def get_model(name): name = functools.partial('{}-{}'.format, name) self_pos = tf.placeholder(Config.dtype, Config.data_shape, name='self_pos') self_ability = tf.placeholder(Config.dtype, Config.data_shape, name='self_ability') enemy_pos = tf.placeholder(Config.dtype, Config.data_shape, name='enemy_pos') input_label = tf.placeholder(Config.dtype, Config.label_shape, name='input_label') x = tf.concat(3, [self_pos, self_ability, enemy_pos], name=name('input_concat')) y = input_label nl = tf.nn.tanh def conv_pip(name, x): name = functools.partial('{}_{}'.format, name) x = conv2d(name('0'), x, Config.data_shape[3] * 2, kernel=3, stride=1, nl=nl) x = conv2d(name('1'), x, Config.data_shape[3], kernel=3, stride=1, nl=nl) return x pred = conv_pip(name('conv0'), x) for layer in range(5): pred_branch = tf.concat(3, [pred, x], name=name('concate%d' % layer)) pred += conv_pip(name('conv%d' % (layer + 1)), pred_branch) x = tf.tanh(pred, name=name('control_tanh')) z = tf.mul(tf.exp(x), self_ability) z_sum = tf.reduce_sum( z, reduction_indices=[1, 2, 3], name=name('partition_function')) # partition function # another formula of y*logy loss = -tf.reduce_sum(tf.mul(x, y), reduction_indices=[1, 2, 3 ]) + tf.log(z_sum) z_sum = tf.reshape(z_sum, [-1, 1, 1, 1]) pred = tf.div(z, z_sum, name=name('predict')) return Model([self_pos, self_ability, enemy_pos], input_label, loss, pred, debug=z)
def fill_model(model: Model) -> str: """ A model is trained based on the properties selected by the user. :param model: The model to be filled - trained and then saved. :return: String message about the status of the model that should be displayed as info. """ # split_type = model.split_type_dd.value # split_feature = list(model.cross_columns_sm.value) model.model_type.algorithm = Algorithm[model.model_type_dd.value] model.split = Split(SplitTypes[model.split_type_dd.value], list(model.cross_columns_sm.value)) model_pipeline, X_test, y_test = \ train_model(model.model_type, model.split, model.X, model.y) model.model = model_pipeline model.X_test = X_test model.y_test = y_test msg = "Model {} trained successfully!".format( return msg
def remove_model_features(model: Model) -> str: """ Removes features selected by the user from a model. :param model: The model, for which features should be removed. :return: Message indicating that the features were successfully removed. """ features = list(model.remove_features_sm.value) df_X_new = model.X.drop(columns=features, axis=1) model.X = df_X_new msg = 'Features: {} were removed successfully for model {}.\n{}'.format(features,, df_X_new.head(5)) return msg
def get_model(name): name = functools.partial('{}-{}'.format, name) self_pos = tf.placeholder(Config.dtype, Config.data_shape, name='self_pos') self_ability = tf.placeholder(Config.dtype, Config.data_shape, name='self_ability') enemy_pos = tf.placeholder(Config.dtype, Config.data_shape, name='enemy_pos') input_label = tf.placeholder(Config.dtype, Config.label_shape, name='input_label') x = tf.concat(3, [self_pos, self_ability, enemy_pos], name=name('input_concat')) y = input_label nl = tf.nn.tanh def conv_pip(name, x, nl): name = functools.partial('{}_{}'.format, name) x = conv2d(name('0'), x, Config.data_shape[3] * 2, kernel=3, stride=1, nl=nl) x = conv2d(name('1'), x, Config.data_shape[3], kernel=3, stride=1, nl=nl) return x for layer in range(5): x_branch = conv_pip(name('conv%d' % layer), x, nl) x = tf.concat(3, [x, x_branch], name=name('concate%d' % layer)) x = conv_pip(name('conv5'), x, nl=None) pred = tf.sigmoid(x) # another formula of y*logy loss = -tf.log(tf.reduce_sum(tf.mul(x, y), reduction_indices=[1, 2, 3])) loss += -0.1 * tf.log( tf.reduce_sum(tf.mul(x, self_ability), reduction_indices=[1, 2, 3])) pred = tf.mul(pred, self_ability) return Model([self_pos, self_ability, enemy_pos], input_label, loss, pred)
