src_dirs: rclone_cmd += '--create-empty-src-dirs ' # Add source and destination rclone_cmd += '\"{}\" \"{}\"'.format(src_label, dst_label) # If we're not on windows append ' &' otherwise append 'start /b ' to the start of rclone_cmd if not helpers.is_windows(): rclone_cmd = rclone_cmd + " &" else: rclone_cmd = "start /b " + rclone_cmd try: subprocess.check_call(rclone_cmd, shell=True) helpers.log('Executing RClone command: {}'.format(rclone_cmd), 'DEBUG', args) time.sleep(10) except subprocess.SubprocessError as error: helpers.log('Error executing RClone command: {}'.format(error), 'ERROR', args) sys.exit(-1) # Counter for errors encountered when attempting to get RClone rc stats (per sa) sa_error_counter = 0 # Counter that's incremented when no bytes are transferred over a time period dead_transfer_counter = 0 # Updated on each loop last_bytes_transferred = 0 # Counter for amount of successful stat retrievals from RClone rc (per sa) sa_success_counter = 0 job_started = False # Get RClone PID and store it try: response = subprocess.check_output( 'rclone rc --rc-addr="localhost:{}" core/pid'.format( args.port), shell=True, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL) pid = json.loads(response.decode('utf-8').replace('\0', ''))['pid'] global PID PID = int(pid) except subprocess.SubprocessError as error: pass # Loop infinitely until loop is broken out of while True: # RClone rc stats command rc_cmd = 'rclone rc --rc-addr="localhost:{}" core/stats'.format( args.port) try: # Run command and store response response = subprocess.check_output(rc_cmd, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL) # Increment success counter sa_success_counter += 1 # Reset error counter sa_error_counter = 0 if job_started and sa_success_counter >= 9: sa_error_counter = 0 sa_success_counter = 0 except subprocess.SubprocessError as error: sa_error_counter += 1 error_counter = error_counter + 1 if sa_error_counter >= 3: sa_success_counter = 0 if error_counter >= 9: finish_job(args, time_start) sys.exit(0) helpers.log( 'Encountered 3 successive errors when trying to contact rclone, switching accounts ({}/3)' .format(error_counter / sa_error_counter), 'INFO', args) break continue response_processed = response.decode('utf-8').replace('\0', '') response_processed_json = json.loads(response_processed) bytes_transferred = int(response_processed_json['bytes']) checks_done = int(response_processed_json['checks']) transfer_speed_bytes = (bytes_transferred - last_bytes_transferred) / 4 # I'm using The International Engineering Community (IEC) Standard, eg. 1 GB = 1000 MB, if you think otherwise, fight me! best_unit_transferred = helpers.convert_bytes_to_best_unit( bytes_transferred) transfer_speed = helpers.convert_bytes_to_best_unit( transfer_speed_bytes) #transfers = response_processed_json['transferring'] #for file in transfers: # name = file['name'] # name_hashed = hashlib.sha1(bytes(name, encoding='utf8')).hexdigest() # size_bytes = file['size'] # helpers.log('File: {} ({}) is {} bytes'.format(name, name_hashed, size_bytes), 'DEBUG', args) # if not name_hashed in file_names: # file_names.append(name_hashed) # file_sizes.append(size_bytes) #helpers.log("file_names = " + str(file_names), 'DEBUG', args) #helpers.log("file_sizes = " + str(file_sizes), 'DEBUG', args) #amount_to_transfer_bytes = sum(file_sizes) #amount_to_transfer = helpers.convert_bytes_to_best_unit(amount_to_transfer_bytes) bytes_left_to_transfer = int( amount_to_transfer_bytes) - bytes_transferred eta = helpers.calculate_transfer_eta(bytes_left_to_transfer, transfer_speed_bytes) helpers.log('{}/{} @ {}/s Files Checked: {} SA: {} ETA: {}'.format( best_unit_transferred, amount_to_transfer, transfer_speed, checks_done, id, eta) + (" " * 10), "INFO", args, end='\r') # continually no ... if bytes_transferred - last_bytes_transferred == 0: dead_transfer_counter += 1 helpers.log( 