Пример #1
def single_downsample_dat(file_reso, file_list, counter, totals):
    if file_reso == '10':
        #print 'Downsampling '+ file_list[counter]+' into 2 km'
        #print "\n"
        #os.system('downsample '+ file_list[counter])

        proc = subprocess.Popen(['downsample '+ file_list[counter]],\
                            stdout = subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
        out, err = proc.communicate()
        #print "program output:", out
        progress_bar(counter, totals, desc = file_list[counter]+' into 2 km',\
                     def_total = 10)
        os.system('rm ' + file_list[counter])

    elif file_reso == '05':
        #print 'Downsampling '+ file_list[counter]+' into 1 km'
        #print "\n"
        #os.system('downsample '+ file_list[counter])

        proc = subprocess.Popen(['downsample '+ file_list[counter]],\
                            stdout = subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
        out, err = proc.communicate()
        #print "program output:", out
        progress_bar(counter, totals, desc = file_list[counter]+' into 1 km',\
                     def_total = 10)
        os.system('rm ' + file_list[counter])

        print "\nH8 DAT file beyond 2  km resolution : " + file_list[counter]
Пример #2
def single_hisd2hrit(file_h8, counter, totals):
    #os.system('hisd2hrit '+ file_h8)
    proc = subprocess.Popen(['hisd2hrit '+ file_h8],\
                            stdout = subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
    out, err = proc.communicate()
    #print "program output:", out

    progress_bar(counter, totals, desc=file_h8)
def single_preprocess_H8(number, totals, seg_no,\
                         llcrnrlon = x_ll,\
                         llcrnrlat = y_ll,\
                         urcrnrlon = x_ur,\
                         urcrnrlat = y_ur,\
                         dat_segment = dat_segment,\
                         hrit_list  = hrit_list ,\
                         dat_listnum = dat_listnum, hrit_listb = hrit_listb,\
                         dat_listnuma = dat_listnuma, dat_listnumb = dat_listnumb,\
                         hrit_spa = hrit_spa, hrit_spb = hrit_spb):

    #print "\nEXTRACTING DATA AT SEGMENT: ["+k+"]\n"
    # read metadata
    group_B_meta, group_B_gamma =\
                            dat_listnum = dat_listnum, hrit_listb = hrit_listb,\
                            dat_listnuma = dat_listnuma, dat_listnumb = dat_listnumb )

    # get hrit data, lon, lat, and time
    group_B_data, group_B_coors, group_B_time =\
                                          llcrnrlon = llcrnrlon,\
                                          llcrnrlat = llcrnrlat,\
                                          urcrnrlon = urcrnrlon,\
                                          urcrnrlat = urcrnrlat,\
                                          hrit_listb = hrit_listb,\
                                          hrit_list  = hrit_list)

    # convert to radiance
    #rad = get_radiance( group_B_data, group_B_meta, group_B_gamma )
    rad = get_radiance(group_B_data, group_B_meta, group_B_gamma,\
                       hrit_listb = hrit_listb, hrit_spa = hrit_spa,\
                       hrit_spb = hrit_spb)

    h8_data = group_B_data
    h8_radiance = rad
    h8_coordinates = group_B_coors
    h8_metadata = group_B_meta
    #h8_gamma[k] = group_B_gamma
    progress_bar(number, totals, desc=seg_no)
    print "\n"
    return h8_data, h8_radiance, h8_coordinates, h8_metadata
Пример #4
def single_download(combi, counter, totals,\
                    _dates_, _dates1_, path_out,\
                    dat_list = dat_list,\
                    dat_list_reso = dat_list_reso,\
                    user_name = "rednacky_gmail.com",\
                    user_password = "******",\
                    proxy_switch = "off" ):

    # H8 filename  to download
    #print combi
    #print _dates_, dat_list[ combi[0] ], dat_list_reso[ combi[0] ], combi[1]
    file_dl = 'HS_H08_'+ _dates_ +'_'+ combi[0] +\
              '_FLDK_'+  combi[1]  +'_S'+ combi[2] +'10.DAT.bz2'

    ftp_site = 'ftp://ftp.ptree.jaxa.jp/jma/hsd'
    wget_c = "wget -o download.log -c "+\
             "--directory-prefix="+ path_out +" "+\
             "--tries=5 --read-timeout=20 "+\
             "--passive-ftp --ftp-user="******" "+\
             "--ftp-password="******" "+\
             "-e use_proxy="+ proxy_switch +" "
    #-o download.log
    # command
    #print wget_c + ftp_site + _dates1_ + file_dl
    out = os.system(wget_c + ftp_site + _dates1_ + file_dl)
    progress_bar(counter, totals, desc=file_dl)

    # checks if data exist
    if out == 0:
        indicator = os.path.exists(os.path.join(path_out, file_dl))
        if indicator == True:
            return file_dl
            os.sys.exit("Data downloaded but missing: " + file_dl)