def fill_empty_models(df_X: pd.DataFrame, df_y: pd.Series, number_of_models: int) -> (list, str): """ A list of models will be created, where each model gets a name and the initial X and y of the dataset. :param df_X: Dataframe containing all columns of the dataset excluding the target. :param df_y: Series containing the target of the dataset. :param number_of_models: How many models should be trained. :return: (models, message) - Models is a list containing the all initial models to be trained, Message is a log message indicating that the operation was successful. """ models = [] for m in range(number_of_models): models.append(Model(m, "Model " + str(m+1), None, df_X, df_y, get_model_type(df_y))) msg = "Models to be trained: \'{}\'.".format(number_of_models) log.debug(msg) return models, msg
def get_model(name): with tf.name_scope(name) as scope: self_pos = tf.placeholder(config.dtype, config.data_shape, name='self_pos') enemy_pos = tf.placeholder(config.dtype, config.data_shape, name='enemy_pos') self_ability = tf.placeholder(config.dtype, config.data_shape, name='self_ability') enemy_ability = tf.placeholder(config.dtype, config.data_shape, name='enemy_ability') self_protect = tf.placeholder(config.dtype, config.data_shape, name='self_protect') enemy_protect = tf.placeholder(config.dtype, config.data_shape, name='enemy_protect') input_label = tf.placeholder(config.dtype, config.label_shape, name='input_label') x = tf.concat(3, [ self_pos, enemy_pos, self_ability, enemy_ability, self_protect, enemy_protect ], name='input_concat') y = input_label nl = tf.nn.tanh def conv_pip(name, x): with tf.name_scope(name) as scope: x = conv2d('0', x, config.data_shape[3] * 2, kernel=3, stride=1, nl=nl) x = conv2d('1', x, config.data_shape[3], kernel=3, stride=1, nl=nl) return x pred = conv_pip('conv0', x) for layer in range(5): pred_branch = tf.concat(3, [pred, x], name='concate%d' % layer) pred += conv_pip('conv%d' % (layer + 1), pred_branch) x = tf.tanh(pred, name='control_tanh') z = tf.mul(tf.exp(x), self_ability) z_sum = tf.reduce_sum(z, reduction_indices=[1, 2, 3], name='partition_function') # partition function # another formula of y*logy loss = -tf.reduce_sum(tf.mul(x, y), reduction_indices=[1, 2, 3]) + tf.log(z_sum) z_sum = tf.reshape(z_sum, [-1, 1, 1, 1]) pred = tf.div(z, z_sum, name='predict') return Model([ self_pos, enemy_pos, self_ability, enemy_ability, self_protect, enemy_protect ], input_label, loss, pred, debug=[z, z_sum])
import tensorflow as tf import librosa from util.config import Config from util.model import Model ##### Fixed configuration ##### CHUNK_SIZE = 8192 AUDIO_FORMAT = pyaudio.paInt16 SAMPLE_RATE = 44100 N_MFCC = 13 ##### User configuration ##### config = Config('../config.yaml') BUFFER_HOURS = config.BUFFER_HOURS WAVE_FILENAME = config.WAV_PATH model = Model(config.MODEL_TYPE, config.MODEL_PATH) # print(config.__dict__) SERVER_ADDRESS = config.SERVER_ADDRESS def process_audio(shared_mfcc, shared_time, shared_pos, lock): """ Grab some audio from the mic, save it to the file and calculate mfcc :param shared_mfcc: :param shared_time: :param shared_pos: :param lock: :return: """