'No bytes transferred, RClone may be dead ({}/{})'.format( dead_transfer_counter, TRANSFER_DEAD_THRESHOLD) + (" " * 10), 'DEBUG', args) else: dead_transfer_counter = 0 job_started = True last_bytes_transferred = bytes_transferred # Stop by error (403, etc) info if bytes_transferred >= MAX_TRANSFER_BYTES or dead_transfer_counter >= TRANSFER_DEAD_THRESHOLD: if helpers.is_windows(): kill_cmd = 'taskkill /PID {} /F'.format(PID) else: kill_cmd = "kill -9 {}".format(PID) try: subprocess.check_call(kill_cmd, shell=True) helpers.log( 'Transfer limit reached or RClone is not transferring any data, switching service accounts', 'INFO', args) amount_to_transfer_bytes -= bytes_transferred amount_to_transfer = helpers.convert_bytes_to_best_unit( amount_to_transfer_bytes) global_bytes_transferred += bytes_transferred except: pass if dead_transfer_counter >= TRANSFER_DEAD_THRESHOLD: try: exit_counter += 1 except: exit_counter = 1 else: # clear cnt if there is one time exit_counter = 0 # Regard continually exit as *all done*. if exit_counter >= SA_EXIT_TRESHOLD: # Exit directly rather than switch to next account. finish_job(args, time_start) sys.exit(0) break time.sleep(4) id = id + 1
def finish_job(args, time_start): helpers.log('Job FINISHED (this message will be better soon)', 'INFO', args)
def gen_remote_template(src_or_dest, parsed_config, args, is_config_file_specified): remote_template = None found = False remote_is_crypt = False if is_config_file_specified: for remote in parsed_config: if remote.remote_name == src_or_dest: found = True if isinstance(remote, config_parser.crypt_remote): crypt_remote_parts = remote.remote.split(':') unencrypted_remote_found = False remote_is_crypt = True for unencrypted_remote in parsed_config: if unencrypted_remote.remote_name == crypt_remote_parts[0]: unencrypted_remote_found = True remote_template = '[{}{:03d}]\n' \ 'type = drive\n' \ 'scope = drive\n' \ 'service_account_file = {}\n' if unencrypted_remote.team_drive: remote_template += '{} = {}\n\n'.format('team_drive', unencrypted_remote.team_drive) #elif unencrypted_remote.source_path_id: # remote_template += '{} = {}\n\n'.format('source_path_id', unencrypted_remote.source_path_id) if unencrypted_remote_found: break if not unencrypted_remote_found: log('Invalid RClone config, crypt remote with remote that does not exist!', 'ERROR', args) sys.exit(-1) remote_template += '[{}{:03d}_crypt]\n' \ 'type = crypt\n' \ 'remote = {}{:03d}:' + crypt_remote_parts[1] + '\n' \ 'filename_encryption = ' + remote.filename_encryption + '\n' \ 'directory_name_encryption = ' + remote.directory_name_encryption + '\n' \ 'password = '******'\n' if remote.password2: remote_template += 'password2 = ' + remote.password2 + '\n\n' else: remote_template += '\n' else: remote_template = "[{}{:03d}]\n" \ "type = drive\n" \ "scope = drive\n" \ "service_account_file = {}\n" if remote.team_drive: remote_template += "{} = {}\n\n".format("team_drive", remote.team_drive) elif remote.source_path_id: remote_template += "{} = {}\n\n".format("source_path_id", remote.source_path_id) # If remote is found exit loop if found: break if not found: if len(src_or_dest) == 33: folder_or_team_drive_src = 'root_folder_id' elif len(src_or_dest) == 19: folder_or_team_drive_src = 'team_drive' elif is_config_file_specified: log('The config file ' + args.rclone_config_path + ' was specified, ' + src_or_dest + ' was not a valid remote found in the config file, and is not a valid Team Drive ID or publicly shared Root Folder ID', "ERROR", args) sys.exit(-1) else: log(src_or_dest + ' is not a valid Team Drive ID or publicly shared Root Folder ID', 'ERROR', args) sys.exit(-1) remote_template = "[{}{:03d}]\n" \ "type = drive\n" \ "scope = drive\n" \ "service_account_file = {}\n" remote_template += "{} = {}\n\n".format(folder_or_team_drive_src, src_or_dest) return remote_template, remote_is_crypt