        #        print"\n\n\tRetry download. Data download unsuccesfull: "+ file_dl
        #        internet = check_internet()
        #        if internet == True:
        #            print "\tConnected to the internet but data cannot be downloaded."
        return N.nan
Пример #5
def single_bunzip_h8(datbz_fname, counter, totals):
    #out = os.system("bunzip2 -q "+ datbz_fname)
    proc = subprocess.Popen(["bunzip2 -q "+ datbz_fname],\
                            stdout = subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
    out, err = proc.communicate()
    progress_bar(counter, totals, desc=datbz_fname)
Пример #6
def convert_BTD_BT(date_list, file_list, path_to_open, path_to_save, mode ="PH",\
                   tagx = tagx, tagy = tagy, tag_range = tag_range,\
                   h8_lvl1 = False, h8_data_type = "default",\
                   interpolate_lon_lat = True, replace = False):
    Write Himawari 8 data into BTD and BT data
    path_to_open    Path where to input data is located
    path_to_save    Path where to save ouput data
    mode            "PH" or "TAG"

    # make lists of file
    #file_list_H = open_h8_hdf(path_to_open, mode = "default")
    # make lists of path
    #file_list_H_open = [path_to_open+"/"+i for i in file_list_H]
    # reads and process the data
    totals = len(file_list)
    print "\n"
    print "=" * 75
    print mode, os.path.basename(path_to_open)
    print "\n"

    for ctr, i in enumerate(file_list):
        sdate_time = date_list[ctr]
        sample_fout = os.path.join(path_to_save,\
                                   "HS_H08_"+ sdate_time +"_"+mode+\
                                   "_R20_S030405_BTD_BT.hdf5" )

        if os.path.exists(sample_fout) == True:
            if replace == True:
                print ctr, sdate_time, "replacing."
                print ctr, sdate_time, "exists."
            print "\n"
            print ctr, sdate_time, os.path.basename(i)
            print "\n"

        if h8_data_type == "default":
            print i
            h08_data, h08_radiance, lon_geos, lat_geos, date_time = read_h8_hdf5_level1(

        elif h8_data_type == "netcdf":

                h08_data, date_time, lon_geos, lat_geos, units = read_h8_l1_netcdf(
            except IOError:
                print "\n"
                print ctr, sdate_time, os.path.basename(i), "is corrupted"
                print "\n"

            if interpolate_lon_lat == True:
                for j in hrit_list:
                    #print j
                    h08_data[j] = interpolate_data(h08_data[j], lon_geos,
                                                   lat_geos, h08_lon_ph,
                lon_geos = h08_lon_ph
                lat_geos = h08_lat_ph

#        if os.path.exists(path_to_save+"/HS_H08_"+date_time+"_"+mode+"_R20_S030405_BTD_BT.hdf5") == True and mode == "PH":
#            print "HS_H08_"+date_time+"_"+mode+"_R20_S030405_BTD_BT.hdf5 exists ==================="
#            continue
#        del h08_radiance

# Get H8 split window
        BTD_BT = get_H8_IR_split_window(h08_data)

        # save into separate file
        if mode == "PH":

            if h8_lvl1 == True:
                for j in hrit_list:
                    BTD_BT[j] = h08_data[j]

            save_H8_level2_hdf5(path_to_save, BTD_BT, sdate_time, lon_geos, lat_geos,\
                                mode = mode, h8_lvl1 = h8_lvl1)
            # test if save georef point is the same as to other points
            # <> edit
            progress_bar(ctr, totals, desc = "PH"+" " +os.path.basename(path_to_open)+\
                                             " "+ i, def_total=10)
        elif mode == "TAG":
            # get index address
            index_x, index_y = subset_square(tagx, tagy, tag_range, lon_geos,
            # get lon and lat
            map_subset_lon = get_subset_points(lon_geos, index_x, index_y)
            map_subset_lat = get_subset_points(lat_geos, index_x, index_y)
            #print N.shape(map_subset_lon)
            # write subset data

            map_subset = {}
            for j in BTD_BT_listb:
                map_subset[j] = get_subset_points(BTD_BT[j], index_x, index_y)

            if h8_lvl1 == True:
                for j in hrit_list:
                    map_subset[j] = get_subset_points(h08_data[j], index_x,

            save_H8_level2_hdf5(path_to_save, map_subset, sdate_time, map_subset_lon,\
                                map_subset_lat, mode = mode, h8_lvl1 = h8_lvl1)

            progress_bar(ctr, totals, desc = "TAG"+" " +os.path.basename(path_to_open)+\
                                             " "+ os.path.basename(i), def_total=10)
            os.sys.exit("Error: Creating H8 file\"" + mode + "\" not found")